DigiFind-It · Starts Today: 'The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7'i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (2024)

DigiFind-It· Starts Today: 'The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7'i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (1)

Starts Today: 'The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8Weather

7'i.m. temperature 26. Somedoudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow« . Low tonight, SO. See Weather,P a g e l

BEDBANK1 Independent Daily f(̂ MONDAY TH*lvannUDiY-XSTm J


Distribution |oday 21,300

SHadytide 1-0010VOL. 85 N O 138 **""* **"'• Xoidw through Frldir. Noood Cliu Poitui MIDDLETOWN, N. J., MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1963 fc PER COPY PAGE ONE

UNION BEACH REORGANIZATION — On* newcomer and two members with oneone year's service each were sworn into office yesterday at Union Beach's Mayor andCouncil reorganized for 1963. Here, Borough Attorney Patrick J. MeSann, Jr., left,administers oath to, left to right, John D. Crowley, one-year term, and the two in-cumbents, Bernard J. Crane and Albert P. Boyle, three-year terms. Governing bodycontinues this year to be all-Democratic.

de- there

School VoteScheduledTomorrow

HOLMDEL- Voters here willgo to the polls tomorrow tocide the fate of a UA millionschool building program proposedby the Board of Education.

Voting will be in the HolmdelElementary School from 5 to 9p.m.

The program involves threeprojects.

The school board plans tospend $1,030,000 for constructionof a 20-room elementary schoolon the former 24-acre Cross tracton Holmdel-Lincroft Rd.

The building will contain 18regular classrooms, two kinder-garten rooms, one special educa-tion room, library, gymnasium,nnlti-purpose room and a cafe-teria.

Two classrooms, library, gym-nasium, kitchen facilities andremedial reading room willadded to the Holmdel Elemen-tary School at a cost of $327,090.64

The board also plans to spend$33,000 for renovation of the oldHillcrest School into administra-tive offices.

Costs LimedOfficials have estimated that

the program "would cost taxpay-ers about 28 cents psr $100 olassessed valuation to amortizethe bond issue over a 20-yearperiod. '

The program is part of theboard's long range program toprovide adequate school facilitieshere.

, (See HOLMDEL, Page 2)

a factbe two.

2 Red BankMen ChargedWith Robbery

NEW SHREWSBURY - TwoRed Bank men were arraignedbefore Magistrate Marvin Schaef-er Saturday on charges of armedrobbery in the holdup of BenBeverly's grocery store, Hamil-ton Rd., last Wednesday.

Willie and Howard Davis,brothers, of Linden SPI., RedBank, were lodged in the countyjail pending a hearing which Po-lice Chief James A. Herringsaid probably would be held to-day.

A third' man in the holdup isstill being sought, Chief Herringsaid. ' ( .

Chief Herring said the menwere identified by Mr. Beverlyas two of three men who heldhim up and took $75 from thestore Wednesday night.

According to the ShrewsburyState Police, the pair also willbe questioned about the robberyof Pete's Tavern, Bay Ave.,Highlands, on Dec. 28, in whichthree armed men fled with $200,after allegedly striking a patronover the head with a sawed-off shotgun.

The Davis brothers werepicked up for questioning Fridaynight by Lt. Benjamin Glover ofthe Red Bank police and TrooperPaul Ferguson of the Shrewsburystate police, after they had beenidentified from photos shown tothe bartender at Pete's Tavern,state police said.

Attend MassMIAMI, Fla. (AP)—Thousands

of Cubans, their ranks swelledby non-Cubans, students fromdiocesan schools, nuns and Cath-olic clergy, attended a PontificalMass of thanksgiving yesterdayi t Hlaleah Race Track.

NoticeTo all dog owners, in Borough

now due for year of 1963 andmust be obtained before January31, at the Borough Clerk's office.Violators will be prosecuted.

Chief of PoliceJames Fix


Np Municipal TaxHike Seen in 1963

UNION BEACH - Whetherwill be an over-all tax in-

crease in 1963 will be up to vot-ers Feb. 13 — but there will beno hike In the municipal purposetax this year.

That was the pledge of MayorWilliam F. Rodgers yesterday asthe governing body met in Me-morial School auditorium for re-organization.

Mr. Rodgers reiterated that1963 will be a year of decisionfor Union Beach, particularly inregards to sewers, and he added,it will be a year of "action."

In regards to taxes, he saidthis:

May Go Down"The municipal purpose tax

will not go up, as a matter ofit may go down a penny or» • .

Referring to the proposed 1963-school budget of $695,362, on

wfiich residents will vote Feb.13, the mayor said: "It taxesgo up this year, you know whereit will be from."

Three councilmen were swornin: John D. Crowley, former sec-

Deny MockAir Strike


Air Ministry denied today thatRoyal Air Force bombersstaged a successful mock nu-clear attack on New York andseveral other large Americancities.

The denial, issued after con-siderable he/itancy and con-fusion, had been preceded by astatement from the NorthAmerican Defense Command mthe United States that pub-lished reports of the mock at-tack were "a lot of nonsense."

retary of the Board of Health,for a one-year term, and incum-bents Albert P. Boyle, and Ber-nard J. Crane, for three-yearterms. '

The council post left vacant bythe recent death of former May-or Joseph A. Scholer was notfilled. Mr. Rodgers said an ap-pointment (for a one-year term)will be made very soon.

To Name PernoThe mayor has previously con-

firmed that the seat will go toThomas Perno, who was defeat-ed in the November election.

Mr. Rodgers called the newcouncil "compatible." He notedthat former Councilman WilliamJ. Langan (member of a dif-ferent Democratic faction) wasno longer at the table, but cred-ited Mr. Langan with contrib-uting to the governing body dur-ing his period of service.

The following reappointiiientswere made:

McGann As AttorneyPatrick J. McGann, Jr., bor-

ough attorney; Gerdrd A. Bar-ba, engineer, and George, W.Huss, auditor.

Other appointments:Mrs. Clair Valanzola, treas

urer; Mrs. Greta R. Barker, taxsearch officer"; Andrew J. O'Bosky and Alphonse Guerra,members of the Planning Board;Harold J. Ellis and RobertDecker, members of the ZoningBoard of Adjustment; Mr. Boyleand Mrs. Evelyn McCoy, members of the Welfare Board; Rich-ard Drake, member of the Rec-reation Committee and RalphBenigo and James D. McKittrickmembers of the Board of Health.

Named as chairmen of thegoverning body's standing committees:

Novick, FinanceCouncilman William W.. Novick

finance; Mr. Crane, fire and(See UNION BEACH, Page 2)


sey Tax Policy Commission willrecommend Wednesday that thestate shoulder a bigger portion oflocal government costs by impos-ing a 3 per cent sales tax to bringin $165 to $180 million a year,The Associated Press learned to-day.

The final version of the long-awaited report will also recom-mend higher corporation incometax rates, a new railroad tax sys-tem, abolition of the business in-ventory tax, and revision of thebusiness equipment tax.

Sales Tax

Four of the seven commissionmembers will recommend a 3 percent sales tax exempting food andpresciption drugs, bringing in $165to $180 million a year, an in-formed source said. Six of theseven members favor increasingthe corporation income tax fromits present level of 1.7? per centto S per cent, bringing in an addi-tional $30 million a year.

In addition, the state would takeover all taxation of railroads, pos-sibly at a reduced rate, though itwould repay municipalities for thefull $16 million a year they wouldlose.• This is what the new tax moneywould go for:

1. Additional local school aidtotaling $84.2 million in the 1963-64 budget year, with the lion'sshare of the extra aid going .tocommunities suffering fromlack of property tax ratables^Jrfrom a flood of school pupils.

2. Distribution of $40 million ayear to municipalities, to makeup for i the property taxes theywould lose through the commis-sion's recommendations for aboli-tion of the tax on business andfarm inventories and changes IDthe tax, on business equipment andmachinery. ..' ^ 'i

3. To plug a future gap between

Tshombe MullingOccupationProposal

ELISABETHVILLE, Katanga (through the elimination of all(AP)—President Moi.se Tshombeapparently is being given achance to invite a bloodless U.N.occupation of his war capital ofKolwezi and thus insure a placeof power for himself in the re-unified Congo.

Diplomats Indicated Tshombewas pondering this course of ac-tion as the UN military buildupcontinued.. Amphibjous armoredtroop carriers and bridgingequipment poured in on huge U.S.Air Force Globemasters, puttingthe U.N. force m a better positionto press an advance on Kolwezi.

Unity PlansOfficials of the central Con-

golese government arrived inElisabethville to take steps toreintegrate Katanga into the Con-go In accordance with U.N. Sec-retary-Genoral U Thant's unityplan. The reunion scheme Includesmerger of the Katangan and Con-golese armed forces and a shareof the revenues from katanga'sindustrial wealth for PremierCyrille Adoula's central govern-ment in Leopoidville.

At the Elisabethville Airport,central government representa-tives set up customs and immi-gration offices. Financial expertsstudied means of unifying, theCongo and Katangan currencies.Katanga issued its own banknotesafter its 1961 secession.

U.N. Undersecretary Ralphof l)Wle Siivtr;-Dog Jlcenaes aro Bunche,, i<ho tlow .to. tha-Congo doslan border

armed resistance). That is aprinciple and it sticks," Bunchetold newsmen.

Tshombe likely will be al-lowed up to a week to complywith this demand, qualified diplo-mats said. This would entail U.N.occupation of Kolwezi, a miningtown 150 miles northwest of Elisa-bethville, the Sakania border post110 miles southeast of Elisabeth-ville, and/Dilolo, near the frontierof Angola.

Should Tshombe decide to endthe resistance, he could for thepresent retain the presidency ofKatanga Province, diplomats saidThough battered militarily he re-tains a political following in Ka-tanga.

If he fights on, he could doimmense damage to the economythrough sabotage of installationsat Kolwezi, including a dam out-side the town that supplies all ofKatanga's electric power.

Tshombe was last reported inKoiwezi gathering his batteredKatangan gendarmes and whitemercenaries for a last-ditchstand.

While Tshombe could still wagesome scorched earth warfare, hisAfrican troops appear to bethrough as a fighting force.

Associated Press correspondentAdrian Porter found about 500disorganized Katanga troops atMokambo on the Northern Rho-

on a special mission over theweekend, said,he had no plans tomeet with Tshombe. He said thetime for negotiation is over.

Freedom' Of Movement

complete freedom of. movement

Bunche flew to Elisabethvillefrom Leopoldville Sunday, takingwith him Robert K. A. Gardinerof Ghana, head of the U.N. Congooperation) and Lt. Gen. Kebbede

"We have -stated that we expect Guebre of Ethiopia, chief of the18,000-man U.N, Congo command.

Policy Group Will AskFor a 3 Pet. Sales Tax

the state budget's income andoutgo for existing programs. Thecommission estimates the gapwould average $40 million a yearfor the rest of the decade.

4.'To provide $4.5 to $5 millionyear to pay for the state's

share of the Kerr-Mills programof medical care for the needyaged, which the legislature is dueto enact Tuesday.

5. The remaining $25 to $40 mil-lion could be used for a number ofitems which the commission willdiscuss without any recommendation, including state and localroad construction, college con-struction'and operating expenses,and institutional operations. •

The four,members of the com-mission favoring a sales tax areState Sen. Wayne Dumont Jr., R-Warren; John E. Toolan, FairHaven, a Pe"rth Amboy lawyer;C. Malcolm Davis, a Newarkbanker; and James E. Kerney,Jr., publisher of the TrentonTimes newspapers, It waslearned.

Income TaxThe commission chairman, for-

mer state treasurer Archibald S.Alexander of Bernardsville, andDavid L. Yunich, president ofR. H. Macy and Co., favor a per-sonal income tax over a sales tax.Assemblyman Elmer M. Mat-thews, D-Essex, is the lone dis-senter from the basic part of thereport proposing an Increasedstate share of local governmentcosts.

The report to the governor andthe state legislature is due to bemade public officially at a newsconference Wednesday.

The report will say that NewJersey's traditional no-new-taxpolicy has driven local propertytaxes too high. The no-new-taxpledge was dropped by. both politiccat parties In 1961 and Gov. Rich-ard J. Hughes, » Democrat, hastaken public note of the fact '

s the first New Jersey governorin recent times not bound by sucha pledge. Hughes has committedhimself to seek increased schoolaid. '

The commission comes to theconclusion that the average school

Marlboro PetitionsHit Downgrading

MARLBORO TOWNSHIP —Pe-titions are being circulated bythe township Citizens' Commit-tee calling for the postponementof the adoption of the proposed"planned-community" ordinancewhich will downgrade townshiplot sizes here.

The petition calls for the Town-ship Committee to forego adopt-ing the ordinance until the town-ship's master plan is completed.

Gerald Bauman, Jr., EastF r a n c e s Rd., Robertsville,started the petitions circulatingat a meeting attended by morethan 100 persons at the Roberts-ville Fire House Friday night;

Mr. Bauman, Frank Graziano,David J. Geschwantner andJames Dore analyzed the pro-posed ordinance at the meeting.

Mr. Graziano said that MayorJoseph A. Lanzaro told him thatthe township did not have asigned contract with the plan-ning consultant, Herbert H. SmithAssociates, Trenton. Mayor Lan-zaro, at Thursday night's meet-ing, said that such a contractwas in existence and that Mr.Graziano could come to hishome and see it. Mr. Grazianosaid that when he went to Mr.Lanzaro's home, the mayor toldhim that he didn't have a

signed contract with the firm as strongyet, as he though he had.

Await Federal OKThe mayor said all that is

holding up the final signing isthe federal approval.

The Smith firm has been doingwork for the township since thecommittee hired it earlier thisyear.

Mr. Bauman told the group Kg1

that the proposed ordinance, assubmitted ,by the Smith firm,has been changed. The densitypermitted in the ordinance introduced Thursday is higher thanthat recemmeded by the plan-ning firm, Mr. Bauman said. Asto who changed (he figures, Mr.Bauman said, he did not know,

Mr. Geschwantner said a!though the developers would pro-vide school buildings this in noway would make up for the increased cost of operating theschools. He said in. neighboringMatawan Township, the develop-er at Strathmore provided aschool, but the increase in theschool budget this year is $380,-000.

Not For Industry "Mr, Dore said that letting de-

velopers into the township inthis manner, and increasing the

(See MARLBORO, Page 3)

Harrison's TrialWill Begin TodayTOMS RIVER (AP)-Leroy A.

Harrison,, charged with killing apretty, red-haired student actressin a gravel pit last June, goes ontrial today in Ocean County court.

The trial was to begin beforeCounty Judge Albert S. Larrabeewith the tedious process of select-ing a jury,

Harrison, a 41-year old printerand father of two, is accused of


Huber did not say if he wasseeking the death penalty fpr Har-rison, whose wife and two youngsons live in Hamilton Township.

Miss Jones, described as a girlwho could look after herself, dis-appeared June 9 from a beachouting at Barnegat Light. Heibathing suit clad body was foundthe next day in Lacey Township.

slaying Phyllis Ann Jones, 24,West Norriton, Pa.

Seventy five county residentshave been impaneled for the jury.Twelve jurors, and two alternateswill be selected after questioning Iby Defense Attorney Joseph A.Citta of Toms River and County IProsecutor William Huber. '

Cites Publicity"There has been so much pub-

licity it may be difficult getting ajuicy ^that hasn'i, .made^upjtsmind," sWCitta*. '

Court house observers estimatedthe trial could continue for fiveor six weeks.

According to Citta; Harrisonwas "anxious to have the trial getunder way and get it over with."

Her hands had been tied behindher with the halter strap.

Innocnnt PleaHarrison, who had spent time

(See TRIAL, Page 3)

in New Jersey is adequately financed and provides a good education. But it finds three catego-ries of communities are unable toprovide minimum school stand-ards:

1. Those where the number of

pupils is rising faster than prop-erty tax ratables.

2. The older cities where rate-bles are declining faster thanschool population.

3. Rural areas where homes(See TAX. Page 3)

HE WALKED AWAY — James A. O'Connor, 18, of 21 Franklin Ave., Leonardo,driver of this car, walked away from ,this accident with cuts and bruises. Accord"*ing to police, O'Connor was trying to pass another car on Leonardville Rd., Mid-dletown, yesterday, when he spotted a car coming in the opposite direction. Hetold police he applied his brakes and the car skidded into a utility pole. Impactof the crash cut tha car in half. O'Connor was treated at Riverview Hospital. Hawas issued a careless driving summons by Patrolman Arthur Stover.,

Congress Set to Convene;Showdown on Rules Due

WASHINGTON (AP)-Memberof. the; 88th Congress streamedtnto tarn today, ready for a don-

he ble donnybrook that will get thenew session off to a rousing start.

At the formal opening Wednes-day, the legislators will run smackinto rules fights on both sides ofthe Capitol that will divide themalong lines more significantlegislation than party labels: lib-eral vs. conservative. •

The outcome is apt to have

effect on President Ken-nedy's legislative program and othe 1964 presidential a.nd congres-sional elections.

Voting MarginsTechnically, Democrats hoi

large voting margins in both thsSenate and the House. In the Sen-ate their advantage over the Re-publicans Is 67 to 33, in the House

to 176, with one Democrativacancy.

The Senate vacancy caused b;the death of Sen. Robert S. Ker:of Oklahoma was filled Sunda;with the appointment of DemocratJ. Howard Edmoridson.

This wide Democratic edge maybe illusory. In both branchesSouthern Democrats have a habilof not following their party lead-ership, of combining with conser-vative. Republicans to thwart theDemocratic administration.

Two years ago, in an attemptto prevent the House Rules Com-mittee from delaying liberal leg-islation, the administration won afight to expand It to 15 members.By adding three members to theradltional 12, the group's com-

plexion was tipped to the liberalside.

Quick ShowdownThis committee enlargement

died with the last Congress andthe fight to expand it will befought again. The showdown willcome quickly. Members of bothparties will caucus separatelyTuesday, trying to agree on a po-sition before the House takes upthe issue Wednesday.

In openjy taking sides in therules committee fight, the Presi-dent has said: "We are throughif we lose."

On the Senate side, the liberalvs. conservative battle is overchanging the rules to curb fili-busters. For years, Southernersand other conservatives have Usedthe filibuster to stall or kill liberalegislation, particularly in thefield of civil rights.

To halt debate and bring legislation to a vote requires a two-hlrds vote of senators' participat-

Only once in 35 years ha

Today's IndexPage

Adam and Eve 11AHen-ScoH , «

Blrlhs .;.. 2Jim Bishop 8Bridge 15John Chamberlain 6Classified 14Comics 15

PageCrossword Puzzle 15Editorials 6Herblock . , , , 6TWovfrtImetahie ^."l.Llli,7Obituaries 2Sylvia Porter 6Television 7Sports 12-13Successful Investing 3Women's Newi 10-11

the gag been applied—last yeaiironically, to silence a group oflibenlt who dppoiaa tn adminis-tration bill to set up a privatelyowned corporation to operate theU.S. portion of a global satellitecommunications system.

Message SetPrecisely what the President

wants in the way of legislationmay not be known until next weekwhen he sends up his annual Stateof the Union message.

Hlk congressional leaders expectof him to renew his pleas for some

at the thlngi he failed to get fromthe last Congress, such as federalaid to education,, health care forthe elderly financed by an in-crease in Social. Security taxes,

mass transportation programand a new farm program.

Added starters will be a requestfor large pay raises for militarypersonnel and cuts In individualind business income taxes.

Expect Vote OnWilson SelectionLONG BRANCH-Councilwom

an Lucy Wilson said today "thifiasco of the tape recording"makes it clear those fighting hermembership on the city HousingAuthority will ultimately suc-ceed.

But, she added, she hopes CityCouncil will leave her appoint-ment stand until federal andstate officials she has asked tointervene make a report.

A resolution to rescind her ap-pointment is expected a' coun-cil's meeting tomorrow night.Her appeals for outside help havebeen to U.S. Sens. Clifford P.Case and Harrison A. Williams,Jr., because of federal funds usedby the authority, and to GovRichard J. Hughss, because thestate is represented by an ap-pointee on the authority.

Comments on RecorderAbout the playback of the City

Council's Sept. 25 meeting taperecording, which proved abouttwo-thirds blank in the office ofCity Clerk Sanita J. Camassa lastThursday, Mrs. Wilson sug-;ested:. . ."let's get rid of the tape.re-

corder at public auction and sal-vage at least part of the tax-payers Investment and stop fooling the public.

"In the meantime, If the re-corder is to be used again, let'sbring it out of Hie backroom andrig it up in full view of every-one.

"If the tapes are to be pre-served, let's be, realistic aboutit. We should require the custodian of the tapes, the cityclerks, to test each one on re-ceipt and certify that it is a fullreport. This will be a time con-suming chore, but a necessaryone of we are to avoid a repeatif the tape recording fiasco ofhe Sept. 25 meeting.

Under present rules, thesetape ane prizes for error andabuse."

Mrs. Wilson said her expe-rience with the Sept. 25 tape"compounds an embarrasing his-tory, with tape recordings onHousing Xuthority'oSiestlo'ns:''''''1

She recalled that severalmonths ago when a conference ofthe Housing Authority and repre-sentatives of the Taxpayers As-sociation was recorded at (heHousing Authority office the tape

was never made public and wasreported destroyed.

"What is this evil shadow thatcreeps over magnetic tapes whenHousing Authbrity business is be-ing made a public record?" sheasked.

Mrs. Wilson was appointed tothe authority in October to filla vacancy created by the resig-nation of Rev. Herbert L. Liniey.His resignation was read to coun-cil at a caucus but not at at)official meeting prior to the Wil-son appointment.

Later City Attorney LouisAikens ruled, in resppnee to ques-tions about the appointment, itwas not valid if the resignationhad not been reported to Councilat an official meeting.

FouTT&HedIn Accidents

NEWARK (AP) - Accidentstook four lives In New Jersey dur-ing the weekend. There were threedeaths in traffic and a hospital-ized elderly man was burned fa-tally when his oxygen tent ignited.

• The victims:Perth Amboy—Prokop Budnlak,

73, of Edison, hospitalized in PerthAmboy General Hospital after anasthma attack, burned to deathearly Sunday when his oxygen tentcaught fire. The flames were ex-ingulshed before they could

spread or injure other patientj.Teaneck—Eugene Camara, 30,

of Brooklyn, N. Y.; was kUlediunday night when the car in

which he was riding struck a util-ity pole on Route 4.

Camara died in Englewood Hos-pital three hours after the acci-dent. The driver of the car, Wil-liam Krupnick, 19, of Brooklyn,and three other passengers wereadmitted to the hospital with headInjuries.

Newark-Patrick J. O'Hara, 24,was killed early Saturday whenhe was struck by a hit-and-runcar on Broadway. The driver ofthe car has not been apprehend-ed."" "; "-""•""': -'»••—--«^»'*' •- '•-'••

Newark-Jack Harrison, 26, ofPaterson, died Friday night afterhe was hit by a car on McCarterHighway.. The driver of the carwas Joseph Portale, 34, of Ridge-wood,

DigiFind-It· Starts Today: &#039;The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7&#039;i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (2)

%—.Monday, January 7, 1963 HED BANK REGISTER

Petit JurorsFor Jan. 7-18

FREEHOLD-The following 200county residents were chosen toserve on the petit jury from Jan.7 through Jan, 18:

Mrs. Marilyn Allen, Hazlet;Frank J. Altschul, Jr., Red Bank;Mrs. Lorraine Amberg, Sea Girt;Edwin M. Ambler, Interlaken;Bruce M. Anderson, New Shrews-bury; Fred A. Angermeyer, Haz-let; William P. Armstrong, FairHaven; Seymour Ashendorf, Haz-let; Raymond A. Baggitt, Free-hold Township; Francis J.Baoach, Red Bank; Anthony P.Barrett, Lincroft; Bruce J. Bar-rie, Farmingdale; Mrs. ViolaBartell, Neptune Township; Les-lie W. Bateman, Wall Township;Mrs. Muriel T. Bell, Red Bank;Mrs. Mary Bennett, NeptuneTownship; Russell D. Bennett,Neptune Township; George M.Bergstresser, Atlantic Highlands;Joseph Betters, Belmar; AndrewA. Bittel, Jr., Belmar; John D.Blair, Oakhurst; Benjamin Blum,Elberon; Mrs. Esther L. Bowie,long Branch; Andrew Bowman,Holmdel Township, and WilliamD. Boyd, Eatontowro.

George Brumer, Englishtown;Arnold C. Bull, Red Bank; Mrs.Veronica C. Bush, Red Bank;John J. Caliendo, West LongBranch; Mrs. Pauline Carr, Eng-Jishtown; Victor Chabot, RedBank; Richard C. Chadwick, RedBank; Angelo Cierl, Long Branch;John P. Cottrell, Neptune Town-ship; William M. Cousins, SeaBright; Joseph S. Crisanti, Jr.,Manasquan; Russell T. CrossonRed Bank; Cecil E. Crowell,Rumson; Mrs, Nannie G, Cun-ningham, Neptune Township;Gerald A. Cupples, Fair Haven;Robert C. Denbigh, NeptuneTownship; Eugene DeNucci, WestLong Branch; Robert T. Deveney,Avon; George E. Dewsnap, Mat-awan; George Dimun, Sea Girt;John C. Doman, Sr., NeptuneTownship; William Dannheimer,Manasquan; Robert M. Drazln,Deal; George R. Emmons, Hazletand William E. Feh!hat>er, At-lantic Highlands. . .

William X. Fleming, SpringLake; Mrs. Joyce J. Fornino,Long Branch; Mrs. Blanche K.Friedman, Howell Township; Jo-seph Garrett, Asbury Paik;Thomas Garvey, Neptune Town-ship; Mrs. Ina Gibbs, NeptuneTownship; Mrs. Christine H. Gis-mondi, Freehold Township; Rus-sell C. Gtassford, Jr., West Bel-mar; Carl M. Gravatt, English-town; Joseph Grecco, AtlanticHighlands; William Haslach,Matawan; Leland L. Hmkle,Eatontown; Mrs. Lillian L. Hock,Sea Girt; Miss Frances Hoft, As-bury Park; Bobert L. Horan,Highlands; Irving J. Hurry, Nep-tune Township; Charles E. Jah-nig, Rumson; Joseph R. Jen-nings, Belford; George V. John-son, Monmouth Beach; WilliamKarol,. Freehold, Township; Mrs.

' Nora Kaufold, Rumson; HaroldA. Kemrite, New Monmouth;Leon J. Kenna, Hazlet; Mrs.Janet Kennedy, Rumson, andWilliam G. Kennedy, LongBranch.

Harold A. Ketcham, West Bel-jmar; Mrs. ElizabeOceanport; Walter F. King,Little Silver; Robert V. Klauss,"Wanamassa; Mrs. Edith T. Klein,Belmar; John J. Kling, Jr., RedBank; Philip H. Knell, Farming-dale; Sidney P. Kodama, Shrews-bury; Earl W. Korf, Lincroft;George H. Lauterwasser, SouthBelmar; Mrs. Geraldine Lavin-thal, Wanamassa; Glenn W.Leary, Sr., Englishtown; Mrs.Doris V. Leonard, Fair Haven;Matthew Lepree, Hazlet; Anthony

F. Raye, Monmouth Beach; JohrT. Resh, West Keansburg; Thec-dore G. Rose, Oakhurst; Normand J. Rosenberg, AsburjPark; Leonard W. Rosenbloom,Locust; Mrs. Catherine RusselPort Monmouth, and Mrs. LouisM. Sacco, Manasquan.

Miss Anne Sadecki, Eatontown;Frank A. Sanlagata, Hazlet; Wi!liam J. Schell, Jr., Sea BrightChristopher A. Schmidt, Avon'<arl J. Schulz, Cream Ridge;?rank J. Schwager, Belford; MrsRuth E. Shaw, Sea Girt; Samuel}herak, Roosevelt; William F.Ihowell, New Shrewsbury; Na-than Siiverman, Asbury Park;Mrs. Rose Sloshberg, BradleyBeach; William A. Smith, Nep-.\me Township; Donald Smoyer,Englishtown; Sidney Socholitzky,Roosevelt; Mrs. Margaret MSteadman, Hazlet; Thomas Stev-ens, Spring Lake Heights; DavidG. Stevenson, Keyport; Mrs. Jean

Stilwell, Eatontown; KennethT. Sutphen, Neptune TownshipRobert P. Swan, Red Bank; Mrs.Jean M. Tamburri, Matawan;Bernard Tare, Freehold; LeroyC. Taylor, Allentown; William D.Townes, Belmar, and OscarTuyeson, Marlboro Township.

Martin J. Vaccaro, Allenhurst;Howard VanHise, Jr., English-town; Mrs. Terese VanHoff, longBranch; John W. Vann, Jr., RedBank; Robert H. VanNote, Nep-tune Township; Mrs. HelenVisone, Asbury Park; George W.Vogel, Bradley Beach; Mrs. Mil-dred S. Walton, Asbury Park;William J. Warren, Oakhurst;Eugene E. V/eeden, FreeholdTownship; Edward T. Whitford,West Long Branch; John W. Whit-ten, Neptune; Mrs. Elsie Wicklund. Long Branch; Louis F. Wil-kens, Oakhurst; Ralph B. Wil-liams, Middletown township; A.Chester Winters, Sou* Belmar;Bruce J. Woolford, Freehold; A.Parker Woolley, Asbury Park;Akmzo Woolley, Long Branch;Franklin R. Wright, West Bel-mar; John A. Wright, Jr., Mid-

WeatherNew Jfcney—Partly cloudy to-

day, tonight and Tuesday. Tem-peratures on the mild tide thisafternoon with high In the lowor mid 40s. - ,

Little temperature change t o' night and Tues-

day with lowtonight 30 - 35and high Tues-


day near 40.W e dnesday

variable cloud-iness and turn'ing cooler.

MarineBlock Island

to Cape May-Variable winds

:oday and tonight, mostly west'o southwest at 10 knots or less.West to northwest winds Tuesday10 to 15 knots. Partly cloudyhrough Tuesday. Visibility one'.o three miles, locally less in fogand haze this morning and againlate tonight and early Tuesday,)therwise about five miles.

TIDESToday—High 5:55 p.m, and low

1:58 p.m.Tuesday — High 6:20 a.m. and

:;47 p.m. and low 12:51 p.m.(For Red Bank and Rumson

)ridge, add two hours; SeaBright, deduct 10 minutes; LongBranch, deduct 15 minutes; High-lands bridge, add 40 minutes.

8 CandidatesTo Vie For 5Board Seats

FAIR HAVEN - All five seatson the Board of Education openfor election Feb. 13 will be con-tested. •

David M. Roney Jr., 9J LindenDr. and George H. Morgan, 186Lake Ave., both seek election toa two-year unexpired term. Dr.Raymond F. Johnson Jr., 35SRiver Rd. and Felix J. TurturIII, 69 Princeton Rd., are bid-ding for the one-year unexpiredterm. :

The three Incumbents seekingre-election to full three yearterms — Mrs. Loraine G. Gil-lette, D. Roger Wight and JohnL. Kelsey — are contested byE d w a r d P. Hemschoot, 63Princeton Rd.

Mr. Roney, a resident here lormore than seven years, Is em-ployed in the sales department3' WeW°n St., Port Monmoutr

CHICAGO (AP) - , D i s m a lweather—cloudy, foggy and wet—covered most of the easternhalf of the nation and in sections3f the West today.

On the brighter side of theweather pattern, temperatureswere fairly mild for this time ofyear.

Light rain or drizzle sprinkledhe Gulf Coast and, along the Friday before County Judge El*Jast Coast south of Cape Hat-

dletown; James J. Wymbs, LongBranch; Charles Wysockl, Nep-tune Township; Thoma-r H. Yates,Jr., Freehold, and Mrs. Edith M.Yonki, Red Bank.

Incumbent Files*For Part Term

SEA BRIGHT — Richard S.Foreman, an incumbent, filed apetition Friday as candidate fora one-year unexpired term on theBoard of Education. He has heldithe seat ilnce November.

The one-year seat is also be-ing sought by Walter C. Bonin,Jr., whqjjed his petition earlierin the ( U K ; 7 i

As reported Friday, four per-sons will seek three full termshere. They are Gerald D. Cranmer, W. Douglas Potter, andAllen Johnson, all incumbents,and John Kiirta.

!ra>, N. C.Light snow, freezing drizzle officer.

and drizzle dampened the GreatLakes region, while light snow

Mississippi Valley and the West-ern Great Lakes region.

the nation. However, in the south-east, low readings ranged fromthe 30s in northern sections tothe 50s and 60s in southern Flor-ida.

of the International Nickel Co.,New York. He served in theU.S. Navy for five years fol-lowing his graduation from theNaval Academy in 1943. Mr.and Mrs. Roney are both nativesof Philadelphia, They have three

ms.Dr. Johnson Is a graduate ol

the University of PennsylvaniaSchool of Dentistry and Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. He isa veteran Air Force officer. Heis a native of Avon.


Mr, and Mrs. John Decker),Daverns La., West Keansburgdaughter, Friday.

Mr, and Mrs. Robert Galvii508 Sherman Ave., Belford, twidaughters, Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scharlach, 27 Hillside St., Middletowndaughter, Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Stavasi13 Nautilus Dr., Leonardo, daugtter, Friday.

Mr. »nd Mrs. Robert Boyce,Burtina PI.,' Keyport, daughteiSaturday. i

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Raskosky,734A Holmde!' Rd., Hazlet, son,Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fislei125 Church St., Belford, daug!ter, Saturday,

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pratei

daughter, Saturday,Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Peter

son, 28 West St., MonmouthBeach, daughter, yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Figaro,186 Monmouth St., Red Bank,son, yesterday.

Denies ChargeOf Cop Assault

FREEHOLD — A New Shrewsbury man pleaded Innocent here

vin R. Simmill to a charge ofassault and battery on a police

Sherwood Taylor, 33, of ShaftoRd., according t o Assistant

fell in the northern half of the Prosecutor John W, Applegate,is charged with assaulting Pa-trolman Edward Holden, of the

Temperatures generally were New Sherwsbury police force, atabove seasonal levels In most of Taylor's home Sept. 14. Pa-

Some early morning tempera-tures and conditions: New York33 clear, Chicago 24 cloudy, Bos-ton 33 cloudy, Washington 29cloudy, Atlanta 35 clear, Miami pleaded Innocent to a charge ol66 light rain, Louisville 33 rain.Detroitcloudy,Kansas City 34 cloudy, Denver

32 rain, St. Louis 29Minneapolis 34 snow,

50 clear, Seattle 33 fog, San Fran-cisco 45 clear, Los Angeles 57clear, Anchorage 16 cloudy, Honolulu 74 cloudy.

trolman Holden went to Taylor'shome to arrest him for speed-Ing and, during an exohange ofwords, it Is charged that Holdenstruck the patrolman on the face.

Judge Simml|l set Jan. 17 fortrial.

Vincent R. Fucd, Cooper La.,Hazlet, R a r i t a n Township,

causing death by auto. Thecharge is the result of the deathof Miriam J. Rause, 27 Court-land Dr., Hazlet, struck by a

21 clear, Dallas 38 clear. Phoenix car while she was walking along

Y ° U l h

K * * 6 Wound

Lepre, Red Bank; Miss Dorothy „, m e j n ] u r y W M n o t knmB a1

the time, the chief said.Levinson, Asbury Park; WilliamF. l ins. Ocean Grove; DonaldC. LJppincott, Ocean Grove; Albert W. Loesch, Manasquan;Harold J. Lopez, Red Bank; Mrs!Gladys Lustbaum, Long Branch;Nicholas G. Lvnardakls, Inter-laken; Arthur J. Lynch, RedBank; George A. MacLear,Union Beach, and Ettore J. Man-fredi, Jr., Asbury Park.

Mrs. Rose Marasco, Middle-town- Raymond E. Maulbeck,Spring Lake Heights; William H.Meagher, Hazlet; Edwin H.Megill, Farmingdale; George H.Merrill, Little Silver; Mrs. Alice I've changed my mind."Mervin, Belmar; Walter Melules,Hazlet; Charles H. Miller, Key-port; Mrs. Edna Miller, AsburyPark; Thomas F. Misson, Bel-ford; Paul H. Mitchell, Avon;William F. Morgan, AtlanticHighlands; Richard C. Mount,Freehold Township; Joseph J.Mulrain, Sea Girt; Mrs. ElinorMulter, Colts Neck; Joseph J.

, McArdie, Eatontown; Mrs. Ver-onica McDonnell, Neptune Cily;John E. McMahon, Jr., AtlanticHiehlands; Harold I. McMurray,Oakhurst; Davis W. McPheeters,Long Branch; Mrs. Ruth E. Mc-Roberts. Neptune Township; Ber-nard H. Natelson, Little Silver;

LONG BRANOH-Don Morris,Hennessey St., was

treated at Monmouth MedicalCenter yesterday for a knifewound on the right arm, and re-leased.

The hospital said Mr. Morriwas brought to the hospital bjthe Sea Bright First Aid Squad,Police Chief Gilbert Boyer saiChe youth appeared at the squatbuilding and asked for aid. Cause

Groom SuddenlyChanges Mind

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -The wedding party was in place—the bride and groom, a brides-maid and the best man.

As Judge Allen Cornelius in-toned the marriage rites Satur-day, the groom suddenly said:

"Let me have that back. I think

Mrs. Petra Navarro. AsburyT '.rk; Michael T. Ncvalonny,Farmingdale, and "William H.Newcomb, Elberon.

Mrs. Gertrude M. Oakerson,Red Bank; Ernest T. Oakley,Freehold; Mrs. Lois R. O'Brien,Manasquan; Paul J. O'Donrrell,Jr., Long Branch; Mrs. Ann J.Olson, Little Silver; Walter J.O'Soro, Spring Lake Heights;Mrs. Marie C. Pahl, Red Bank;Mrs. Ruth Payne, Neptune Town-ship; Robert H. Pearce, Lin-croft; Joseph Pelose, Red Bank;

;.Wilbu»' J.,;Reppler,< Upper Free-hold Township; Dee W. Phipps,Oceanport; Claude L, Pitts RedBanlt; Franklin W. Policastro,Spring Lake; Harvey D. Prim-mer, Howell Township; PeierPuzio, Fair Haven; George L.Qulgley, Spring Lake; CorneliusQulnn, Clilfwood Beach; Clifford

The stunned judge handed overthe marriage license. The groomstrode out. He was followed, inorder, by, the frowning bride, thefrowning bridesmaid, the puzzledjudge and the best man.

The judge said he knew onlythat the groom was a sol-dier from Fort Campbell, Ky.,who lived somewhere in NewYork State.

Union Beach(Continued)

Civil Defense; Councilman Leon-ard A. Cologna, public works;Mr, Boyle, police and welfare,and Mr. Crowley, health, housingand sanitation.

Mr. Cologna was re-elected ascouncil president.

Council changed its meetingnight to the second and fourthMonday of each month.

The Red Bank Register andKeyport Weekly were named asthe borough's • official news-papers.

The following special policewere appointed:. Francia,..CJiaaey,.vW.|)[liarn... Pari

sells, Albert Nicola, Frank bi-Cicca, Joseph Scalone, RobertPattison, Albert Wilson, WilliamYoung, Robert Erven, RonaldCherene, Stanley Bendokas, Mrs.Betty Schuler, Mrs. Daisy K. El-lis, Mrs. Ruth Durko and Mrs.Jean Walker.

Hazlet Ave., Rarltan Township,June 16.

Jan. 14 was set as trial datefor Fucci, who was representedby Ezra Karkas, Keyport.

New Jersey Transit SystemNews BriehCOLLINGSWOOD - A fire

lestroyed the parts departmentind repair shop of the Garden

State Motors Auto Agency inHaddon Township yesterday.About 20 cars,, some of themnew, also were destroyed. Had-don Township police quoted wit-nesses as saying there was somesort of an explosion and a burstof flames. Police said, however,that the boiler s room equipmentwas found Intact. David Parsons,15, of Philadelphia, sufferedminor cuts when he attempted tobreak into the building when he:aw the flames. Police said henought there was an apartmentibove the concrete block and

ATLANTA (AP)-A study comI mission has recommended con-'jstruction of a $292 million rapidtransit system for metropolitanAtlanta. The commission pro-posed a double-track, electrifiedrail line system to consist ofmiles of track and 42 stations.This would include three milesof subway and 17 miles of aerialstructure. The commission rec-ommended development of ttiesystem in stages from 1966 to1980.

said some 100 firemen from threecompanies fought the blaze foran hour and a half before bring-ing it under control.

ATLANTIC CITY — BishopFred Pierce Corson, presidentof the World Methodist Coun-cil, said yesterday the atmos-phere In the United States andother countries Is alien toChristian education. BishopCorson, resident bishop of thePhiladelphia Methodist District,said parents must Instill re-ligious values In their children.But, he said, too many parentserr , by Imparting no values,saying they will let childrendecide for themselves afterthey grow up. He told the Con-gregation of Chrlst-St. Paul'sChurch that Catholic bishopsand educators have told himthat if made to choose they'drather take a child Into a pa-rochial elementary school forreligious training, than at alater stage. The congregationincluded m a n y prominentchurchmen and educators herelor the annual meeting of theboard of education of the Meth-odist Church.


Long BranchMr. and Mrs, Anthony Cosen-

tino, 159 Park Ave., Keansburgson, yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Schwartz,102 Eaton Crest Dr,, Eatontown,daughter, yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carney,114 Bendermere Ave., Interlaken,daughter, yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chris-topher, RD 3, Box 227, Freehold,son, yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin GoMwasser, 28 Spruce St., Hazletdaughter, yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Willie J. Gandy,Jr., 34 Avenue A, Freehold,daughter, yesterday,

Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Nielsen, 105 Euclid Ave., Allenhursdaughter, Saturday.

Mr, and Mrs. Robert C. De-Blase, 299 Morris Ave., LongBranch, son, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Eston H. Brink,85 Sea Drift Ave., Highlands,daughter, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Diglio,75 Neptune Ave., Neptune City,son, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Binford,25 Willow St., Port Monmouth,daughter, Saturday.

Mr .and Mrs. Marvin Karson,392 Ocean Ave., Long Branch,son, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jules Sabray,50* Essex Ave., Spring Lake,daughter, Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kutko,107 Wilson Ave., Port Monmouth,daughter, Thursday.

Mr,,' and Mrs. Frederick Woods,76 Norwood Ave., Elberon, daugh-ter,. Thursday....Mr. and Mrs, Patjy,.Va|)e»,E3 Third Ave., Long Branch,son, Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones1710 Springwood Ave., AsburyPark, son, Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Wall79 Highlands Blvd., Keansburgson, Thursday.

Absolve DriverIn Auto Fatality

TRENTON-The Appellate Dl-vision of Superior Court Fridayupheld a jury verdict absolvingMrs. Isabelle M. Heilig, of 1330

steel girder structure. Fire Chief Keamy Dr., North Brunswick, otCarl Rudderlow of Collingswbod blame in an automobile death.

Mrs. Heilig's car killed 66-year-old Mrs. Julia Poletis March 28,1960, as she crossed Rt. 39, Middletown Township, in front of herhome. Mrs. Poletis' son, Theo-dore Poletis, filed suit.

A Monmouth County jury ruledthere was no cause for actionagainst Mrs. Heilig and the Ap-pellate Division found no faultwith the verdict.

NEWARK - Newark Mayor[ugh J. Addonizio and Dennisarey, chairman of the Kssexounty Democratic Party haven n o u n c e d that they have

nade political peace with eachther. At a joint news confer-nce following a meeting be-'een the two powerful Essexmnty Democratic leaders Admizio said: "All is sweetnessid light between us now." Ad-

Bank Employee laAllergic to Money

HONOLULU (AP)-A bank em-ployee in Honolulu has lost hisjob as a teller because he'sallergic to money.

Clifford Fujiwara, 21, begansneezing uncontrollably after promotion to his telling job in Hono-lulu's American Security lank.His doctor diagnosed that Fuji-wara probably is the only bankerIn the world who can't stand tobe around the green stuff.

This week, Fujiwara startswork in the bank's commercialdepartment where money is list-ed in ledgers. He doesn't sneezeat that.


Mr. and Mrs. John Walters, 19Waverly PI., Freehold, son Thurs-day.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Luker,RFD, Farmingdale, son, Thurs-day.

Mr. and Mrs. George Strong,Gordon's Corner Rd., English-town, daughter, yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rohlf-ing, Colts Neck Rd., Farming-dale, daughter, yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Jonei,34 Lockwood Ave., Freehold,daughter, yesterday.

nizio became mayor last year City man who pleaded guilty to of th; addition project would bedefeating Leo P. Carlin, who

ad Carey's backing, In' the Maylections. Addonizio said his

ras that the mayor was not be-ng consulted- on party, policies

the selection of political canMates or J o b appointees.We've Ironed this out," Addon-:io said. Said Carey: "PerhapsIE lack of communications be-;een us created our differences,id I guess It was partly myult."


Marine PFC Laurence R. Lane,son of'Mr. aVitl Mrs.R. A. Lane,Rt. 2, Farminsdale, N. J.. hasreturned to Camp Pendleton,Calif., after serving with theFifth Marine Expeditionary Bri-gade of the United States quaran-tine forces in the Caribbean.


stealing Jewelry from his fatherwas sentenced Thursday to' 3-!o-5 years in the State Prison at

ilef complaint against Carey Trenton. The sentence was pronounced on Wllilam V. Golden,25«hy ,Unlon..Cflunty. ggurt JudgeCarroll W. Hopkins. Goldenpleaded guilty last Sept. 13 tobreaking and entering the homeof his father, Dr. William Gold-en, at 236 West Milton Ave.,Rahway, and stealing $600 InJewelry. The . theft occurredJuly 25.


The projects were recommended in a survey of localschool needs prepared last yearby Dr. W. Donald W. Walling,director of Rutgers University'sdivision of Field Studies and Re-search.

School officials have estimatedthat the cost of the new schoolwill run $14.95 per square foot.

The addition to the HolmdelElementary School will cost anestimated $14.85 per square foot.

Tax BillOfficials noted that the Holm-

del School, when first built In1957, cost S14.50 a square foolwhile the first addition—in I960ran $15 per square foor.

While noting that the projectcost will be 28 cents per $100 ofassessed valuation, officials saidthe total school tax bill—includ-ing the budget-^will decrease be-cause of the Increase in ratabteson the tax rolls this year.

The old Holmdel Village Schooland Centerville School will beclosed when the new building isready next year.

Officials said the architecthopes to have the three class-rooms In the addition to theHolmdel School ready by nextDecember or January. Trie rest

Rites SetFor Berry

ObituariesJERSEY crnr (AP) - so^ms-Jt^mj^oum

1,500 personi paid their last re-spects Sunday to former Mayor jg^dW^Frifayln her home,Bernard J. Berry, 57, who 'died Bray Ave., after a sudden 11Saturday two hours after he hidsuffered a stroke at bis home.

A solemn High Requiem Masswill be celebrated Wednesday atSt. Aedan's Roman Catholic

neas.Born In Ireland, she had livec

her* more "than 10 yean. Shiwas a member of St. Catherine':Catholic Church and its Rosai

Name Cemetery.Mayor Thomas Gangemi, who Michael Roarty

defeated Berry in a runoff elec-tion in June 1981, has ordered Thomas Roarty of Secaucus; twothat flags at City Hall and other daughters, Mrs. Veronica Lyonsmunicipal buildings be flown- at of Iselin, and Mrs. Agnitihalf staff. He described 'Berry ua man "who dedicated a majorportion of his adult life to com-munity service,1' and added that Fitzpatrick of Jersey City; andBerry'». "many personal sacrificesundoubtedly hastened his untime-ly death."

John V. Kenny, Hudson CountyDemocratic leader, lauded Berryas "an aggressive, Intelligent and

13 grandchildren.The funeral will be tomorrow

at 8:30 a.m. from the RyanFuneral Home, Keansburg,St. Catherine'* Church whereHigh Requiem Mass will be of

persons man who Ialway. had £ & J*J"-deep admiration for."

Berry had been a political allyof Kenny when they defeated theFrank Hague political machine In1949. But the alliance snappedwhea Berry led a charter move-ment In 1960 that changed thecity's form of government fromthe commission system to themayor-council plan.

Berry, a native of Jersey City,became mayor in 1953 and serveduntil 1957. He remained on thecommission until he was defeatedby Gangemi in the mayoraltyelection under the new charter.

Mr. Berry was a summer resi-dent of Bradley Beach.

WojciehowsM, pastor. Burlswill be In Holy Cross CemeteryNorth Arlington.


chenfelder Hawthorne, 87, of 35Pine St.. died Thursday in theSeabrook Nursing Home, here.

Born in Newark, she had livedthere until she moved hereyears ago.

She is survived by a son, Aus-tin Hawthorne of Maplewood;

J o l w t h r e e son,of Newarl

Francis Roarty of Clifton, ani

Hastings of Maywood; twtbothers, Joseph Fitepatrick ,6fCounty Cavan, Ireland, and John

gytwo daughters, Mrs. Ida May River Church with Rev. CanoiBurger of Keyport, and Mrs.Laura Carrick of Rldgewood; one Burial, under direction of thisister, Mrs. Clara Frebel of Irv-ington; seven grandchildren, and17 great-grandchildren.

The funeral was this morningfrom the Pfeil[rvington.

Funeral' Home,


Clayton, 89, died Saturday in hishome, 518 Sewall Ave.

Born In Old Bridge, he residedin Matawan before, moving hereihree years ago. Mr. Clayton was

retired custodian of the Mata-•an School system.Surviving are his wife, Mrs.

ttary Boice Clayton, and severallieces and nephews.The funeral win be held tomor-

row, at 1:30 p.m.'. in .'the BedleFuneral Home, Matswan, withRev. Chester A. Galloway, pastorof the Matawan PresbyterianChurch, officiating. Burial will bein Old Tennent Cemetery, Ten-lent.


Briggs, 69, lifelong resident:this borough, died yesterdamorning at her home, 23 WeslRiver Rd., after a short Ulness,

Miss Briggs was a daughterthe late William Jackson amMary Catherine Jeffrey BriggsShe was a member, St. George'by-the-River Episcopal Churdand was a former member oRed Bank Chapter, Order of Eastem Star.

She is survived by three sis-ters, Mrs. Lillian B. Parmly, withwhom she made her home; MisMarie E. Briggs, also at homand Miss Bertha A. BriggsAtlantic Highlands; a brotheCharles F. Briggs of 80BlnghamAve., here, and several nieceand nephews.

The funeral will be Wednesda;at 11 a'm. In St. George's-by-thRi C h h i h R CGeorge A. Robertshaw officiating.

Worden Funeral Home of RetBank, will be in All Saints Epicopal Church Cemetery, Navesmk.


iott, 81, of 185 Maple Ave., dlejjesterday afternoon in Rlverview

Hospital a short time after,friends found him ill in his home.

Mr. Elliott was born in Redank, son of the late John P.

ind Sarah Stiles Elliott. Until hisetirement five years ago he withlis sister, the late Miss Sarah H.illiott, conducted a stationeryore on Broad St. for many

•ears.He was a 50-year member of

he Red Bank Lodge of Elks, aember of the Samuel T. Sleeper

amp, Sons of Veterans, and ofOld Guard of Red Bank.

He Is survived by a nephew,ftllard Elliott of St. Cloud, Fla.The funeral will be Thursday

10:30 a.m. at the Adams Me>orial Home with Rev. W. Gor-

on Lowden, pastor of the Firstethodist Church officiating.urial will be in Fair View Ceme-

ery, Middletown.

completed later In the year.Officials ' said that increased

enrollments will require I use ofthe all-purpose room in theHolmdel School until the threeclassrooms ape ready,1 This fs in"linewith' ihe'boartt'soolicv of ;• "single session"school program.

It pays to advertise In the RedBank Register.—Advertisement.

It pays to advertise In the RedSank Register.—Advertisement.



of Broad St., died SaturdayMonmouth Medical Center,

ong Branch.Formerly of Madison Township,

lr. Gaub lived here eight years.;e was a retired guard at Marl-!Qro State Hospital. Mr. Gaubas a member of the Woodmen

the World and Odd Fellows,)th of Keyport.Surviving are a daughter, Mrs.

ulia Miller, and a brother, BartGaub, both of Madison Town-ship.

The funeral will be tomorrowat 1 p.m. in the Bedle FuneralHome, here, with Rev. Chester


lip Kreager, 71, former Republican commltteeman in PassaicCounty, died Saturday at th<home of ' his daughter, MrsGeorge O. Clements, 68 LocuslA v e . •• • • • •.

Mr. Kreager resided at 206Summer St., Passaic, for 48years. He retired six years ageas a mechanic for Hewitt-Rob-ins, Inc., Passaic,

He was a member of the Sum-mer Street Christian ReformedChurch, Passaic, and the Inter-national Association of Mechan-

3. \In addition to his daughter, ht

is survived by his wife, Mrs. Cor-nalla Kreager; a sister, Mrs.Minnie Hornstra of Clifton, andone granddaughter.

Funeral services will beWednesday at 1:30 p.m. from thVanderPlaat Funeral Home, Gar-field. Burial will be made at theLodi Cemetery, Lodi. Local ar-rangements were made by thRobert A. Braun Home for Fu-nerals, Eatontown.

Presbyterian Church, officiating.Burial will be in Old TennentCemetery, Tennent.

VehiclesCrash 2 Hurt

RED BANK—Two persons were


Loretta McAndrew, 46, of 15 Passale Ave., died Saturday at heihome. •

She had been a resident of thisarea tor more than 20 years.Born in Chicago, she was thedaughter of the late John Higginsand Mrs. Anna 'Reitz, ElmwoodPark, HI. She was a member ofthe Altar and Rosary Society andthe Altar Boys' Mothers' Societyof St. Catherine's CatholiChurch, here.

She is survived by her hus-band, John McAndrew; four sons,Michael, Brian, Thomas, andJerome McAndrew, all at home;two brothers, Francis Higgins ofRiver Forest, 111., and WilliamHiggins of Elmwood Park, 111.;seven sisters, Mrs! E. C. Hornand Mrs. William Halloran, bothRiver Forest, 111., Mrs. FloydMochon of Elmhurst, III., MrsRose Cosgrove 'of ManhattanCalif., Mrs. Walter Lynch of La-Grange, III.. Mrs. Martin Maherof Maywood,, 111., and Mrs. Lu-cien Daigneault of GardenaCalif.

The funeral will be tomorrowat 10 a.m. from the John E. DayFuneral Home. Red Bank, fol-lowed by a Solemn High Requi-em Mass at 11 a.m. at St. Cath-erine's Church, here. Burial will

A. Galloway, pastor of the First be in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Mid-dletown.


den Hall, 3 Morris St., diedThursday here.

Born in Long Branch, she wasthfi daughter of the late Joel andMinnie Worden. She was a pi-»nn Instructor here for manv

Injured yesterday in a two-car vears. She was a mem'ier of trw- • ̂ rst Presbvterian Church of

freehold and a member of theCecllian Club.

She Is survived by her hus-band John Hall; a daughter.

sergeant said.Carol James suffered a neck

injury. James Regan, of theFair Haven address, a passengerIn the second car, was treatedIn Rivervlew Hospital for a cuton his right leg and was released.


collision at East Front andSprings Sts., Police Sgt. AlonzoCurchln reported.

A car driven by Carol James,17 A Spring Ter., was struck inthe rear by a car operated by Mrs. Clvde DuPuls of DownersJohn Regan, 382 River Rd., Fair Grove,. III., and four grandchll-Haven. James was waiting to dren.I a ¥ e a tuW W'Sjprffijjj: <**'""" ' w "'" •


Son Funernl Home,with Rev. Jnm*s R.•mstor of the First PresbyterianChurch, officiating. Burial wasin Maplewood Cemetery, Free-hold Township.


PRED BANK — Morris Pitlnsky,

52, formerly of Shrewsbury, aresident of Sierra Vista, Ariz.,for the past two years, died Fri-day in St. Joseph'* Hospital,Tucson, Ariz.

Bora in New York City, Mr.,Pitinsky was an electrical engi-neer and was employed by theU. S. Signal Corps at. FortHuachuca, Ariz. He was former-ly at Fort Monmouth. i'

He Is survived by his wife,Mrs. Gere Pitinsky; ; »t home;one daughter, Renee Pitinsky,at home; one sister Mrs. BettyRothman, and one brother, BenPitinsky, both New York City.

The funeral will be tomorrowat 2:30 p.m. from the John. E.Day Funeral Home with RabbiGilbert Rosenthal officiating.Burial will be in the Red BankJewish Cemetery, New Shrews-bury. . ;


Duncan, 80, died yesterday athis home, 296 Monmouth Ave.

Mr. Duncan was born InCharleston, S. C , son of the late'Joseph' and Willoughby GrantDuncan. He had been1 a residentof Long Branch 50 years; He was xa retired employee of Fort Mon<mouth, where he served as a 'ported. His wife was the lateMattle Curtis Duncan.

Mr. Duncan was a member ofthe Trinity AME Church hereand a trustee of the church formany years. He was a memberof Harmony Lodge 14, Knights ofPythias.

Surviving are a sister, Mrs.Elizabeth Lynes of Long Branch;a niece, Mrs. Madeline Choice ofOrange, and a nephew, JamesMitchell of Long Branch. -

The funeral will be tomorrow at1 p.m. at the John W. Flock Fu-neral Home. Burial will be inWhite Ridge Cemetery, Eaton-


Pevenage, of 105 South St., diedsuddenly yesterday as he enteredSt. Rose of Lima Catholic Churchhere to attend Mass.

Mr. Van Pevenage was a re-tired baker. He was a memberof St. Rose of Lima Church.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs.Anne P. Van Pevenage; a daugh-ter, Mrs. Alice Sprouts of Ruth-erford; two sons, Marcet S. Van^evenage and Frank Van Peven-age, proprietors of Van'* Free-hold Inn, here. -<••••

Requiem Mass will be offeredWednesday at 9 a.m. at St. Rose>f Lima Church. Burial will be

in St. Rose of Lima ChurchCemetery, Freehold. Friendsmay call at Freeman FuneralHbme, Tuesday from 1 to 10 pjn.Rosary will be recited Tuesdayat 8 p,m.


ski, 64, of 315 Laurel Ave., Lin-croft, died suddenly Friday at his

>me.He was born in Colts Neck, ton

of the late Felix and AnnaTumidaiski. He was a farmer.Mr. Tumidaiski was a communi-cant of St. Leo the Great CatholicChurch, here.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs;Frances Tumidaiski; a daughter,Mrs. Viola Gibson of Red Bank;four sisters, Mrs. Mary Gahler ofHolmdel, Mrs'. Helen Long ofMiddletown Township, Mrs. Fran-ks Byran of Port Monmouth andtfrs. Josephine Howe of Detroit,

Mich.; two brothers, Peter Tu-midaiski of Red Bank and An-thony Tumidaiski of Holmdel, and,hree grandsons.The funeral will be tomorrow

at 8 a.m. from Freeman FuneralHome, Freehold, with RequiemMass at 9 a.m. at St. Leo theGreat Church, Lincroft, withRev. Arthur J. St. Laurent of-xiating. Burial will be in St.Rose of Lima Cemetery, Free-bold.


Vandercook, radio news com-mentator and writer whosecareer took him to the far cor-ners of the world, died yester-lav at a hospital here after amg illness. He was 60.He had been taken to the hos-

)ital Saturday from his home inhis village in southeastern Newrork.

Survivors include two children•y his third wife, who' died in1961 after a fall in their home.The children are John Chrlsto-nher, 14, and Audrey Margaret,

Private funeral services will beonducted tomorrow at St. John'sJpiscopal Church in Delhi".

HARTLEY G. SBtlTHSUMMIT _ H a r t « l | S r n i t n ii, of 105 New EtfgmfAve.,ed at his home here^SjJnirday'ter a lenathy illness. <f'\ . vBorn in Hoboken, he bid/Wed

Morristown 20 vears beforeloving to Summit 11 years aso.Ie retired from his job us alies representative In 1958 He'as formerly a stock broker fnr

vlnr. Bates To. New York, foryears until 1946. A World War

Armv veteran with service inhe 27th Division, Signal Corps,ie' was a member of the Signaloros' last Men's Club, New'ork.He Is survived by his wifew- 'Pijir»nc«- EarToil 'SmifrT- •'•"•-"fuMrah ••:»»*"* JiitefSM '«?"Wr»nc^tiif?oii 'Sifitfrr* a

from the W. H. Freeman nnd son, Hartley Smith, Jr., of Mid-'tfnwn: a brother, Owen H..n'th of Summit, and two grand-

MMren.The funeral will be tomorrow

at 11 a.m. from the Burroughs& Kohr Funeral Home, Summit.

DigiFind-It· Starts Today: &#039;The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7&#039;i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (3)

Uve Within Your Income

Curbing a Year-Round SantaBy MARY FEELEY

Coofoltaiit In Money ManagementDear Miss Feeley: v

My husband Is the most gen-erous man I ever met — to hisrelatives, friends, clubs, politicalparty, tod the. Chamber of Com-merce! But all I get out of thisSanta. Claus Is an occasionalneighborhood movie and a slowburn, If I suggest a trip or anevening- on the town, he'sshocked at my extravagance.Even though his Income is $28,-000 a year, there never seemsto be anything to spend for ourown personal entertainmentFrom my houshold records Iknow that we pay $225 a month

your husband's Income I'd say $174 survivor benefits from so-

$125 to run the apartment. Andhe's a stickler for putting $160a month Into a savings account.I'm no financial wizard but evenI can see that1 that still leavesa tidy sum. Do you think it'sfair for him to spend so muchon lavish gifts'and donations?On his Income, don't you think

we could afford to get a littlemore pleasure out of life? '

-4Mrs. B. G., New York CityDear Mrs. G.:

Your husband's getting plentyof pleasure out of We. His SantaClaus suit is building him up justified In risking the $6,000 sav-like a pair °f elevator shoes.Some men have a compulsion to sort of venture? It might meanbe big shots In (heir own circles, my son would have to work hisand are willing to pay for the way through college or get a loanimage; Not that facts and figureswill do you much good — but on

you should be able to allow $150a month, at least, for recrea-tion and entertainment. But not,of course, while he's passing putcigars. Before your slow bum

rent, about $200 for food, and finally ignites, suggest to himthat a Generosity Allotment of,say, $90 a,month would beenough to maintain his reputa-

trying to start a little businessin my home, selling a home-made confection which is an oldfamily recipe from my Swedishgreat-grandmother. My questionIs this: do you think I would be

ings my husband left me in this a comeback? What would youthink of a switch into Florida

Right now we are living on $350a month, from Insurance and

cial security. What do you thinkof the idea?

Mrs. R. J., Jamestown, N.Y.Dear Mrs. J.:

A good idea, with some moneyto back it up, is a powerful com-bination. And certainly you haveenough incentive to justify arisk. But before you dip into

tion and keep his beneficiaries those sayings, get some cold,reasonably happy.

Dear Miss Feeley:I am a widow, 38, with a 12-

Lippman Heads Mexico'sU.S. Chamber of Commerce

SHREWSBURY - Alfred JUppman of this borough, honor-ary counsul of Mexico for thestate of New Jersey, was electedpresident of the Mexican Cham-ber of Commerce of the UnitedStates recently.

A former vice president andexecutive committee member,Mr. Lippman succeeds the lateJohn B. Glenn, who served aspresident for 15 years. At thesame meeting, Robert C. Hillformer ambassador to Mexicoand a director of Merck & Co.

To Bar PublicUntil 7:55 OnMeeting Night

MARLBORO TOWNSHIP -Mayor Joseph A. Lanzaro, pre-siding jit his first regular-meet-ing here Thursday night beforean overflow crowd, stated that inthe future the Township Hallwould not be open to the publicbeforenights.

7:55 p.m. on meeting

He explained that this wouldpermit the committee to havean executive session beginning at7:15 p.m. to prepare the items onthe agenda.

The mayor explained later thatthis was necessary as the Town-ship Hall is a one-room buildingand it is the only way to obtaintome privacy to help speed upthe meetings and complete themat a more reasonable hour.

The committee granted a 10-day grace period, from Feb. 1to Feb. 10, to taxpayers to paytheir taxes before being consid-ered delinquent in their bills.

Commltteeman Paul E. Ches-ter, who moved the resolution,explained that this was only fairas some residents had not re-ceived their tax bills as yet.

A committee was appointed toStudy the possibility of creatinga third election district beforethe1 April primary. The presenttwo polling districts are in Marl-boro and Morganville.

and the United Fruit Company,was elected a director.

Because of his years of suc-cessful effort to develop Mexicantrade, and tourism, and other v°™* , h a v e

calm advice. Did you know thatNew York State's Commerce De-partment has a Woman's Pro-gram designed to give expert

year-old son. I am thinking about knowledge and guidance on justsuch small business enterprises.This service Is free. You canwrite for details tp the regionaloffice at 112 State Street, Zone 7,

tendent of Documents, Washing-ton 25, D. C , has publicationson job opportunities for womenwhich might prove of value.

Alfred J. Uppnwfloutstanding services to Mexico,

order of the Aztec Eagle — thehighest honor bestowed upon aforeigner by Mexico. The recipi-ent of this award in 1952, he hasparticipated in Mexican activi-ties for over 20 years.

Mr. Lippman is executive di-rector of Latin American Opera-tions & Development Co. and

recipe into a salable product.There may well be a college edu-cation for your son In that goodold Swedish home cooking. Atany rate, your $6,000 savingswouldn't pay for his education,even with interest accrued. Re-member, . tod, that the $174 amonth survivor benefits you'renow getting will stop when he's18. And you'll be left with only$176 a month. So you both hayeeverything to gain if your ven-ture succeeds.

RED BANK HEG1STEH Monday, January 7,1963—3

BNagnn on EducationSuccessful Investingswitch to strength Worth Loss I Planning Thwarts Worries

By ROGER E SPEAR • °Q.-"I have 100 shares of Sper-lmore rapidly in other situations.

ry Rand bought at 27& Do youthink this stock will ever make

Roger E. Spear

Gas?"A. A.

A.—There isalways a possi-bility for al-most any stockt o m a k e acomeback. Inthe case ofSperry Rand,however, I be-lieve any gen-eral improve-

ment — beyond the brief bubbleswe've seen in the past — is go-ing to be slow. Earnings havebeen in a long decline, no cashdividends seem in prospect andthe shares sell very little abovetheir all-time low. Your pro-posed switch of Sperry into Flori-da Gas seems sound. I do notcare much for pipeline stocks be-cause of their heavy regulation

Albany, N. Y. Also, the Superln- by the FPC. Florida Gas, how-ever, is also a gas distributor ina number of cities in one of ourfastest growing states and sellsLP gas in other areas. The

This I can tell you: countless shares could work out well ifa favorite held for a reasonable period of

to care of The Register. She willanswer questions of widest in-terest in her column.)


tax rate, is not the way to a;tract industry to the area.

The proposed ordinance, whic

time.Q.—"My income is declining

rapidly. I hesitate to sell sincemy losses would be heavy. Ourtwo major problems are Mont-gomery Ward and Curtiss-Wright.My pension is small; I'm the on-ly support of my mother andsometimes I feel the pinch. Whatdo you advise on these two

I advise you to switch Montgom-ery Ward into General Motors.This will put you in a strongerstock and increase your incomesubstantially. Curt i s*WrightIsn't likely to get anywhere for along time to come. Switching thisissue Into Norfolk & Westernwould bring you an equivalentyield and greatly strengthen yourposition.

By T.ESUE J. NASONProfessor of Education

Does going back to school asan adult for retraining worryyou? Are you afraid you illnot be able to compete withyounger students?

stocks?" E. S.A.—Yours is a very difficult

position, which I can understand


There will be Board of Edu-cation contests ia Middletown,Keansburg, K e y p o r t , Atlan-tic Highlands, and Highlands atthe Feb. 13 elections.

In the eight communities, thereare 28 board posts scheduled tobe filled.

A total of 39 persons filedFriday as candidates for theseats.

The breakdown.Atlantic Highlands

Three newcomers and three In-cumbents have filed for fourseats on the local Board of Edu-cation.

New aspirants seeking three-year terms are George H. Led-dy, Summit Ave. and WilliamB. Allen, Harbor View Dr. New-comer James L. Fitzgerald, 14Columbia Ave., is running for aone-year unexpired term.

Incumbents Christopher Travis,Jr. and Mrs. Charles W. Leshferhave filed for three-year terms.Incumbent Albert R. Quacken-

and with which I have the deep- bush is also making a bid forth test sympathy. I believe firmly,

however, that there are timeswhen there is a good likelihoodthat the loss can be made up

Mr. Lippman was awarded the will have a public hearing Jan.

president of Fereday & Meyer did urge everyone to sign HCo., Inc., contractors. He aleo petition and, « possible, join th<maintains a real estate and in-surance office at 48 Commerce and figures about the proposedSt., Newark... -;•

Inn. Committee chairmen re-ports will be given and electionand installation of officers willbe held. Past President HowardT. Jeandron will be the installingofficer.

Raymond Dasch of 4he N. J.State Highway Department willje the speaker.

17, would decrease the lot sfeminimum from half-acre to fivihomes per acre if the develope:provides certain facilities anibuilds on more than 100-acntracts.

The spokesmen 'did not sa;whether the group would file suiif the ordinance was passed, bu

study groups to compile facts

Keyport C of CTo Elect Jan. 9

KEYPORT—The annual meet-ing and dinner of the Chamberof Commerce will be held the Planning Board meetingWednesday, Jan. 9, in Ye Cottage morrow when that body wi

" have to pass on the proposedordinance which it originated

ordinance and hoft i f has _fected other plannfed communi-ties in the state.

Mr. Bauman and Mr. Grazianiyesterday went to BurlingtoiCounty to visit Levittowngather information.

The group was urged to atteni

National, WorldNews in Brief

From the Wires of The Associated PressWASHINGTON — Higher postal rates designed to cut into

the Post Office Department's deficit went into effect today.The major changes: The first class letter rate goes from

4 to 5 cents an ounce, postcards from 3 to 4 cents and airmail letters from 7 to 8 cents an ounce.

Second, third and fourth class rates1 also are going up,>frith some of the increases spread over three years. Ul-timately, the changes are expected to add $600 million topostal revenues.

NEWSPAPER STRIKENEW YORK — A board of three jurists starts an inves-

tigation today to determine whether the public's interests"are being given due account" in a month-long shutdown ofthis city's nine major newspapers.

The board was appointed yesterday by Secretary of LaborW. Willard Wirtr, Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller and MayorRobert F. Wagner.

EDMONDSON NAMEDOKLAHOMA CITY — J. Howard Edmondson, a friend of

President Kennedy, resigned yesterday as governor of Okla-homa and was appointed to the U. S. Senate, succeeding thelate Robert S. Kerr.

George Nigh, 35-year-old lieutenant governor who movedup to the governor's office and appointed Edmondson, saidPresident Kennedy told him he would be "personally pleased"by the appointment.

MOCK ATTACKLONDON — London newspapers claimed today-tliat high-

flying British jets got past U. S. defenses in a mock H-bombattack on American cities. A spokesman for (he North Ameri-can Defense Command termed the reports "a lot of nonsense."

Four British papers said four 600-mile-an-hour Vulcanbombers made the "attack" about two months ago and reachedtargets in key cities including New York, Washington, Chicagoand Los Angeles.

Dec. 11.Committeemen Charles T. Me

Cue and Paul E. Chester, whevoted against the proposed oidinance at the Township Com-mittee meeting, are no longermembers of the Planning Board.Mayor Lanzaro replaced them atthe Jan. 2 organization meetingwith new Committeeman GeorgeCreevey and T a x AssessorGeorge A. Wendel.

Mr. Dore, the group's publicitychairman, in a statement to ThRegister today, urged townshipresidents to study the ordinance,published, in today's Register,very carefully.

A Jarge group of citizenhave studied this ordinance andare concerned over its effect onour township," he said. Heurged that residents attend thePlanning Board meetingTownship Hall tomorrow.

results.The advice and guidance of the

rchitects on our school projectsare essential and their fees arewithout question. However, thefee being based on a percentageof the over-all cost I sometimeswonder if suggested appoint-ments and materials could besubstituted or eliminated to cusli-


WASHINGTONDEFENSE AIDSignificant congressional opposition de-

veloped today to any program of furnishing modern arms toIndia In its border dispute with Communist China.

Chairman Richard B. Russell, D-Ga., announced that theSenate Armed Services Committee will explore In detail, aspart of a scheduled full-scale-review of the nation's defenseposture,, any cqmrrjltmenj^for delivery, of weapons to'India.

COL. GALLOWAY DIESWASHINGTON — The fourth director of the Women's Army

Corps, Col. Irene O. Galloway, Is dead of cancer at the ageof M. •

Memorial services will be held here Wednesday for Col.Galloway, who died yesterday at Doctors Hospital here.

(Continued)in prison for rape, was arrested aweek later.

He entered a mandatory pleaof innocent to a homicide indict-ment July 27 and has been heldwithout bail In county jail. He lat-er underwent psychiatric examin-ation, but neither the defense northe prosecution would discuss theresults.

Police said Harrison signed astatement admitting he attackedMiss Jones when she resisted hisadvances.

An autopsy showed she had beensmothered and choked but notraped.

Police said Harrison gave themthis story:

He met Miss Jones at the beachwhile he was fishing and sheagreed to take a ride with himto get a cup of coffee. He drove tothe gravel pit and made advances.She resisted and they scuffled.When the woman screamed, Har-rison panicked and beat her.

"He never confessed," Cittasaid. "He made a statement, hewent through a lot of details, buthe never said, 'I killed her.' It Isnot a confession."

Harrison was questioned thisfall about three other unsolvedsex slaylngs but has not beenlinked with them." Hiffrlson was seTB'encecrrri 1349

to serve 30 years for luring a 21-year-old model to a secluded spotnear Hopewell, tying her to. a treeand raping her. He was freed in1851 after his sentence had beenreduced to 2-4 years.

Comments OnReferendum InHolmdel Tues.

HOLMDEL — In a letter toThe Register, Albert F. Morganmakes the following comment ohthe referendum tomorrow on aschool construction program inthe township:

To the Editor:

HolmdelJan. 3,1963

ratables are on the books andHolmdel property owners are en-joying the "predicted advan-

These / a r ethe fears withwhich J. W.e n t e r e d at h r e e-monthtraining course

CivilService job. J.

with therank of major,had Just takenearly retire-

Dr. NJUOO meat ttom theAir Force.

He was able to read trainingmanuals and understand Instruc-tors. With hfj background hemade more contributions to classdiscussions than the less ex-

perlenced members of the class.But, on the first two tests, he

received failing marks. By thistime he was sure that he couldnot compete with the youngermen fresh from school. He justseemed to tighten up.

Discouragement ObviousAt home with his wife and

obvious. His wide was concerned,too. She did not want him tomeet the disappointment of fail-ure after looking forward to re-tirement as a new adventure.

Then one day his wife cameacross one of my columns onhow "fear of failure can ruingrades." Recognizing that thearticle applied to her husband's

I received * thank you letterfrom J. W. a few days ago. Hosaid he completed the course «ndlanded a position much to nilliking.

The key to J. W.'a success rasa plan of action that eliminatedfear of failure on teits. For ex-ample, entering a true-false test

children his discouragement was his mind was filled with toil

problem, she clipped it and gave ,_it to him. m

After studying the article, hisnext two test grades were in the85-90 range, among the best inthe class.

Freehold, MarlboroHave Board Race

There will be contests for seats Mr. Udy, of Runyon Ave., are starV\vMMhe* eariest 'irTd'pfaiion the Boards of Education of both teachers at the Freehold my answer before I begin writ-Freehold Borough and MarlboroTownship at the elections ofFeb. 13.

In Freehold Township andColts Neck Township there wilbe no contests with only three three seats on the Board of Edu- make the points. Only then will,

the one-year term.Mr. Travis and Mr. Quacken-

bush were appointed last year tofill vacancies left by Andrew J.Duncan and Edward H. Gunder-son, who resigned.

HighlandsThree incumbents and one long-

time board member here havefiled for three full terms on thelocal Board of Education,

Incumbent members are Sam-muel Silverblatt, Stewart D. King,and G. Lester Whitfield. Mrs.Florence P. Adalr, Portland Rd.,is seeking her third full term aft-er being defeated in a bid for aseat in last year's election.


filing for the three seats atstake in each community.

MARLBORO — Nine candi-dates have fifed for the threethree-year terms at stake In thiscommunity's school board elec-tion of Feb. 13.

Ail three incumbents will seekre-election, They are GarrettVoorhees, John Narzowich, andThomas Saathoff, all of Marl-boro.

Newcomers seeking electionare Joseph L. Vota and HarryBonnier, both Wickatunk; AlfredLaMura and George Kudrick,Jr., both Morganville; David J.

Two incumbents and a former Katz, and Neal Munch. Oppos-board member filed Friday for

Now that the new Industrial "•"* 8 e a t a o n * * »dl°P1 board.

fages" as reflected on their car- year veteran.rSt ' iurt l f l i I'hope careful con Mrs Kathlicareful con-r S t i u r t l f l i , Ihope careful consideratioh Is being given to the served on the board for three

- • years i the third candidate Shecoming school construction ex-penditures.

I feel certain everyone agreesthe subject of school construc-tion has been more than amplydiscussed in all circles and thereis no doubt of the need for ade-quate buildings for educationalpurposes. But being a worrier,

erate within a limited budget, I'eel a second look at costs most

Seeking reelection are HarryK. Lubkert, a nine year veteranand John F. Kerwin, Jr., a three-

Mrs. Kathleen Beclero, who

years is the third candidate. Shewas defeated last year, in a bidfor re-election.


incumbents and founewcomers filed Friday for threefull terms on the board.

Incumbents are Frederick J.Walling, board president; Mrs.

and on top of that, having to op- Esther Lewis and Mrs. HelenPote.

Others running are Josephoften will bring some further Collins, Cedar St.; Sol Opatosky,economy into a project. If the 308 Main St.; John Davlno, Wash-second look doesn't do It I'm cer- ington St., and Jamej Birming-ain a third or fourth will bring ham, 6 Jackson St. '

Gerald A. Bauman, Jr., Roberts-ville.

FREEHOLD The three in-cumbents on the Board of Edu-cation here will be opposed bythree newcomers in the schoolboard election Feb. 13.

Filing for re-election and seek-ing fourth terms are CatherineWilliams, Board President Nate seek re-election.

ing them will be Mrs. Edna C.Kelley, Ronald Udy, and Ray-nor Harker. *

on the next question."Don't Csrry Worry

Complete attention to eachquestion in turn is the secret intest-taking. Carrying worry aboutone question along with you willInterfere with your thinking somuch you will be tricked intowrong answers on the followingones.

Plan for an essay-type examin-ation like this:

I'll qulqkly read the questions,

cation here with only the three I start writing."incumbents filing by Friday'sdeadline.

Seeking re-election are Irving Md leave no" room for fears.Eggert, Jr., Thomas J. Smith,Jr., and Carroll W. Barclay, Jr.

Mr. Eggert Is also the town-

plan:"I will concentrate on one ques-

tion at a time. I will read th*question carefully with an openmind. I will remember to watchfor absolute words such as 'al-ways' and 'never* and for trickystatements and double or triplenegatives.

"I'll mark it and forget I t

Regional High School, and Mr.Harker, of Parker St., is on thelocal police force,

COLTS NECK TOWNSHIP -There will be no contest for the cide on the order In which I will

ing."First, I'll think of the points

I might make and jot them downon scratch paper. Then I'll de-

Think ahead. Plan each activi-ty. Let the plans fill your mind

And if you feel yourself chok-ing up during the test — stop!Take two or three deep breaths.

ship's candidate for a seat on Reform your plan of attack. Thenthe Freehold Regional Board of tart in again on the testEducation.

Mr. Smith was appointed tothe board last fall, replacingGeorge Handzo, who was electedin November to the TownshipCommittee.

FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP -Geschwantner, Marlboro, and Two incumbents and a newcom-

er filed petitions for election tothis community's Board of Edu-cation Feb. 13.

Board members filing wereH. Allen Madge and Joseph Cal-Iaert. Terrance L. Weber, Koe-nig La., a newcomer, filed forthe seat being vacated 1 byCharles Blatchley who did not

Mr. Blatchley Indicated thathe did not seek re-election due

Mrs. Kelley1, of Morris St., and Planning Board.

Man Sentenced on ChargeOf Trade Mark Counterfeit

Arraign ManInStore Burglary

MOUNT HOLLY (AP)-Weston1. Weed, the man who led policeto $15,000 in buried stoles money,and then escaped while leading of-ficers to the supposed hidingplace of more loot, was fat Bur-lington County Jail today.

And police were trying to softout the escapades that led Weedto his cell

He was arraigned SaturdayS ^ 0 B charges of b k i

g e d Saturdayto the pressure of business inTils " 'S^ 0 B charges of breaking, en.position as chairman, of the terIn8 *nd larceny in connection

ion costs.Remodeling t h e Hillcrest

school building for $30,000 to pro-vide quarters for the Board ofEducation will be very nice. Butagain I wonder, is this, neces-sary?

Somehow I can't reconcile the•eports of the lower costs of>rivate school building construc-ion with the costs of the con-itruction of public schools.

Eye appeal no doubt carries agreat deal of weight in final

KeansburgTwo incumbents and five new-

comers filed Friday for threeth h l b d

costs and many of us feel it Is are JJonald D. Johnson, a 15-yearworth the price. If for no other veteran, and Warren DeBrown.reason our "status symbol" is Mr. DeBrown has served threeenhanced by eye appeal andJtwould keep us up front amongcommunities in the same race.But as I mentioned, I find it dif-ficult to completely accept costsjf eye appeal in lieu of strictlyiunctional buildings inside andnit.

In any. event, I hope the citi-:ens of Holmdel will all voice

their opinion on January 8, totake a second look or authorizethe spending of $1,400,000 in con-lection with the school construc-lon program.

RD I. Box 199B. KeyportSincerely yours,ALBERT F. MORGAN

*ike AddressesEngineers UnitEATONTOWN — Charles M.

»ike, planning director of theAonmouth C o u n t y Planning stake.k>ard, discussed "The Master'Ian for Monmouth County" atle monthly dinner meeting of

Monmouth Soclty of Profes- be filled.lonal Engineers and Land Sur-eyors last week, at Old Orchard:otihty"'Ct«b.-"**: -- •<."•.—••..<"His "talk covered such subjects

3 county transportation, recrea-tion facilities, water resources,and industrial expansion. Mr.

business meeting.

seats on the school board.Seeking re-election are Mrs.

James Boyle, board president, afive-year veteran of the boardand Douglas Foulks, a memberfor .one year.

The newcomers are John Keel-an, 57 Terrace PI.; Joseph Ken-nelly, 47 Leola Ave.; Daniel Me-Loone, 179 Seabreeze Way; Ed-gar Van Houten, 49 BriarwoodAve.; and Wallace Schaab, 62Maplewood Ave.

Mrs. Joseph Carlucclo is notseeking re-election.

MiddletownSix persons—including two In

cumbents filed Friday for threeseats on the school board.

Incumbents seeking re-election

and a halt years.Incumbent David W. McDowell

Jr., is not seeking re-election.New comers filing are Dr.

Brinton M. Miller, a formermember of the Board of Health;Louis Reissner, president of theBayshore Civic Association; Rob-ert Murray, 252 Main St., PortMonmouth; and R. C. Leahey,59 Harbor Green Clr.

RaritanThree three-year terms on the

local Board of Education will beuncontested.

Only three incumbent boardmembers filed Friday for thethree posts. They are TheodoreSttove, Mrs. Howard W. Russell,and William M. Phillips.

Union BeachWrite-ins may decide a por-

tion of the Board of Education

FREEHOLD — A Boston macwas given a two-to three-yeaisentence in New Jersey StabPrison on Friday by Count;Judge Elvin R. Simmill oncharge of counterfeiting per-fume trade marks.

Assistant Prosecutor John W.Applegate said Goldman haibeen charged, along with hisbrother, with placing nationalbrand names on perfume thatwas not the stated brand. Thincident took place May 10, 1961,in Matawan, the prosecutor said.

Similar charges against Gold-man's brother, Philip Goldman,also of Boston) were dismissedon the motion of Mr. Applegatebecause of, insufficient evidence.

Abraham Zager, Shrewsbury,appeared for the Goldmans.

Dennis J. Falk, 18, of SouthAmboy, was given a suspendedsentence to Annandale Reforma-tory on charges of breaking andentering and grand larceny.Falk had been charged withbreaking into Norman's Furni-ture Store, Raritan Township,and taking television sets valuedat $250 on Sept. 20.

Falk was placed on probationfor two years and fined $250. Hewas represented by GeorgeKress, South Amboy.

Bookmaking CaseDaniel Dilllone, Oceanport

Ave., West Long Branch, wasgiven a one- to three-year sus-pended sentence to state prisonon a Charge of bookmaking.

Dillione, according to Mr. Ap-plegate, had pleaded guilty tobookmaking in Long BranchAug. 23.

Judge Simmill also fined Dil-lione $1,000 and placed him onprobation for two years. DIM-one was represented by Clark-son Fisher, West Long Branch.

Bernard Bowe, Ocean Ave.,Long Branch, was given a two-to three-year term In state prisonon a charge of stealing a re-volver.

According to the prosecutor,Bowe had been' charged' withstealing a revolver which De-longed to Malcolm Gilman,Naveslnk River Rd., MiddletownTownship, in August. The prose-cutor said Bowe was on parole

election here with only three per-sons having filed for six seats at

Thomas Corrado was the onlyincumbent who filed for one ofthe three full terms scheduled to

Mrs. Ida Donnelly, incumbent,and newcomer Anthony Barbato,Cottage-»Par)r, "are -seeking"1 twoof the three two-year terms.

Mrs. Doris SIsoA, Mrs. Fran-Cine Lacey, and Frank Schaden,all incumbents who were ap-

'ike's speech was followed by a pointed last year, have declinedto run.

assault and battery. He had 1 ^ W e € d to'a b a r n m i a d M s

been charged with striking Mrs. hOTnB w h e r e h e s a i d t h e y w o u l d

find more money. Instead, WeedJean Brodsky, Bath Ave., Long

at thep

of the offense./ Bowe also was represented by

Clarkson Fisher.Edward N. Howell, 22 Pilgrim

Pathway, Ocean Grove, wasgiven a suspended sentence toBordentown Reformatory on acharge of atrocious assault andbattery. Howell h a d beencharged with striking James At-tawayf-95, -Melrese-Ter.,- New

hyf ,

Monmouth, on the head with awrench April 14 in Asbury Park.

Clear Co-DefendantCharges against Erling W.

Berg, Jr., 21, of 1219 17th Ave.,Belmar, were dismissed when

with the $20,000 safe burglary atAcms supermarket in Wrights-town.

Nad GroupPolice said he also admitted

cracking safes in the Bond Bakeryhere, a Shop-Rite supermarket in

Howell pleaded guilty and ac- Toms River and the Melzer Mark-cepted full responsibility for the et In Moorestown, plus severalassault on Mr. Attaway.

Howell and Berg w4re repre-sented by Bernard Greenberg,Asbury Park. : '

Louis F. Lipsey, Jr., BimblerBlvd., Ocean Township receiveda suspended sentence to Borden-town on a charge of carnal in-

Lipsey had been charged withcommitting the offense in Nep-tune Feb. 20.

Judge Simmill placed Lipsey onprobation for two years andfined him $200. Lipsey was rep-resented by Charles Frankel,Asbury Park.

house burglaries.Police also were trying to de-

termine what, If any, connectionthe 22-year old Weed had with theAmerican Nazi Party, headquar-tered in Arlington, Va.

Burlington County Chief of De>teotives Harry E. McConnell said

decency. The prosecutor said W e e ( 1 told him he had given $S0

Fred Frost, Colts Neck Town- Woa*t hi^nl Township.ship, was given a suspended sen-tence to Bordentown on a charge "n8ton last Wednesday after try-of atrocious assault and battery.He was charged with assaulting h a d ^ n scorched. Police saida 37-year-old woman in herhome in New Shrewsbury Feb.12.

Judge Simmill placed^h.im ohprobation for three years and'ined him $250. Frost was repre- same day.sented by Albert Berich, RedBank.

21,St., New Shrewsbury, was givena suspended sentence to Borden-town on a charge of atrocious

wrench June 17 in Long Branch.Judge Simmill placed Stanton

on probation for three years and

to the Nazi Group. George LincolnRockwell, head of the group, de-nied in Arlington that his partyhad received any money fromWeed.

Police said they had confiscateda German helmet and swastikaarmband from Weed's home in

Weed had been arrested In Ar-

ing to exchange some bills that

Weed told them the bills werescorched when he used a torch toopen the Acme supermarket safe.-

Weed was returned to Wrights-town Thursday and escaped the

Buried MoneyPolice said he told them about

Acme job and offered ttoshow them where he had buriedthe money. Officers dug up a cancontaining $15,000 and then fol-

n , it. • j • mitt juisit^ 4IIVllGjr( 1-llOl.GaU, TVCCU

— ' ,.1" ,'£_ 1 1 1 2L* . J slIPP^ trough « hole in the walland escaped.

He was caught Saturday byMount Laurel police as he was

fined him $300. Stanton was h i d I n ,„ , c , o f b u s h e s

represented by John Warren, Police had arrested two broth-

Birh»,1f' H H A J,-A ers> Frederick J. Bux Jr., 23, andRichard H. Hudson, R i d g e | U w r e n c e > 21> ^ „, S p r i n g f i e l d

determinate Bordentown>n charges of breaking and en-

tering with intent to steal. Hud-son, the prosecutor said, hadbeen charged with breaking intothe Belmont and GreenbrierInns, in New Shrewsbury, March.7.


munitles.The recommendation

$50 a' pupil, meaning that no com-munity would get less school aidthan it does now.

near the field where the $15,000was found.

They said Frederick admittedparticipating in the Acme burglaryand Lawrence was held as a ma-terial witness.

Tax CollectionsUp in State

TRENTON (AP)-New Jersey'smd farms do not provide the rata- major tax oolleotions for the first>les to support schools. five months of the present budget

The commission majority will year are up $13.6 million to a to-•ecommend changing t h e formula tal of $162.7 irtlllion, State Treas-'or dispensing local school aid to urer John A. Kervlck says,wneflt these three types of com- Kervlck reported Thursday that

inheritance taxes showed the big.would gest Increase over last year, go-

change the formula for operating ing up $4.1 million. The rates foraid to provide a foundation pro- the Inheritance tax were Increasedgram of $350 a pupil, instead ofthe present $200." The local fairshare rwoulj rise bom - .005., per.per cent of a municipality's prop-erty value to .008 per cent. Theminimum payment would remain November: pari-mutuel betting

this fiscal year to raise moneyfor storm damage aid to shorecemmuniUe*,. ,,.,". . . . , • : •» , . , ,v

Kervlck reported these otherInJreased tax collections through

$2.1 million; gasoline $2 million;:corporations 1.5 million; and mo-tor vehicle fees $1.5 million.

DigiFind-It· Starts Today: &#039;The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7&#039;i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (4)

•-Monday,;'Jtmtwy 7, 1963 RED BANK REGISTER DENNIS THE MENACE By Bank Kekhum

2 Area MenCo-recipientsOf Patents

Two Red Bank area men wereeo-recipients of patents issuedlist month-

Stanley Hiram Munger of 33Wardell Ave., Rumson, and WilHam Henry linton Jr. of Wilmlngton, Del., received a patententitled "Process for the Pro-duction of Dimensionally StableFolyvinyl Resin Sheeting."

Mr. Munger and Mr. Lintondevised a process whereby poly-vinyl resin sheeting is subjectedto heating and cooling treat-ments to reduce shrinkage dur-ing storage and handling. Poly-vinyl resin sheeting is used inthe manufacture of safety glassand other products.

The patent has been assignedto E. I. du Pont de Nemoursand Company.

George A. Pullis, 96 Alexander

Dr., River Plaza, waj co-reclp(eat of a patent entitled "Tranj-mtsston Control in Two-Way Sig-naling Systems."

This invention pertains to echosuppressors for directlonallycontrolling the transmission ofsignals- > in two-communicationsystems. Mr. Pullis and his co-inventors, George W. Gilman ofNew York City and Edward G.Spade of Ardsley, N. Y., deviseda toll circuit control systemwhereby the echo suppressors,normally present in the circuit,are disabled'whenever data sig-nals are transmitted but operatenormally when speech signalsare transmitted.

The patent has been assignedto Bell Telephone Laboratories,Inc.


Davis, 16, was hurt In a trafficaccident while making a tele-phone call. A car careened intothe telephone booth in which hewas standing.


(Send your problems to George,c/o The Register.)

Dear George:What should one do when one

accidentally spills a drink in an-other person's lap? Docs onemerely apologize or does onemake a gnat to-do about themess and go on and on about it.My wife and I have been hav-

ing an argument.does one do?

Dear Ted:


a rousing chorus Of "The HeldArtillery Song"—at least it wouldtake one's attention off a wet lap.

However, usually a simpleapology will suffice. Or, yoncould make a little jolly—say,"Ooops, I forgot the olive" anddrop fh» olive down Old Wet-lap's shirt front.

The World Today:



Kennedy and CongressBy JAMES MARLOW

Associated Press News AnalystWASHINGTON (AP)-President

Kennedy seems much more sureof himself in handling the Alliesin 1963 than in handling Congress.

Before he has offered the newCongress, run by his own Demo-crats, a single program he's al-

rOOAY THMI SAU IAN. 12*KfcM • f h d i n el •» H « J w•ay, PMI< B m , MMdfetawn ftfew CMy rterw. W« raw* * •rjjht to Unit qwntiriM. NOMK>U for mok .




PERFECT WITI IMEM0ttniaWtlh.ptB.17t2tb.pk9.31t





fancy Red Rip* tartM

Tomatoes f 9< Turnips 5Washed 4 Waxed pernl

Maxwell HouseCoffee

Aunt JemimaPancake Mix

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Anchor Hocking Fire-King OvenwareH«m No. 3 . . . Now on Sals

1% qt. Oval Casserole 1.39STILL ON MUE-COMPUTE YOUR SET

I t M Re. 1:RoiRd Casserole 99*

Item No. 2:Casserole 1.39

SunshineKrispy Crackers


Log CabinSyrup4c off label

24 ez.bit. 55

Bonus Jpu Stamps at Bakery SectionEXTRA

STAMPSpurchax of a 6 count pkj. ol

English Muffins


with purchaia ol 112 count pkg. ol

Finast Engliih Muffins


with pji.,i-i« ol i 1 Ib foal FINAST

Old Fashion Bread

ready compromising. He's doingthis on a tax cut.

And before Congress evea re-

Dear George:How do you cook pleasant un-

der glass?Curious.

Dear Curious:Gee, I don't know—maybe put

a ceiling mirror in the kitchen?Or perhaps you could—hmmm.That must be a misprint Youprobably meant "pheasant" un-

turns-it doesn't come back until der glass. I don't know that,this week—he appears ready to either. Dots Oils look like a

cookbook?accept defeat on two of his majorprograms, medical care and aidto education.

If "mis seems a startling atti-tude there i3 at least one explana-tion for it: Kennedy doesn't wantto tight with Congress.

On New Year's Day ia 1962 andnow again in 1963, from Florida,where Kennedy is vacationing,have come a bundle of identicalstories from newsmen coveringhim.

Then and now the stories saidflatly what the President is think-ing about his problems. Then andnow they said the informationcame from sources close to Ken-nedy, from well-placed sources,or from the highest authority.

This doesn't leave much doubtabout their origin. And, since this fl:collective presidential mind-read-1:'Ing has now happened two yearsin a row, it looks like an annualcustom.

And since neither last year northis has Kennedy challenged whatwas reported to be on his mindthe stories can be considered bothaccurate and reliable.

He intends to follow up hisCuba success by asserting strong-er leadership over the West's coldwar policies—even at the risk ofoffending sensitive Allies.

He believes if Western problemsare to be met and solved theUnited States, must assume force-ful leadership sad discard allthought of winning an interna-tional popularity contest.

You can search all the otherthings he is reported to be think-ing and you will find nothing sopositive or forceful as his attitudeabout dealing with the Allies.

There's ta extraordinary con-trast between that and how heplans to show leadership withCongress. It's difficult to see anyreal difference between his atti-tude toward Congress and Presi-dent Eisenhower's.

Eisenhower never roughed upthe legislators, even though itmight mean getting far less thanhe said was necessary. At the endof each year the man in the WhiteHouse and the men in the Capitolwere on best of terms.

Kennedy followed exactly thatpolicy last year and apparentlyintends to do the same in 1963,even though it means some of hisbiggest programs will be cut topieces or cast aside altogether.. Although some of his support-

ers have urged him • to get tough-er, he won't. As i result, beforehe even has a chance to welcomethe new Congress to Washington,he seems gloomy and in somecases full of despair.

For example: He thinks a bigtax cut is necessary for the econ-omy. But he's run Into oppositionfrom come of the powerful menin Congress. They argue a tax cutreduces revenue and will mean adeficit.

So Kennedy, before a shoFlsfired, is already willing to com-promise for less than the cut hesays is needed.

He has ordered the Treasury toprepare a tax bill that wouldbring about the reduction in sev-eral carefully spaced steps.

But he's even gloomier aboutsomething else although his Dem-ocrats this year, like last, over-whelmingly outnumber the Re-publicans.

It's, this:He concedes his entire program

is lost, If the House fails to pre-vent a handful of conservativesfrom dominating the Rules Com-mittee which can, but only If therest of the House doesn't object,bottle up legislation.

But It will be difficult to con-vince close observers of Congressa presidential program must liveor fall on the Rules CommitteeA really tough presidential effortwould make a world of differ-ence.

The Florida stories make thePresident look even gloomierabout any chance this year forhis much talked-about programsof aid to education and medicalcare. This Is like quitting beforeyou stark .,..„.. - <11VW

All In all the Florida storiesdon't make Kennedy look veryaggressive about what he says isneeded, But he can hardly objectto that since he hasn't deniedthem.

Just what


One could stand up and render6 e I o r :

ConferenceSchedule SetFor Parents

HIGHLANDS - In order tofacilitate conferences with work-ins parents, the guidance de-partment of Henry Hudson Re-gional High School will be avail-able from 8 to 10 p.m. on thefollowing dates.

Wednesday. Jan. 23; Monday,Feb. II; Wednesday, Feb. 27;Wednesday, Mar. 13; Monday,April 1; Monday, April 22;Wednesday, May IS, and Mon-day, June 3.

Conferences may be scheduledin advance by calling the schooland making an appointment withthe following appropriate coun-

EJyrne EnrollsAt Pensacola

PENSACOLA, FU. - .NsvaiAviation Officer Candidate Wil-liam J. Byrne, son of Mr. and

Seniors and Juniors, John Av-

It adds up! More and morepeople use The Register ads eachissue because results come fast-er.-



rll; sophomores and freshmen,Kurt Schneider, and seventh andeighth grades,' Mrs. Vera Nlch-olls.

The conferences will deal withstudents' problems, schedulesand future plans.

Mrs. Dennis K. Byroe o! 38 RidgeEd,, Kumton, N, L, i« enwaied toa I6-weei courjft covering prt-flight and officer ittdoctrintaonsubjects at the .Naval Air SUtSoa

r e - • ' : ,'Upon completing the coarse,

students are commissioned en-signs' In. the Naval Reserve^

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DigiFind-It· Starts Today: &#039;The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7&#039;i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (5)

Urges Borough SeekGarden ApartmentsATLANTIC HIGHLANDS -

"It took us 68 yean to get intothe mesj we're In, but in twoweeks we're expected to solve allour problems by letting buildersput up apartments, helter-skel-ter.",. • •'•,.. • . . . . . .

That was the reaction of May-or Russell W. Morgan to theurging* of Harvey H: Bowtell, lo-cal realtor, to "set the climate"for opening up the town to "con- may "lose interest" if the plan-trolled" building of garden apart-ments—"not ,18, 12, or six monthsfrom no#, but now."

The defcate on the merits ofimmediate versus future con'atruction of multiple dwellings inthe borough took place at a meet-ing of the Local Planning. BoardThursday.'1

For some weeks now, since theplanners applied' for a borough

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17 Brood St. Red lank

master plan study, constructionof multiple dwellings here hasbeen a main topic of discussionby member* of the planningbody, the Zoning Board, and lo-cal residents.

Mr. Bowtell told the plannerslast night that people in the com-munity are concerned becausebuilders currently Interested inerecting apartment houses here

ners hold up construction untilthe matter is studied by the mas-ter plan consultant.

He gaid they were under theImpression that the master planstudy will' lake 18 months andthat new construction will beheld up until the plan'is com-pleted.

' Do or DieHe stated:"Unless we do something right

away we're dead."Earlier in the meeting,, local

builder James R. Snyder pointedout that the borough is not in aposition to wait a whole year tobuild apartments because parcelsof land that are adaptable maybe eaten up by then."

He declared garden apartmentsare "our only hope for ratableasince In the past 20 years thingssuch as light industry haveslipped through our fingers."

He called for strict control ofone to two-bedroom apartmentunits, noting that a recent sur-vey by the countyBoard revealed that there are on-ly seven children per 50 apart-ment units as opposed to 95 .chil-dren per 50 houses.

Good SUMMayor Morgan noted that the

an "0" rone for the construction


of multiple dwellings, whichtermed a "good start."

However, he emphasizedbefore the borough allowshodge-podge, haphazard"struction of apartments in otherareas, a study should be madeto determine the effect of mul-


water and sewer facilities.He said 'that the planners will

proceed as quickly as possi-ble "in an orderly fashion" tostudy and make revisions of thelocal zoning ordinance to deter-mine the most intelligent locationand most desirable types of mul-tiple dwellings."

He said zone code revisionsmay take only a few monthswith the guidance of the masterplan consultant.

'Expert Advice''That's what we hired ,an ex-

pert for — expert advice,"mayor remarked.



PrB«nr—For You andY o u r s . • • AspeeH mm againstlistening to or pasting on gootpand slanderous remarks. IxgUaction could ensue if care » nottaken. Fluu do not materializeas expected under present ia-f l u e n c e s . Unanticipated ob-stacles arise, coupled with lackof opportunity and unfavorablecircumstances.

P a r t . . . . "He custom of givingw e d d i n g anniversary presentsoriginated in Germany. In me-dieval times, it was the customfor women friends to give thehousewife a silver ring or wreath,if she had been married 20years; a gold wreath on the 50thanniversary.

Future . . ; A plant will bebuilt in 1964 to start manu-facturing a new product to com-pete with n a t u r a l leather inshoes, belts, purses and' otherarticles. The synthetic will look,feel and breathe like leather,with advantage? of u n i f o r mquality.

the Day Under Your SignARIES (bmKhrdizlfeAptl It)Put new litaa U iwfc wWlo BlaBattiyiBfluacei mrk i> n o M a l tTAURUS (April 101» May M l .If rour btstdioru in bow obatndaoVfart i i l* •(abut ckamtlixtx.G&4INI (MtyZltoJuMZl)Be careful how TOO enrol mradf uJOB mold be euUr nSSattoti.CANCER (JwwZZtoJuly21) ,Feellnf borrff Perkij* * short trig canlie srranmi. I d worth brint.LEO (July 22 h> Ana. 211Tkii is an nttlknt shoppinc Sa withmanr Urflins •nibble.VIRSO|Ay,.22foS«fcn|TUi on It ttttiuUMtitj if jotwilLatidc to rtuun* uiaUus.

LIMA (S«|*. 211* Oct. 22)Handle Monetary problem! with b e tDon't lie hired into unwise investment*,SCORPIO (Oct. 23 fe Nor. 21)B* definite and do not wtn* e r a ifsomeone tries to caaofo jou> anna.SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Osc 21]While the childim are la school, planInteresting activity1 lor jvorsdi.CAPRICORN |D*e. 2? to Jan. 20)Dip into your slate of comDiwion toserve your friends if they need you.AOUARIUS (Jan. 21 1o Fib. If)Show interest in the children's school dayjWhen #cy come borne, encourage them.

PISCES' IF»b. 20 TO March 20)Things will move slowly so ret on thejob tailjr. Tnert's feu to be done!

Q»M.«eM Enterprises, Inc.

"If we do a good job now, we'llbe better off 10 years from now.And any builder who is worthanything will be willing to waituntil there are proper regulationsto protect himself and the town."

Chairman A. James Barker in-dicated that the board Is "always

governing body recently adopted willing"—to listen to builders-refer any ideas to the planning

he consultant—and "if he says theyfit into the borough's over-allplan and are in the best interest

"the of its residents"-4nove as quick'ly as possible to rezone an areafor them.

InNon-Conforming Uses

later discussion of non-tiple dwellings on the borough's conforming uses m the borough,

Mr. Bowtell claimed that thetown is "loaded" with housesthat have apartments illegally.'

He said construction of multi-ple dwellings which would bringratables is being blocked.

Mr. Morgan shot back:"We're not blocking anything.

We're just trying to plan. intelli-gently to prevent future mis-takes."

In other business, the board ap-proved a 1963-64 operating budg-et totaling $40(M25O for sala-ries and $150 expenses. The gov-erning body must okay the pro-posal.

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NEW SHREWSBURYMr, and Mrs. Bruce Anderson,

SO Clearview Dr., gave a mid-night supper party recently.Among the guests Were Mr. andMrs. William G. Siiter, Mr. andMrs. Harvey G. Miller, Mr. andMrs. Joseph Rlley, Mr. and Mrs.Gerald Heinzman, Mr. and Mrs.Paul Knauff, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-liam Noon, Mr.and Mrs. RonaldHass and Mr. and Mrs. JohnSharpe. "

An afternoon cocktail partywas given over New Year'sweekend by Mr. and Mrs. Law-rence Thompson, 38 WillshireOr. Guests included Mr. andMrs. George Schuetz and Mr.and Mrs. Karl Bergmann, Mid-dletown; Mr. and Mrs. CharlesKasse and Mr. and Mrs. JohnEmery, Little Silver; Mr. andMrs. Edmond Burke, Lincroft;Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steel, Mr.and Mrs. Francis Carroll, Mr.and Mrs. F. Lawrence Singer,Mr. and Mrs. John Fagan, Mr.and Mrs. Kevin McCrain, Mr.and Mrs. George Murphy, Mr.and Mrs. H.B. McHugh, 3d, Mr.and Mrs. Richard Swenson, Mr.and Mrs. Benjamin Pickering,Mr. and Mrs. John Kline, Mr.and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mr. andMrs. Robert Pursell, Mr. andMrs. John Doughty, Mr. and Mrs.Robert Gordon, Jr., Mr. and Mrs.H.D. Hunt and Mr. and Mrs.Paul Regan, New Shrewsbury;and weekend guests from Penn-ington, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Brels-ford.

ttoney, Mr. tad Mrs, JosephLarkia, Mr. and M M . CharlesStoiik, Mr. aad Mrs. John Brit-]ton aad M*. and Mrs. Robert1

Warren, New Shrewsbury; Mr.!and Mrs. William Bennett, FairHaven; Mr. and Mrs. MalcolmMarkendorf, Lincroft, and Mr.and Mrs. Lester Evans, Plain-field.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Billings,Riverdale Ave., entertain mem-bers of their family recently.Visiting were Dr. and Mrs. OliverG. Billings, Collingswoodu Mr.and Mrs. Joseph A. Shield, New-ark^ Del.; Mr. and Mrs. JosephA. Shield and daughter, Susan,Middletown; Mr. and Mrs. JohnJohnson, Washington, D.C., andMr. and Mrs. Oliver G. BillingsJr., Little Silver.

Mr, and Mrs. John Briton, 11Kent PI, cave a cocktail partyrecently. Dr. and Mrs. F. X,Falivene and G. Ward Britten,Long Branch; Mr. and Mrs. T.Richard West, West Long Branch;Mr. and Mrs, Earl Alexander,Oakhurst; Mr. and Mrs. WilliamConnelly, Portaupeck; "RobertWelch, Wanamassa ; Mr. andMrs. Harvey Leuin, Syracuse,N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kjauff,Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller, Mr.and Mrs. Vincent Roache, Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Bechtle, Mr.and Mrs. Frank Connelly andMr. and Mrs. William Suter, NewShrewsbury.

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hass, 56Partridge La., has as guests dur-ing the Christmas and NewYear's holidays their parents andMrs. Hass' grandmother fromChicago, III. Mr. and Mrs. JohnPals, Mrs. Barbara Johnson andMrs. Helen Hass.

Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. JamesY. D. Unbar, 75 Riveredge Rd.,

In Stonehaven, Mr. and Mrs'.Martin Coleman, 78 Apple Or-chard Dr., served a midnight buf-fet to Mr. and' Mrs. LawrenceTatum, Mr. and Mrs. CharlesKeeney, Mr. and Mrs. HanonCone and Mr. and Mrs. EvanHerbert, New Shrewsbury; Mr.and Mrs. Edwin Robins, Mr. andMrs. Lewis Kremer and Mr. andMrs. Kathanial Hower, LittleSilver; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ser-geant, Red Bank; Mr. and Mrs.Leon Hoyt, Lincroft, and Mr. andMrs. James Shea, Rumson.

by their open house. Present wereMr. and Mrs. Frank Connelly,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warren,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thome,Mr. and Mrs. William Suter, Mrand Mrs. Edward Riley,' Mr.and Mrs. Paul Knauff, Mr. andMrs. Mason DeCamillis, Mr. andMrs. Glenn Rodman, Mr. andMrs. George Moffett, Mr. andMrs. Wayne Nichols, Mr. andMrs. Vincent Roache, Mr. andMrs, Jack Arnold, Mr. and Mrs.Richard Callaghan, Mr. and Mrs.Peter Duma, Mr. and Mrs. Eric0. Holmgren, Jr., and Dr. andMrs. Jerald Cureton, New Shrew-bury, and Malcolm Frey andRolf Hertwig, Princeton.

Open house was held by Mr.and Mrs. Frank Connelly, 85Reeds Rd. Dropping in were Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Bechtle, Mr.and Mrs. Harvey Miller, Mr. andMrs. John Ewald, Mr. and Mrs.Paul Knauff, Mr. and Mrs. Vin-cent Roache, Mr. and Mrs. JamesDunbar, Mr. and Mrs. CharlesThome, Mr. and Mrs. RichardCallaghan, Mr. and Mrs. John

EE5 BANK BEGISiteR Monday, January 7, 1963-5

Mr, and Mrs. 1 gLakewood; Mr. and Mr«. Joseph.McCann and Mr. and Mrs. FredCollender, Little Silver; Mr, and

rs. Richard Nichols and Mr.and Mrs. Robert Bruguiere,hrewsbury; Mr. and Mrs. Fred

Pitten, Rumson; Miss Doris BoS-worth, New York City, and Mr.

nd Mrs. William McCandless,Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Rose, Mr.nd Mrs. Irving Bodholt, Mr. and

Mrs. Charles S t o s i k , Mr. andMrs. Charles Thorne and Mr.md Mrs. John Malone, Newihrewsbury.

Mr. and Mrs. Gino De Paola,32 Knollwood Dr., gave a NewYear's eve party tor Mr. andMrs. John Wilson, West LongBranch; Mr. and Mrs. LenartNilson, LincrofT; Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Harris, Holmdel, and Mr.and Mrs. Keith Olson, Mr. andMrs. Raymond R. Wright, Mr.and Mrs. Peter XefteriSf Mr. andMrs. Richard Silverstein, Mr. andMrs. Bruce Dumont, Mr. andMrs. R.D. Baars, Mr. and Mrs.Robert Roche and Mr. and Mrs.

served supper to all who dropped Bernard Post, New Shrewsbury.

A New Year's eve party wasgiven by Mr. and Mrs. WalterTrillhaase, 452 Riverdale Ave.Celebrating with them were Mr.and Mrs. Robert Thurber, Rum-son; Mr. and Mrs. John Henrie,Fair Haven; Mr. and Mrs. WalterRail, Middletown; Mr. and Mrs.John Knott, Little Silver; Mr.and Mrs. Steve Spahn, and Mr.and Mrs. Anson Peckham, NewShrewsbury, and Mr. and Mrs.William Harvard, Shrewsbury.

Mr, and Mrs, Lawton Cox, 82Coverdale Cir., held a NewYear's eve party. Guests wereMr. and Mrs. Robert Truex and

Mr. and Mrs. John Doughty,32 Thayer Dr., held open.houseNew Year's Day. Stopping bywere Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Jeterand Mr. and Mrs. James Ma-loney, Fair Haven; Mr. and-Mrs.Richard Davidoff, New Milford;Mr. and Mrs. Alan Powder-maker, Fort Lee; Mrs. AnnBivona, Red Bank; Larry Leins,Long Branch; Mr. and Mrs.Richard Merrell, Short Hills, andMr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mr.ind Mrs. Robert Pursfcll, Mr. andflrs. Anthony Salerno, Mr. andtlrs. William Suter, Mr. andtlrs. S.L. Singer and Mr. andilrs. Lawrence Thompson, Newihrewsbury.

BANKINGt r t in fca your temngs, ehttklng, borrowing and n h depositheodquorrtri. But of all, hank in jwrt M M itop of your tar.at our drive-in window, now at .11 8 o f l W '

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Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chaney,16 Apple Orchard Dr., spentChristmas vacation with theirfamilies in Royal Oaks, Mich.

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Ked k(mk ilcgUteiBroad gtrnt, Keg Bank. W. J. Bute Highway g , MMdtotwni

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Leave Politics Out of ItReorganization day, Jan. 1, made

for an interesting study in contrastsso far as political motivations areconcerned in a trio of Bayshoretowns which have two-party govern-ing bodies.

In Middletown Township andKeyport, the sessions featured dis-plays of non-partisanship—whereasin Matawan Borough this was notquite the case.

In Middletown, where the Demo-crats came to power for the firsttime in more than half a hundredyears, the administration sat downwith the minority GOP bloc aheadof time to discuss appointments andadministrative organization.

On Jan. 1, as a result, there wasno backbiting, no recrimination.Transition of power went smoothly^and though there will be disagree-ment throughout the year, the stagewas set for it to be honest, healthydisagreement, over and above partylines.

Mayor Earl Moody had thesewords to say, which Republicans aswell as Democrats will find comfort-ing and encouraging:

"Middletown is no longer a place'just out of Red Bank' . . . I t is theplace of New Jersey's first settle-ment, rich in culture and history.

"Every resident has a right to beproud of Middletown and every resi-dent has an obligation to worlrforits unity and growth. Only in sucha spirit of unity and co-operation canwe achieve the aims we all desire—the growth of business to relievehigh residential property taxes, thesensible control of residential devel-opment so as not to place an impos-sible burden on our municipal andschool facilities, and reasonable serv-

ices by our government in all partsof the- township in roads, drainage,police protection and in other areasinvolving our health, safety ancwelfare."

In Keyport, thejiew mayor, Carlton H. Poling, is a Democrat insea of six Republican councilmen.

He could have made headlinesJan. 1 by starting the year with anopen (and futile) fight over appoint-ments, resolutions and so forth.

He did not.He stated clearly that more can

be accomplished by co-operationthan by bickering — provided bothsides indulge in a degree of give andtake—and let it be known that hewill attempt to "get along" and ex-pects the same posture on the partof the GOP.

Keyport's Council President Hen-ri J. Hansen has already pledgedteamwork by the Republicans. "Wiwant the town to move forward,'he said.

But there are no bouquets foiMatawan's Democrats.

Last year, the party's councilmencontinued the long-standing tradi-tion of electing council's senior member as governing body president.

They took credit, and rightly so,for holding to this non-partisanpractice, which put a Republican in-to the position, and were commended' for it' in &e press.

This year, without a word, theDemocrats reversed the tradition,and denied the post to a Republicancouncilman, Vernon A. Ellison, whohas served with distinction.

Partisan politics should stop athe edge of the council table. .

In those towns where it does not,the electorate suffers.

These Days;

7 Million-Car Year Will Be CommonplaceBy JOHN CHAMBERLAIN

In 1955 Detroit sold more than7.1 million cars. The followingyear the automobile marketdropped way off—and the motoimanufacturers have been shellshocked ever since.

So battle-weary and cautioushave they been that, when thicar sales figures for 1962 prom-ised to reach seven million forthe first time in seven years,the immediate response to suchunaccustomed good fortune wasto predict a drop-back far 1963.Just recently, however, some othe more adventurous Detroitbigwigs have dared to veer to theside of optimism. American Mo-tors President Roy Abernethyhas predicted that seven millioncars will be sold in 1963—makingthe first two back-to-back seven-million-car years in history. AndChairman Frederick Donner ofGeneral Motors has also put onsome rose-colored spectacleswhen looking at the sales pros-pects for. the new year.

This column has no businesstrying to function as a markettip sheet, but it would like to goon record right now in sayingthat, barring a drastic political-cum-military disaster, Detroitwill never sell fewer than 7 mil-lion cars in any year of thefuture'. The seven-million flooiIs implicit in the statistics. ItIs also Implicit in the new wayof life of the American people,who are spread out in a suburbanpattern of living that makes twocars to the middle-income fam-ily a virtual necessity.

Statistic*First, let us look at the statis-

tics. With more than 70 millioncars on the roads, Detroit hasonly to tap the replacement mar-ket to sell seyen million in ayear. Some automobiles may lastlonger than a decade, but whenthey do they usually gravitate in-to the hands of teen-age tinkererswho, with a genius for canni-balizatlon, keep old jalopies go-ing by fleshing them out with

stuff from the junkyard. The 10- without aggressive salesmanship,year-old car may not be a can-didate for a scrappage statisticin every case, but in being passedon to junior It Is virtually cer-tain to be replaced by mom anddad for adult use, so It need notfigure in a discussion of new carsales prospects.

Thus the auto replacement floorwould stem to be guaranteed atseven million, which Is somethingthat should normally be reached

6—Monday, January 7, 1963

Even beyond the seven-millionfigure, the dealers shouldn't havevery much trouble in the neafuture. For the big war andpost-war baby boom seems aboutto pay off, with an expanded rushof young couples In their earliesttwenties coming Into the marketfor cars. The population statis-tics won't permit a drop-back fothe Detroit of the middle andlate 1960s.

Admittedly, It Is no longermatter of keeping up with theJoneses in automobiles: peopleare willing to drive anything thawill move, which means that oldcars are kept going for a longtime. Any look at a commuterstop on any railroad that feed:working males into a metropoliswill show a most ramshackle col-lection of automotive junk whosesole virtue is that it still movesHut you may be sure that forevery jalopy that Is parked alday while the male member otthe family is busy working in thecity, another and newer car istaking the housewife to the shop-ping center or the children tomusic lessons or rehearsals forthe school play.

* Two Cars CommonNor is the second car the prop-

erty of the affluent few. The'act is that at least half of allthe non-farm families in Americahave "disposable"—or after-tax—incomes of $5,000 to $10,000year. Since people will notor-iously go without other things toachieve the utmost in personalmobility, this means that about20 million families can take twocars in di&ir stride with helpfrom a little judicious* financing,The opportunity to upgrade the$5,000-$10,000 family's second carinto .something newer and betterbeckons the aggressive dealer,and if the promised federal taxcut materializes Detroit mightfind itself with a record eightmillion car year to its credit,This could happen In 1963 If Con-gress would only hurry up itaschedule on tax reform.

"Hurt Urt Gnj looked Uke Kennedy"

your Money's Worths

Compromise Is Tax Cut KeyBy SYLVIA PORTER

In 1962 we asked ourselves one vitally right question about the U.S. economy. Is the oppressive incometax structure we created at a time of global war a keyreason business has failed to grow fast enough in re-cent years to take up the slack in production and

employment? In 1962, the answer"yes!" emerged with remarkable una-nimity amgng fiscal "conservatives"and "liberals," Republicans and Demo-crats, businessmen and labor leaders.

As a result of asking ourselves thatright question and coming to thatanswer in 1962 the odds are the bright-est in years that in 1963 Congress will

PORTER overhaul our restrictive tax system, re-duce tax rates across-the-board for both individualsand corporations.

Congress is about to convene. After the usualformalities, it will hear the President's message* get

to work. Overshadowing all other domestic legislationwill be the call for tax reduction-reform.

It is already abundantly obvious that there willbe major disagreements in Congress on the tax over-haul—its form, timing, size, impact on consumer andbusiness spending patterns.

No CinchIt is obvious too that getting tax reductions

through this Congress will be' no cinch in view of thefacts that the new budget will be billions in the redror the third year in a row, the national debt is climb-

ing to an all-time high and just the interest paid onthis debt is now taking more than $10 billion of ourtax money each year.

Let's, therefore,perspective.

put a few basic points in

1—Just about every informed, objective observerrecognizes the danger to our nation ©{.budget deficitson top of budget deficits. Years of red ink in a nation's

iudget can undermine its' credit and the buying powerof its currency just as years, ot red ink in a' family's

iudget can undermine its credit and buying power.When Sen. Byrd, the Virginia Democrat who heads thepowerful Senate Finance Committee, warns of the

2—Just about every informed, objective observerperils in budget deficits, no one scoffs. The perils exist,now agrees that our high income tax rates are a drag•n our economy, that they blunt recoveries, encourageecessions, weaken incentives. The agreement on this

truly extraordinary.

Unrealistic3—-Just about every informed, objective observer

realizes it is politically unrealistic to expect that federal spending will be cut as much as taxes are reduced—which is Byrd's demand. The President has said i

Jainly. Non-defense spending will be held near cur*ent levels but spending for defense, space and debinterest is going up. Regardless of how much yousympathize with Byrd's view, this is fact.

4—Just about every informed, objective observeradmits that if our economy continues moving as slug-gishly as it has been for years, it will not produceenough taxes to cover government spending. We wilpile new deficit on new deficit, our national debt wilsoar, our interest burden will rise even more, our un-employment rate will stay stickily high, our demandsor goods will not be big enough to spur industry intoliking its spending for essential moderaization-expan-;ion programs.

Untried Stimulant5—Just about every informed, objective observer

emphasizes that the one stimulant we haven't tried—which has done^the'-job in Europe and could do it here—is significant tax reduction to expand consumer andbusiness spending and give businessmen the incen-ives to go into ventures that wifl create jobs, pay-tfiecks, profits.

Where do these five points lead? They lead toomprormse.

The President already is compromising in publicand private. No longer is he aiming at Jan. 1, 1963,as the effective date for the reductions. He has pledged

iajor efforts to control spending and to finance thejudget deficit out of our savings—the>least inflationary

ay the government can borrow. He will submit tax-aising reforms along with his tax reduction proposals.

Surely, Congress in turn will compromise, for letthis be clear. If Congress insists on a balanced budgetbefore voting tax reduction, it will be insisting on theimpossible and this will be equivalent to saddling uswith our obsolete, punitive tax structure Indefinitely.


WASHINGTON - . Like deatland taxes, the draft Is going tobe a permanent part of the lives

yearsof young Americans forto come.

This inescapable fact will behighlighted in President Kenne-dy's annual State of the Unionmessage to Congress this week.

He will ask the legislatorsextend the present draft law,scheduled to expire June 30, an-other five years because thereare no signs of an early endingof the Cold War.

The presidential message willalso include a request,to renewhis authority to call the readyReserves to active duty for an-other year. This authority, ap-proved by Congress last year,expires on February 28.

Inseking these extensions, thePresident will tell Congress thatthe powers are needed to main-tain the present high-level readi-ness of V. S. forces against po-tential Soviet threats to peaceBerlin and Cuba.

Length of military service under the draft wilt be kept at thpresent two years. Still to be de-cided by the President is wheth-er to recommend draft exemp-tions for those who serve in thePeace Corps or the proposedNational Service Corps the Ad-ministration hopes to set up thisyear.

This controversial "exemption"proposal has touched oft a sharppolicy dispute within the Ken-nedy administration. DefenseSecretary McKamara and theJoint Chiefs of Staff are opposedto building up these so-called"peace" services at the expenseof the military.

Suporting the proposal are asmall group of White House ad-visers, including Theodore C.Sorensen, special counsel to thePresident. They favor the ex-emptions on the ground thatthese peace and service activi-ties, are just as important inthe Cold War as military strengthAt present, Peace Corps mem-bers receive no exemption.

Full SupportProspects are very good for

swift congressional approval fothe extension of both presidentialpowers. But any administrationplan to increase draft exemp-tions has no chance of passage.

Sen. Richard Russell, D-Ga.,chairman of the Senate ArmedServices Committee, and Rep.Carl Vinson, __ D-Ga., chairmanof the House Rules Committee,already have sent word to theWhite House that they wouldsupport both presidential re-quests, but want no tamperingwith the laws that would in-crease exemptions.

Instead, Russell $nd Vinson areurging the President to take ad-ditional administrative action tocut down on the number ofyoung people now being excusedfrom military service because ofphysical and mental defects.

A recent Defense Departmentreport to their committees esti-mated that only one out of fivecalled by the draft is actuallybeing inducted into the services.The other four are exempted forreasons running from physicaldisabilities to low I.Q.'s. The twoveteran legislators believe thispercentage is too high.

Note: By recommending a five"-year extension,nedy hopes to

Presidentkeep the


Tom becoming an issue in the1964 presidential election as itdid in 1956.

TheSkybolt ProbeDefense Department's

abrupt termination of the devel-opment of the Skybolt air-to-ground ballistic missile hasn'tneded that controversy.

The Senate Armed ServicesCommittee plans to heat up thedispute again this month bycalling the Joint Chiefs of Staffto present their arguments forcontinuing the missile project.

All of the Joint Chiefs, includ-ing Gen, Maxwell Taylor, chair-man, recommended that tne controversial Skybolt program becontinued. These military advis-ers of .the President have notmade their position known pub-licly because of an- order by theWhite House not to discuss themissile in speeches or state-ments.

In addition to the Skybolt, theJoint Chiefs will be quizzedabout their recommendations forputting the Army's Nike-Zeusanti-missile missile into produc-tion. According to advance In-formation given Sen. RichardRussell. D-Ga.,,chairman, all theJoint Chiefs favor this move.

While President Kennedy hasnot yet ordered the Nike-Zeusproject stopped, Army officialsare afraid that this missile program will be the next to be killedby the administration.

At present, the Army has ap-proval only to continue tesflngand developing — not producing— the missile, despite some re-markable successes scored byhe anti-ICBM weapon during the

past six months.As he did In the case of the

Skybolt project, Jerome B. Welsner, the President's special sci-ence adviser, recommendeddropping the Nike-Zeus missileprogram. It was also Welsner'sInfluence that • persuaded thePresident In 1961 to cancel theArmy's plans to produce theNike-Zeus.

CAPITOL HILL - Senate lib-erals seeking to change the "un-limited debate" rule now havei3 votes. That's 14 short of the

(Continued on Page 7)


Visit to a CemeteryVisits to a cemetery are not for me. Nor would

I want to be visited if I were a tenant The tilted head-stones, the mangy grass, the events beyond recaptureare good for those who feel penitential, or gullty> ormorbidly triumphant1 at still being alive. For me, prayer

is everything. The walk in the cemeteryis a pointless sacrifice.

My mother and my first wife, Eli-nor Dunning Bishop, are a row apartin the granite platoon. Six rows awayis Helen Scanlon, the dark sprite withthe laughing eyes. little Frankle West-phal, 11, with cheeks like polished ap-ples, is nearby. So are my grandparents,my mother-in-law, cousins, friends be-

BISHOP yond number.Is a prayer said there of more value than one said

in a church? Or at home? The setting of a w r e a t h -does it please the clay beneath? A bouquet of, roses—who sees them? Who smells the fragrant goodness?The giver? Or the recipient?

Still, I must admit that I was, touched recently bysuch a visit To tell it properly, I must explain thatwhen Elinor died, our daughter Gayle was sick in bed.She was 13, an age of delicate emotional balance inyoung ladies. She was verging on pneumonia. I wason a ship. Virginia Lee, our older daughter, was at thehospital with her mother.

Gayle was too young, too sick to be told that hermother was not doing well. Ginny walked Into the bed*room one day, tears standing on her lids, and said:Mommy died this morning." As simple as that Gayle

pulled the bedclothes up under her chin, stared at theceiling, and wept

After the funeral, the children and I tried to recallhappy things about mother; fun things.,Sometimes, inthe midst of the laughter, there was a mist of memory,too. But always, Gayle set her lips grimly and left theroom. Ginny and I felt that she was callous. She nevercried. \

The opposite was true. Gayle was the one hardesthi t We did not know i t We forgot that, in the finaltwo years of life, Elinor had been taken care of exclu-sively by Gayle. We failed to recall that it had beenGayle who had doled out pills at all hours, went to thestores innumerable^ times, got the glass of water, heldthe hand, patted the cheek, and became a wise old ladywhen she was still a child.

All of which led to a nervous breakdown. It re-quired two years of grief to crush Gayle. Two years ofinner sorrow coupled with a feeling thafit was unjustof her mother to die suddenly. Two years when a girls transmuted into a young lady. A delicate time to be

left with a father and a police dog.The breakdown led to a sudden elopement, a poor

marriage and a beautiful baby. The marriage brokewhen a young energetic husband could not understandhis wife's depression. Gayle came home. It wasn't easybecause now her father had a new wife, and two newlittle girls were in the house.

But Gayle was determined to bury all the sorrows.It required a lot of work and a monumental will tosucceed. Day by day, she won a little ground. Inch byinch, she pulled herselJLupright She decided to studyto become a practical nurse. By day and by night, sheimmersed herself in nursing books. She took jobs innursing homes where the old and the chronically sickwere not sure what they wanted. Or why.

All last summer, Kelly and I watched the laughtercome back into Gayle's heart She became the breezy,witty tomboy she had once been. Life became funagain. She reached the ripe old age of 19, a dark wom-an with mischief in her eyes. Her career became in-creasingly important.

Immersion in work is strong therapy. Little by lit-tle, she found herself able to talk about her motherwithout feeling hurt Little by little, she found herselfseeking Kelly's advice. Little by little, she began toconfide in Kelly. Then one day she called out "Hey,mom!" and the new mother, who knew she could notreplace the real one, realized that she had an additionaldaughter.

Christmas Eve came. The weather was clear andcold. Chunks of ice floated like giant cakes of soapdown the Shrewsbury River. Gayle said: "Are you go-ing to visit mommy's grave?" I said no. Her soul wasnot there, and her soul was what lived. "I think I'llgo," she said. .

"Well," Kelly said, , "if s quite a drive." Gaylesmiled. "Stop worrying about me. I'm going. I want todecorate the grave." She went. I worried a little be-cause it was going to be a severe test. The young ladywas going to face this one alone.

„ She went At 5 p.m. I heard the front door slam,waited in the office at the back of the house. No use

ippearing anxious. She came out, and kissed me on thesheek. "Like you said," she murmured, "there's noth-ing there. But I'm glad I went."


DigiFind-It· Starts Today: &#039;The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7&#039;i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (7)

THE MISSING BRIDE —Lucille Ball trie! to explain toth« wedding gueits, at well at to her daughter, CandyMoors (carrying flowers) and to Vivian Vance (atpiano), that tha bride hat chosen to elope rather than gothrough with a house wedding, on "The Lucy Show"tonight (8:30-9:00 p.m., EST) on the CBS TelevisionNetwork. (

TV Key PreviewsToday's top television shows as

previewed .and selected by TVKey's staff of experts who at-tend rehearsals, watch screen-ings, and analyze scripts in NewYork and Hollywood.

THE LUCY SHOW. There's adrunk scene in this one betweenLucy and Vivian that shouldn'tbe missed. Our pals are ,out inthe, kitchen preparing a cakeand some punch for a wedding.The punch is spiked and thegirls,-being thirsty, imbibe. Thelaughs are big enough to hurtin this sequence. 8:30 p.m. CBS.

DANNY THOMAS. A charm-ing episode filmed in Paris thispast summer. Danny and Kathypick up a cute little French boy

'who pretends he's lost in thepark, .and the youngster takesthem on a Parisian tour, BenBoda as the boy is the cutestkid we've seen on TV this sea-son. The, ladies will want to hughim. 9 p.m. CBS.

ANDY GRIFFITH. Tonight'sentry has a suitable premise forthe talents of honest deputy Bar-ney Fife, and it comes off nicely.Fife puts a parking ticket on thegovernor's car and shows hiscourage when he refuses to tearit up. Barney intends to act likea man and stick to his gunsabout the whole thing, while histeeth chatter. 9:30 p.m. CBS.

DAVID BRINKLEY'S JOURN-AL. Brinkley's film on Alaska,"America's last wild frontier,"is full of wry comments on thepotential riches of' our largeststate, and the poverty of itseconomy. There's a host of de-tail on all the gold, timber, oiland fish that usually spell prosperity, but there's just as muchon the physical deterrents thatkeep them practically untouched.All In all, a worthwhile visit toa land of adventure that needsto come into its own. (Color)10 p.m. NBC.


Boyle Opens


NEW" "YORK (AP)—Things a Britain on Aug. 27, 1896, betweencolumnist might never know it he 9:02 and 9:40 a.m. The'only en-didn't open his mail:

The dying wish of Kit Carson,famous frontiersman, was, "I'd

. like to have Just one more dish ofchill."

gagement was a 38-minute navalbombardment. The winner: GreaBritain.

Beware dating a girl who says,"I eat like a bird"—particularly

No wonder American women if the bird happens to be a para-ire so lovely. They spend aboutnine million hours a week in thenation's 110,000 beauty parlors.

If you find you've forgotten

keet. A parakeet eats nearly 100times its own weight in food eachyear.

It was James Branch Cabelyour hanky, you can always use a w h 0 observed, "The optimist pro-dollar bill to clean your glasses— claims that we live in the best of

all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears this is true."'

If you can find anyone who stillcarries that much cash around.

Sign in a Greenwich Village del-icatessen: "Se habla aqui Yid-dish."

The tune played most often inAmerica is "The Star-SpangledBanner," but the most popularliving composer is Irving Berlin,who had no formal musical edu-cation. His melodies are playedmore than two million times ayear in public.

Our quotable notables: "Modernwomen understand everything ex-cept their husbands"-^-OscarWilde.

The familiar Rx mark on pre-scriptions is said to stem from theRoman sign of Jupiter. Romandoctors, legend says, adopted it inthe hope of winning help fromtheir awesome chief deity in the squad; Jerry Nappi, president oftreatment of disease.

It now costs a U.S. firm anaverage of $1.84 to send out a busi-ness letter. In Greece a postcardcosts less if you limit the messageon it to five words.

v A kangaroo is only an inch longat birth and semitransparent like thony Montagna, owner of Brook-an earthworm. If you can't tellthe difference between a hippopot-amus and a rhinoceros, count the Court,creature's toes. A hippo has four,a rhino only three.

The shortest war in history tookplace between Zanzibar and Great

Give ChecksTo First Aid,Firemen

RARITAN TOWNSHIP-Checksrepresenting donations to theTownship of Raritan First Aidand Rescue Squad, and RaritanTownship Fire Companies, werepresented last week to the vari-ous organizations by the RaritanMobile Park Owners Association.

Participating in the presenta-tion were Anthony Regenyc, as-sistant captain of the first aid

the North Centerville FireCompany; James Cullen, presi-dent of the Hazlet Fire Company;Norman Randolph, president ofthe West Keansburg Fire Com-pany; Joseph Brunner, vice presi-dent of the first aid squad; An-

side Mobile Park, and RobertAlbe, Owner of Locust MobilB

No problem finding tenantswhen you advertise The Registerway—Advertisement.



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2-Love Of-Life-Serial4—Your First Impression7—Ernie Ford—Variety9—Fireside Theater

13—Russian For Beginners12:23


2—Search For Tomorrow4—Truth Or Consequences5—Cartoons7—Father Knows Best9—Memory Lane

11—Rocky And His Friends13-nMusic Interlude

! 12:452^-Guiding Light—Serial

11—Merry Mailman—Children12:50



2-»-Wonien's\ Page4-Leave It To The Girls5—Cartoons7~Answering Service

11-Global Zobei13—Fun at One


I:J02-̂ -As The World Turns5—Movie—Drama9^-Star And Story

U—People Are Funny13—New York Metropolis


1:5013—Adventures in Merchandising

2:002—Password4—Merv Griffin-Variety7—Day In Court—Drama9—Seekers—Education

U—Divorce Court—Drama2:10

13—Places in the News2:25


2-iHouse Party.7—Seven Keys9-Movle—Western

13—Time Now For Music2:50

13—Music Interlude2:55


3:002—To Tell The Truth4—Loretta Young—Drama5—Doorway To Destiny7—Queen For A Day

U—How To Marry A Millionaire13-News

3:1513—Music Interlude


3:302—Millionaire '4—Young Dr. Malone—Serial

,5—Mr. District Attorney7-Who Do You Trust?

11—Best Of (Jroucho ,13—You, the Consumer

. 4 : 0 02—Secret Storm—Serial4—Match Game5—Deputy Dawg—Cartoons7—American Bandstand9—Kingdom of the Sea

U—Bozo The Clown4:25

4-News11—Mr. Peabody

4:302—Edge Of Night—Serial4—Make Room For Daddy5—Felix And The Wizard7—Discovery '63—Children9—Chubby Jackson

11—Cartoon Zoo13—American Economy

4:557—American Newsstand

5:002—Love That Bob—Comedy4—News

17—News* 9—Zoorama11—Dick Tracy13—Once Upon A Day—Children

5:057—1 Married Joan

5:2511—Rocky And His Friends

5:302—Movie—Adventure5—Sandy's Hour—Children7—Highway Patrol—Police9—Movie—Drama

11—Popeye—CartoonsMONDAY EVENING

7—News11—Three Stooges13-What's New—Children



6:257—Capsule Comment

6:304—Local News5—Mickey Mouse Club7—News .

11—Yogi Bear—Cartoons13—Profile: New Jersey


•:4S2-News4-News7—Focus On The News

7:004—Biography—Documentary5—Outlaws—Western7—Ann Southern—Comedy9—Merrytoon Circus

11—News 'ttr-Russian For Beginners


11—Local News '7:15

2—News7:25 v


2—To Tell The Truth4—If* A Man's World7—-Dakotas—Western9—Movie—Drama .

11—Checkmate—MysteryIS—Books For Our Time

8:002—I've Got a Secret5—Tightrope—Police

8:392—Lucille Ball-Comedy4—Saints and Sinners5—Peter Gunn—Mystery7—Rifleman—Western

II—One Step Beyond13—Artist's View

9:002—Danny Thomas5—Cain's Hundred—Drama7—Stoney Burke—Drama

11—'I Search For Adventure13—Perspectives

9:302—Andy Griffith4-Price Is Right9—Maverick—Western

11—Grand Jury —Police10:00

2—Loretta Young4-David Brinkley's JournalS—Deputy—Western7—Ben Casey

11—True Adventure13-World, at Thirteen

10:302—Stump The Stars4—New York Illustrated5—Dragnet—Police9-KeyhoIe

11—Wyatt Earp13—Poetry Readings


11-News13—Religion In The News

11:104—Weather7—Local News '

, 11:154—News5—Movie

11—Steve Allen11:30

2—'Movie4—Johnny Carson7-Movie




9—Almanac Newsreel1:05

4-Headline7—Movie9—News and Weather





3:152—Give Us This Dav



2—Give Us This Day—Religion4—Sermonette


1:002-College of (he Air4—Continental Classroom

6:302—Sunrise Semester4—Continental Classroom

7:002—News and Weather-4-Today7—Early Bird Cartoons

7:055—Call To Prayer—Religion


7:305—Columbia Lectures7_News

8:002—Captain Kangaroo5—Sandy Becker—Children7—Tommy Seven—Cartoons

• 8:307—Little Rascals—Cartoons

8:509—News and Weather

13-News8:55 '

9—Almanac Newsreel

GINGER By Gettermann

"Thit is the last time you come along to an auction,Gingir l"

2—UfeOfRiley4—Trouble With Father7—News9—Jack La Lanne11—Operation Alphabet

1:10 -7—Funny Manns


8:302—Our Miss Brooks4—Dr. Joyce Brothers ,5—Topper—Comedy7—Gale Storm—Comedy9—Movie—Drama

11—Comedy Party9:45

4-News13—Wonder of Words

10:002—Calendar4—Say When5—Movie—Mystery7^-Susie—Comedy11—Ed Allen

10:0513—Experiences in English



13—Science Corner10:30

2—1 Love Lucy—Comedy4—Play Your Hunch7—Girl Talk


13—Parlons Francais II11:00

2—McCoys—Comedy4—Price Is Right ,7—Jane Wyman—Drama9—Playhouse 60

13—Time Now For Music11:20

13—Experiences in English11:25


2—Pete and Gladys4—Concentration5—Romper Room7—Yours For A Song

11:4013—Places in the News

11:5011—Merry Mailman


WASHINGTON - However un-pleasant the Sbbject may be inthis gray morning-after period ofthe new year, the harsh and un-deniable fact is that this govern-ment must face up now to thenecessity of curbing the power ofirresponsible labor.

Few politicians, even amongthe conservatives, really relishthe notion of reopening thesweaty, immensely difficult andill-rewarding field of labor leg-islation. There are many reasonsto do so—the main one perhapsbeing the violent and unreason-ing response which will inevit-ably come from the great votingblocs within organized labor.

But there is a single, compel-ling reason to do so. This is,simply, nothing less than thepreservation of basic national in-terest. It is the greatest domes-tic issue before this country.

Though it made some improve-ments in 1960, Congress has notenacted any general labor leg-islation since the Taft-HartleyAct of 1948. This act went fartoward restoring a fair balancebetween management and labor.Labor for a decade under theWagner Act had passed from itsold position of undue lack of pow-er relative to management to aposition of undue power not onlyover management but also overthe interests of the general pub-lic.

Adult TestsAre Set Up

WEST LONG BRANCH — Mon-mouth College will be one ofnine centers in the state whereadults this month will be giventhe opportunity to take examina-tions to qualify for New Jerseyhigh school equivalency certifi-cates.

Frederick M. Raubinger, statecommissioner of education, saidexaminations also will be givenat the Camden and New Bruns-wick csunpuses of Rutgers Uni-versity and State Colleges atGlassboro, Jersey City, Mont-clair, Newark, Paterson andTrenton.

Eligible for the certificates arestate residents who complete suf-ficient state examinations in sub-ject areas to total 16 units, orsuccessfully complete the gener-al educational development testVeterans who passed the testwhile in the armed forces areeligible for the certificate with-out further examination, uponpayment of a fee. The certificateis recognized in industrial pro-motion practices and generallyis accepted for college admis-sion.

Interested persons were ad-vised to seek further informationat any high school office.

For Model Doll

Easy, fun for a child to dress,undress doll in knits—they have"give," won't rip.

New! Knit wardrobe for 1 £inch teen model doll. Pattern563: directions bulky sweater,slacks, gown, coat, hat, cape,jacket, blouse, skirt.

Thirty-five cents (coins) forthis pattern — add 10 cents foreach pattern for lst-class mailSend to Laura Wheeler, care otThe Red Bank Register Needle-craft Dept., P. O. Box 161. OldChelsea Station, New York 11N. Y. Print plainly pattern num-ber, name, address and rone.

NEWEST RAGB - SMOCKEDaccessories plus 208 excitingneedlecraft designs in our new1963 Needlecraft Catalng - jusout! Fashions, furnishings tocrochet, knit, sew, weave, em-broider, quilt. Plus free pattern.Send 25c now!


R£D BANK REGISTER Monday, hnmrj 7, 1963-4?'


Question — What a treatwas to have Mary Martin andBing Crosby together on a TVshow. This show was the high-light of the TV year for me. Mywhile family enjoyed the pro-gram. Mary Martin looked sovery young and had all the pepshe displayed when she played"Peter Pan" on TV a few yearsago. Does she have any children

StrathmoreMr. and Mrs. Henry C. Paris,

39 Imbrook La., entertained thefollowing at a New Year's eveparty: Mr. and Mrs. RobertWeiser, 124 Idlewild La., Mr. andMrs. Simon Allweis, 70 IdlewildLa., Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H.Greenberg, 29 Ivanhoe La., Mr.and Mrs. Michael P. Lewis, 73Idlewild La., Mr. and Mrs. Stan-ley R. Gardner, 129 AndoverLa., Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Kar-mel, 13 Ivanhoe La., and Mr. andMrs. Jules M. Greemweig, 3Imbrook La.

Response to ExcessesTaft-Hartley was a reasonable

response to years of labor unionexcesses, as the Wagner Act ear-lier had become an extreme re-sponse to generations of manage-ment excesses. But Taft-Hartleyis, demonstrably, no longer ade-quate. There must be a new andfully effective weapon againstwhich might be called the intolerable, the public-be-damned,strike.

The intolerable strike is de-fined here as one in which thefundamental rights and necessi-ties of the people themselves aredenied by labor stoppages whichmenace not merely some corpor-ation or other but the generalwelfare itself.

Such an intolerable strike —by the longshoremen—is now go-ing to paralyze, first, the Eastand Gulf coasts, and, second, thewhole national economic interest.Such a strike is now going on inNew York City. It has closednine newspapers covering a met-ropolitan area where 13 millionAmericans are being shut offfrom the world by a printers' un-ion whose demands upon the pub-lishers are demonstrably unreasonable by any standard accept-able to reasonable men.

And such a strike for weeksaj also closed the only two

newspapers in. Cleveland. Thisone involves the odorous Team-sters Union and the AmericanNewspaper Guild—which surelycan hardly take pride in the na-ture of its ally in this enterprise.

Working PressThis columnist all his adult

life has been a member of whatis called "the working press,"meaning the non-owning, non-management part of the press.He owns no newspaper stock. Heclaims no detailed knowledge ofthe issues in Cleveland, as dis-tinguished from those in NewYork.

He knows for a fact, asworking newspaperman, how-ever, that to black out a wholevast community is to go far be-yond a legitimate economicstruggle into something which Isdestructive of more than thepress itself. It is to hit also atthe very life spirit of the people.There is a darkness here that ismore than economic; there is aparalysis here that is more thana paralysis of the marketplace;a paralysis of the mind, of thecommon culture.

As to the dock strike,deepest economic interests andthe highest foreign policy de-signs of a whole nation are putto peril. After months of anxiousdebate this country has at lastbeen prepared legislatively to en-ter upon the brave new world ofexpanded trade which is beingopened by the European Com-mon Market. Unless the maritimeunions are brought under somerational form of check, they cansmash this brave new world sofar as we are concerned.

And with this they can all butdestroy the very underpinningsof the foreign policy of the UnitedStates of America.


who are in show business? Myneighbor seems to think MaryMartin's children are on someTV soap opera. —Mrs. B.U.,Kingsburg, Tex.

Answer — Mary has two chil-dren; a son by her first husband,Benjamin Hagman, and a daugh-ter with her present husband,Richard Halliday. Both childrenhave acted professionally; ionLarry Hagman is a regular otfthe daytime series "Edge ofNight" and is currently appear-ing on Broadway in "The BeautyPart" and daughter Heller hasappeared with her mother in"Peter Pan."

New Year's eve was celebratedat Mayer's Inn, Rumson, by Mr.and Mrs. Lawrence Lerner, 10Idlewild La., Mr. and Mrs. Nor-ton H. Berlin, 43 Idlewild La.,Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parker, 50Ivanhoe La. and Mr. and Mrs.Richard Milton, East Brunswick.After dinner, the group continuedfestivities at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Martin Cooper, 49 Idle-wild La.

New Year's Day dinner at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Le-vey, 17 Avondale La., was en-joyed by Mr. Levey's parents,Mr. and Mrs. Silas Levey, NewYork City. Also present wereMrs. Pearl Cooper and Mrs.Mary Miller of Pittsburgh, Pa.aunts of Mrs. Levey's.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh P. Dalzell462 Lloyd R l , had a New Year'seve party in their home. Guestswere Dr. and Mrs, Barry Rosen-son, 482 Lloyd Rd., Dr. and Mrs.George Wexler, 482 Lloyd Rd.Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Lamie470 Lloyd Rd., Mr. and Mrs. Eu-gene Krusch, 466 Lloyd Rd., Mr.and Mrs. James F. Maher, Jr.,454 Lloyd Rd., Mr. and Mrs. Jo-seph J. Chirco, 450 Lloyd Rd.,and Mr. and, Mrs. Henry N. Wal-ters, 442 Lloyd Rd.


ter of the Dominican Order wasstopped by a speed cop whochlded, "I suppose you have yourpilot's license with you, Sister?"

"Yes, I have," the nun re-plied, showing a flier's licenseshe has held for years.

No ticket. . .. ,


CARLTON-Gltot 2:00: 7:00: 8:20..


JaneWhat Ever Happened To __.v2:56: 1:29; Gun> 01 The Bfack Witch1:30: 7:00; 10:35.


in search Of The Cutaway! 7:30:9:10.

MAYFAIR-arew 2:(O; 7:00; »:«l

PARAMOUNT-Barrabas 7:0O: »:15.

ST. JAMES-The Longest Day S:3O.


ATLANTIC—Roman Holiday 7:30: Sabrlna 8:30.


Cartoon 7:00; The Hunt 7:07: 10:00:The Centurion 8:90,


Gjpiy 1:30: 5:(0: 8:8J; Pliyflrli An•r Dark l : « : fM.


aypiy 2:00; 4:30: 7:15: 9:<s.


B,](Ile tlnchln Story 1:05; 11:23; FlJo.y 0:15.


Wonderlul WorldQrlmm B:O0.

Of The Brother!

Question — Clint Eastwood i fmy very favorite of all thewestern stars on TV. I nevermlsj "Rawhide," Is It true thathe has a new album out? Iknew he sang a little but Ididn't know he was good enoughto make records. — J.P.,Granada, Miss.

Answer — Since when do youhave to be a really good singerto make records? The TV westernstar has joined the disc band-wagon by recording his firstsingle called "Rowdy" backedwith "Western Wedding Song."

Question - Is it true that CaraWilliams, who used to play"Gladys" on "Pet and Gladya"is going to replace Mary TylerMoore in the role of Dick VanDyke's wife on his show? I thinkthis is a big mistake., MaryTyler Moore is just great inthe part and unlike many TVmatches, Moore and Van Dykelook as if they really might havechosen each other In real life.— Mrs. N. M., Greenfield, Mast.

Answer — There are no cartchanges being contemplated forthe "Dick Van Dyke Show." MissMoore will remain in her presentrole as Dick's wife. Miss Wil-liams has been mentioned for atleast three new TV series eachweek since "Pete And Gladys"bit the dust but nothing definitehas been set. The latest seriesbeing mentioned for Miss Wil-liams is a situation comedy inwhich her co-star may be) theother Van Dyke, Dick's brother,Jerry.

. (For an answer to your quej-tion about any TV program oractor, write to Steven II.Scheuer, TV KEY MAILBAG,c/o The Register).


67 needed to force a vote la theSenate . . . Sen. Richard Russell,D-Ga., has told Defense Secre-tary McNamara that he favorshis plan to reorganize the Na-tional Guard . . . One of the lastletters Sen. Robert Kerr, D-Okla.,wrote before he died was pennedon the back of some Christinaswrapping paper to one of hisSouthern colleagues in the Sen-ate . . . The Senate AgricultureCommittee is looking into a re-port that President Kennedy hadauthorized lawyer James B. Don-ovan to offer Castro up to 50million pounds of U. S.-ownedsurplus dried milk if needed' toclinch the Cuban prisoner ex-change deal. The offer was nev-er made because Castro didn'tgo through with a last-tourthreat to Increase his originalterms for the exchange.


a prospective juror, was held Incontempt of court Wednesdaywhen he arrived an hour latefor selection of the CamdenCounty Grand Jury. Powell, ofGlendora, is manager of theHudson Pulp and Paper Co., NewYork City. He said he hadphoned Judge W, Orvyl Schalickearlier saying he was on a busi-ness trip and asking to be ex-cused.




ert Brown, 37, of 17 River PI.,Toms River, was given a sum-mons for careless driving aftera two-car accident last week onRt. 9, near Georgia Tavern Rd.The summons Is returnable Feb.

Howell Township state policesaid the auto driven by Brownhit the rear of a car driven byAnthony De Leone, 42, of RobertAve., Farmlngdale.

Trooper Franklin Sheppard investigated.

Milim 1 P. M.E.«U«i fro 7 P. M.

CwllwM Sit. t>< Sw,









':'!''; A',CURY PARK



/ ,: ST. JAMES

| Natalie Wood "GYPSY"



CenturioncmtDntw mm i; utTl

Disney's "The Castaways'



DigiFind-It· Starts Today: &#039;The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7&#039;i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (8)

Part I;

The Union Soldier and the Chit WarRED BANK REGISTER.'

—Monday, January 7, 1963


fore the beginning of the CivilWar a young man from Bern,Switzerland, came to MiddletownVillage.

His name was Schmid, but soonafter he came here he began tosign it Smith. What work he didin Middletown or Where he livedis not known. We do know thathe became the close friend of alandholder there named GeorgeCrawford Hendrickson, whom helooked upon as an adviser andprotector.

In the Hendrickson and inter-related Beekman families of Mid-dletown the story has come down

Paragraphs of greetings and !nal salutations have been omit-ted, but they were included ineach letter, for Smith was a verypolite young man.

pthat when the Civil War broke to last meout and the draft was initiated,George Hendrickson paid youngEdwin Smith to take his placein the draft. This was not an un-usual arrangement at the time;Mr. Hendrickson was the onlyman in his immediate family,with lands to manage and a moth-er and sister to take care of, sowhen he was drafted it was ac-ceptable to all concerned that hefind a man without family re-sponsibilities to take his place.

Whether or not this story istrue, cannot now be determined.At any rate, young Edwin Smithdid go to war.

He enlisted in the 5th New Jer-sey Volunteers, embarking uponan eventful and checkered Armycareer that lasted until after Ap-pomattox.

He fought in the battle of Sev-en Pines, he met the sailors inthe navy of our ally, Russia, heheard with some astonishmenithat his death had been reportedin Middletown, he rose in rank,broke rules, was reduced in rank,came out at the end of the warwith flying colors, and wentWest.

Camp Lincoln,Meridian Hills,Washington, D. COct. 22, 1861

Dear Sir!The money you sent me cami

just in time, for it prevented mefrom taking trust at the suttler's,who shaves the poor soldiersmore than all the barbers iAlexandria. I provided myserichly with tobacco and cigar:and have plenty money left yel

l h dend of

During all these years he wrotefrequently to George Hendrick-son. He had a good, clear hand-writing, and a gift for descrip-tion.

Into the big tranquil Hendrick-son homestead on King's Hwy.,(now the Hilltop Nursing Home,)Edwin Smith's letters brought theinarches and battles of the greatwar to the south, the bravado andloneliness of a young soldier, theemotions and opinions of a youngEuropean who, fighting for theUnion, was becoming an Ameri-can,

George Hendrickson saved allthe letters. After his death in1876, they went to an aunt, hismother's sister, Ann CrawfordBeekman. Fortunately, throughthe years, the series of letterswas preserved intact, along witha picture of young Smith.

They are today the property otEdwin Beekman who lives, whereBeekmans have lived for morethan 100 years, on Red Hill Rd.

Mr. and Mrs. Beekman and hismother have made these lettersavailable to The Register. Theywill be printed, with few dele-tions, in this and forthcoming is-mies.

A number of Monmouth Coun-ty residents will find ancestorsmentioned in these letters. CivilWar buffs will find vivid footnotesto the history they know. Thosewith Southern sympathies will bedelighted by young Smith's ac-count of the humiliating captureof many well-armed New Jersey-ans by three Rebel scouts. Any-one who has ever served inarmed forces during a war willrecognize emotions and thoughtsof his own in these letters from10O years ago.

The original words, spelling,and punctuation of the youngSwiss-American from Middletownhave been preserved as in theoriginal letters.

month till we are going topaid.

The 17th October we receivedthe order to leave Alexandria andto give the guard of the city tcthe 45th Pensylvania Regimentthat order was not very welcomito us, for we just commenced t(get acquainted with the citizensand we had not to drill there,Every soldier thought himselfhome there though the city is ful!of secessioners who wait only foithe return of Jefferson Davis t(take arms against the union. Twosoldiers of cur regiment werepoisonned to death in the city.There were little skirmishes pret-ty near every day and I saw lotsof ambulance waggons coming iwith wounded soldiers. There ia big hospital in the city and thwounded soldiers are very welltaken care of.

Short, the 17th we left the cit>to go back to Washington and tiform a brigade with the sixth,seventh, and eighth regimentfrom New Jersey, It was a veryhot day and we had to make imarch of eleven miles with ouknapsacks haversacks musketand the whole equipment; it wathe hardest march we made yeland two thirds of the regimentonly arrived on the camp groundtogether. The rest had left tinranks on the way and came ingroups of three and four togetheito the camp. We pitched ourtents about two miles from thecity on the Meridian hills, the6th, 7th, and 8th regiments la;just aside of us. We had a greatreview yesterday together withseven other regiments under thepresence of our Brigadier generalCasey and president Lincoln. Wewill soon be moved away fromhere again as we are undermarching orders and It is ru-mored that we have to go downto a Fort in Maryland or downthe Potomac to attack the bat-teries the rebels erected there onseveral places. This is the mostlikely, though others pretend thatwe have to go down to Florida.In fact we don't know nothingabout Jtf sure, is, that we soon beemployed In active service; andwe are ready to go where" everit is. What better can I do thanto fight for a land where I foundmen like you are. May every onethink like you do, and be so readyfor any sacrifice to assist a poorsoldier the union can'tbe lost, no matter how numerousthere ennemies may be.

If I should die, please write itto my parents, and they vbless you for the friendship youshowed towards me. Direct theletter as followes: Schmid,Esqr., Blankenburg, Cs. Bern,Schweitz (Switzerland).

Yours truly.Edwin G. Smith


Free Book Tells AllNow for the first time ANY-WHERE—get the facts aboutthe nation's No. 1 cause ofhearing distress — NERVEDEAFNESS!

Until today little has beentold about this painless invisi-ble disease that isolates mil-lions.

New booklet explains whatNerve Deafness is. How it in-terferes with hearing a n dwhat symptoms to look outfor. Find out why you can'tunderstand. Will an operationhelp? Will a hearing aid help?Will treatment help? Whomshall you turn to? Who canyou believe?

This wonderful neiv FREEbooklet tells what you can doyourself to end this embarras-sing ordeal, nerve deafness.

We suggest that you write |for ynurs now.

Buchanan Hearing Aid Co. |Room 417, Wyalt Bldj.TT7 Hlh Slreft, N. W.VtMhlnf ton, I). ( . HJ |

Camp on the lower Potomac3d Brigade of Hooker's Division5th Regiment N. J. Volunteers

Dec. 7th, 1861Dear Sir!

Two or three days after I gotyour letter we got marching or-ders. Every man got fourtyrounds of cartridges and the 2ndof December we struck our tentsand marched down to Washingtonwhere we was embarked; it toous just the whole day to get ouibaggage on board of the ship amthe regiment had to stand thwhole day in the streets in asnowstorm. Most of the soldiersgot in taverns, filled their can-teens with whisky and drank scmuch that half the regiment wadrunk when we came on boardthe steamer. Not long after thata quarrel broke out between ouCompany and Company B, th(later consisting mostly of JerseyCity rowdies. With great troublethe officers could separate theparties and not till some of themwere badly hurt.

The steamer did not start tillthe next morning and halted abou34 miles below Washington on Jvery poor settled place; thesteamer could not go any fur-ther because below that point therebels have the river blocaded;from the place where we landedwe had to march about 15 milesfurther down the river. One mustsee the streets and roads in Mary-land to believe; rive/s go along

I and across the roads some-times for half miles; the roadilead through swamps where you

breast. All that together wtih, march enUrely Impossible had we about 3 weeks More that time.about 60 pounds or weight on the not been used to it by an othshoulders would have made ourltrip we made through Maryli





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Science Shrinks PilesNew Way Without Surgery'Stops Itch-Relieves Pain

« » »•* . N- T- .(Sf«l.l) - p o r th«first time science has found a newbe«l(p(r •ubjtsnce with the mton-lihlngr ability to shrink hemor-rhoids, atop Itching, und relievepain — without surgery.

In out after case, while gentlyrelieving pain, actual reduction(ahrlnknge) took place;

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Tho secret is a new healing sub-•Unco (Bio-Dyne»)-dlscovery ofa world-famous research institute.

This substance Is now availableIn tupporitmrg or ointment formiunder the name Preparation H*At all drug cguntart.

SMITH'S LETTER ~ The fine handwriting of Edwin G.Smith, teen in the letter reproduced above, won him apott as company cleric in Co. K, 5th N.J. Volunteers, in1862, This and other letters in the series now being pub-lished in the Register, were addressed to Gaorge Craw-ford Hendrickson of King's Hwy., Middletown, and de-scribe young Smith's army career throughout the CivilWar. .

5 HouseSales Listed

SHREWSBURY - Mrs. Mil-dred Liming, on the staff olWalker & Walker's Agency here,recently negotiated the sale olfive local houses throughfacilitites of the Red Bank AreaMutiple Listing Service.

The Robert Merricks of NewShrewsbury purchased the three-bedroom, split level home ofPhilip Smith, 90, West End Ave.Shrewsbury,

Mr, and Mrs. I. Guilford EnnesPlainfield, bought a new housefrom Sam Kleiner, builder of theForest Homes development. Lo-cated on Nut Swamp Rd., Mid-dletown, it is a Jarge two-storycolonial dwelling featuring fourbedrooms, 2Y2 baths and a denMr. Ennes Is regional managerfor Adler Electric of NewRochelle, N.Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Angerole,jincroft, purchased a three-bed-oom, split level house at SO

Court Dr., Shrewsbury, from Mr.and Mrs. Frank Treadwell, whohave moved to Virginia. Mr.Angerole is with Bell TelephoneLaboratories.

Mr. and Mrs. John Rqdenburg,formerly of Shrewsbury, havepurchased a colonial residenceat 52 Ridge Rd., Rumson, fromMr. and Mrs. James Grosser,tow of Glen Rock. Mr. Rodenlurg is associated with St. Joe'a per Co.Mr. and Mrs. William Duym

lave purchased a three-bedroomlouse at 48 Queens Dr., Little

Silver, from Mr. and Mrs.James Daehling, who are nowliving in New York, Mr. Duymis an engineer with WesternElectric Company.

There's Still TimeTo Make Your Own


At last we arrived on the placewhere we are now. Our camp isa wood opposite the Occoquanriver in Virginia about % ofmile away from the Potomac. Wecan see distinctly the rebel bat-teries on the other side of thePotomac, and no day passes with-out they send some bombshellsover on our side but without anyeffect, because our camp is hid-den before them. The river isabout 3 miles wide here.

Just now I am coming backfrom the shore. Three of theUnited States gunboats and twomore steamers attacked the bat-teries of the ennemy this after-noon. They destroyed three of theennemy batteries on both sides.It was a beautiful scene to hearthem canons and after to see theshells bursting in the air. Threehouses in the neighborhood of thebatteries was burnt.

My father (writes that he) iswell but he thinks me in Middle-town yet; I would not care if Iwas there yet; though by all thehard times we had I did not loosemy courage yet, the more so Iam always in good health. Weexpect to go on the other side ithe Potomac one of these days.You shall soon hear more of me.

I remain very truly,

E. G. Smith.

Camp-on the Lower PotomacCompany K, 5th NJV

Washington, D. C.Jan. 26th, 1862

Dear Sir! . .For the last few weeks I "had

no opportunity to write, becauseI had a good deal of writingto do for the Company. Our 1stSergeant got 'sick and was leftin a hospital in Georgetown, theCaptain himself did not caremuch about the books, etc. thatwere to be kept up and let it goon till about Christmas none ofthe other three sergeants under-stand the bussiness good enough

Things .accounts

mixed upstraight,and the

time to make out returnes andreports came but the Captaincould not find any man able totend to it. A friend of mine talkedto him once about my : being asmart penman and so he mademe his Clerk. Of course I did notunderstand anything of my workin the beginning and nobody fnthe Company was able to showme anything about it. I had tokeep account of every article ofclothing we got • since we leftTrenton, of all the cartridges,' etc.and nobody knew how many .wegot except the Quarter Master.He told that he issued about 70pairs of shoes, 60 pairs of stock-ings, etc. etc. but the matter wasto find out where they went toand who had to pay for them.By all that you -will see that Ihad a pretty hard work in the

beginning but at last I broughtthings all right sgaia. Ail I pro!'ited by It was that I am clear ofdrilling and guard duty a g<thing in the stormy cold nights.

The week before last, our regi-ment got excellent new rifles' andI don't believe to say too muchif I pretend that it is the crackregiment of the State. Ordershave been received here a fewdays ago to cross the river thisweek and we pre preparing fora fight. It' Is late and I have toclose my letter in giving my bestrespects to Mistress and MissHendrickson as well as to Mr.Sherman's. I hope to receive afew lines from you and remainas ever

Your faithful and affectionate,Edwin G. Smith

(The battle the young sol-dier from Middletown expectedwas soon' to take place. It isdescribed in the next' series' ofhis letters, to be published to-morrow.)

Library OffersFines Reprieve

NEW SHREWSBURY - j Forone week, starting today; andending, next Monday, Jan. U, -theNew Shrewsbury Public Librarywill not charge fines on overduebooks.

On the following three day),Jan. 15-17, the library will beclosed for Inventory. However,the Tuesday story hour Mill beheld i s usual at 9:45 a.m. inthe library.'


MIDDLETOWN — A meetingof committee and den-mothersor Pack 242 will be held Wednes-day'at 8 p.m, ifl"thf?68lce ofWayne Hyatt, Rt. 35. The packmeeting will be held: Friday; at

p.m. In the an-purpose roompf Harmony School. ; ', '


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NEW COLTS NECK COMMiTTKMAN — George Hsndio, second from left, is (worninto office by Clark Harry Crine Saturday as Mayor William S. Buck, left, andCommirteeman Joseph L Moreau, Jr., right, look on. A former Board of Educationmember, Mr. Handizo replaces George J. Rittroar, Jr., who did not seek re-election.

Handzo Takes OfficeIn Colts Neck Twp.

COLTS NECK — George Hand: zo was eworn in as townshipcommitteeman at the .1963 organ!'zatioa meeting held at Township Carol Niehaus, Dr. TheodoreHall Saturday afternoon.

Mr. Hands) replaces George J.Dittmar, Jr., who did not seekre-election.

- William S. Buck was namedmayor, replacing Joseph L.Moreau. Jr., on the all-Republi

'. can body.Mr. Diltmar was appointed to

the Planning Board, replacingLeslie H. Douglass, who re- sistant Civil Defense director andsigned. The term will extend to police officer; Harry Crine, as-1966. Mayor Buck re-namedCharles Flock to a, new six-yearterm on the board. building inspector; Ray-

John Ripley and Leroy Bunnel mond English, health officer, andwere reappointed to five-year Ernest Orgo, shade tree com-terms on the Board ol Adjust-ment. George E. Fessler was

. named to the Board of Adjust-ment to fill the unexpired termcaused by the resignation of Jo-tlah Hewitt.

The mayor named five mem-bers to the newly created Boardof Health- Named were Mrs

Frucht. Elmer VanSchoick, JohnTennant and Thomas GuntJier.

Officials reappointed werRichard R. Stout, attorney;Claude W. Birdsall, engineer;Mrs. Ann Wylie, deputy clerk,treasurer, welfare director, andtax searcher; Mrs. Ann Bobzin,court clerk; Joseph J. Seaman,auditor; Joseph Wilson, Civil De-fense director Charles. Barth, as-

sessment searcher; Fred Dress'ler, zoning officer; Howard Qua-

missioner.John Koster, Edward Zaleski

Adam Lukplc, Donald Matthews,Richard Flock, and Mr. Dress-ler were named special police-

A Look at The88th Congress

By Congressional QuarterlyWASHINGTON - The "typi-

cal" congressman is a 52-year-old white male politician, prob- official in Congress, freshmanably a lawyer,and a Methodist,with a record of military serv-ice.

A survey of all 434 Housemembers and 99 senators showsthat there are great variationsfrom this pattern,- but the mostnumerous characteristics drawthat picture.

Here are some of the chieffindings on the 88th Congresswhich convenes Wednesday:

The averageyears . old; themember, 51.7.

senator is 56.8average HouseNewcomers to

the Senate and House tend tolower the over-all average: newlenators average 43.7 years, newrepresentatives, 43 years.

i Background for most membersIs "civil service and politics,"but 316 are listed as lawyers, 158as businessmen or bankers, 61 asfarmers, 50 as teachers, and 39as journalists.

354 VeteransA total of 354 are veterans.There are 13 women — two in

the Senate and 11 in the House,• a loss of seven congresswomen

from the 87th Congress.There are five Negroes in the

88th Congress, all in the House.. Methodists lead amorg reli-

gions with 102; Roman Catholicscome next with 99 — 83 Demo-crats a n dThere are 61

m16 Republicans:Baptists, mostly

from the South, 60 Episcopali-ans, 11 Jews, 10 Unitarians,eight Mormons,1 two Quakers and

the rest are most of variousProtestant denominations.

There is only one labor union

Rep. Joseph G. Minish, D-NJ,There are three doctors, SenErnest Gruening, D-Aka., andDeps. Durward G. Hall, R-Mo.and Thomas E. Morgan, D-Pa.

There are two ministers. RepsAdam C. Powell, D-NY, andHenry C. Schadeberg, R-Wis.

Youngest member of the Sen-ate is the President's brotherSen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., who became 30 years oldFeb. 22, 1962. Legal minimumage for a U.S. senator is 30,Oldest senator is Carl Hayden

85.oldestThe representative is

Thomas J. O'Brien, D-Ill., M,who entered' the House in 1933Youngest is freshman Rep. EdForeman,' R-Tex., 28. Minimumage for a House member is 25.

Deitz NamedBy Thompson

TRENTON (AP) - Rep. FrankThompson Jr., D-N.J., today announced appointment of WilliamT. Deitz, state house correspond-ent for the Asbury Park Press,as his administrative assistant.

Deitz, 36, is a native of Matawanand lives in Power MakefieldTownship, Pa. He is a graduateof Rutgers University and hasbeen state house correspondent forthe Press for nine years.

The appointment is effectiveJan. 9.

Richard E. Burke

Name BurkeMagistrate

MIDDLETOWN - Richard E.Burke, local lawyer, was ap-pointed to a three-year term asmagistrate by thj,Township Com-mittee Tuesday, He replicas kt."filbert Manson, who served 18.years.

Mr. Burke, a former FBI agent,is a graduate of St. Peter's Pre-paratory7 school tyid John Mar-shall Law College, Jersey CityTAmember of the local Chamber ofCommerce and the Navy Leagueof the United States, he servedin the Navy Air Force and at-tends St. Mary's Catholic Church,New Monmouth.

He and his wife, the formerJoan Trenery of Keansburg, livewith their four children atJreenwood PI.

Mr. Burke moved to his newoffices for the general practiceof law at 544 Main St. at Camp-bell's Junction, Belford, Monday.He has been practicing locally for10 years.

Slippery PigIs Winner

MATAWAN-Two Jersey Citymen found out the hard wayyesterday that a pig can be slip-pery.

The men—James Russell, 29,of 365 Ocean Ave., and WilliamJordon, 41, of 329 Clairmont Ave.—put up a tough fight in an at-tempt to catch and butcher theanimal—but wound up the losers.

Mr. Russell had to be treatedat Monmouth Medical Center,Long Branch, when the pig bitoff a portion of the ring fingeron his right hand.

Mr. Jordon received treatmentfor a bite on the left leg.

According to hospital officials,the men were visiting an uniden-tified friend here when the acci-dent occurred.

The fate of the animaPis un-known.

New JerseyNews Briefs

By The Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO - The ketchNeophyte with its skipper LeeQulnn and four pretty yoongwomen aboard is more thanfourth of the way to Hawaii,'' theCoast Guard says. Quinn and hisall-woman crew, which includesJackie Miller, 24, of East Pater-son, N. J., a former stewardess,sailed from Sausalito Dec. 27.A Coast Guard weather ship re-ceived a radio report from QuinnSaturday night saving the 45 footketch was some 600 miles south-west of San Francisco with 1,800miles to go. Commenting on hiscrew of novice sailors, Quinn toldthe Coast Guard: "Crew onboard .chicked out all phases.Continuing Honolulu contented-ly." Quinn's wife, Mary Ann, iswaiting in Hawaii to join herhusband on a sailing tour of theSouth Pacific.

' HOUSTON, Tex. - A $3,690,-000 contract has been awardedto RCA Services Co. of Cam-den, N. J,, to create machinesthat will produce the Intensityof lite' sun in two space envi-ronmental chambers. Thechambers, to be built at theManned Spacecraft Center here,will be used to measure solarradiation effects on man, spacevehicles, suits and other mate-rials, space center officialssaid.

UNION — Funeral serviceswere held yesterday for MrsEvileen Lisk Gulick who dred

'riday at the age of 100. Mrs.Gulick,- a resident of Newark,had entered the Palmer NursingHome here about four years ago.She leaves a daughter, fourgrandchildren, nine great-grand-children and two great-great-grandchildren.

cording to Sen, John A. Wad-dlngton, D-Salem, would guard

.against farmers profiteering byholding onto valuable farmlandat low assessments and thenselling at Inflated developmentprices. Waddlngton believesthis protection would ease thefears of those who might, op-pose a constitutional amend-ment designed to permit thecontinued assessment of farm-land at its agricultural valuerather. than development po-tential. Such a provision in theI960 assessment reform lawwas declared unconstitutionalby the state supreme court.

NEWARK—The state Consevation Department is considering plans to turn High PoinState Park in northern Susse>County into the only state-ownecski resort in New Jersey, it wa;reported yesterday. An officiaof the Conservation Departmewwas quoted as saying it is hopecthe project can be completed bjnext winter. Acording to thicost of constructing a ski toand several toboggan slides ancthe purchase of an artificialsnow-making machine, estimatesof the cost have ranged from$250,000 to $500,000.

NEWARK — One of thestate's top plumbers has of-fered to help patch the pipes hiMorven, New Jersey's execu-tive mansion. Gov. Richard J.Hughes complained the otherday that the stately, and ag-ing mansion has some plumb-Ing problems. "The other dayI turned on the cold water tapand there was no water," hesaid. Offering aid Saturday wasRobert J. Murphy, secretary-treasurer of the state AFL-C10Pipe Trades Association, whonoted that most administra-tions "are usually plagued by'leaks,' but this Is the firsttime to my knowledge that agovernmental official has pub-licly complained of a dry tap."He said the problem was "tru-ly alarming to our union andIndustry and if I can be ofservice do not hesitate to callme."

NEWARK (AP) - State offi-cials were preparing today tofollow up reports that BurlingtonCounty has been found a feasiblesite for a jet airport from an airtraffic point of view. Gerald Mc-Cabe, state assistant director ofresource development, and FrankGerard, chief of the bureau ofaeronautics, expected to meetwith GBV. Richard J.Wednesday. Burlington


reportedly was cleared from anair traffic standpoint by the Fed-eral Aviation Agency, according:o published reports. It was re-ported the FAA conducted testsat the National Aviation FacilitiesExperimental Center in AHantiiCity that indicated a jetport inBurlington would not interfere toany major degree with existingiir patterns.

NEWARK — Acapital gains tax

municipalon highly

profitable farm land sales Isbeing considered by Gov. Rich-ard J. Hughes' Farmland As-sessment Committee, it was re-ported yesterday. It was re-wrted the capital gains tax, ac-

1HOOK AND LADDER OFFICERS — New officers of Red Bank Hook and Ladder Fire Co. No. I, pose at recentorganisation meeting. From left, seared, are Albert Nolan, secretary; Emil Munch, assistant secretary; John Cavi-noss, president; Corneliui Verrey, outgoing president, and Frank Lovertidge, Jr., vice president. From left ̂ stand-Ing are Donald Hubbarc\ engineer; Gerald Johnson, assistant engineer; Edward Bloom, second lieutenant; StanleyMoors, f//st lieutenant «nd Joseph Flammia, captain. Leo O'Connor, treasurer, is not shown. ,

Lewis R, Lowry

Tel star SignalBrings Cheers

HOLMDEL—Engineers cheeredin the Bell Telephone Labora-tories tracking center when Tel-star broke its long silence.

"We were happy Telstar camback to the world of the living,"said Lewis R. Lowry, Little Silveengineer in charge of the track-ing team here.

The communications satellitebounced back Thursday with aradio signal that cracked in themain control shack atop Craw-ford Hill here.

"We knew it could be turned onagain, and fully expected it towork," Lowry said.

The trouble was in the com-mand circuits and not in the com-munications channels, Lowrysaid.. It was the "on and offswitch" that went awry in theotherwise ship-shape satellite.

Backs NewArmy PlanFor Guard

TRENTON (AP) - The com-manding general of the New Jer-sey National Guard said Sundayhe was confident he would beable to recommend that Gov.Richard J. Hughes accept, a newArmy plan for reorganizing theNational Guard.

Maj. Gen. James F. Cantwell,who also is chief of staff of NewJersey, said the plan unveiled bythe Army Saturday m Washingtonwas "an immeasurable improvement over previous plans andsatisfied many o! the objectionsraised by the states and theirgovernors."

Secretary of the Army CyrusVance explained, the new plan toan executive committee of theU. S. Conference of Governors.Cantwell attended the Governor'sAdvlsury Committee on National

luard Affairs also held in Wash-ington Saturday.

The, Army's plan, called theROAD concept, is designed togive divisions greater firepowerand mobility.

Cantwell said a previous reor-;anization plan would have bol-tered the state's National Guard

1,800 men but also would haveliminated 13 company-size units.

The new plan would permit re-ention of some of these units, heidded.

"The National Guard will re-main in every community which

resently has a Guard unit, Cant-/ell said.

"Our objective, will be to havelur reorganization fully completedind our units ready for their an*ual field training next summer,"

he said.

HONORED — Harold H. "Bud" Foulks, left, 667 Greene Ave., Belford, it congra-tulated Saturday after being named "Man of the Year" by the Middletown KiwanitClub. In center it outgoing president Frederick C. Holmes. At right it WilliamKrenza, award committee chairman. The Kiwanis unit annually honors a residentwho has made outstanding contributions to the'community. The award was announcedat a dinner in CobbleStones Restaurant.

Kiwanis Club Gives Foulks'Man of the Year* Award

MIDDLETOWN — Harold H.'Bud" Foulks, 667 Greene Ave.,

Belford, was named "Man of the eignYear" Saturday night by the lo- Award1

cal Kiwanis Club.The club presented the annual Little

award to Mr. Foulks at a dinner Heat The Cobblestones.

The presentation was made byFrederick C. Holmes, outgoingpresident,

Cited by VFWActive in youth and civic af-

fairs since 1940, Mr. Foulks re-ceived the local Veterans of For-

Wars" "Good Citizenship' in 1356.

Mr. Foulks helped start thiLeague in the township

is a charter member of theMunmouth County Little League.

He managed various LittleLeague teams here and wasnamed commissioner of the Mid-dletown Youth Athletic Associa-tion, boys division, in 1957.

Hesterberg HeadsDevelopment Group

MIDDLETOWN - Ernest- HHesterberg, ^obln Ct., wasnamed temporary chairman olthe Economic Development Com-mittee at the group's organlzational meeting Friday night.

Mr. Hesterberg Is a membeiofv the management staff of Gen-eral Cable Co* iitew York City.

The committee will meet reg-ularly on the first Friday of eachmonth.

Special MeetingA special meeting has been se

for Jan. 18 to discuss the possibil-ity of securing hospital facilitiesfor the Bayshore area.

J. Raymond DeRidder, chair-man of the Board of Governorsof Riverview Hospital, has beeninvited to attend that meeting todiscuss the status of its plans fora facility on Palmer Ave., here.

The committee is expected tostart its work by reviewing landavailable for industrial develop-ment and will study the possi-bility of urban renewal for theBayshore area.

Committee MembersOther members of the commit-

;ee are Rudolph Kompfner,scientist at Bell Laboratories,

he Board of Health at the;roup's reorganization meetingrriday night.Joseph Burke was re-elected

ice president and Robert Rothell was named secretary,Standing committees appointed

y the president included:Mr. Burke, executive officer

ind visiting nurse service; Mr.ichanck, plumbing and sanitaryindfili; Alfred Candeloro, viui;atistics; Harry Hughson, sew-ge disposal and dog control;<tr. Candeloro, Roland C. Dey,nd Mr. Schanck, new ordinanc-

Russell Conover, Mr. Burkend Mr. Schanck, finance, and

Holmdel; Arnold Wessler, pres:dent of the Chamber of Commerce; Emil C. Deutschel, West-ern Electric Co. supervisor; Robert Kurau, New York banker;Louis A. Reissner, president othe Bayshore Civic Association;Paul Kavanaugb, printer;T Y j b'T.

g ,execbt'i

the Asbury Park Chamber olCommerce; Francis Q. Robinson,project director for Time-LlfiPublishing Co.; Paul Bova, realestate broker, and Frederick L,Hall.

Mrs. Adriana Floersheimer willbe the committee's secretary.

Mayor Earl Moody and Com-mitteemen Martin V. Lawlor andEdward J. Roth also attended the

Oceanport BoardContest on Tap

OCEANPORT — Two incum-bents and two newcomers hadfiled Friday for candidacy for:hree Board of Education seats

The third incumbent, WilliamL. Reilly, is not seeking re-elec-tion and will limit his schoolboard activity to the Shore Re-gional Board of Education. Histerm on that board will expirein two years.

Incumbents John V. Hausernd Charles S. Guillaudeu will

ihare the ballot with Mrs. Jane

Schanck IsPresident

KEYPORT — J. Leon Schanck,r. was re-elected president of B. Thomas, 23 Hiawatha Ave.,

He is currently serving atcommissioner of the Teener*League — a baseball league forboys ages 13-15. He also is lerv-ing on a committee to form aPop Warner football team here.

Mr. Foulks is a member of thaauxiliary police, treasurer of theHigh School Parent-Teacher As-sociation and treasurer of theOrange and Black Booster Club.

Active in Scouting .

He Is co-chairman of the highschool PTA scholarship commit-tee and has aided in fund-raisingcampaigns for scholarships byselling refreshments at t h aschool's football games,

Mr. Foulks also has been ac-tive in scouting for 15 years. Hehas served as scoutmaster otTroop 27, Belford, ahd at •field commissioner, *

He was president of the asso-ciation which built thVfMftut1

building in Belford. He ui howa Troop 27 neighborhood «om-missioner. '

A member of the executiveboard of the Belford MethodistChurch, Mr. Foulks also teachesSunday School,

He was born in Brooklyn,N.Y., and was graduated fromKeansburg Elementary Schooland the local high school.

High School AthleteHe participated in - football,

basketball, track, and baseballwhile in high school.

Mr. Foulks played seml-jwo-fessional football for the Leonar-do Field Club.

Married to the former MarionHelwig, they have three soils,Harold, Jr., Kenneth and Gary.

His son Kenneth is a highschool senior and was recentlyvoted township athlete ot theyear for his achievements inFootball, basketball and baseball.

Kenneth Is president of hisclass and a member of the Stu-dent Council.

Mr. Foulks is employed by theMetropolitan Life Insurance Co.,Red Bank.

nd Valentine Del Negro, 67 Sen-ica PI.Mr. Hauser, this borough's

1962 fire chief, is foreman of the>rinting plant at Fort Monmouth.

Mr. Guillaudeu is superintend-snt of Woodbine Cemetery. Hes seeking his second full term

Mr. Del Negro is the assistant:hief examiner for the state De-lartment of Banking and Insur-nce. He is a graduate of Nework University.Mrs. Thomas is president of

he Oceanport Parent-TeacherAssociation. Her husband, Gor-lon W. Thomas, is an electronics

rthur Collins, Planning Board, engineer at Fort Monmouth.

Seek ThreeIn RobberyOf Market

LONG BRANCH-Liberty FoodMarket, Seventh Ave., was-obbed of $320 Saturday night by:hree men, one armed with a re-volver and wearing a nylon stock-ing over his face.

According to police, Mr. andvlrs. Harry Lieber were forced tothe rear of the store by the three.The store owner was robbed atgun point of $180, which he hadin his wallett, and $140 was takenirom the cash register.

The three men then escaped,presumably by car, according topolice.

NEW OFFICERS — Tha new officers of the Middletown Kiwanis Club ware installedSaturday at ceremonies in The CbbbleStones. Edward S. Fabian, socond fromright, accepts the gavel as the new president from Frederick C, Holmes, outgoingpresident. At left is tha new second vice president, Harold A. Snow. Albert Murphy,right, is tha new first vie* president. <


DigiFind-It· Starts Today: &#039;The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7&#039;i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (10)

lO-Mondiy, January 7, 1963 RED BANK REGISTER

Mast in St. Joteph's

Keyport Couple WedKEYPORT - Miss June Alex-

andria Lavich and James MartinWilson were married here in St.Joseph's Catholic Church.

Rev. William Bausch per-formed the double-ring ceremonywid celebrated the Nuptial Masswhich followed.

Miss Lavich is the daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Walter Lavich, 127Second St., Keyport. The bride-groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.James J. Wilson, reside at 169Beers St., Keyport.

The bride was given in mar-riage by her father. She wore atraditional satin gown with abow in the back and a chapel-length train. The fitted bodicehad a slight V-neckline borderedwith lace and loi.g pointedsleeves. Her fingertip veil ofFrench illusion fell from a satinpillbox trimmed with a largesingle rose. She carried a prayerbook adorned with a white or-chid.

Miss Jacqueline Griffin, Cald-well, was maid of honor. Shewore an emerald green satinstreet-length gown with highscoop neckline and three-quarter-length sleeves. A short bouffantveil was held by a flower headpiece. She carried a colonial bou-quet of white chrysanthemumswith a touch of green.

Mrs. Walter Scott, UnionB;ach, was the bridal attendant

for her sister. She also wore anemerald green gown and head-piece and carried a colonial bou-quet of green chrysanthemumswith a touch of white.

Six-year-old Betti-Lynn Scott,niece of the bride, Union Beach,was flower girl. She wore a whiteorgandy dress with white shoesand socks. Her small green petalheadpiece was styied like the bri-dal attendants' and she carrieda miniature colonial bouquet ofgreen and white chrysanthe-mums.

Norman Miller, Keyport, wasbest man. Ushers were DonaldWalling, Mt. Holly, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, andPatrick O'Neil, Hazlet.

After a reception in BuckSmith's Restaurant, Keansburg,the couple left for a motor tripto New York State and Canada

The bride and the bridegroomwere graduated from KeyportHigh School. The bride attendedMarietta College, Marietta, Ohioand was graduated from Kath-arine Gibbj School, Montclair.She is employed at Bell Laborstories, Holmdel.

The bridegroom attended NorthCarolina State College, RaleighN. C, and is employed in Wil-son's Palace Diner, Red Bank.

They will reside in the TerraceApartments, Red Bank.

Mrs. Kennedy AgainOn Best-Dressed ListNEW YORK (AP)-Mrs. Loel

Guinness, wife of an internationalbanker, and Mrs. John F. Ken.nedy have equal billing at the topof the list of best-dressed womenof the world this year,

The daughter of a poet, an international socialite, and an ac-tress-socialite made the listthe first time, and a queen, aprincess and a prominent Italianbeauty lost out.

Twelve women are on the listwhich is a result of the annualpoll of fashion experts.

Regulars listed. with Mrs. Ken-nedy and Mrs. Guinness are:

Princess Lee Radziwill, sister ofMrs. Kennedy; Mrs. David Bruce,wife of the U.S. ambassadorGreat Britain; Mme, Herve Al-phand, wife of the French ambas-sador to the United States; Mrs.Walther Moriera-Salles, Braziland Paris; Mrs. Charles Wrights-man, New York and Palm Beach;Mrs. John Barry Ryan III,York; and Mrs. Gianni Agnelli,

.Turin, Italy. :Mrs. Frederick EbersUdt, wife

of a photographer and daughter ofpoet Ogden Nash, was on thelist for the first time. So was Bar-oness Thyssen-Bornemisza, an artcollector of London and Switzer-land; and Gloria Vanderbilt Lu-met, New York, actress andcialite.

Queen Sirikit of Thailand wasrot mentioned this year. Nor wasMrs. Uberto Agnelli, sister-in-lawof Mrs. Gianni Agnelli, or Prin-cess Alexandra of Kent. PrincessAlexandra, however, was listed bythe committee as among those tobe cited as "outstanding leadersof contemporary taste in dress."

Club ViewsTwo Films

FAIR HAVEN — Two colorand sound films "Britain Is a

for Garden" and "The Magic Carpetof Tulipland" were shown atWednesday's meeting of the Gar-den Club of Fair Haven here inthe parish hall of the Holy Com-munion Episcopal Church.

Mrs. Willard T. Somerville pre-sented a brief history of the cluband its affiliations with the Gar-den Club of New Jersey.

Hostesses were Mrs. John An-to derson, Mrs. Richard Bond and

Mrs. H. W. McCollum. Horticul-ture awards went to Mrs. JamesF. Humphreys for her collectionof specimen plants which providefood for birds, and Mrs. EdgarDenise tor her exhibition' of

New pressed flower pictures.George B. Juska, florist, re-

lectures o:.on\^nower arranging.Mrs. Somerville was presentedthe holiday wreath decorated byMr. Juska..

Flower arrangements for thelibrary; last month were preparedby Mrs. Waldron Kennison, Mrs.

so- William te'gg, Mrs. Anderson,Mrs. Raymond Kennedy; Mrs.Harold Lartaud and Mrs. JamesF. Humphreys.

DYED SNAKESINCobra skin dyed jewel colors

twinkle like stained glass win-dows. Designers are using thenew effect for dazzling eveningwraps.

Plan MayWeddingNEW SHREWSBURY - Mr,

and Mrs. Vincent L. Behnke, 18Pannley Rd., formerly of MurrayHill, announce the engagement oftheir daughter, Miss Judith IreneBehnke of Kent Place Blvd.,Summjt, to Melvyn J. Podinker.He is the son of David Podinkerof Plainfield and the late Mrs.Podinker.

Miss Behnke Is a graduate ofBayley Ellard Regional HighSchool, Madison, and StaffordHall School of Business, Summit.She is employed in the 7 salestraining department of CIBAPharmaceutical Company, Sum-mit.

Mr. Podinker is a graduate ofPlainfield High School and at-tended Brooklyn College. He isemployed in New York.

A May wedding is planned.

Shrewsbury ChoralePlans Sacred Program

SHREWSBURY — The 70-voice Shrewsbury Chorale wilpresent its annual Sacred Con-cert Jan. 20 at 8 p.m. in StGeorge's-by-the-Rlver EpiscopaChurch In Rurason.

They will be accompanied byMrs. Raymond F. Johnson, Jr.regular accompanist for thegroup. A resident of Fair Haven


Improved Formula!

43*£3kPLUS 30 CREAMNow, a new light night cream!Improved formula is non-greasy, absorbsquickly. Youth giving1 estrogrens penetrate deeply,quickly into starved and thirsty skin. Moistur-izing hormones nourish mature skin to helpnature bring a younger, smoother look.


REGULARLY *5°°On sale during January only

Miss Virginia C. De Vegh

TINTON ,FALLS - Mr. andMrs. Geza De Vegh, 1213 Syca-more Ave., announce the engage-ment of their daughter, MissVirginia Charlotte De Vegh, toJohn B. , Morrell, of London,England, son of Mrs. SusanreeM. Morrell of London and NewYork, and of the late Mr. Mor-rell.

Miss De Vegh is the grand-daughter of Mrs. Grace W. Arm-strong of Allenhurst and the lateRev. Henry W. Armstrong, andof the late Dr. and Mrs. ArpadDe Vegh of Miskolc, Hungary,

Mr. Morrell is an alumnus otSt. Marks School, Southboro,Mass., and of Yale University,New Haven, Conn., where hemajored in Political science.

A May wedding is planned.

RhododendronGroup to Meet

NAVESJNK - The Mid-JerseyChapter of the American Rhodo-dendron Society will hold itswinter meeting tomorrow at 8:30p.m. in the All Saints MemorialEpiscopal Church.

Guest speaker will be WallaceA. Micheltree, extension special-ist in soils at Rutgers University.

The meeting is open to the pub-lic.


Rorhbart, a sophomore at theUniversity of Connecticut, spentthe winter holidays recently withher parents, Mr. and Mrs. RalphJ. Rothbart, 3467 Rt. 35.

Mrs. Johnson is & graduate ofConnecticut College for Womenwhere she was chapel organistduring her senior year. She isan active member of the RedBank Methodist Church Choirand of the Monmouth CountyChapter of the American Guildof Organists. She was formerlychoir director and organist at theAsbury Park Methodist Church,the Avon Methodist Church andthe Spring Lake PresbyterianChurch.

Alden Hammond of Fair Havenwill direct the chorale in theirpresentation of Bach's "Jesu,Meine Freude," and Kodaly's"Missa_Brevis."

Introduce SlateLINCROFT — New officers of

the Mid-fMonmouth Auxiliary ofthe Family and Children's Serv-ice were presented at a recentmeeting in the home of thetiring president, Mrs. Edmund C.Burke, Meadowview La.

They are • Mrs. George A.Schuetz, Middletown, president;Mrs. Richard F. Kezer, Shrews-bury, vice president; Mrs. Spen-cer t . Case, New Shrewsbury,secretary; Mrs. Philip L. Jacobs,Middletown, secretary, and Mrs.Fred R. Lansmann, Shrewsbury,treasurer.

The meeting was followed byluncheon in The Cobblestones.'

PROFESSIONALPrompt Free Delivery

134 Broad Sf. SH 1-5288 Red BankOPPOSITE STEINBACH'S

Tool EngineersTo Meet, Dine

EATONTOWN - Members andguests of Monmouth Chapter 130,American Society of Tool andManufacturing Engineers willmeet tomorrow at the Old Or-chard Country Club, beginningwith dinner at 6:30 p.m.

Dr. Walter Kleiner and Fred-erick Pitscher of Hanson-VanWinkle-Munning Company, Mata-wan, will discuss the new elec-tro-chemical machining processdeveloped and marketed by Han-son-Van Winkle-Munning Co.There will .be a lecture, motionpicture, and question and answerperiod. The engineers of theMonmouth area will be schooledin this important development inits affect on metalworking indus-tries.

More than 150 tool and manu-facturing engineers from theMonmouth area are expected toattend.

Chairman of the local chapteris Robert F. Herpich of CayugaAve., Oceanport. He is qualitymanager ol Wheelock SignalCompany, Long Branch.

Democratic ClubSets Installation

OCEAN TOWNSHIP — WilliamJ. Skelton, Cold Indian SpringsRd., Wayside, will be installedas president of the Ocean Township Democratic Club Jan. 26 ata dinner in Wanamassa Gardens,1001 Wickapecko Dr.

Mr. Skelton, a candidate forthe Township Committee lastyear, will succeed Mrs. Jean Mc-Carthy, Bowne Rd., Wayside.

Other officers to be seated are:James Whitney, vice president;Peggy Stout, recording secretary;Cecile Lieber, corresponding sec-retary; Phil Wetzel, treasurer,and Jack Weser, sergeant-at-

Buff InfantChristened

NEW SHREWSBURY — KeithStephenes Buff, son of Mr. andMrs. William Buff, 3d, 829 TintonAve., was christened recently inSt. Leo's Catholic Church, Lin-croft. Officiating was Rev. Eu-gene Scheg. Mrs. O. T. Roschen,Spring Lake, and Mrs. Frederic-ka Pitts, East Haven, Conn.,were godmothers. William Ros-chen, Jr., New York City, wasgodfather. '/*.?

Following the service.xMi. andMrs. Buff entertained in theirhome. Guests included the ba-by's maternal grandparents, Mr.and Mrs. William Roschen, Sr.,of New York City and SpringLake, and his paternal grand-mother, Mrs! Marguerite Buff,Hartford, Conn.

Also, Anderson Buff, CharlesMarx and Jack Embry, Rumson;William Buff, Jr., Coral Gables,Fla.; George Miller, EatontownO. T. Roschen, Karl Kemm andMiss Rosanne Luccarelli, SpringLake; Mr. and Mrs. SpencerPitts, Middletown; Mr. and Mrs.John Been, River Plaza; Mr. andMrs. Todd Beebe, Locust; Mr.and Mrs. Sverre Sorenson, Atlan-tic Highlands; and Mr. and Mrs.John Spurdle, Middletown.'

Guests from New Shrewsburyincluded Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sa-bold, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Willa-man, Mr. and Mrs, GeoffreyWood, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth

an, Mr. and Mrs. LawrenceSinger, Mr. and Mrs. John Faganand Keith's brothers, William,4th, and Mark.

Miss Spendiff Is Bride of Engineer

Mrs. Michel P. Gervals

Bride of Raymond Johnson, Jr.

Phyllis Little MarriedKEYPORT - Miss Phyllis

Theresa Little, daughter of Mrand Mrs. William J. Little,Shadynook St., Cliffwood, anRaymond Johnson, Jr., sonMr. and Mrs. Johnson, 148 Jack-son St., Matawan, were marriedSaturday in St. Joseph's CatholChurch, Keyport. Rev. WilliaBausch officiated at the H b l

K" Room

Buffet PartyNEW SHREWSBURY — Miss

Mary Diane Schutt was hosoessFriday night at a, New.: Year'sbuffet party and dance held ;inthe home of her parents, Dr. andMrs. Charles H. Schutt, 21 Parmley Rd.

A sophomore at Monmouth Re-gional High School, Miss Schutthad as her guests other studentsfrom the school,' Janel Kapp-meier, Robert Eberle, CarleneReed, Harry K. Brown, CharlineRizzo, Herbert Schweers, JoanHenry, Glenn Stechahn, MarrianApplegate, Harry Park, LynnColby, Thomas Keevil, ConstanceWohlgemuth, Daniel Whimpy,Annette Olin and David Teeters.

Also, Keith Provan and Doug-las Reinhart of Rumson-Fair Ha-ven Regional High School; JohnBoots, Middletown TownshipHigh School, and Lee Behnkey,Christian Brothers Academy,Lincroft.

Garden ClubHAZLET - The Woodland

Park Garden Club's Christmasawards for the most beautifullydecorated homes went to Mrs.James Keohane, Mrs. Frank Pa-votia, Mrs. Robert Johnson andMrs. Leon Gearl.

Over-all a p p e a r a n c e wasjudged by Mrs. R. C. Bohn,

reen Grove Ave., Keyport, andMrs. Robert Johnson, a clubmember, assisting.

Mrs. Joseph Corrado, NevadaDr., served refreshments follow-ing the judging.

Leaders ReceiveScout Awards

NEW SHREWSBURY — Mrs.Edward Bullwmkle and Mrs.Frank Lovekin received 15-yearmembership pins for their workin Girl Scouting recently in aleader recognition night held bythe New Shrewsbury Neighbor-hood in White Hall of the Re-formed Church.

Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. JamesBlowers, Miss Peggy Elgrim andMrs. Clyde Sabold received 10-year pins.

Mrs. E. C. Paulson, Mrs. Law-rence Rapp and Mrs. Eugene Kc-dadek were honored for fiveyears of service.

ring ceremony.The bride was given in mar

riage by her father. Her lacegown was designed with a sweeheart neckline, • long pointedsleeves, and chapel-length trainHer fingertip-length1 triple-tier.veiof French illusion was attached ta matching crown and she caried a white prayer book adornedwith a spray of camellias.

Miss Mary Ann Little, Cliff-


Miss Joan D. Haenn

HAVERFORD, Pa. — An-nouncement is made by Dr.- andMrs. Joseph E. Haenn of thcity, of the engagement of theirdaughter, Miss Joan DoloresHaenn, to William Francis Gaulof Washington, D. C. He is th(son of Mr. and Mrs. WalterGaul, 250 Milton Ave., OceanponN.J.

Th; bride-elect is an alumn;of Mater Misericordiae Academ;Merion, Pa., and Trinity CoIIegiWashington, D. C.

Mr. Gaul is associated witlthe Education-Labor Committeeof the House of RepresentativesHe is an alumnus of the University of Notre Dame aniGeorgetown University L aSchool.

A May wedding is planned.

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rome L. Feuer entertained onNew Year's Eve at a party fatheir home, 34 Annapolis Dr.

Guests included Mr. and Mrs.Ted Lyell, Madison; Mr. andMrs. Charles Pedrido, JerseyCity; Mr. and. Mrs. ManfredRosenthal and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Perlman, Middletown; Mand Mrs. Jack Kreuter, Mr. anMrs. Martin Goldwasser antMr. and Mrs. Samuel FrankHazlet.





Good Jan. 7 thru Feb. 2

Union - ImperialLaundry and Dry Cleaners

1500 Broad St. ShrewsburySH 1-2228

wood, was maid of honor for hersister. She wore a street-lengthgown of red satin with a whitefur hat and carried a white furmuff with a spray of red carna-tions.

The bridesmaids were Miss Pa-tricia Dominguez, Lindenhurst,L. I., cousin of the bride, andMiss Susan Champness, Brook-lyn. They also wore red satingowns with white fur hats andcarried white fur muffs withsprays of peppermint carnations.

Richard Lorenzo, Cliffwood,was best man. Ushers were JohnLorenzo and Stanley Wicks, alsoof Cliffwood.

A reception followed in theVeterans of Foreign Wars Hall,Cliffwood, after which the coupleleft for Washington, D. C. Whenthey return, they will reside onLake Blvd., Matawan.

The bride and the bridegroomwere graduated from MatawanRegional High School. The brideis employed by Bell Laborstories, Holmdel. The bridegroomis employed in the ShorelandMemorial Gardens, Hazlet

Brownie TroopInvests 8 Girls

EATONTOWN - Eight girlswere invested as members ofnewly-formed Brownie Troop 672at a meeting in the home of theleader, Mrs. Virgil C. Davis, ofReynolds Dr.

Invested were Debra Roach,Jeanne Viereck, Linda Severini,Debra Lagrotteria, Carol Morley,Sue Ann Ransey, Deborah White,and Deborah Marie Davis.

Mrs, John Furiato is co-leader.Members of the troop committeeare Mrs. John Lagrotteria, Mrs.George Severini and Mrs. EugeneViereck.

Attending the ceremony wereMrs. William White, Mrs. WilHam Morley, Mrs. John G. Ramsey, Mrs. Lagrotteria,, Mrs.Viereck and Mrs. Severini.

Receive ReportOf Fire Chief

OCEANPORT - This borough'stwo fire company's answered 61alarms in 1962 and fought fireswhich caused an estimated $73,250 in property damage. Accord-ing to John V. Hauser, 1962 chiefthe department recorded 1,954man hours fighting fires.

Mr. Hauser's annual report tothe mayor and.council includedthree recommendations. He calledfor the modernization of the exist-ing fire department ordinance,the adoption of a fire code, andthe acquisition of a utility truckequipped with a generator foremergency use.

Furniture TrendsIt may or may not be traceable

to the influence of the First Lady,but there is a definite swing infashion from the earlier, rougherAmerican styles made of pineand maple, to the more refinedmahogany furniture of the lateI8th century, ;

Since relatively little of thisfurniture was produced, and mostof that is found today in museumsand private collections, attemptsto furnish with late colonial furni-ture have been doomed to frus-tration in most cases. Fortunate-ly, American manufacturers aretoday expending a great deal oftalent and technical skill in re-producing or subtly adaptingauthentic pieces.

RED BANK — The First Pre*byteriari Church on Tower Hillwas the setting here Saturdayfor the marriage of Miss Patri-cia Ann Spendiff, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Neil William Spen-diff, 56 Knollwood Dr., NewShrewsbury, tn Michel PierreGervals of Parii, France. He isthe son of Mr. and Mri. AndreGervals of Chamonix, France.

Rev. Charles S. Webster offici-ated at the double ring cere-mony. William C- Wood wasorganist. A reception followed Inthe Asbury Park Golf andCountry Club, Neptune.,

Mr. Spendiff gave, hi j daughterin marriage. She wore I;•heathgown of silk-faced pe«u de solefashioned with t scoop-necilinsoutlined with pearl 'beading; anda matching beaded belt on thefitted short-sleeved bodice. Thedetachable train was chapel-length, and her bouffant veilwas held In place by « peau d«soie covered pillbox eocirled withpearls. She carried a prayer-book corsage of white rows andsatin streamers.

-Sisters A n AttendantsTwo sisters of the bride were

her attendants. Miss Karen SueSpendiff, at home, was maidof honor, and Miss Helen M.Spendiff, also at home, wasbridesmaid.

The honor attendant's gownwas of champagne silk organzaand the bridesmaid's was ofcognac silk organza. The identi-cally-styled cocktail length gownswere fashioned with bateau neck-lines, bracelet-length sleeves andbell skirts. They wore crushedrose caps with circular veils tomatch their gowns and carriedcascades of pink carnations.

Georges Rey of Armecy, Haute-Savoie, France, and New YorkCity, was best man. David N,Spendiff, a torpedomate 2/C,U.S. Navy, Norfolk, Va., brotherof the bride, was head usher.Robert F. Acklui, Red Bank,also served as an usher.

The bride is an alumna ofSidney Lanier High School, Mont-gomery, Ala., and attended Ala-bama Polytechnic Institute inAuburn, where she was a mem-ber of Alpha Gamma Delta, Gam-ma Delta Chapter. She formerlywas with the European branchof Stromberg Carlson Companyin Paris and with Materiels etConstructions in that dry.

Newberry ExecutiveThe bride's father is an execu-

tive with the J. J. NewberryCompany in its buying office inNew York.

The bridegroom, a civil en-gineer with the technical divisionof Socieite d' Etudes, Techniqueset Industrielles in Paris, re-ceived his degrees at the EcolaCentrale de Paris and at theCentre de Hautes Etudes de laConstruction, also in Paris. Haserved in the French Cavalryand holds a first lieutenant'scommission in the Army Re-serves.

The bridegroom's father recent-ly was awarded the Legion ofHonor by the French Govern-ment for his direction of thebuilding of the new Mont BlancTunnel in the Alps linking Franceand Italy. He, and Mrs. Gervaiswere among the guests at thewedding.

After April, 1 the couple willreside at Route de Maisons,Chatou, Seine et Oise, in France.After a wedding trip, to thePocono Mountains, the bride-groom will complete business forhis company in the United States,before returning to Paris.

Elks Crippled Children'sCommittee to Meet Here

RED BANK - The Elks Lodgewill be host tonight at 8:30 to ameeting of the Shore Area ElksCrippled Childrens1 committee.

Thomas Arnone, first vice^president of the Asbury Parklodge, will report on plans forthe third annual charity ball. Mr.Arnone, and Stanley Grabez ofPoint Pleasant lodge head thecommittee in charge.

Fred Reeve of Toms River,chairman of the Crippled Chil-drens' Christmas Party commit-tee, will report on that project.He was assisted by Walter Holt-gren of Brick Township. SantaClaus was portrayed by JosephA. Bruss, Jr., Long Branch,


win Berliner, « Virginia Ave.,were hosts at a dinner party intheir home on New Year's Eve,

Guests included Mr. and Mrs.Stanley Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs.David Kaufman, and Mr. andMrs. Domenick Scarano, all Haz-let,

MEAT BUYINGLow refrigerator temperature

keeps meat firm, reduces juiceleakage and prevents mold. IIyou buy a week's supply of meatat a time, Margaret Spader,home service consultant for theGas Appliance Manufacturers As-sociation, suggests that highlyperishable items be used first.Large roast keep longer than thinsteaks or ground meat.


Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontoun—-Liberty 2-1010


DigiFind-It· Starts Today: &#039;The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7&#039;i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (11)

1963 SilhRED BANK REGISTER Monday, January 7, 1963—11

beth Lee, writer and lecturer on grees from Mount Holyoke Col-international affairs, will speak lege, South Hadley, Mais., andon the accomplishments of theUnited Nations tonight at themonthly branch' meeting of theAmerican Association of Univer-sity Women.

Miss Lee, who lectures forAAUW groups and for the YoungWomen's Christian Association,

SUM FRAMEWORK i t In order for these 1963 editions. Left to right, a middy by Monte-Sano, the Eastern in-fluence in a rajah dress by Nat Kaplan, a sweet and simple skimmer by Townley, the tunic effect as interpretedby Larry Aldrich, and an Arabian-inspired sheath by Maurice Rentner.

row.Here are the specifics:THE CHANGES: The muffled budget of $2,096,579.

took has become the scarfed lookIn wispy materials. Ruffles are e n t $1,926,543 budget, the pro-way out. So are feathers, Jiows p , ^ schedule caUs for $1,420,-

000 to be raised by local tax-ation, an increase of $180,451.

A breakdown of the proposedbudget shows $1,786,021 for cur-rent expenses, up $199,940; capi-tal outlay, $61,531, down $14,052;and debt service, $249,026, down$15,853.

The largest appropriation, rep-resenting approximately 80 percent of the total budget, is forsalaries. Teachers' salaries are

»nd heads in overpowering doses.Chiffon is tailored, not floaty.

• THE NEWS: Some jackets lacksleeves, and button down theback, or slip over head withoutbuttons anywhere. Stretch fab-rics are used In certain areasof dresses for custom fits ondifficult figures. Some midriffsare bare for evening.

SPECIAL INFLUENCES: Afew years ago, the Army gavehshion-consclous women theEisenhower Jacket with its rip set at $1,143,460, an increase ofdown front. This year ft h a s * » f f f ^ S ; * ? . P*?P^grown into a zip-down, step-indr*ss.

Thj Navy gave us the sailory gsuit. The middy blouse has been pected to total 4,790 as comparedfashioned from rough texturedtweed for suits as well as smoothclingy crepes for ball gcwns.

The Cuban crisis gave ussudden renewal of patriotism,and a bright riot of silk printdesigns featuring stars, stripesand the bald eagle.

Henry Higgins inspired design-ers ft) copy his sweater as a suitJacket and in long version as adress. And that Arabian movie,

. i s well as Jackie Kennedy'searlier visit to India, has re-sulted in long sari silk gownswith veils or stoles partially cov-ering ladies' heads.

SHAPE: Shoulders are sloped,chest is small, waistline high, orbelted low, with shaped front anda generously cut back.

HEMS: Skirts are inchinggradually over the knees for day-time and reach the floor for fes-tive occasions and at home.

'COATS: The skinny ones singleand double-breasted, In bonboncolors are what's left of lastspring's passion for the Rajahshape.

SUITS: Jackets are so longthey stop Just short of beingcoats, or they are shells that hug

wrap, or gather slightly at thewaistband. Sleeves are set inind longer than last year.Blouses usually match jacketlinings as in previous seasons butcolors and patterns are not asgarish.

DRESSES: The little "nothing"dress still lacks its collar andsleeves however, it is less fittedthan a sheath, more so than asack.

SPLIT LEVELS: These, thetall girl's blessings, are achievedwith capelets over loose long Barbara E. Vastola, Middletown:Jarkets over slim skirts.

COLORS: Sugar candy pastelshave every designer's vote, pink

the parade, blue Is not farbehind.

COLORS, All bonbon hues are

favorites but pinks, blues andyellows are a little more so.Cloud white or shadowy black,or a splashy print contrast ofboth, are also being readied formild weather wearing.

FABRICS: Winter favoritessuch as mohair, and menswearwools, having refused . to becloseted for the season, arefashioned into bushy or sleekmannish fashions.

By JEAN SPRAIN WILSONAP Newsfeatures Writer

NEW YORK (AP)-Whateverhappened to the mulfled look,ruffles and bows, feathers, chif-fon and short evening clothes?

Some are gone. Some are. mod-ified and some are growingstrong among the spring stylesbeing previewed by fashionwriters attending the New YorkCouture Group's annual PressWeek which opened yesterday.

And other rages, (such as themiddy, and grandfather's ni 'shirt) and a few outrages (siichas the bared midriff eveninggown) are making new news.

Yet, whatever is said, and how,the 24 participating design housesare spelling out is the same. Forthe idolized framework for chicIs still long and lean to the mar- Board of Education Friday set

Jan. 25 at 8 p.m. for public hear-

Hearing SetOn RaritanSchoolBudget


ing on its proposed 1963-64 school

Do you have a personal ques-tion or problem? send it toAdam or Eve Lowell or both,as you prefer. For a personal,unpublished reply, enclose astamped, self-addressed enve-lope. Mail to ADAM & EVE,c/o The Red Bank Register.

DEAR ADAM AND EVE:I'm supposed to be on my

honeymoon but I'm cooped upin a two-room apartment withmy husband and. we haven'tgone anywhere at all. Before wegot married a few weeks ago hesaid he'd been saving a "nest-

Up 8.8 per cent over the pres-

60-70 SpeedersLose Licenses

TRENTON — The state Divl-egg" for a romantic honeymoon sion of Motor Vehicles today an-trip to the Bahamas or Bermuda, nounced the suspension of thebut the farthest journey we've New Jersey driving privileges olmade so far was to the corner

could afford a vacation. I've whose licenses were suspendedwarned him he'd better take me for 30 days under the programor I'll fly this coop! Am I were: Donald R. Rosen. 20, of

g paddition of 16 teachers, normalincrements and pay raises.

Enrollment on September is ex-

terranean cruise.

to 4,222 last September. Based onthe total budget the average perpupil cost is $437.

R. Thomas Jarmarone, super-intendent of schools, reported astudy is being made to exploremethods to develop a continuityof courses of study so that thesystem will be kindergartenthrough 12th grade In practice aswell as theory.

In other action, the board:Adopted a policy requiring all

future substitute teachers to havecompleted at least 60 credits (twoyears of college) in order to sub-stitute in the local school dis-trict;

Accepted the resignation ofMrs. Pauline Watson, first gradeteacher at Middle Road School.

Approved Mrs. Julierme Acker-man, present home instructionteacher, to replace Mrs. Watsonat a salary of $4,700; hired Mrs.Hortense Reed, West Keansburg,as clerk-typist in the high schoolat a salary of $50 per week,and Paul Hacker, Union Beach,as janitor at Cove Road Schoolat a salary of $3,400 per year.

Approved high school supple- D E A R A D A J , jg^ E V E .the hipline, or flare out French mentary assignments for Missstyle into peplums. Skirts side- Kathleen Camisi assistant cheer

y gKathleen Camisi, assistant cheer-leader coach, $100; Henry Doren,student / government advisor,$100; James Robbins, ninth gradeadvisor. $50; Robert Tighe, 10thgrade advisor, $75; William Rein-er, custodian of general associ-ation funds, $300; William Len-skold, year book and newspaperbusiness advisor, $100; Miss Car-ole McKevitt, sonhomore classplay director, $100; and RobertRichmond, junior class play di-rector, $100.

Approved as substitutes Mrs.

Mrs. Joan P. Feinswop. NewMonmouth; Mrs. Nancy T. Lid-man, Hazlet; Mrs. Eunice En-sign, East Keansburg;- Mrs. Pat-ricia Stout, Little Silver, and Mrs.Joan Verniero, Middletown.


Fabulous Beauty Offer


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I ur naiui BUIHH MUU


for Naturalness and Beauty

BEAUTY SALON10 Monmouth St. Red Bank

for Appatmmint cm BB Milt

Adam and Eve

Honeymoon Blue!

Hamburger Heaven. He has a 60/70 excessive speed program,good job as a stevedore and


Dear BRIDLED:We can understand your dis-

appointment,'but before press-ing him further, make certainhe really has that nespegg.Many a .suitor talks big figuresbefore the -aiXtamy bat thebiggest thing about It turns outto be his imagination.

AdamOf course,' you're NOT Justi-

fied in flying the coop, whetherhe has the shekels or not. Truelove in a two-room apartmentcan be more satisfying than aneight-week "affair" «n a Medi-

60 Tower Hill Ave., Red Bank,effective Nov. 27; Edna R. Bar-ry, 43, of 144 Twilight Ave.,Keansburg, effective Dec. 12;Wayne Kazlauskas, 18, of 119Waterworks Rd., Freehold, ef-fective Dec. 11; Peter Marx, 18,of I Fox Ave., Keansburg, effec-tive Dec."II; Warrffi'I. Sarvey,29, of Box 566, Fort Hancock,effective Dec. 5; Oliver EStokes, 31, of 2015 Milton Ave.Neptune, effective Dec. 12, andDonald N. Vitello, 23, of'PaulAve., Eatontown, effective Dec.12.


DEAR EVE:Every morning I take a bus

to work, and there's this manwho sits down next to me eventhough there are many double-seats that are empty because weget on, near the start, of thebus line. Well, Eve, I don't knowwhat to do about him. I alwaysstart reading the morning paper,and he leans over slightly to-ward me and reads with me.One be actually said: "Wouldyou mind turning the page?" and" was so flabbergasted I did. Isbe too cheap to buy his ownpaper or is he trying to flirtwith me?

StumpedDear STUMPED:Possibly both. Next time buy

two papers and hand him one.Eve

My husband is a French-Ameri-can and is very handsome. He is

salesman in this country -fora foreign car firm, and oftendemonstrates new cars to verybeautiful and wealthy women.They seem to go for his looksand his accent, and Jean, myhusband usually likes to tell me,in a very funny way, about theiroccasional flirtatiousness. Well,what bothers mo now is this: Iknow that he showed a, new cara few days ago to a lovely di-

orced woman, and took her fora long test drive. But he hasn'taid a word about her. Am I

right to be so concerned? Should

ask him to give up his job?Chercta la Femme

Dear CHERCHEZ:Who can tell whether you

should be so concerned? You're

2-Piece Set !

SOFA & CHAIR Ibeautifully cleaned!

SH1-42551ACME i



128 Oakland St.,Red Bank!

relying on an unreliable devicecalled feminine intuition. Mak-ing him change jobs wouldn'tgive you security, since attrac-tive women may always benear. Security can come withfaith and trust, and until youKNOW otherwise, don't raceyour motor.

Adam and Eve

110 motorists under the state's

Monmouth County motorists

Miss Atco

KEYPORT — Gloria Dimech,12 Shadynook La., CliffwoodBeach (in private life Mrs.David Dimech), has been named"Miss Atco 1962" by employeesand management of Atco Ceram-ics Corp.

She has been with the firmthree years, working in the ac-counting department.

LEATHER CRAZEWomen with several hundred

dollars to spend for a pair ofsports pants are buying snakehips. They are also coveringthemselves' with alligator skins.The new, slinky sports trousersare one more faze in the craiefor leather.

Branch Meeting

AAUW to Hear Talk on Work of UNSHREWSBURY - Miss Eliza- received her B.A. and M.A. de-

has studied at the School of In-ternational Studies In Geneva,Switzerland.

The following group meetingshave been announced for Janu-ary:

The afternoon bridge groupwill meet Tuesday at 1 p.m. h

Canned Purple PlumsAbundant and Appealing

the home of Mrs. Axel Palm, 52Pelican Rd., Middletown, and onJan, 22 In the home of Mrs.Clinton King, 9 Lconardville Rd.,Leonardo.

The drama group will meet onJan. 24 at 8: IS p.m. In the homeof Mrs. Lee Hasslnger, 13 ButlerLa., Middletown. The group willdiscuss "The Hostage" by Bren-don Behan.

The education group will meeton Jan. 15 at 8:15 p.m. in thehome of Mrs. Leonard Danzig,450 Little Silver Point Rd., LittleSilver.

Canned purple plums are inabundance because of the bounti-ful harvest of the fresh fruit.Hiis tangy canned fruit has botheye and appetite appeal. Servechilled as a dessert or spiced asan accompaniment to meat. Trya hot fruit compote by combin-ing canned purple plums with twoor three other canned fruits.Layer the fruits atracSvely 'in askillet, baking dish, or chafingdish. Season with sugar, spiesand lemon Juice, heat slowly toblend the flavors. Thfe may alsobe served cold.

Fluffy Sauce1 can (1 lb, 14 oz,) purple plums

in extra heavy syrup, chilled.l'/i cups milk.1 small bay leaf3 eggslfi teaspoon salt6 tablespoons sugar

Heat milk with bay leaf toscalding point over very lowheat; remove bay leaf. Separate1 egg, reserving white for lateruse. Combine yolk with remain-ing eggs, salt and 4 tablespoonssugar, beating only to blend. Stirinto hot milk; cook until mixturethickens slightly and coats a sil-ver spoon. Chili. Just beforeserving, drain plums. Beat re-served egg white until foamy;gradually add remaining sugarand beat to form soft peaks. Foldin chilled custard sauce; serveover plums. Makes 6 servings(2'/$ cups sauce.)

Plum Royal Puff1 lb. 14 oz. can purple plums In

heavy syrup% cup sugar2 tablespoons quick-cooking tapi-

oca2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice2 eggs, separatedDash of salt14 teaspoon cream Of tartar

1 cup sugar6 tablespoons sifted cake flour1 teaspoon grated lemon rind

Pit plums and cut intoquarters. Put into 9-inch squaraglass baking dish with plumsyrup, lA cup sugar, tapioca andlemon Juice. Heat in 325 degreesF. oven while making topping.Beat egg whites with salt andcream of tartar till stiff. Beatyolks till light and pale yellow.Beat in Y3 cup sugar till veryfluffy. Fold in egg whites, flourand rind. Pour evenly overplums. Bake about 35 minutestill golden on top. Spoon In-to serving dishes with the plumsauce on top. Serves S.

Spiced Purple Plums

1 lb. 14 oz can purple plums3/t cup brown sugar

cup white sugar2 tablespoons whole cloves2 tablespoons white corn syrup1 small stick cinnamon% cup cider vinegar

Drain purple plums and setaside. Combine remaining ingre-dients in saucepan and bring to

boil. Remove from heat andstrain out spices. Pour hot syrupback over drained canned purpleplums. Let stand several hours

overnight. Serve as a mainIsh accompaniment.

MARLBORO -~ Dr. Robert P.enno of Westfield has completedweek as the new medical di-

rector and chief executive officerthe New Jersey State HospitalMarlboro.

Dr. Nenno was appointed at anannual salary of $21,606 by thehospital's board of managers,succeeding Dr. J. Berkeley Gor-don who retired in December aft-

32 yean of service. The newippointment was announced byItrs. Katharine Elkus White, RedSank, president of the board,fe became Marlboro's second

medical director since the hospi-tal opened in 1931.

Prior to his appointment, the40-year-old new medical directorwas professor and chairman ofSeton Hall College of Medicine,lersey City. He is a diplomate,\merican Board of Psychiatry

id Neurology and a diplomate,ational Board of Medical Exam-lers.Dr. Nenno, an alumnus of thetoiversity of Notre Dame, re-

;eived his doctorate of medicineJegree from Loyola University,





The best dressed wedding partiesselect their formal attire a t . . .


"Famous for Fine Formal Wear"

23 W. Front St., Red Bank SH 1-4819

Open Daily 9:30 to 5:30; Wed. and Frl. 'til 8

"Gourmet U.S.A," will be thetheme of the meeting of the gour-met group which will be held onJan. 15 at 8: IS p.m. in the homeof Mrs. Frank Tendick, 65 Mal-lard Rd., Middletown.

The afternoon literature groupwill meet on Jan. 14 at 2 p.m. Inthe home of Mrs. Leland W.Crafts, 170 Hudson Ave., Red

Bank. The book to be discussedIs "The House of Children" byJoyce Cary.> Hie international relationsgroup will meet on Jan. 18 at8:15 p.m. In the home of Mrs.Carl Gates, 55 Laurel Dr., FairHaven. A film on the rise of theCommon Market will be shown.

Jan. 28 is the date of the musicappreciation group meeting,which will take place at 8:19 p-m.in the home of Mrs. R. DeanCoddington, 45 Laurel Dr., FairHaven.

The oil painting group willmeet tomorrow and Jan. 22 at1 p.m. hi the home of Mn. LeonAbel, 107 Queens Dr. South, Lit-tle Silver,

Meetings of the French conver-sation group have been set forJan. 10 and Jan. 24 at 1 p.m. inthe home of Mrs. Ronald Conk-lln, 29 Silverton Ave., Little Sil-ver.

New Marlboro Director

Dr. Robert P. Nenno

Chicago, In 1947. He served hisInternship at the Edward J. Mey-er Memorial Hospital in Buffalo,N. Y. His residency training in

psychiatry was taken at VeteransAdministration hospitals in Min-nesota and Illinois.

Dr. Nenno served with the Cen-tral Intelligence Agency and wasthe assistant director, depart-ment of psychiatry at George-town University Hospital inWashington, D. C. He also servedas a consultant for the District ofColumbia General Hospital andthe Mount Alto Veterans' Hospi-tal.

Distinguished in the education-al field, Dr. Nenno wag assistantprofessor of psychiatry, George-town University School of Nurs-ing, and assistant director andassistant professor, GeorgetownSchool of Medicine, in 1953. Hewas a lecturer in psychiatry atCatholic University and a lectur-er In psychology. College of St.Thomas, St. Paul, Minn.

He is a member of the Ameri-can Medical Association, Ameri-can Psychiatric Association, andthe Washington Psychiatric As-sociation. Dr. Nenno currentlyresides in Westfield with hi« wifeand four children.


By Garden ReporterCollege of Agriculture

Rutgers—The State Uni-versity, New Brunswick

Ma-.iy gardeners are using "theindoor gardening season to getanswers to questions that havebothered them.

The men and women belowhave received perswwl letter* to

ilp them solve their gardenproblems and what helped themnay be useful to you, too:

C. H. H., Jersey City-A peachxee planted four years ago hasiomething like jelly oozing out

its base and upper limbs. Whatdo?

That old pest, peach tree borer,las bee.i at it again. He's fairly:asy to control, using suggestions

the Rutgers Spray Calendar,'Pest Control for Home Or-:hards." One way, if you object

spraying, is to poke a wireito every borer hole.

Sickly Maple TreeMrs. T. W., Matawan—Sendsaves and twigs from a mapletat she says was thriving until1st spring. It budded normally,s i its growth seemed stunted.:aves were small and pale.Then in'the second week in Sep-

tember the leaves dried up andturned brown almost overnight,

early spring a ditch was dugwithin five feet of the tree.

Donald B. Lacey, who examinedle leaves and twigs, found theyrere a toag way from dead. Hedvised feeding the tree in late

March and watering it every 10days next summer unless we getrain in between.

A root disturbance can causesmall, pale leaves.


the Middletown Reformedhurch will meet here tomorrow

1 p.m. in the parsonage insteadin Fellowship Hall as previous-scheduled.

A WELCOME CHANGE from heavy holiday meali itthis airy, delicately flavored shrimp souffle.

Mortgage Problems Solved

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Rear entrance fromMunicipal Parking Lot

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20 Broad. St. Red Bank

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36 Monmourh Street Red Bank

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[It Pays to Advertise in The Register

DigiFind-It· Starts Today: &#039;The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7&#039;i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (12)

12-Monday, January \ 1963 RED BANK REGISTER

Rumson Takes Raritan, 5848To Remain Only UnbeatenTeam

RUMSON - Coach Don Trot-ter's surprising Rumson-Fair Ha-ven Regional High Bulldogsmoved into undisputed possessionof first place In the B NorthernDivision of the Shore ConferenceFriday night by running up acome-from-behind 58-48 verdictover previously unbeaten RaritanTownship here.

Rumson-Fair Haven remainsthe only undefeated team on theShore. The Bulldogs have wonfour games. Christian BrothersAcademy suffered its first lossSaturday night, 48-46, to NotreDame of Trenton.

Rumson leads the B NorthernDivision with a 3-0 record. Raritwn Township, which went intothe game with a 2-0 record, isnow fourth in- the five-team BNorthern loop with a 1-1 record.

Not a Rumson cage team hassuffered defeat this season. Thejunior varsity squad is also 4-0as is the frosh squad. The jay-vees triumphed in a close one,43-42.

A hot shooting hand by juniorguard Vernon Paulson and a fineall-around game by senior back-court man Jeff Reardon made

REBOUND BATTLE — Jay Benedict, 54, Rumson-FairHaven Regional, and Ron O'Neill, 41, Rarifan Township,battle for possession of a rebound in Friday's game afRumson. Ready to offer a helping hand it Jim Larubee,52, Rumson-Fair Haven. Rumson remained the only un-beaten team on the Shore by winning over Raritan,58-48.


TALK ABOUT UNPREDICTABLE ATHLETES LNTHESE DAYS AND IT could be a tough bit of conver-lation material. But include the weather and thproblem here, in 1,000 times tougher. From six degrees to over 40 in just a week in winter weather isremarkable piece of work by the weatherman. Andyou can bet it is a tough situation for even a weather

• man to come up with an answer. 'Just a week ago yesterday the New York

Giants and Green Bay Packers played off the Na-tional Football League championship and theweather then was not even fjjfrfcMup polar be|fe Itwas murder at the Yankee Sraditrm, especially Ifone was a warm weather follower. Yesterday itwas a day the sailboats could have held a GravyBowl, Turkey Bowl, Winter Bowl or any otherregatta bowl worth mentioning. Why, they couldhave equipped their craft without the use of glovesand gone sailing as if it were September.

iceboat followers were set for racing this pasweekend but .when "Old Sol" beamed his rays earthward, the ice was getting as mushy as junior's morn-ing breakfast of oatmeal. Nevertheless, the week be-fore was cold enough to give ice skippers and iceskaters an opportunity' of getting in some time in thai'winter sports. Yesterday, skating was good on theNavesink in Fair Haven and Rumson — in-shore thatis.

Youthful hockey lovers were batting away atsome ponds and a little bit on the river. Skatinglooked good off Dr. Douglas Hyt's residence andnumerous skaters were in action. Close to shorea perfect stretch was available, and it was smooth.The same situation prevailed at Rumson off theshore line of Victory Park. Numerous skatersmissed the boat by not checking the river and gotcaught in slushy spots on several ponds.

Probably disgusted over the whole situation werethe ice skippers who had planned to pull off some reaserious racing for the first time this winter. CaSmith, Middletown, the lad who composed a book onice boating, had hoped to get the racing program un-der way here with skippers of the North ShrewsburyIce Boat and Yacht Club members ready to go in ear-nest.

Ed Irwin, of Class A iceboat fame, said Fridayhe wasn't going to be in a hurry getting his craftdown from the rafters in his storage location.And with the warm weather (warm comparinglast week's six above) of Friday, Saturday andSunday, he must be his own weatherman.

Ice craft, and some real pretty ones, were on theNavesink getting in a little sailing practice for the rac-ing to come. Skippers were out ajong.with ice skatersand Red Bank was giving out with a scene of the oldwinters that made Red Bank famous on the iceboatcircuit. There's still time and cold weather ahead.

ON THE ICE BOATING SUBJECT — Howmany new residents in the area know that this lo-cation is famous for ice boating In the Encyclo-pedia of Sports it says, "Ice boating, of course, isa sport exclusive to those who live in climeswhere thick ice gathers on rivers, or lakes. Butthere is one pecularity: ice boating, that is, withbig boats, has never caught on to any extent inNew England, nor along the western Americanfrontiers. It has been confined chiefly to theShrewsbury River region, in New Jersey; the Hud-son River, in the vicinity oL Poughkeepsie; on a

: feWvTarger,;|»iland;-W}sc( .̂s]i!;|akesirand::at-;various.,:.'points along the Great Lakes."

Years ago the rivers were known as the NorthShrewsbury and South Shrewsbury Rivers. The NorthShrewsbury, now the Navesink, was the spot where

(See HY-SPOTT1NG SPORTS on Next Page)

the difference in the Bulldogs'varsity win.

Rumson' got off to a slow startas Raritan Township's RonO'Neill dumped in six points inthe first quarter and coach DonCzok's Rockets moved out to a13-5 lead.

Rumson started to come to lifein the second stanza, taking a16-12 margin to cut the gap tofour points at halftime, 25-21.

Paulson, who hit for only fourpoints in the opening half, got

hot In the third quarter andpumped in eight points as theBulldogs barged into the leadwith a 49-9 pasting of the Rocketsin the third stanza.

Paulson finished up with ninepoints in the final quarter andhis long one-handers from behindthe foul circle kept Raritan frompulling even. < •

Paulson ended with 21 points.Jim Robinson was next for thehustling Rumson club with 14,and Jim Larrabee and Reardon

chipped, in with nine and eightmarkers, respectively.

Bll( Jannarone finished up highman for Raritan with 19markers. O'Neill, after his sixpoints in the first quarter, endedup with 12.

The Bulldogs will play hostWall Township in a B Divisiongame tomorrqw at 3:30 p.m. Rar-itan Township entertains HenryHudson Regional in another "B"tilt tomorrow night.

Bill Werle and Skep McHenry

paced the Rumson Junior varsityvictory with 14 and 10 points, re-spectively.

Bvltu (4» RwntM (58)o r r • o rp4 4 12 Btllnr O O 0« 7 l» Rmrdoa. 3 2 IO 2 2 Paulson ~5 0 10-Ruler

1 Robinson(Viltrdi0 Damlco



0 12 OO 0

10 l i tp o oT O M

o :O 3

0 0 00 O0 O 04 1 I1 O

17 14 48 • • 27 4 ttRaritan ^.: ._/ . ._ i . .J_J3 12 9 14—48Rumaon t U 19 1«—61

Otflalila—VnaAridalen, Lowenberg.

Notre Dame Ends CBAWinning Streak, 48-46


St. RoseWhipsCaseys

BELMAR - St. Rose High ofBelmar, displayed a well-bal-anced scoring attack in whippingRed Bank Catholic, 95-72, on thewinners court here yesterday.

The victory was the seventh ineight games for the defendingstate Parochial B champs. RedBank Catholic hasn't won inive games.The Caseys jumped off to a

6-2 lead in the opening minutesof play on baskets by PaulSchissler, Tom Petraltas andDave Fitzgerald, but St. Rosecame on strong and tied it up.The lead changed hands through-out the remaining minutes of theopening stanza until a bucket by

dropped Christian Brothers Aca-demy from the ranks of the unbeaten with a 48-46 squaker oveithe Colts from LJncroft on thicourt here Saturday night.

Notre Dame is unbeatenagainst New Jersey opposition.The Irish have-dumped four NewJersey teams while losing onl_to a Pennsylvania quintet in aChristmas tournament. CBA haa four-game winning streak entering the game.

Two foul shots by Rich Par-cinski provided the winning mar-gin for the Irish. With 18 sec-onds left in the encounter, JohnHilton, the Colts' 6-4 juniorfouled Parclnski on a drive andthe Irish eager dropped in bothfree throws on a one-and-onesituation to give his club thevictory.

CBA got only one shot off asthe game came to an end. KirkRobinson, the Colts' yearlingbackcourt operator, drove in fora final shot, but missed and timeran out as there was a scramblefor the loose ball.

Christian Brothers started fastscoring the first five points of thegame on two baskets by ace BobGermano and a free throw byDoug Harper before Notre Damebroke the scoring ice.

CBA held on to a 13-12 leadat the end of the opening eightminutes of play, but NotreDame grabbed Hie lead at theoutset of the second quarter andled by nine points at one time,

Schissler gave8-17 lead.

the Caseys an

St. Rose then got a hot hand here Friday.

Wall ClubsShore Reg.

WALL TOWNSHIP - A tall,pressing Wall Township combinerattled off the first 10 pointsof the game, then coasted tov«neasy 55-43 victory over out-classed Shore Regional in a non-conference basketball contest

and ran off the final four pointsof,the first quarter and wasnever headed the rest of the•wayl !

St. Rose dominated the back-boards with the work of RonHlatky and Bill Drescher.'

The Caseys "held" Bob Verga,he Purple Roses' ace, to 21

points, well below his almost 40point a game average, but Hlat-ky, Bill Wichis and Drescherook up the scoring slack. Wich-

is pumped in 11 field goals andfour free throws for 26 points,while Hlatky tallied 22 markers,4 in the opening half. Drescher

finished with 18. Verga's totalcame on nine buckets and a tritiif free throws.Richie Pezzuti scored 21 points

:o pace Red Bank Catholic Jay-to a 56-46 win.

The Crimson Knights' pressingtactics forced the visitors intonumerous errors as the homeside roared into a commanding15-2 first period lead. John Eck-man paced the assault with sixbaskets.

Wall outscored the Blue Devils14-8 in the second frame to takea wide 29-10 half-time lead.

The winners substituted freelyin the second half, permittingthe Shore team to cut the mar-gin down to the final 12-pofospread. '

Pete Berger paced Coach John"Jake" Jeffrey's Blue Devilswith 22 points. Berger had sixfield goals and 10 foul shots.Merv Eastwick chipped in witheight points.

Eckman led the Wall teamwith 21 points. Bill McGowan

26-17, before enjoying a threepoint lead at halftime, 26-23.

Hilton, who turned out to hthe goat in the loss, talliedpoints' in the third quarter aCBA posted a 16-11 margin totake a slight edge, 39-37, at thend of three periods.

The Notre Dame quintet leiby as many as four points in thfinal quarter before it was tiecat 46-46 and Parcinski dumpedin the winning free throws.

CBA was hampered by the Ins;of one eager and an injury t<another. John Croddlck, fV/

NeptuneLoses ToAsbury

ASBURY PARK - An over-flow crowd of 3,000 spectatorswitnessed Asbury Park HiglSchool's tingling 52-49 triumplover a favored Neptune five inConvention Hall Saturday after-noon. It was the Asbury Park'sirst basketball victory over Nep-

tune since 1960.The victory was the Bishops'

fourth in seven starts. Neptunenow sports a 5-2 seasonal mark.

Harry Starrett proved to bethe Blue Bishop hero, coming offthe bench in . the second haltto lead his club to victory. Star-rett bagged the last five pointsof the exciting contest and seven>f the winner's 11 points in thefinal period.

The t e a m s battled even-ly through an 8-8 first period,h h Fli t t hthen

g pthe Fliers strung togethe

row midvrayf

Red Bank Catholic will next g^ed JJ t6 the winners' total.take to the court Friday nightwhen it plays at Sayreville. St.Rose plays at St. Mary's (SouthAmboy) next Sunday.

B.B. C«th. (72> St. BoseO F P

Fitzgerald 10 J 23|HlatkjrTEsposlto 2 O (Dwulet

2 O t Camoosa4 1 0 Wlchla6 1 13|EgRar«O 0 filllopklni4 0 8 DreacherO 0 (IVellklni6 1 13 Verga

rmstrongPetraltaaSchtsslerrlennesaeyDowrtHorn * •Buckalew


(95)a FP7 8 210 0O 1 1

11 4 211O O 00 O1 i l l19

O 33 21

34 « 7 2 39 1(., .lose ..--21 28 21 25- .

I B. Catholic 17 18 17 20-71Officials—Palala & Dahronge.

Wall's junior varsity also won,whipping the Shore reserves bya 39-31 score. Ron Reisner ledShore Regional with 12 points.Wayne Walton had 11 for Wall.

Wall won its second in threestarts. Shore Regional hasdropped three out of four.

Store He*. (43) Rail (95)



O F F8 10 22 Homer0 0 0 J.Eekman

2 8 Ma.ee32 01 3 5 HlndleyO O0 1

Coaentlno 1 0 2 DunfeeKur l lewik l O i l

B.McQDwan 5 4 131 0

Przybylow' l 2 31 Coleman 0 3


0 0O 1

13 17 43 20 15 55Wall 15 14 11 15—55Shore Regional ..... 2 8 12 21—43

Officials—Truscella, Seneclte.Officials—Truscella, Senecke.

LATED AT RUMSON —Hollywood" Brown, rookielayer-coach of the Harlemarellites, will appear at theumson-Fair Haven Regional

High Schobl Monday after-oon and evening, Jan. 14.

ho ;Sotpll(t^*: -talftng

f>n former athletes wfio aro

ow members of the Rumson-

•air Haven Regional High

ichool and Forrestdale School


CBA YearlingsClip St. Rose

LINCROFT - The ChristianBrothers Academy frosh cageteam jumped out to an 11-6 leadin the first quarter, but neededa 9-4 edge in the final period ofplay to clip the St. Rose of Bel-mar yearlings, 30,25, here jFri-day.

The victory was the third infour games for the little Colts.Bill Laufer led CBA with 1points.

The Colts frosh will see actiontoday, traveling to New Bruns-wick to tangle with the StPeter's yearlings.

through the second frame for a22-19 edge. The Bishops cameroaring back to score the last sixpoints of the half to take a 25-22lead.

Neptune lost its opportunity tocatch up when Asbury Parkripped off eight points in a rowmidway through the third periodfor a commanding 33-23 lead. TheFliers did not quit, , however,putting together seven points ina raw to shave the once-widemargin to 39-38.

Neptune twice cut the gap toone point in the final period, butcould not go ahead. Starrett personally took command with hisprolific scoring to clinch it forthe Asbury team,

Tom O'Dell was the game1!high scorer with 22 points. HisAsbury teammate Mike Galla-gher tallied 12, and Starrett added'• (The Davis boys. Lee with 11,

and Bob with 10, were Neptune'shigh scorers. Jim Bell for theFliers and the Bishops' Gallagherwere the rebounding giants.

Eachgames ovei

s c h o o l dividedr the weekend.


tune faculty won the faculty con-test Friday night 96-90 at As-bury Park High School. The Fli-er freshman team whipped theBishop frosh, 62-47, at the Con-vention Hall Saturday morning.Asbury Park took the jayveeclash, 69-55, before the varsitycontest. Mike Gilvary tallied 21to pace the Bishop jayvees.Albury Fu l l (5!)

Q F PTom&ino 0 0 0|R.DavliVandersloot 1 O 2|L.Davl>QallagherO'DellNapolitanoHayesKrlstowlcsStarrett

6 0 12|Bell10 2 22|Holmel

1 1 3Meglll1 0 2|8orensonO 0 OCarroll5 1 11 Laird

Neptune (4S)O F T3 4 105 1 113 1 73 2 !1 2 (0 0 II3 1 710!

: t 4 52Asbury Park 8 17 16Neptune _.,.8 14 16

Officials—Mllsap, Volt:.

19 11 (911—5}11—IV

Seven thirty, George D. Wid-ener's four-year-old filly, is byMr. Music—Time to Dine. Hererandsire was Jamestown.

forward, sat out the entire gamewith a sprained ankle. BillDavidson, starting * guard, suf-fered a cut over his right eyewith four minutes left in thefirst half and was taken to thehospital where five stitches weretaken. He returned for the fourthquarter, however.

Germano, who turned in a fineall-around game, was high manin the game with 13 points. Hil-ton also hit double figures forCBA with ,10. Skip Spizak ledNotre Dame with 10.

Christian Brothers has anotherrugged opponent on tap tomor-row night. The Colts host St.Peter's of New Brunswick, ratedsecond among Catholic cagepowers to Cathedral High, Tren-ton.

Notre Dame romped in, thejunior varsity game, 65-32. TomHirschpoints.

had half of the losers'

CBA una FP

Germano 3 7 13ISzulD.Harper 1 4 6 HarllckaHilton 3 i 10 PirclniklRobinson 4 1 SlMichaudDavidson 3 0 6 SpizakChristopher 1 0 2 Carson


Notre Damr (J8>O F P

3 3 90 0 0

15 IS 46 20CBA 13 10 ISNotre Dame 12 14 '11

Officials—Wagner * Emll .

TOYING TO BLOCK A JUMP SHOT — Jim Novembre.15, Middletown Township High School, attempts tobreak up a jump shot by Bill Morley, 14, Toms River,in Friday's game at Middletown. Other Lion playersare Ray Snover, 14, Jim Hargraye, 3, and Bob Girardin,4. Middletown Vwon, 70-57.

Middletown DrubsToms River, 70-57MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP -

Toms River High boosted its rec-ord to 2-4 over-all and 1-2. - Inthe Shore Conference A Divisionwith an easy, 70-57,"triumph overMiddletown Township here Fri-day.

The victory placed Toms Riv-er in a two-way tie with BrickTownship for sixth place in thA Division. Middletown, 3-2 over-all, is tied with Lakewood for

Brick Township EdgesFreehold In Thriller

FREEHOLD — Brick Townshipneld off a challenging FreeholdRegional five to win a 58-55 vic-tory in a Shore ConferenceDivision struggle here Friday.

The win was the first for theGreen Dragons after three set-backs. The Colonials havedropped all three of their con-tests.

Brick maintained a slim leadover the-home "forces throughoutmost of the game, but almost losit when the C o l o n i a l s ral-iied behind Jesse Brodie and Willie Major in the'final period.

Freehold cut the margin' to a56-55 count, but lost possession ofthe ball in the final minute olplay. Brick's effective rebounderDan Trembley scored the clinch-er with ' 26 seconds remaining.

Trembley took over the rebounding chores alter Art Thornsfouled out late in the third pe-riod.

Freehold led, 17-16, at the endof the first period as Brodie andMajor combined for 11 points

Bob Scott, Brick's high manwith 30 points, ripped home 10in the second stanza to send theDragons into a 33-31 halftimeedge.

Both teams tallied 12 pointsin the third period to maintainBrick's two point edge. Scott hadeight more in this frame, whileWayne Rooney and Major hadfour apiece for the Colonials.

Brick opened up an eight pointspread early in the final period,but Freehold came right back:o make it an exciting tussle.

Scott had 13 field goals and'our foul tosses for his total of10. Bob Neumann chipped in with.5.Major finished up with 18

Union BeachCage Schedule

UNION BEACH — A 10 gameichedule recently was approvedir Union Beach in the Bayshore

lasketball league including fiveit home and five on the road.Union Beach opened its season

ast Friday with Matawan atlome, and Thursday will meetiliddletown (Thome) School inin away encounter.

15 Keansburg25 Keylrort

Feb. ( 1 Thompson (MUd)5 Matawan

15 Thorne (Mldd)19 Keanaburg2S Keyport

March & Thompson {Mkld)

points, while Brodie tallied 12.Butch Farrell and Rooney wenalso in double figures with 1apiece.

Freehold has dropped all threeof its Conference starts. Brick is1-2. in the race.

Freehold gained some satisfac-tion by winning the jayvee clash,54-52. Four Colonials, Bob Ivery,George Paifi, Mai Parker andGary Steinberg, had 11 pointsapiece. The Dragons1 Dick Breg-zinsky tallied 15 m a losing cause.

The Colonials entertain power-ful Mansquan Tuesday nightBrick will host Central Regionalis a non-Conference clash.

Brick (58)Cl F P


Scott 13 i 30iBrodl«Neumann 7 1 15 BrocavlchWelnsberc 2 0 4 FarrellThomaj 1 1 3 RooneyTrembley 2 0 4 M « o rZaychuK O O O MorrisMazlne 0 0 0 SeamanLamberson 1 0 2

58 6 SB 23 9 55Brick Towmhlp 16 17 12 II—5RFreehold Regional 17 M 12 12—«5

Official!—Volz. Clark.

(55)0 PP5 2 121 25 0 104 3 108 2 18O 1 10 O

Asbury's FroshDefeat Caseys

ASBURY PARK - The As-bury Park frosh cage team had

hitting the scoringthe Blue Bishops

11 playerscolumn asromped over Red Bank Catho-lic's yearlings, 62-38, here Fri-day.

Dave Riley and Tony Hartwel!each dumped in 12 points to pacethe winners. Tim Kelley andSandy O'Neil led Red BankCatholic with 12 and II points,respectively.

Asbury Park posted scoringmargins in- every quarter.

Park («!) R. B. C«th.




G F P0 O 01 Kelly2 O 41 Mason3 O 6|McManu«" O 410'Nell

1 71 Scott0 21O 12|O 4|O 2|O 121 ;

1 1 313 0 61

(38)O F P4 4 122 2 62 1 55 1 111 2 4

30 2 62Park .14 14 1 1

R e d B a n k C a t h o l i c . . 8 9 8

I I ID 382 3 — K13—38

fourth place in the "A" loop witha 2-2 record.

After Toms River took an 18-17edge in the opening quarter, theIndians moved out to a sev-en-point lead at the half with a20-14 advantage in the secondeight minutes of play. The win-ners "iced" the win with a 15-9third quarter bulge.

Three players connected lordouble figures for Toms River.Bill Morley led the trio with 20markers while Rich Yeager andJim Kearney had 19 and 17, re-spectively.' Bob Girardin, Middletown ace,

had 20 points for the losers, 12coming from the free throw line.Ray Snover also hit double fig-ures for the Lions with six fieldgoals and 12 points.

Both clubs will meet A Divi-sion opponents tomorrow night.Middletown travels toranch while Lakewood,Toms River.Torn) River (101

(1 F PMotleyYeagerKearneyPlckettsClmaslja


Mldiletovra (57)0 fP

8 4 2malrarriln6 7 l!t Novembre7 2 17!Davenport3 0 6(8nover2 O ('Rulllvant2 0 4IFoulksO O BjHargrave

4 12 i3 00 1 16 O 122 O (1 1, 35 111

28 14 70Toms R l i e r * 18 20 15

21 15 5717—70

Mlddlttown Twp 17 14 S 17—57Officials—Palala. Dahrouce.

ave DefeatsLakewood, 5248

LAKEWOOD — Long Branchtook over third place in theShore Conference A DivisionFriday night by squeaking byLakewod, 52-48, here.

The win gives the Green Wave3-2 over-all record and 2-1

mark in the A Division. Lake-wood is tied with MiddletownTownship for fourth place in the"A" loop with a 2r2 record. The'iners are 2-3 over-all.Long Branch moved out to the,

lead in the first quarter with an1-10 lead and held its lead un-il the final buzzer. Lakewoodrallied in the final stanza withan 18-13 scoring bulge, but theBranchers held on for the win.

Tom Oiivadotti led the Branch-ers in the scoring column with20 points on eight field goalsand a quartet of charity tosses.Al Jordan and Chubby Nelsonhad 14 and 10 markers, respec-tively, for the Wave. Bob Ko-wit, Lakewood, was high scorerin the contest with 24 points, twocoming from the free throw line.

Lakewood took a 42-35 deci-lion in the junior varsily game,lim Jones of Long Branchopped all scorers with 14 points.

Both clubs meet A Divisiontoes tomorrow n i g h t , LongBranch hosting Middletown HfhileToms River is at Lakewood.


'elephone company constructionforeman Toss Watson says he hasa habit of taking notes in ink onhis hand. It works fine, he said,nless he forgets and washes hislands.

I.onr Branch (K> I.akeivood (43)o r p a FP4 2 101 Kowlt 11 2 24

PolltlJ Jordan



fl 4 20! Morgan6 2 141 Madrash2 1 5| CBnnon1 0 2| Brown0 0 01 Royle0 0 oiseward0 0 n| Amato0 0 Ol Frank

2 O2 2 8O O O2 2 80 0 00 0 02 0 40 0 0

Caldwpll 0 0 0|

2i io 52 • 21 e nLon(t Branch ,...11 18 12 13—52Lnkctfood 10 9 11 18—48



Roan (25)O F P


CBA do)n

J 3 Ol _...3 0 6| RaMelt1 0 2|Barrett0 0 OIChrlBtopher1 1 3|Fltld(10 0]

3 04 4 132 22 10 10 0

_ II).. 5.25. H 8.(108 4-254 0 3

SL noser-Officials—Murphrre ft

The American Santa, rotundand ruddy aboard his reindeersleigh, evolved from the St.Nicholas of Dutch colonists InNew York.

Ice Skippers Get Some Action,But Conditions Prevent RacingRED BANK — Despite poor

ice racing conditions, the sportdrew a host of skippers withsome 48 boats of all sizes anddescriptions on the Navesink Riv-er this past weekend.

The enthusiasts, mostly members of the North Shrewsbury IceBoat Club here, spent both dayst l g p ; theirftcraft-ln«prep»ra'ti'ori for "competitive racing" onsubsequent weekends.

One "scrub" race- was heldresterday by six members of

North .Shrewsbury's, Class E.fleet. The tune-up venture wascaptured by Phil Minton, in his

s p e e d y front-steering "Anti-Freeze."

Runner-up was John Mulvihlll,in "Spare Parts." Dave Clappwas third with his new craft andDon H u b b a r d, fourth in hisequally-new s k e c t c r "Donna-mite,"

The huge fleet on the local iceincluded at least 10 of the-tradi';tional Class A" icefyactits thatcarry up to 200 square feet ofsail. Among the "name" boats onthe ice werd the "Vanguard,"'Eskimo," "Say When" and

newly-reconditioned "Rainbow,"The "Rainbow" has been com-

pletely re-finished by Ira Miller.North Shrewsbury's new presi-dent,

Joe Irwin famed "Pirate" hasbeen rigged, but has rot beenplaced on the ice.

Other classes of boats on theIce include DN, D, C and B. Allare rear-steerers except the Ht-tie DN's;«nrinereaslngly-popiilBrclass iii this "area." • '

There is a possibility that the craft for future' races. °None "ofthe large boats were on trie icelocal river will be the scene of

the Eastern Ice Yachting Asso-ciation's annual regatta nextweekend. EIYA officials are con-|sldering Red Bank as a possi-

site, along with Budd Lake,Lake Hopatcong and BellportBay, Long Island.

Shrewsbury River ActiveSkippers of the Long Branch

Ice Boat and Yacht Club had thesmaller boats on the ico in thaPleasure Bay section of thsShrewsbury River this weekend.


.; Skippers in Ite:^<WJBS^QN-CUBJ»- .spent the weekend tuning up their

due to the limited sailing area.The "outside" course at LongBranch is not yet safe for ice.boats. '

DigiFind-It· Starts Today: &#039;The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7&#039;i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (13)

Plum Passes Lions to 17-10 Win;Danny Lewis Executes Big Play

MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — Sharp- gave Pitt new hope in the last placed under observation for s•hooting Milt Plum passed the period, but an awesome blitz byfavored Detroit Lions to a 17-10 the huge Detroit defenders!

knocked Brown lor losses backto the 47.

Bobby Layne came on in thefourth; replacing Brown, andtried to pull the game out of thefire. He passed the Steelers tothe Detroit 21, hitting John Buar-rell for 9, 12 and 22, but De-troit held at its 21 and a fieldgoal try by Michaels wasblocked.

victory over the Pittsburgh Steel-ers Sunday in a brawling defen-

- live battle between the NationalFootball League's division run-n e r s - n p . . • ' • . . .

Going to the air when the sur-prisingly tough Steeler defenderscontained Detroit's running at-tack, Plum threw for one touch-down and pitched the Lions intoposition for another and a fieldgoal by Wayne Walker.

Thus, the Lions proved for thethird straight year that they'refootball's third best team. Theybeat the Cleveland Browns, 1%16, in the first of the pro PlayoffBowl games in 1961 and clob-bered tKe Philadelphia Eagles38-10, last year.

But the Steelers, swamped byDetroit in their regular seasongame, 45-7, forced the Lions intoa supreme effort and confirmedthe belief that they have comeon to be the league's most im-proved team.

To the AlrlanesPittsburgh also went to

air. On the throwing ofBrown, the Steelers fought

NEW SHREWSBURY — Mon-mouth Regional captured its firstvarsity basketball game in his-tory here Friday, squeezing outa 53-50 decision over SouthernRegional in a Shore ConferenceB Division contest.

The win was the first in fourstarts for Coach Joe Lister's Fal-cons, the Rams have droppedtwo out of three.

Southern Regional broke out onIts ultimate 17-10 lead. top, leading 137 at the end of the

Detroit scored on a 20-yard first period. The winners re-pass from Plum to Ken Webb, a verted to a fast break to out-2-yard plunge by Webb, and a score the visitors, 18-13, and cut27-yard field goalDick Hoak drove

Lions to a 10-10 standstill in thethird quarter and threatenedtwice after Detroit had gone into

by "Walker.

Pittsburgh's- touchdown and Lou6 yards for halftime. Gary Driscoll scored

Michaels bootedfrom the 40.

field goal

The hitting was so hard thatfour players were knocked outin a brief periqd covering a fewplays in the third quarter. OnceJohn Henry Johnson, Pitts-burgh's big fullback, got up aft-er being flattened and wanderedInto Detroit's huddle. A gangbattle almost broke out in thesame period after Johnson andWayne Walker collided, thensquared off in fighting pose.

Plum, whogame's most

was voted thevaluable player,

whipped B,rown In a first-halfpassing duel as the Lions moved•head 10-7.

Twice in the opening period,Plum passed Detroit deep intoSteeler territory to the 19 and18 and Walker "tried for fieldgoals, He missed the first onefrom the 29 and hit the secondfrom the 27.

Pittsburgh didn't get outsideIts 40 until the middle of thelecond quarter. Then Brownmoved the Steelers 81 yards to atouchdown' and a 7-3 lead. Apass to Buddy Dial was ruledcomplete for 19 on interference.Brown hit Preston Carpenter for19 more, then aimed another forDial, who made a great sidelinecatch for 26 to the 19. Hoakrammed over from the 6 andMichaels converted.

Stops Aerial SurgeTom Bettis stopped a Detroit

aerial surge a short time laterby intercepting a Plum pass athis goal line. But Carl BrettSchneider quickly reclaimed iheball for Detroit with an intercep-tion of a Brown pass at the Pitts-burgh 34. Brown then threw toWebb for the score.

Michaels, whose educated lefttoe got 110 points for the Steel-ers during the season on fieldgoals and conversions, booted abeautiful 40-yarder to tie thescore at 10-10 in the third period.

Big Play for LewisThen Plum connected with

Dan Lewis on a 74-yard passplay to the Steeler 5. Lewisgathered in the ball on the Pitts-burgh 46 and was bumped out atthe 5 by Brady Keys. Webbthen scored from the 2.

Glen Glass' interception and28-yard return to the Detroit 35

possible concussion. Willie Dan-iel of the Steelers came out witha broken jaw and Pittsburgh'sDan James chipped an anklebone. r'

Individual records for the se-ries were set by Plum with themost passes tried and com-pleted, 16 out of 29, and the mostyards gained on passes, 274; byWebb, With the longest run fromscrimmage, 32; by Michael, withthe longest field goal, 40 yards;

After the game, Johnson wasiby Yale Lary of the Lions, with

the longest punting average,51.8, and by Walker • with themost field goals tried, 3.

Detroit set records for yardsgained with 325,yardage with 274


passingfor the

most first downs on passing with12. v

A crowd of 36,284 turned outin balmy weather, a little morethan the 35,000 which Pete Ro-zelle, NFL commissioner, saidwould be necessary if the prosare to bring the game to theOrange Bowl again next year.


BED-BANK REGISTER Monday, Jrniiiry 7,1963-43

Buccos Lose to ManasquanFor Season 9s Fifth Loss

Histoty is Made as MonmouthRegional Scores Cage Victory

the deficit to one point, 26-25, at

six points tojead the comeback.Jim Sicillano, a 5-8 speedster,

started to hit on driving lay-upsin the third period to spark theFalcons Into a 39-36 lead at theend of the third quarter.

Monmouth built up a 10-pointlead early in the final period, butSouthern came roaring back tomake it close. However, thehome side managed to hold onfor its three-point victory.

Each team tallied 14 points inthe final frame.

Sicillano was Monmouth's topscorer with 17 points. Ben Simp-son, returning to the startingine-up after an ankle injury,played a strong board game andchipped in with 13 points. Bob

Keyport RallyDowns HoffmanFive, 5546

RARITAN TOWNSHIP-A latestarting Keyport High School fiverallied from a 26-20 half-time def-icit to whip visiting Hoffman, ofSouth Amboy, 55-46, in a basket-ball contest played at Raritan

Thome handled 18 rebounds and Township High School Friday.

Art Wall LeadsL. A. Open

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The$50,000 Los Angeles Open GolfTournament swung into its finalstage today with Art Wall, / Jr.,in recent months a relativestranger to the pressures of big-time golf, leading the way inquest of the $9,000 top money.

The 39-year-oldiWall held.an ad-vantage of two strokes over thefield as the money-minded proshit away over the par 3645-71Rancho Park Golf course."

Wall, golfer of the year: in1959, has been absent from theheadlines since he last won atournament, The Canadian Openn 1960.

The pace setter. with scoresof 68-70 in the first two rounds,charged into command in a hec-tic third round Sunday with a67 and a 54-hole total of 205.

A sudden death playoff wasordered in the event of a tie. Odd-ly enough". Wall's last bid fora tournament victory came inthe Insurance City Open whichhe lost in a marathon, 7-hole sud-den death playoff to Bob Goalbyin Hartford, Conn., last year.

As play continued, four partici-pants were only two strokesback of Wall, the Pocono- Manor,Pa., Masters champion of 1959.

They were ex-National Openchampion Ed. Furgol, JohnnyPott, Paul Bondeson and Bublolscher. s.

added nine points to the winner'stotal.

Bill Connors was the Ramshigh scorer with 22 points. BobMcCuIlough picked up 11 mark-TS.

The Falcon reserves won theopener by a 47-33 score. RalphMango paced the Morlmouth jay-vees with 14 points.

Monmouth entertains PointPleasant Beach, the B DivisionSouth pace-setter tomorrow. TheGulls have won two straight Inthe conference, while Monmouthis 1-2 in the race.

Monmouth (53> Southern


G F P4 0 8 Connora4 1 IHutt 1 13 Laird1 5 17 Haug2 O 4McCulloutn0 0 OAker1 0 2 Temple


O i l3 0 64 3110 3 3O i l0 3 3

23 7 63Monraouth Reg.Southern Reg


_ 7,.J3

mti, Kovaleskl.

Red Bank Rec,Cage Loops Open

RED BANK — The Pistonsjumped out with a cage victoryin the Red Bank Parks and Rec-reation Department basketballleague competition by knockingoff the Hawks, 28-24, in the BLeague last week.

Lenny Procopio and Williama")?P Gaskin shared the scoring honors

with eight points each. HaroldRoyster and Steve Tyson scorednine tallies each for the losers.

In other games in this divisionthe Warriors won over the Lak-

" Jig} ers, 38-21, with Jack Loversidge,^ Larry Clay and Pete Rociiento

all scoring eight markers. HenryHolmes was high for the losers

It was the fifth win in sevenstarts for Coach Frank Zampel-lo's powerful Red Raiders. Hoff-man, a former member of theShore Conference, dropped itssecond in four starts.

Each club tallied 12 points ina slow first period, but the Gov-ernors forged ahead behind thehot shooting of John Lange, KenWahler and Dennis Woods tolead by six at half-time.

Keyport found themselves inthe third period, outscoring theinvaders, 19-8, to grab a 39-34advantage. Tom Gevas led thespurt with eight points.

The Raiders added 16 moremarkers in the final frame towin going away.

Dan Hourahan paced the Raid-er attack with seven baskets andfour foul shots for 18 points. Ge-vas added 14 to the total.

Lang had 14 for the Governors.Woods- chipped in with 12, andWahler, 10.

Keyport also won the jayveegame, 43-30, behind John MeSal-la's 15 point performance.

The Raiders return to Confer-ence play tomorrow traveling toMatawan to face the winlessHuskies in their new gym.

Hoffman (16)O F P4 0 8|Oeva« '5 2 12|Lewls4 6 WHourahan5 0 10|Frase1 0 2IGiegerO 0 PlJackson

IVan PeltThomas.

Keyport (55)« F T

IS 8 (3Hoffman 12 14Keyport 12 8

Official! — Zuber, WlUlami,

i 1111 1 37 4 183 1 71 0 23 01 0 21 1 3

22 11 B58 12—it

19 18-55

Henry Hudson Wins Squeaker,64-63, With Time Running Out

BERKELEY TOWNSHIP - Athree-point play by 6-3 seniorAlex Ashuck with less than aminute to play provided HenryHenry Hudson Regional. with athrilling 64-63 verdict over Cen-tral Regional in a Shore Con-ference B Division test here Fri-day.

The win was the second infour starts for the Admirals. TheGolden Eagles have droppedthree out of four contests

Ashuck's dramatic scoringbroke a 61-61 tie. Richie Nor-cross then hit two foul shots with30 seconds left, but Henry Hud-son successful fan out theclock.

Central dominated play in thefirst hall staying comfortablyahead of the visitors to pile upa 38-29 half-time advantage. Nor-cross scored 18 of his 28 pointsIn the first half.

The Hudson club came to lifein the second half, sparked by6-2 Mike Lane, who contributed10 points in the winning drive.The Eagles' Jim Bailey fouledout early In the third period giv-ing the Invaders better controlof the boards.

Lane and Jorge Ortiz found therange in the final session tojnoye Hudson within striking dis-

1 tance.'' Ortiz1' tallied nine" poiHtsin the closing period.

• Lane wound up with 19 points.Dan Byrne and Ortiz each had12 markers.

Norcrpss, hitting on drives and

losers. Bob Budesa scored 18 and » « " '""»on j[«>Bailey, "11.

Henry Hudson won the gameon the foul line, converting IB outof 29 attempts. Central only con-verted 13 out of 25 foul attempts.

The Admiral reserves also cap-tured the preliminary contest.

Hudson invades Raritan Town-ship Tuesday.

Central («J>FP a FP

1 0 2 Norcrosl 11 « 28O 0 0 Budeia 8 2 18O 3 3 Hurley O 0 O6 7 19 Bailey 3 5 116 0 12 Htwklnl 1 0 23 3 0 Martin • 0 0 04 4 12 Vandergrlft 2 0 03 1 7Walenclk'l 0 0 0


23 18 64 25 13 63Henry Huason .18 11 18 17-S4Central Regional 22 16 14 11—63

Officials—Rlcliardflon, Bchrumpf.

Caseys ScoreWrestling Win

Red Bank Catholic's wrestlingsquad evened its record at 2-2 bythumping winless Neptune, 32-20,in the Fliers' gym Friday.

St. Benedict's of Newark,whipped Christian Brothers Acad-emy, 28-16, in the Lincroftschool's gym.

In other matches held Friday,Southern Regional's powerfulwrestlers squeezed out a 25-20decision over previously-unbeat-en Long Branch before 700 fansin Stafford Township. Toms Riv-er, the 1961.' District Nine cham-pion, opened Its season with a 32-12 victory over Brick Township.

The Casey grapplers won eightof the 12 matches in the win overNeptune. -Red'Baflk Catholic'sunbeaten Jayvees also triumphedby 45-13.

St. Benedict's won eight of the12 matches against wlpless CBA.The Colts' Terry Hill pinned John

Jim Black also pinned his op-ponent in the 140-pound class.

Red Bank Catholic 32—Neptune 2097 Tom Ptak (R) d. Roger Parker,

6-0.105—Paul O'Rourke <-R) p. John

Tweed, 2nd 1:44.114—Boh Tleileman (N) p. John

Mounter, lat 1:56.122—Skip nice (R) P. Bernard Hard-

Ing. 3rd 30 seconds. |129—George Tledcmann (N)-p, Rich

Dough, 2nd 55 aei135— Kevin Cox

11-0.HO—Fred Tlertemaim

(II) d. Art Alklni,

(N) p. Boblsl, l :50.

147-Jack Kelly (R) d. Ray Qran-

scoring 10 markers.

In the D league sue teamsformed last Wednesday night atRiver Street School. In this groupof 10-11 year olds, play will startWednesday at 7 p.m. with some50 cagers competing.

The C League opened lastThursday night with six teamsand 69 boys in competition. In this12-14-year-old division, the BlackBombers opened successfully bydowning the Silver Hawks, 23-14.James Dudley was high man' forthe winners scoring 15 tallies.James Dean was top man for thelosers with seven markers.

In the other games in thisbracket it was the Yellow Jack-ets winning over the White Fla-mingos, 11-9. Dennis Hughes hadfour markers for the victors,while Milton Gaylord scored sixtallies for the loosers.

RED BANK - Red BankCatholic High remained, withthree other teams, winless foithe season Friday night when StMary's of South Amboy rackecup a 83-58 victory on the Case;court.

Red -Bank Catholic is now 0-4on the season. St. Mary's has6-1 record.

St. Mary's piled up scorinjmargins in every quarter to posthe easy victory. The winneriscored the final four pointsthe opening quarter for a 22-1margin and opened the gap ti15 points at halftime, 46-31.21-13 advantage in the thinquarter wrapped it up.

Three players scored over 20points for the winners. Tom Far-rell was the standout withpoints, high in the game, ant31 rebounds. St. Mary's 6-7 center, Joe Chodkiewicz, addedpoints, and Jack Kreiger tosseiin 20.

Tom Petraitas had 14 points t<lead the Caseys. Paul Schlssle:was next with 13.

Red Bank Catholic won thejunior varsity game, 5mo. JerrjHorn paced the win with 1!points.

The Caseys, who lost to SRose, 95-72, yesterday, will nosee action until Friday nighwhen they travel to Sayrevillfto take on the Bombers.

St. J Iar j 1 . (S3)O FT


H B Cath. (98)Cl F

9 2 2l)i Fitzgerald12 1 25|D'Eipojlto1 0 2,0'Kaefe


_ _ . 0Chodkiewicz 9 3 21 Petraltaa 6 2 1

1 05 3 l:0 06 0 1:0 22 02 0


0 1 1 Armstrong6 .2 14 Schlssler0 0 0, Hennessey0 0 OIBuckalew

W.Kukulskl 0 0 OJFasionDowd


37 9 83St. Mary ' i 22 24 21

23 12 SI16—8:

Red Bank Catholic ...IS 13 13 14-4Officials—Zebro, Capraro.

Oceanport Grammar5 Scores 3d Win

OCEANPORT — OceanportGrammar School basketball teamwon its third straight game laslweek by defeating Deal, 34-14.

Franks paced the winners wit13 points with Gaughn next iline, with eight markers.

Gendel was top scorer forDeal with five points. Fourother members of the Deal squa<scored two points each amKelly added the lone foul sholfor the 14 points.

(R) p. William

(N) p. Mark Ro«

dlneltl, 1S4.157—Tom Flynn

Back, 1st 1:22.107—BUM Cornell

era. 2nd 1:22.177—Bob Froeao (Ii> d. John Lulon,

2-0.Unl.—Joe Perry (R) p. Dennla Wil-

son, 1st 1:30.

St. Benrdlct'a 2K-CBA 1697—Fred Caruso (8B) d. Mike Bcar-

pelllno, 4-0.103—John Baker (SB)

grasso. 3:49,112—Mlko Caruitj (8D)

vegno, :51.120—Larry Uu'saomanno (SB) d. Kav-

In Dnlan, 4-0.127—Greg Doby (SB) d. Cheiter 01-

Incer, 6-0.135—Tim Wahl (SB) i. Geome Con-

Hy Spotting Sportsmost of the big Class A boats thrilled spectators withspeed and fine racing — when speeding close to 100miles an hour. The famous Scud of an earlier daywhipped along a mile and a quarter straightaway othe Shrewsbury River at 107 miles an hour. Prettyfast when there are no brakes to stop the craft andlet you off! Veteran skippers will remember famouscraft such as the Georgie, Daisy, Wizard, Imp, Drub,Say When, Phantom, Pirate, Eskimo and the Pet. Allwere speedy and operated by excellent skippers.

There are not as many Class A boats around inthese days, but still if you held a muster one could gemaybe a half-dozen on the local river. And they stil!fly.'

SHORT SNORTS — Douglas R. Farrow, Wil-low Dr., Little Silver, a sophomore at Red BankHigh School, placed first in a weight lifting meetrecently held at Norristown, Pa. Farrow was vis-iting Gordon Mayer, a former Little Silver resi-dent. Competition was in the 132-pound weightclass. Doug trains actively daily in his home.

Jeff Van Doren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald L,Van Doren, 12 Hilltop Cir., Lincroft, is on the wrestlingsquad at Lawrenceville. Jeff grapples in the 165 poundclass. Proud papa Doren is one of the wheels at CircleChevrolet, Maple Ave.

Stan "The Man" Musial, who recently signedhis 22d contract with the Cards, batted only .285Jn his first year in pro ball. But this was the yearhe was a pitcher.

The sun may shine on the colt Sunrise County thisyear. The colt, owned by Townsend B. Martin, Nave-sink, finished' first in two big races but was disquali-fied both times, losing $86,391 in first-place money.He lost by a length in another $58,000 race arid byhalf-length in a $28,000 event.

In a recent bowling match in Arizona, all fivemembers of one team in league play rolled 192games . . . Dodgers' Murray Wills will have compe-tition next season only it will come in the Ameri-can League. Dick Simpson, a rookie Los AngelesAngeles' outfielder who hit 42 home runs for SanJose, is one of the fastest men in baseball... TomHutchinson, the Kentucky end signed by theBrowns, has run the 100 in 10 seconds flatjlmd hnshigh-jumped 6-5. . . A request for six tickets tothe All-Star baseball game in Cleveland next Julyhas been received by the Indians. Nothing likebeing prepared if one decides to attend the All-Star game.

way. 4-2.-•140JlnFinn. 1:26.

1 4 7 B


147—Bill Keavehey (CBA)Columho, 1-0.

1S4—Ed.nelrioio.(SB) d. John Martin 6-0.

165-Brian Froellch (SB) d. Bill Callahan, 110.

177—Pets Oenoveie (CBA) d.Nebrl, 13-3.

fumperi, tallied 28 pointi (or ths Frtser In the unlimited class. nS$rJ$p- Hl" (0BA) * JoH



Telephone SH 1-0554

RED BANK — ManasquanHigh moved into a tie for firstplace in the Shore Conference ADivision by romping over hap- jjgj'jless Red Bank High, 76-40, onthe Bucco court here Friday.

The victory gives the Big Blue5-1 over-all record and 30

mark in the A Division for aleadership tie with Neptune's de-fending champs. Red Bank is ineighth place in the nine-teamloop with a 1-3. The Buccaneers are 1-5 on the season.

The game was strictly a nocontest as Manasquan scoredfreely from the floor and heldRed Bank main offensive threat,jump shooter Eddie Winrow, to10 points.

Clark, and Red Bank neverthreatened. The margin at theend of the first quarter was15-7. At the half Manasquan

a 28-point lead, 41-13, aftera whopping 26-6 bulge in the sec-ond quarter.

Winrow, who went into theaveraging 23 points a con-

test, mustered only three figoals and four free throwsthe evening. No other Bucco hitdouble figures.

Jim Clark, Manasquan'i classy c:iguard, dumped In 23 points, onlythree from the free throw line,to pace all scorers. ReggieLyons and Ron Scavella alsopaced the Big Blue with 11 and15 markers, respectively. Gras-dorf, 'Squan's 6-4 center, domi-nated t h e backboards a n d

Manasquan jumped out to a 3-0lead on a field goal by JimGrasdorf and free throw by Jim

Silver grammar school cagersdefeated Fair Haven, 31-24, in atilt played here last week.

Little Silver jumped out to anearly, 11-4, lead and was neverheaded. At halftime Little Sil-ver held a 22-11 advantage.

Fair Haven's best effort camein the fourth quarter when out-scoring Little Silver, 9-5.

Don Hammond led Fair Havensquad's with 11 points. JohnCaldwell topped the losers with10 markers with Glenn Campanella next on the list with eighttallies.

F»lr llavfn (14) Ullle silver (31)0 f P Q F T


4 3 lllCampanclla, 4 0 80 0 0 Calclwcll - - --1 2 4 Conlon0 0 0 Conolly1 1 3 Brophy


Fair Haven .Little Silver .

9 6 24. . 4 T 4...11 11 4

chipped in with five point*.Manasquan also won the junior

varsity tussle, 53-40. Red, Bank'fBill Horlacker was high scorerin the game with IS pointa.

Red Bank has another ruggedfoe tomorrow night In Neptune.The A Division contest will be.played at Red Bank. Manasquan

F h l d i "A" tiltfield plays at Freehold in afor tomorrow night.g

M u u t u u (W Be* B

2 i si Winrow2 O 4JCarlont

10 3 231 Kocen

Omdor tWuchter"'" irkLyonsScaveltaFranklinCordtaKraet"!BeanDecker

q"A" tilt

3 4 10

3 5 11.• .5 15

Pavlih'thde3 0 6 Cacarlllo

8 JaffeMunaoQDilll

1 0 2 1O i l0 0 0 Wllbert


2 1 51 2 4

O i l0 0 90 0 00 0 0

2R 20 76

Reil Bank - . - T « WOIHclaU — Feeney, Fn.t«rrln>,

L S. DefeatsFair Haven

Beach High remained undefeatedLITTLE SILVER — The Little In Shore Conference B. Division

MacCutcheon Has100th Win TroublesMATAWAN - Point Pleasant Tom Mackson and Harold John-

play Friday night by postingscoring margins in every periodto whip Matawan Regional, 77-52,on the court here.

the victory gives the GarnetGulls a 2-1 over-all record and2-0 slate. The Gulls lead the BSouthern Division. Matawan Re-gional, 0-6 over-al, Is resting inthe cellar of the B Northern D Msion with an 0-3 record, (an un-usual position (or, Matawan)Matawan Regional coach BruceMacCutcheon is still seeking his100th victory as varsity mentorof the Huskies.

Point Pleasant moved out toa 14-10 lead in the first quarterand upped the bulge to nine

3 o 6|Paiumbo 2 2 5 points at halftime with a 22-17second quarter bulge. The Gulls

jj turned -the game Into a romp

son also hit double figures with15 and 10 points, respectively.

Transfer student George Lah-mann paced the Matawan squadwith 24 points on nine bucketsand six free throw*. George Mor-rell was next in the Huskle icor-ing column with 10.

Matawan has another rough tiltin store in Its next outing tomor-row night. The Huskies play hostto a rugged Keyport squad. PointPleasant travels to New Shrews-bury to meet Monmouth Regionalin an afternoon game at 3:30 to-morrow. Both games are B Divi-sion encounters.

Officials—Carhart and Karlo.

0 in the third quarter with a 22-14advantage.

Roger Krayl led the Gulls tovictory with 12 field goals anddour charity tosses for 26 points:

n. rieMMi (T» M«t»w»i (S!)aw. art

Krayl 12 2 20S!ebert 2 2 6Mackaon 6 3 19 aarafara 0 3Johiuon • 4 2 10 JajnlltonJohnwn . - — -Htrmanion 1 4 6 Lahmann

4 O 8 Morrell1 1 3 Flynn1 O J D'Apollto1 0 2 zaraboro o o

1 1 3

3 31 0 3S « 235 O 101 2 41 1' 3 '0 3 3

Omclala-Smllh. .

II 1< i2I* 33 22 1O-7VM 11 10 IS—«3



Adjust Brakes antjRepack Front

Wheel Bearings

Balance BothFront Wheels

Bill Joints 1I.MTorsion Bar AirSmpeaslon U.W

R«pl«etmmt pirtt H noodManil tortlon bar adjust-

mant not Includid.




Red Bank—SH 7-57001000 Asbury Avt. Atbury Peril

PR S4700

DigiFind-It· Starts Today: &#039;The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7&#039;i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (14)

BED BANK REGISTER14—Monday, January 7> 1963


108T—Two tore gold bracelet, vicinityBed Bank Elki: New Year's Eve.Sentimental value. 8H 1-11332.

LOST—Small miniature male poodle,allver vicinity Naveslnk River Rd,,Riverside Heights. Reward. BH 1-M83.

TOUND — Small brown anil whitsdog. Faltvlew area. Call SH 143W,1-9 p.m. _ _ ^LOST — Black French poodle, answersto name "Suzette". CaJl

j 787-11054


WANTED — Transportation to SouthBend, Ind., In ll£ht truck In January.Two men, belongings, anil few house,hold Items. SH 7-2594 evenings.


$99 SPECIALSTak» your pick, 199 each, «JI running,ready to go.

1MB CHEVROLET PICKUP52 F O i m C1352 F O i m

1963 BUICK1950 CHEVHOLET1353 PLYMOUTH1958 DODGE STATION WAGONMaurice Schwartz & Sons

H I W. Front at. 8H 7-1)787 Red Bank1958 COUNTRY BCJUIBE STATIONWAGON • — Fully equipped. In out-standing condition. Power equipment,new tires. Radio, heatpr, back-up UEJIIS.Shiny red. BH 7-1062 alter 3 p.m.AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE - Llabll.lty and physical damage. 17-M can beInsured. ROLBTON WATERBURY,Realtor-Insurer, IS W. Front Bt. RedBank, SH 7-5300.1954 PLYMOUTH — Gooa transport*.tlDn car, standard, four door, 3100.787-1813.

1960 AUSTIN HEALEY BPRITE—Ooodcondition. S1.050. Cull SH 7-9726 be-tween 6 and 7 p.rn.

1958 FORD Fftlrlane BOO, powar steer.Ing, deluxe Interior, excellent conditionI860. 787-3(60.PODQE — Slx-cjllnder, stick, 1953wagon, mow tires plus four good tires,good condition, 1100 firm. BH 1-5677.

1931 CHEVROLET — Four-door ledan.Little restoration required [o makelike new. 1350. SH 7-173J,

1056 CHEVROLET BEL AIR — Four-door, hardtop, automatic, setttcnvers,two new tires, paint Job. 842-2308.

AUSTIN HBAUJY- — IB57 four-pai-aenger Roadster. 31,030. Call SH 1-4689after 6 p.m.1862 DODGE — Take over payment!93-A Lawrence St.,

KeanshurgWB7/DODOE Hardtop convertible. Ex-cellent condition, new tires, fully equip,per), sacrifice, 1123. BH 1-9115. Callbetween 5-8 p.m.1960 PLYMOUTH four-door hardtop.Wo lold this car new In 1S60 andhave done all the service work on It.It Is In excellent condition Includingtires, power steering and automatictransmission. It is white with a redInterior. See it now.

Maurice Schwartz & Sons141 W. Front St. SH 7-0787 Bed BankHILLMAN — Convertible, I860.

J900SH 1.1681

1957 PONTIAC Star Chief convertible.Excellent SH 1-0747 or

SH 70008

1962 DATSUN — tlBO down, take over•SO monthly payment!. Bed and whiteconvertible. 35 miles to gallon. Badto,heater. SB 7-4026.1961 CHEVROLET station wagon Palk-wood. Call

787-11051987 THUNDERBIRD CONVERTIBLE—White with black top. J1.350. 845.3120.

1960 OBEVROJjET BROOKWOOD STA-TION WAQON — Standard shirt, radio,heater. Call SH MOW »:30 to 5. BH 7.

1 fMI> after 3:30.

1950 FORD — 1960 Chevrolet enijlne.Very good condition. Entering serv-ice. Must sell. CO 4-3816.

1058.CHEVROLET convertible. Can lieleen at Airport Crown, 572 ShrewsburyAve.. Shrewsbury.

J!W» CHEVROLET HALF TON PICK-tJP TRUCK — *T0O. 93-A LawrenceBf Keansburff.1960 CHRVSLER NEW YORKER tout-door sedan. This Is one of thoSB per-fect used cars. It has only 24,000 mileson It. It Is spotless Inside and out. Ithas a brand new set of. ttres. Stop Inand drive It today, ' ,

Maurice Schwartz & Sons141 W. Front St. SH 7-0787 Red Bank


MOBILE HOMESD i e d - 10% downMaw . 1-year financing


Rout. 130 Robblnivllla. N. J.IV 7-1320

IMS LIBERTY TRAILER — 4Sx8, wall,to-wall carpeting, 10x20 awning. CO 4-1687.9500 EQUITY — Assume payment* on10x52' mobile home. Wall-to-wall car-— auto washer, solar room. SH l-KM. '





•.. At!. HighlandsI N i i H h (if K l , .« ; .

Open 'til 9 p.m.



•0 Vain St. LO HMO Uatawan(IN yds. from HaUwan RR Button)


MARINB tNBURANCE - Bee us-35years experience. Call today. ROLSTONWATERBURY, Kealtor-Insuror, II IV.Front St., Red Bank. BH 7-5300.

17* - "61" BROADWATER, TO Up. Mer-cary, electric, buUMn tank, all canvas,lights, tire extinguisher and extras. PR4-2365.

AU4 — Any ooat you wans to<nro. Lrw biak nUM. FtaaaclDg arrangemeats completed In one call atany of our oMcea THE MONMOUTHCOUNTY NATIONAL BANK. «H 1I0OO.

CLASS "D" MARCONI —. Rear steer-ing iceboat, sails never used. Excel-lent condition. SH 1-7978 alter 6:30.


FIREPLACE SCREENS repaired andnude to order. Bright Acre, SH 7-5555.Bright Store, SH 7-2222.

G E N L CLEANING—Cellars, ytrdiand attics. Also other cleaning dona.

AUTOMOBILK DEALERSHIP — YounLman to aisltt parti manager and do

f e n e r a l tnalnta!nuice work. Needriver's Ucente. No experience necei-

aary. Call Mr. J.W. stiUlngs, TOM'FORD, Inc., LO «-I3W.

HOME IMPROVEMENTS — Addition*alterations and repairs. R.A, WIL-LIAMSON, JR.. HO 2-2*85.Announcing the opening of REGARD'STALL OAKS BIDING ACADEMY on alimited scale. Rldlnss Saturday andSunday afternoons, Riding limited atpresent time to the ctmfinrs of thefarm wlUi Iti paddocks and quartermile [rack. Riding lesions by appoint-ment only. Swimming: Hirer ft<J., Tin-ton Falls, N.J., BH 7-9581, P.p.. BoxMl, Uncrort.

WELDER — Experienced In iron fab-Heating. Pull time. Apply KAD Prod-ucts. 717-MSl.


SLAV*, drivers, BUT $106 a weewill cure a lot of wounds. 671*1370 be-tween U-l or 3-5 p.m.

HOME IMPROVEMENTS — P«.!ntln|.carpentry work, cement work, sheetrocking, window chains Installed. N ojob too big or too small. Call CA 2-5000. 872-1553 evenings.

M-EN — Representative ol nationallyknown company will Interview at theNew Jersey State Employment Office,Front St., Red Bank, Tuesday, Janu-ary 8, 1-3 p.m. Applicants must' bueat, have car and phone.


INDUSTRIAL CAFETERIA — PartUmi evening work In brand new cafeterla or Industrial plant. Local areaInteresting diversified worn lncludlniHill. CHI Pllgram 8-08O1 (Bloomfleld

DEPARTMENT MANAGERDepartment store or specialty storeexperience, £ood worlttac conditions,majiy employee benefits. OpportunityTor advancement. Apply in personLeraer Shops. 81 Broad St., Red Bank.

MECHANICAL INSPECTOR — Somexperience required. Permanent em-ployment. Apply Stephenson Corp., 55Wlille Rd., Shrewsbury.

OPERATORSSingle needle, waist aectlons. 35-hourunion shop. EATONTOWN DRESS CO..22 Lewis St., LI 2-3555.

MOTEL MANAGERSMen wanted to train lor Motel Managers. 6ee our ad under "Instruction."UNIVERSAL. NATIONWIDE MOTEL.TRAINING.

AVON 8 E L i £ ITSELF—SIM or Parttime. Several territories open lorwomen Interested In hsvtnc a roodsteady Income. Experience unneces-sary. Bit 1-4343 or write: Urf. Uarga-ret Oulotia, P. O. B o i 190, Red Bank.

MAN — To work in business downtown Rtd Bank: 3 a.m. to 11:30 mPleasant surroundings, liberal benefits,must have above average Intelligence.References required, 741-1123.

HELP WANTED-Male - Female

YOUNG GIRL as babysitter, helperend companion In exchange for room,board, spending money. 842-3607 eve-nlngs.

EDWARDS EMPLOYMENT AGENCYExecutrva-oalel'On'Ice.DomBitlo

Blncerltr and ability wltb hlltn ethics» DroaJ St. SH 1-Qtn Bed Bank

BXPERIBNCBD SALESGIRLS— Ladles'apparel shoppe, good pay, full-time.Adams Shoppe, 14 Broad St., Red Bank.

BAItB EMFLOYUKNT AQEKCtqualified Personnel For Quality Ordei210 Broad Long Branch CA i-4747

MATURB WOMAN to assist la prepara-tion o[ 1962 Income tax returns, part-time, good pay. SH 7-5778.

ACS EMPLOYMENT AOBNCXEvery order & applicant our specialty.U Broad SL. Red Bank BH 7.3494

REGISTERED NURSE — Part-lime,3 p.m.-U p.m. Write "AO" B o i 511,lied Bank.

BOOKKEEPER — Fowler's Hardware,Ocean Ave.,

Sea Bright

MODELS — 18-25 for modeling Jobsof all kinds. No experience necessary.Call SH 1-7013 before 5 p.m.

MOTHER'S HELPER — Family withtwo children. LlgM Housekeeping. Boomand board plus salary. 7*7-8678.

HOUSBKHEPER-COOK — To live In.own room and bath. TV. P lv . Infamily, good salary. 811 1-3948,

COUNTER GIBL — I ipwlence notnecessary. Apply In person TOP HATCLEANERS. Rte. 35, MldJleUmn,YOUNO WOMAN — For office workand retail selling. Steady all year-round job. Apply In person ATLANTICGLASS CO., a Maple Ave.. Bed Bank.

EXPERIENCED SALE8-LAD1T vantedfor women's ready-to-wear. Apply In

:rson, J. Yanko, 30 Broad St., Redink.

Gfltlj OR WOMAN — Care for three•mall children, live In, Thursdaythrough Sunday cr full time. Call LI 2-1J71.WOMAN OH OIEL — To help motherwith children, light housekeeping, yearround. Will give room and board with»t»d salary. BH 7-M78.COUNTER (JIRL v - And ottietadtittes.Steady -wprk. Apply between ^ and10 a.m. in person. TOP HAT CLEAN-ERS Rte. 3S. Mlddletoim.

EXPERIENCED slipcover • operatorwanted, full or part-time. Call after flp.m. OS 1-12S7. _ ^

MOTEL MANAGERSWomen wanted to train for MotelManagers. See our ad under "Instruc-tion." UNIVERSAL NATIONWIDEMOTEL TRAINING.HOUBEWORKER — Full-time. 108Harding Rd.,

Red BankLADY — Over 21. Neat appearance,high school education, receptionist Inphotographic studio, good salary, plusbonus. Apply LORSTAN STUDIOO, 24White St., Bed Bant.

MOTHER'S HELPER — To live In.Light housekeeping duties. Care ofchildren. No cooking. SH 7-1917.

COUNTER GIRIi — 40 hour week,permanent over 3L Experience pre-ferred. Call SH 1-0066.



Full or part-time.

Investigate the fastest growing seg-ment of the Investment business, estateplanning using mutual funds and lifeInsurance. Call today to learn howyou can Join the most progressive firmIn New Jersey.

Free training program starts in mid-January. .

Call SH 1-1300 (or appointment.First Eaatem Investment Corp.

KAN — To work In greenhouses, ex-perience preferred. Steady all yearemployment for the right party.Steady employment. Please call Inperson SPIWAK FLORISTS, 09 Avenueof Two Rivers, Rumson.

EXPERIENCED SLIPOOVBB CUTTim—Full or part time. Year round work.OS 1-1257.SALES MANAGER — Flve-llgurereality with growing concern In Man-mouth County area. Must have abilityto hire and train sales force. Experi-ence desired In speciality sales, AilInquiries confidential. Our personnelhave been notified of this ad. Sendresume to P. O. Box 13S, Eatontown,N.J. •

MEN WITH EXPERIENCE In con-struction of Instruments and electro-mechanical devices. Apply In personELECTRO IMPULSE LABS, 508 RiverSt, Red Bank,



MANAGERBucceithil fajt moving «tore needscofiscHntlous, cleir thinking, har<working man to c&rry on It's nieces:and meet present competitive condlttoni. Thlt bualnesi h u a backgroumof almost half a century of growth andrue ce«. Excellent it art ing ulary

ith Plani for Increases based on thertaulU of the individual. Send com-plete resume of experience and back-ground to "A.J." Box 511 Reel Bank.



SALESDignilied work /ram home, salarjplus commission. Opportunity foipermanent high earnings. Experience not necessary. "AX."Box 511, Red Bank.

AOE NO BAJIRIBR — I! you wish tisupplement your family Income bjworking lour or five hours per day;9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.rn. Car necessary.Call In person, 700 Mattlson Ave.,Room 309, Asbury Park,' N.J.; Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday between 1Csum. and 2 p.m. Some sales ^experlencinecessary. ,


WILL HELP WITH PARTIES, dinners.or otlier occasions Call

SH 1-88B1COUPLB — Refined, experienced, seelhousehold or nur.hiff position. Capable.Drive to Florida or Arliona If desired.Write "A.C.", Box 611, Red Bank.

YOUNO WOMAN would like to do da;work. Call N

LI 5-3OW


HIOH SCHOOL B 0 1 — Reliable, ex-perienced, desires work after schooaad week-enda Call areouiBa SB 'IMS.

COLLEO-B BOY will work on estat!on wee&anda' In exenanfe for - room,aad boaqHaOr. room. OS 1-3132.

HANDY MAN — Flck-up truck, dally,weekly worlr. Will clean cellars, garates, yards, attics. BH 7-2357.

PURCHASING AGENT or assistantHeavy electronic and mechanical back-around, aggressive, with cost savin-•cord. Write "A.S.". -Box 611, ReBank.


EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITYThe Atlantic Refining Co, hai a neitwo-bay aervlcfl station available onRL 34, Matawan, Inveitment re-quired for stock and equipment only.Paid training available. For Informa-tion call MI 3-0100, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.or 8B2-.H93. after 7 p.m.

BBAUTY SHOP — Nelfchborliood buslness, all new equipment, well locate*v«ry reasonable price In relatton t(substantial Income. Good reason forselllnt. THE DOWSTBA. AGENCY, SH1-8700.


First and Second MORTGAGE!to homeowners who need monej



f o u r credit Is food. First and secoimortgages. BH 1-1M4 or FO 32601.


DESKS — Ho up, Hies fig up, chairs,adding mschines, typewriters manusand elnctrlc, office equipment e t cbargain prices. New or used. AAC DeskCoi fit. 35, Oaknursl, KB 1-3990.

REVERE - B M. M. Movie Camer.and equipment complete. Excellentcondition Best offer. Call 872-1834 be-tween 5 and 6 p.m.

HEATINO STOVE — Bureaus, beds.odds snd ends. 872-0337. See at :Jackson St. Highlands, Saturday andSunday.

T X r u W B K a . ADDING machine.Ail malcea new or usad. QuaranteeiLow as |2SL Berpico's. 101 VonmoutriBt. Next to theater 811 7-W85.

SOFA BED — IS.Sleeps twoSH 1-7810


Adding Machines — Typewriter.ADDINO MACHINES — TypewriteTssold, rented, repaired, aerplco's lfllMonmoulh St.. Bed Bank. B1I 7-0489.

Antiques WantedOld Polls, sunn, lewelry, cut glass,furniture. Civil War boota. Appraisalsmade, oilman. SH .3-1141.

Appliance RepairsAPPLIANCE REPAIR and Installa-tion. Residential and commercial wlr-Inf. Allen Electric. BH 7-0612.

AuctioneerB. o . COATS — An e.flentlal AuctionAppraisal Service "anywhere." 28BNorwood Ave . Deal. Phone KEHog1-346X

Auto Body RepairEXPERT PAINTING and body re.

£alr. Moderate prices. Guaranteed.[cCarthy Chevrolet Atlantis High-

land*. 291-0309.

Auto and Track RentalAVISnRent.a new cat at truck..Lowrates. Maple Are., B id Bank. 8H T-0308. PH 4-3214. Bally 7 a . m - 1 0 p.m.

Building ContractorttUILDEH — Mew homes, room ad-ditions, basement and amo rooms,kitchens, garage, repairs and alter-ations. Herbert Elgenrauch. 811 1-Sl'Ul.

A- I. PICONS - OBramlo tile con-tractor for quality, price, and prompta t n t e e . Free estimate. Call M1B2Cor 301-3077.

Cesspool Cleaning

B E n i C TANKB, dry wells serviced.Leeching field added. Backho* work.C. H. Wilson. SH MB«.

Fuel Oil — Heating

FU£LOIL * TuSffiHoP^rair0010. Oil Csiivery, Inc., BinrlciBales. 3 Herbert Bt, Bed Bank.

Home Improvements

WORKINO UAN'B contractor—Alter-ations additions, painting, masonry,and all those little lobs. HSvenlnis LOH714.

insuranceABILITY • SERVICE • Dependabilitywncn you Insure your HOME. AUTO,other lines of Insurance througbARMBTRONO AOBNCY. 811 U5O0.

PalntinjPAINTINO at Us finest Interior andexterior, Residential and commercial.Lowest rates. W. Evans. Bit 1-8517.

' Painting and Decorating

LOUIS 0/1S3AN - Painter, decorator,paporhnngcr. 25 years experience. 43Cliapln Ave. BH 1-1708 sfter fl p.m.

L. II. HILL. — Fainter. Contractor.No Job loo large or too •mall. Call747-D03O.

( M i l . B. JONES - Palntlns and dec-orating. General contracting1. Full?Insured. Free Estimates. 43 MonrotAve., air«wl5ury, ti. J. 747-3041.

Painting and Decorating

TOM SLATE - Painting and Decor-atlnr. General Contractior fully In-aured. Twenty years experience. Freeeatlmatts. BH 1-9481 after 9 p.m.

PAINTINO AND PAPER HANOINO—For a food clean lob, reasonable.Call till 1-Uil m Zlnser.

Piano—Organ Tuning

PIANOS—ortOANBTuned — Repaired — RegulatedRaymond Bosworth 8H 1-7353

Plumbing and Heating

KtWOAN'SM Hour Bervlce. All beating unitsserviced. BH 7-1921, BH 1-7875.

Roofing, Siding and Insulation

Insulation * Bldlnr Corp. CertifiedJonns-Uanvllls contractor. PR 6-8407or Adam linzmayer 201*0303.

OL80N CO, INC-Boof ln i , Biding AInsulation. Installed and guaranteedfor 10 years, PR t-07H>—2D1.QM0.

Tel. Answering ServiceLOT US BH your secretary. No needto miss calls. 24 nour answerlnsservice. SH 1-4700,

Vacuum Cleaner RepairBLECTKOLUX

Sales Bervlce Supplies908 Prospect Ave., Little Silver. Forprompt borne service or free checkupon your EUctrolux. call PR S-Osai ora a I207&


Mr. Sfnith laid it was MAGIC! • • •th» only way a sfore can «»ll

Three Roomi of Furniture


was wi th mirrors 1

So he came . . . he t a w . . .

and he bought!He, like you, found out that

FIELD IS NO MAGICIANShrewd Buying . . . Low Overhead . . .

and 37 years of u know how!" ;

FIELD FURNITURE7.11 E, Front St. CO 4-3020 Keyport, N. J .

Open Thursday and Friday evenings; other dayi 'til 6


mm WLSJOTUJK at tattnusm&*uA saO n t i t i b l lt* iaea»aa laa

liAHY fintmaHIlD and unlurmshearentals In ail tlau and prices. Unairiiuhlrt Ajeocy Healton. U U Joian

Ave, Bia Brtajil, N. t. 141-0004. Openmm iltyTOm BKDR00M8 TWO BATH —Gaps Cod. fixcelltnt condition. RiserPlua. Den, lull basement. IU0 amonth unfurnished. Yearly lease, Jan-ar occupancy, wli . MALL, SH 1-

RIVER PLAZA — Four bedrooms,Cape Cod, l'.i batns, uafurnlsbel. |U0month. No agents. 8H 1-19(7.

PLEBTWOOO PARK RANCH — BHrooms, 1H batns, tbree bedrooms, Un-urnlshed. IIM per month, m Middle

Road, Hailtt, N.J.

RUMBON — Modern three-room bunga-low, unfurnished- seen by appointment.Call 843.32M.

RANCH TYPE two-bedroom home onBbrevattury Rivera Dock. Large livingroom, open fireplace, oil beat. CaUBO J-MM.

RED BANK — 12 South St., cpmplttlyredecorated duplex. Tnree bedrooms,VA baths, near- schools, shopping centerra"road station. Call SH 1-2356 after Bp.m.

POUR-ROOM BUNGALOW — Newlydecorated, convenient to Fort Hancockend Fort Uonmoutn. Couple or twomen to share. 872-1B60.



Bring your roileri. New ihfcdei put«n white you wait. White, green, Ivory.Al§o custom mads and better shadei.PROWNS 32 BROAD ST\, REU BANKtUi:i>uciNti EguiPMBiNT—lur rent or•aJ«. Free delivery. South Jtr»ey fiurglcm S!1artyslde 7-2014.

TWO-PIECE MODERN sectional sofa.150; red plastic lounge chftlr, $25;mosaic end table. $10; girl's coat withleggings, size 6x, champagne orion ilnever worn. Reasonable. SH 1*1415.

CARRIAGE r- Built Hile Coach, goodcondition, reasonable.


SOFT WATER oaves you money andmakes a happy, housewife — a goodcombination. You will never Know un-less you try it. Call Portaaoit, LI 21777 lor a two-week free supply.

BUKLAP — All decorator colors. €9cents - 89 cents yard. Foamart, Hwy38. Eatontown. U 2-0477.

FREE DELIVERYCan 8H 1-7500. Same day delivery Inlocal area. Low pricea. Quality mer-chandise in & large variety.


MAS3AOE HSQU1FMSNI - For rentor salt. Free deliver;. SOUTH JERSEYSURGICAL. SH T-26M.

DISCOUNT ELECTRONICS - PostChristinas Inventory clearance sale nowIn progress. Special discounts on Yellowtag Items -In store, Visit us at SOBlrcll Ave., Little Silver. SH 7-2M5.

LIONEL TRAINS — 0-27 and O Gauge.Four engines, 23 freight and passengercars, 35 houses, SO autos and trucks,two transformers, 100 feet of trackwith remote switches and many acces-aorles. Entire Hobby. Must be seento be appreciated. WO. U 2-13S9.

FIKBPiACE WOOD — Cut and split.Halt cord, delivered SIS.

LI 2-1273



JR-20 Tone Cabinet „ .1225.Conn Spinet Organ 493.Conn Spinet Organ . 695.Hammond Spinet Organ M-2 745.Hammond Spinet Organ M-3 .. - 795.


Open Dally Till « — Saturday Till 5:30COOKMAN AVK. AND MAIN BT.

PR 5-9300P1AKOS — Save 1209 or more orr listprice, brand new 8B note console pi-anos. 10-year guarantee. Come see.save. Rent, option to bur, Tenzer'sMusic 8tore, 306 Main St., Lakewood.

METRONDC — BTOKE8 ARE BRING-ING to the shore special bargains InHI-FI amateur, experimentDr, servicedealer electronic Items. Too numerousto list. Send name and address, onpost card to P.O. Box 142, Little3ilver to receive descriptive mailing:.SH 7-25(5.

IB BAR STOOLS Oood condition, goodprice.

EH 7-1566

SOLID CHERRY and solid mahoganydecorator tables. Euel lent condition.SH 1-7375 alter 2:30 p.m.


Open dally tin » Sat. UU 5:30PR S-03O1 ,

MaoLEVKY SLENDER cycl. and rollermessage. Call SH 1-8881 or CA 2.

BCALDER — Gas hot water heater,one story building 15x24, good condi-tion for moving. Call 842-0576.KITCHEN CABINETS and sinks, twooven electric range. Colonial sdia bed,maple double bed. BH 1-8149.


'811 1-3190

PH1LCO PORTABLE — 17" television,perfect working oi'dcr.

8H 1-0O29 '

GRAY PERSIAN lamb coat, full length,perfect condition, J200. 232-8781 alter6 p.m.

MAHOGANY coffee table, good condi-tion, $10: sturdy full size Storkllne cribUS. 741-2485 after 3 p.m.



Whatever your ace — opiwrtunity Isknocking In motet management, Fas-cinating work. Qualified personnelwidely In demand. MEN—WOMEN-COUPLES WANTED NOW for 1mmediate training program. Short extension home training program followedby two weeks o( personally managinga beautiful motel under a qualifiedmanager. FREE NATIONWIDE as-sistance to our graduates. For per-jonal Interview, write. Riving telephonenumber and address to:




1872 N.W. 7th St.

Miami 35, Flbridd



ST., LAKBWUOU g o 3-2110.



PR 4-3113 Evenings CA Z-74.82

WANTED — Bmall base cltum (dancetyupnt'tytie). Cflll Jce, SH i-sna be-tween 5-7 p.m.

OLD FURNITURE - Antiques, china,glassware, srt objects and brlc-s-brac.Immediate caah (or nnytlilnf and every-thing. Ruscll's, 26 East Front St.,SH 1-lSm

'IAN0 — Inexpensive, for family with[Ive children.

.',.. BH 1-8868

CANVAS bokt cover.Skiff shade,

PR <-M78


8TUD SERVICE - Proved doublerefUtend. PUemlno quarter b o r n stal-lion. CaU OS 1-124B. <

NEW SHREWSBURY — Unfurnished,lovely four: bedroom, 2H-bath, splitlevel. Excellent condition. Immediateoccupancy. Lease required. $210 permonth, RAT 8TIIAHAN, Realtor. Hwy3S, Slirew.tmhy. SH 1-8600.

REGISTERED MINIATURE POODLESreason-bit. Bxcelleot reputation. Oallane i a p.m. CA 9-1720.

SIX RABBIT HOUNDS - Some broken.some not started. Will give away tolood homes for price of this ad.[47-3968.

TWO YEAR OLD Male Collie — Sableand white, pedigree papers. ffiO. SH 7-

POODLE PUrriEa—Samll miniature,AKC champion blood line, silver. Rea-sonable. Call LI 2-3013.

COLO WATHER IS HERE — Protectyour pet with a sweater or blanket.H.8B, up. KEYPORT PET SUPPLIES,Rte. 35. Cllffwood. LO 6-8589.


GARDEN APARTMENTSOne and two bedrooms, situatedin the best residential area.

Dial 741 - 7200PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO.

Real Estate Since mtWALTER S. OVERTON

Affiliate00 White St. Bed Bank

Opposite Municipal Parking Lot

TWO ROOMS ~ Second floor, fumlsbedor unfurnished. Bed-living room andkitchen. Business woman or .couple.SH 7-1053.

FIVE ROOMS — Unfurnished. Utilitiessupplied. Inquire, 240 Shrewsbury Ave.No call* please!RED BANK — Three-room unfurnishedapartment, first floor. Utilities, heatIncluded, 13 Allen PI. Phone SH 70007.TWO APARTMENTS — Furnished, In-quire at 70 Main St.


FURNISHED APARTMENT — Tworooms and bath with all utilities. Nopets. Csll SH 1-2021.

ATLANTIC HIOHLANDS—Unfurnished,cozy three rooms, flrat floor, all utili-ties. One or two person. $85. 291-2925.37 SHREWSBURY AVE.. Red Ban]Six-room apartment. For Informationcall SH 7-42M.


Bath & Westwood Aves.Long Branch

TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX apartment,all utilities exctpt electricity. 1191. CA2-2305.

LONG BRANCH — Furnished apart-ments. Four rooms and Data. Heatand water supplied. CA 9-1653.

THREE ROOMS UNFURNISHED - Hmile north of Red Bank. Recently re*decorated. Call 8H 1-8331, 3:30 - 9.

FIVE ROOMS — Heat and water sup-plied, 1115 a month. Csll 8H 7-(06« between 8 and 5.

THREE ROOMS — Furnished, all utili-ties. Private bath, garage Included.Half block from Fort Uonmouth andRed Bank bus. SH 1-10(6, after 7 p.m.

EATONTOWN — Unfurnished, threerooms, utilities supplied, (95 a monthLI 2-1439 after 4.

UNFURNISHED APARTMENT—ThreLrooms with view, Atlantic Hlghlsnds.Near town. (89. All utilities. 291-1494.

THREE-ROOM apartment, clean andwarm, furnished, adults. 79 Ave, D, At-lantlc Highlands. 201-0880.

FOUR ROOMS — 19 Lelghton Ave.,Red Bank. Reasonable.

SH 1-0365.

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Furnishedsecond floor, private entrance. Livirsmom. kitchen, dinette, bedroom, ball),utilities Included. Adults only. No pets.tllO 281-2557. ^ ^FOUR ROOMS and bath, newly fur.nlshed, garage. Call after 6 p.m., CA. Z2847.

SPRINOVIBW OARDEN8283 Spring St. Red Bank

Available February 1, large lour orfive two-bedroom apartment. We In-vite you to see and compare ourspacious rooms and closets, completekitchens, tiled baths, Adults. SH 1-5672.

8PACIOU8 two-bedroom apartmentsAvallnble now and February 1. CallBH 1-9115,MODERN THREE ROOMS - Andbath, overlooking river, Ideal for two.One block Red Bank illation. 8*2-9838.after 6 for appointment.

RED BANK — Two-rooms completelyfurnished In modern decor. New tilebath anrt patio, rdft! fo* sltFle ordouble. 55 Rector PI. SH 1-8254,

HAZLET — Three rooms and bath,heat and hot water supplied.

CO 4-5932PORT MONMOUTH — Three rooms,bath, private entrance, redecorated, ga-rage. Alter 4 call 787-3220.

THREE ROOMS, bath, furnished. Prac-tically new, utilities supplied. Middle-town. OS 1-3709ATLANTIC HI0HLAND8 — 4!4 roommodern apartment, In tin*1 residentialsection. 6 Third Ave. 291-9237.

RUMSON — Unfurnished four-room,bath apartment available February 1.To two sdults only. J50 monthly. JOHNL. MINUQH, REALTOR. 842-3500.THREE ROOMS FURNISHED —Utili-ties supplied. Inquire n o ShrewsburyAve.. Red Batik. No calls please.

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Four rooms,bath. Utilities supplied. Second floor.(90 monthly CA 2-6804.

KEYPORT — Four rooms, bath, seconifloor, large garage apace. S75. prmontti, pay own utilities. Availablenow. CO 4-3900.

THREE AND HALF rooms $130 andfour and half rooms S150. All utll!llba. LI 2-0113.TWO-BEDROOM apartment In Keanfburg Heat, cooking res furnished. Onbus route. Cnll Bfttner * CartonAgency. 7870841 or CO 4-2918.


STORK POR RENT - On WTllte Bt.Red Bank. Cal

SB I-U00

MODERN BUILDINO - 6,000 squarefeet. Large warehouse and Horacearea, loading and receiving. Long t rmlease available. 8H l-«400.LOUO10 ROU&i for rent. Center oltown. Could be used also for office•pace Approximately 2.40O sq. ft Write

'.niinbT' Box 511. Red B a r t

OFFICER FOR RENT — Centertown. Heat furnished. Call

811 7-1100

rent. Red Ban It Call811 7-UOO


BEAUTIFUL — Three-bedroom, study,2ft-bath executive horns, 110 Blrch/Dr,Shrewsbury. CA 8-0397 Essex County.

THREE-BEDROOM waterfront house,Oceanport. (125 a month. F1VX.R00Mfurnished house, ; ) i bedrooms, —month. Bit 1-2233.T


UJK at tattntitwiiibwl

l u Tuh


EASY WALKING DISTANCEto schooii, stores, trains, aad blues,U on* at at desirable features of thiscomfortable two-story home, thrs* o«4'room*, dry bnement, garage, newbeating system. Entire property In A-lcondition. Asking | 1 I , M £ Ball Bank.

Dial 741-7200PHILIP i. BOWERS * CO.

Ret] <state f l i c s UMWALTER t, OVBRTON

Affiliate -W WbHi It. Red Bkok

OOTMtti UurJcljsJ Parking Lot

OLD SHREWSBURYExcellent, convenient location on Ifnaresidential street. Three bedrooms,ttro-story Colonial featuring 23 Motliving 106m wlUi fireplace, separateformal dining room, m o full baths,hot water heat Immediate possession.Asking 125,900. WALKER * WALKER,Realtors, Hwy 35, Shrtwsturjr. BH 1-B l t 24-Hour Bervlie.OAK HlLL-8U-room nncti, lull base-ment, two-car garage. Excellent condi-tion. Will consider nasonable offers.Wooded, lot V approximately lOOxtM.

t24,N». 8NDTDKR REALTORS.MUdletown. OS 1-2JB0.

[EANSBUHO — New two bedroomCape Cod, expansion attic, Rood loca-tion, fi&OQO. Chateau Realty Real Es-

215 Carr Ave,, Kwiwburg. 187-

FAIR HAVEN — Seven-room colonialfull basement. Three bedrooms, onebath. Asking fH.ftOO, SH 7-3690,

FOUR-BEDROOK two-story houas onestate* Available - Alarco 1.' Lease re-quired. 1200 monthly. OLASEBOROOKA G E N C Y , Realtor. Ave. of T w oRivers, Riimson. 842-1700.

LOT OWNERS—Custom home! builton your lot. Tour plans or ours.1O0K financing arranged. Call I I 3-1777.

FIVE-ROOM two-bedroom bungalow,Port Monmouth, | 7 ( a month. CallOS 1-1428.

WANTED TO RENT(JETTING MORE AND MORE PROS-PKCTS — For three-bedroom rentalhomes. List any rental for fast action.MATTHEW J. GILL AGENCY, 714 m.8S, MliUletowri. OS 1-3200.ROUSE — Vicinity Bell Labs. Tbreeor four bedrooms, carafe, basement.Will pay up to (125 per month rental.

between > a.m. and S p,m.

U3T XOUK BOMB with a member oftna Red Bank Area Multiple ListingService. He will circulate a photographtod complete description of your iiomato 37 member offices, offet you blaqualified opinion as to fair marketvalue: hold an open house for aalei.men to Inspect tie property; ana giveyour bome preferred advartlaing. Theres no extra cost Involved. ISvery mem-

ber. 11 a Realtor. 7ou can put yourconfidence In a Realtor. Consult page188 of the yellow Pages In your ttle-Dhono, directory.

QARAQB — For storage. Write "AD"Boi oil.

Red Bank


RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY WANTBD—CaU today and 1st 8NYEER REAL-TORS list your Home. Located In tnaheart ol Mlddletown. 21-Hour TelephoneService, Members Red Bank areaand Northern Honmouth County llultl-pie Listing Services. Let us put our

sell wits a purjoie plan). 10 workfor you. 08 t " - * ^

SnJOLE ROOMS - Clean and com.rortable. Reasonable rates. Gentlemenpreferred. 82 Wallace St. SH 1-5392.

FURNISHED KOOM newly decorated,private entrance a n d . sitting room,kitchen privileges. Inquire at 4 ] Peter'sPlace. Red Bank.

DOUBLET BOOK for business coupletwo ladles, parking on premises,

other privileges. OS l-35fl5.

XOUK HOME WANTBD - Why Hatwith us? We advertise extensively Intba newspapers, radio and publish acatalog for home seekers. We are mem-bers of me TWR, a national real estatereferral aerrlce. We are "Home Trad-d a n " — two offices, 11 full time salespeople. Call WALKER * WALKER,tesltors. Members Bed Bank Area

Multiple Listing Service. Shrewsbury.SH 14212 snd Mlddletown. OS 1-2126.

NEWLY DECORATED ROOM — Pri-vate home, good location. Reasonable.Parking, SH 1-8439.


TWO BEDROOMS In private home.Near Fort Monmouth, Bendlx. With orwithout kitchen privileges. SH 1-8374or LI 2-2539. '

BOOM — In private home for responsi-ble business pnan, one block fromcenter of town. (10 week include!maid service. SH 1-4513.

ONE FURNISHED ROOM — C41I aftera f.m.

LO (-5381

NOTICE OF SALE:On Thursday, January 17, 1963 at

10:90 A.M. I will sell at Public auc-tion on behalf of Seacoast Finance Co.,Red Bank, N. J.,- at Garland Inc.,Hwy. 35, Neptune, V. J. one 1959 Olda-moblle, I Dr. HT, Ser. WTW03386 fordefault In a conditional Salea Contractmade by Jamea a Rose. Said carmay be seen at Carland Inc., Hwy. 39,Neptune, N. J. i- \

Auctioneer, WALTER J. O'NEILL3U. 1 (3.22


B E R GRealtor


Capitalize on your first big opportunitytn 1003 and see this Income producingproperty with a furnished summerbungalow that rents for $400 per sea-•00.

Primary-home has three big bedrooms,large living room with- fireplace, adining Eoom, delightful kitchen andspacious bath, expansion attic, base-ment and enclosed front porch. Im-mediate possession at closing.

$14,990 Full Price

THE BERG AGENCYMonmouth County Office

"PersonBliied Service"OSborne 1-1000

Route #35 Mlddletown, N. JDally 8-9 Saturday-Sunday 10-1

NOTICEOn Friday, January 11. 1963 at 8:00

sura. I will sell at public auction onbehalf of The Monmouth County Na-tional Bank, at 53 Broad Street, RedBank. New Jersey, one 1M1 Chrysler4 door sedan, serial number 8213 133-629, owned by Mr. Jamea C, Bicllianofor default In a conditional aalea con-tract. Bald car Way be seen at Labrl-ola Motors, Newman Springs Road,Fted Bank, New \ Jersey, where saidsals will also occui.

JAMES D. VAN BRUNTCollection Department

Jan. 7 (3.81


Thl. attractive home tuu living room,pine paneled dining room, 3Ti bed-rooma, "i>Ius another Urge bedroom toba (Iniihed off, ceramic tiled bath andcedar closets plut finished basementwith recreation room and mmmerkitcben, Real value at ¥15,900. Quail*fled buyer with tlfiOQ down pays ap-proximately $117 a month. CaU nowNAVESINK ASSOCIATES, REALTORS934 Hwy. % Mlddletown OS 1-O6O0


MIDDLETOWN — Three-bedroom «plton large lot. V& bathi, double sink,screened porch, expansion attic, Leav-ing February 1. Will accept toert offer671-2907."

RED BANK VICINITY — Mlddletownexecutive home oil Navealr.k RiverR4., walking distance to new proposedNtvefllnk Country Club. Five bedroomi,three baths, J59r5OO. Up to (0 year loan.No down Day merit. Waterfront Includes300' front house. SH 1-2233.

FAIR HAVEN - 108 Rlage Rd. Four-bedroom Colonial, two bathi, terrace.tt replace, targe tot beautifully landleaped. CaU owner, MMO01.

FIVE YEAR OLD ranch, six rooms.One and two thirds sere choiceproperty. Line Road near Van BrakleRoad. Matawan Township. LO C-4709.

CONVENIENT RANCHiree bedrooms, city seweri, large

50x200 lot. Price $12,600. Minimumdown FHA or no down VA for qualifiedbuyers.


Hazlet, N. J.OO (-2U8 or CO 4-BH2

Open 9 4

UTTLE SILVER — Immediate occu-pancy. Three-bedroom . ranch, enclosedporch, large living room with fireplace,basement. lOOiJOO lot with shade trees.Convenient to schools, shopping andbus. $22,500. SH 1-9970.

MIDDLETOWN — New custom builtbl-level. Living room, separate dining

->m, kitchen, three- bedroms, 1%hi, recreation room, one-car garageacre. $18,795, Call builder LI 2

...17.VAIL HOMES — Five rooms co-opetratfve apartment. Ready to move inOil neat, Triple track aluminum stormdoors and windowi. Down payment*nd J74.75 monthly Includes mainte-nance and utilities except heat. CallCA 2-77D6'tor appointment.

IMMEDIATE POSSESSION(to closing costs. Lovely three-bedroom,six-room house. Full basement. Lot50*339. Heac sctiuut «ni! slmppUisr.About S blocks east of Broad- St., RetBank. S1S00 dawn, $9* a month. Calowner SH 7-0247. JOHN J. DEAN, RealEalate Broker, Bhrewsbury. ,

FIjKETWOOD PARK—Eight-room aplllevel. Four bedrooms, finished recreatlon room, two baths, garage, centraair conditioning, awnings, storm windows, overslxed lot with large trees,bnxik. Asking 119,400. Assume IVi",Ol or FHA. CO 4-2847.

S2.100 DOWN — Three-bedroom, two-bath ranch. Entrance hall, large livingroom-dlnlng room combination. Modernkitchen with breakfast ares, laundry,full basement, game room, attachedr a n g e , H acri of ground. Excellentcondition. Aaklnr 121,000. ROLBTONWATBRBUKY, Realtor, u VY. FrontSt., Red Bank. BH 7-3500.

FAIK HAVEN - Three-bedroom Colo-nial, living room with fireplace, dining

. room, heated porch, corner tot. Con-MOO 8(J. FT, FACTORTi,SPACE for yanlent to school anil Mionnlng; AlK'

( S i $17,600, Call owner. 747-JM4.

LITTLE SILVERThree bedrooms, 2Vi baths, fully a!conditioned with ultra modern Kltchen, 30' living room, beautiful carpetingthroughout, game room, two-car garage.Asking I24.DSO. Assume 117,000 mort-gage at i%%. A luxury home In thevery best area,

CKOWELL AOENOY, Realtor<1 W, Front Bt. SH lioio KM £ u l t

Uembar Multiple Listing

HOUSES FOR SALE Planners AskContract WithConsultants

FREEHOLD i - The toed Man-ning Board adopted a resolutionat Thursday night's meeting rec-ommending that Borough CouncIhire the fir* of E. Eugene OrossAjMciates, New Brunswick, asplanning consultant.

The board recommended thatcontract be entered into that

the firm provide a mister planwithin IS months tot a fee of$13,500.

It was explained that the stateand federal governments wouldpay three^juarters of this cost.

The Oross firm will replaceMorrow Planning Associates,Rldgewood, who originally heldthe contract, but have since goneout of business.

In other business, the boardheard a request from Lanza andScott, Contractors, Freehold,asking that a two-acre tract be-




CerfMeftt* of DlsfotattcaTo all to whom these presents may

come, Greeting:WHEREAS, It appears to my satis-

faction, by duly authenticated record olthe proceedings for thi voluntary dis-solution thereof by the unanimous con-sent of. all UK stockholders, depositedIn my office, that UNITED SERVICES,INC. a corporation of this State, whoseprincipal cfries la situated at No. 123tiverslde Avenue, Inline Boro of Red

Bank County of Monmouth State ofNew Jersey (William E. Taylor beingthe agent therein and In charge there-of, upon whom process may benerved), has compiled with the re-quirements ot Tills It, Corporations,iieneral, of Revised Statutes of NewJersey, preliminary to the Issuing othfi Certificate of Dlsioluifoa

NOW THEREFORE, I, the Secretaryof State ot the State ot New Jersey,Do Hereby Certify that the said cor-poration did, on the Twenty-first dayof December, 1962, file In my officea duly executed u d arrested contentIn writing to the dlsiolutlon of s&Idcorporation, executed by all tot stock-holders thereof, which said contentand the record of the proceedingsaforesaid are now on file in my laidoffice as provided by law.

IN TESTIMONY WHERKOP,have hereto set my hand andaffixed my official seal, at

Seal Trenton, this Twenty-first dayof December A.D. one thou-sand nine hundred and sixty-


Secretary of stateDec. 21, 31, Jan. 7 I33.S*


CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTIONfo all to whom these presents maycome. Greeting:

WHEREAS, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record olthe proceedings for the voluntary dlssolution thereof by the unanimous con-sent ol all the stockholders, depositedIn my offlee, that SCAGLON, INC. acorporation of this'State, waose prin-cipal office fs sltuited at No. 43 WestFront Street In the Borough ot RedBank County of Monmouth Btate ofNew Jersey (Fredrlc Baar being theagent therein and In charge thereof,upon whom process may be served)has compiled with the requirements .oTitle 14. Corporation!, General, of Revised Btalutes of New Jersey, prelimi-nary to the Issuing ot this Certillcateof Dissolution.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Secretary oSlate or the Slate of New Jersey, DoHereby Certify thit the slid corpora-tion did, on the Seventeenth day of De-cember 1962, Ille In my olllce a dulyexecuted and sttested consent In writ-Ing to the dissolution of ssld corpora-tlon, execuled by all the stockholdersthereof, which said consent and therecord of the proceedings aforesaid arenow on file In my said ottlce as pro-vided by IKW.(8BAL) IN TESTIMON? WHEREOF,

Lhave hereto set my handi affixed my official seal,

et Trenton, this Seventeenthdsy of December A.D. onethousand nine hundred andsixty-two.

ROBERT V.BURKHAHDT,Secretary of State.

Dsc. 2{, 31. Jan. 7 »3.S1

tween Henry and Spring Sts. bereamed to permit the construc-tion of a garden apartment.

The firm was told that it shouldascertain the opinion of the resi-dents in that area before theboard would take any action onthe matter.

Arthur Scott, a member of thefirm, told the board that he pro-posed to construct a 24-unitapartment house of brick con-struction at en approximate rent-al price of $110 per unit. He alsosaid that half of the units wouldbe one-bedroom and the othertwo-bedroom apartments.

The area Is now zoned com-mercial and residential.


for state Senate Majority Lead-er Charles W. Sandman Jr., R«Cape May, and his wife, Marlon.Mrs. Sandman gave birth to a7-pound, 12-ounce son Wednesdayin Atlantic City Hospital. Thebaby, to be named Richard Ed-ward, is the couple's sixth child.

"A great way to start off thenew year," beamed Sandman.The couple's other children in-clude Carol, 13; William, 12;Marion, 10; Robert, 8, andCharles 3d, 4.



REPORT OF CONDITIONof the Uonmouth County National Bankol Red Bank la the state of New Jer-sey at the close of business on De-cember 28, (942. Published In responseto call made by comptroller of th«currency, under section 6211. U.S. re-vised statutes.

ASSETSL Cash, balances with : -

other banks,. and cashItems In process ol col-lection . . . ._* 9,M6,S2I.8O

1 United SUtea Govern-ment obligations, directand guaranteed (Net ol'any reserves) _ 2OJM.878.BS

a. Obligations of Btatesand pnlltlca) aubdlvl.s l w s (Hat or any re-serves) ll,7S4,228.in

sV Corporate norfcs < In-cluding flM.100 stockof Federal R-eaervsbank) (Net ol any re-serves) . 1SS.163.23

,& Loans and discounts(Including M.lOS.-tSoverdrafts) (Net of anyreserves) -.._ 58.W5,«82.J3

1. Bank premisesowned ,._..il.0S2.I81.J»,furniture andfixtures 1283,939.69 1,335.887.06

S. Real estate owned oth-er than bank premises 5,992.21

11, Other assets B23.519.99

tt TOTAL ASSETS |102,<U,}7S.M

LIABILITIESIS. Demand deposits of In-

dividuals, partnerships,and corporations 32.516,052.01

14 Time and savincs de-posits, ot Individuals,partnerships, and cor*porstlons »l,16S,«M-0I

IS. Deposits of UnitedStates Government (In-cluding postal savings) S67,8M.e7

10. Deposits ol States andpolitical subdivisions .. 8,7M,7OT.33

t l Certified snd officers'checks, etc. oM,3W.l«

l», TOTAL DEPOSITS_ I93.S22.150.33

(a) Total demand de-posits -H9.9SO.178 J8

(b) Tots) time and sav*Ings deposits

B3.M2.273.M23. Olher liabilities I,622,3O7.7J



fa) Common stock.total psr . . 2.M0.00O.OO

a surplus L _ _ ' J,«OO,OOO.OO27. Undivided profits 1.8U.S18.53



MEMORANDUM31 Assets pledged or as-

signed to lecura liabil-ities and for other pur*poses ..- - .3,239,251.18

1, Oeorse I* Blelltz, President, of th«above-named bank do hereby declarethat this report of condition Is true andcorrect to the best of my kcowlidgiand belief.

We. the undersltned directors attestthe correctness of this nport.or eon-dJUon and declare Chat It has been ex*unmed by us and to' the best of ourknowledge and belief Is true and cor*reel.


DirectorsJin. 7 J2B61

RED BANK REGISTER CLASSIFIED RATESI DayS Days Consecutive .5 Days Consecutive t .

' 8 Days Consecutive .30 Days Consecutive

42c Line_.S2e Line-18c Line_J5eUne...24c line

Blind ails tislni The RexlMer's P. O. Box 250 extra.Wnlmnro liurrtloa True* Uses

Yearly Contract Rates on Request f

Bllhi to tliasirjr. edit or MUet any advertisement la reserved

Ws w'l" not bt responsible 'or errors, units! they art denoted6sfor« the second Insertion.

No oanctllitloiu will bt accepted or a u u s s malt In tOnnise-menU one hour after receipt at ones,

DEADLINE 5:00 P.M. Day Before PublicationOLAStWUSD OTSrLAt

»:00 A.M, Da» Btfort Publication wltn prool two days bslortpubllcitlon.

Call 3«iBsified—SH LOOIO or OS 1-0525

Dial SH 1-1110

Brunt, and

te tsiflDbonts art toU'ffte 'to BU ,14010 from tntm ( " f f l s HlsXaods), CApital S a»« I UMrty 1

DigiFind-It· Starts Today: &#039;The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7&#039;i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (15)


,; ,. K o n c B . •-• •ORPINANCE TO AMEND AND 8UP-



and Township Committee of the Town-ihlp ol Marlboro, In Uit County o lMonmouth and State ol New Jerseyas follows:


In order to encourage sound plan-ning and provide opportunity for co-ordinated community development, not-withstanding* any other provisions ofthis ordinance; in tha Residence (R-100) Zone. General Builneis (OB)Zone, arid Highwayv Business (HB)Zone, there may be Planned Com-munity Development Units whera ap-propriate conditions prevail said thefollowing regulations and standards aramet.A. Minimum Requirements:

<1) The minimum required land are*for a Planned Community DevelopmentUnit shall bt one hundred (100) con-tiguous , acres* . If, however, the totalarea of contiguous acrea exceeds fourhundred (400). and If the PlanningBoard finds special reasons, conditionsor circumstances which Justify theconsideration of additional areas whichsire not contiguous but under the sameownership as part of the overallplanned development; then the Plan-ning Board of the Township of Marl-boro with the approval of the Govern-ing Body may allow the Planned Com-munity Unit to include the non-con-Uguoui land; provided further that theentire area to be developed is fullyMrvioet! by a syitem of public icrv-Icet for water, sewage, and drainagea* set forth la this ordinance: andthat all other provisions further setforth la this flection for Planned Com-munity Units shall be extended toapply to the entire area so Included,

(2) The developer ihall make avail-able to serve In such Planned. Com-munity, a sanitary sewerage dtiposal•ytem, which shall be of sufficient sireand design to collect and dispose ofall sewerage from all present andprobable structures In said PlannedCommunity, and shall be otherwiseconstructed and maintained In con-formity with the Laws of the Stateof New Jersey, and the regulation* ofthe Marlboro Township Municipal Util-ities Authority.

(3> The developer ihall make avail-able to serve In such Planned Com-munity a storm drainage system, whichshall be of sufficient size and design,as will in the opinion of tha Town-•hip Engineer, collect, carry otf anddispose of all predictable surface wa-ter run-off wfthtorifttd Planned Com-munity; and shall fa* so constructedso as to conform with the Laws olthe State ef New; Jeriey, and any andall Ordinances of the Township ofMarlboro relating to storm drainageay*!ems. The said sewer drainage systern shall be dedicated to and accept'ed hy the Township nf Marlboro.

(4) The developer ihall mtk» avail-able to serve' in said Planned Com-munity, a potable Water system which•hall be of sufficient size and designto supply potable water to each ofthe structures to be erected In saidPlanned Community it a pressure tobe armroved hy the Marlboro Town-•hlp Municipal Utilities Authority. Thedeveloper shall alflo provide fire hydrants within six hundred (600) feet oleach Structure and provide for a ureasure to be approved by the MarlboroTownship Municipal Utilities Authorityat each of said hydrants,

<5> The developer shall provide withIn the Planned Community, a liberaland functional landscaping scheme.which shall meet with the approvalof the Planning Board of the Township•f Marlboro.

16} In Planned -Community trftctt oless than 400 acres In site, the de-veloper shall provide land equal tonot less than fifteen per cint (1B9Mof the total land area ot the PlannedCommunity to be devoted exclusivelyto permanent recreation sites and gen-eral open apace, la Planned Commu-nity tracts 400 acres and above In size.the developer, shall provide land equalto not less than fifteen ptr cent (15%)of the total land area of the PlannedCommunity to be devoted to non-resi-dent lal and non-public street- rllM-of*way uses, part of which shall Includepermanent recreation sites and generalopen space; All lands set aside (orpermanent open space shall be of suchlocation and nature to be, In the opin-ion of the Planning Board - with theapproval of the Governing Body, suit-able for such use. The ownership iftidfuture maintenance of all acre* forsuch uses shall b* subject to the ap-proval, of the Township GoverningBody, or such areas shall be dedi-cated to and accepted1 by the Town-

(7) If the above minimum provi-sions iare met. then the baale resi-dential lot sizes may b» reduced to,but not less than 16,000 square feet:provided that the density of the tractdoes not exceed 1.8 dwelling unit* pergross acre; and provided the mini-mum Improvements as stipulated InArticle B or the Marlboro TownshipSubdivision Ordinance are metB. PERMITTED USES. In any Planned Community Develop-ment Unit so lot shsll be used or nostructure shall be erected, altered oroccupied for any purpose except thafollowing: i

(1) Detached one-family dwellingsprovided that trailer coach and tendwelling shall not be permitted.

(2) Multiple family dwelling unitsprovided the Planned Community Unitmeets the standards let forth In Paragraph C (S) of this Section.

(3) Public parks, playgrounds anaplay fields, and recrettlon areas.

(A) Private club-type «oU -courses,with a minimum ol nine (9) holes anda minimum distance from tee to m e nfor each hole ot one hundred (10O)yards. A club house Is permitted onthe same property.

(5) Public Educational Initltutioni.(fl) Hospitals and clinics.iT> Public utlllly Installations which

Involve no storage yard or commer-cial office space, except that a publicutility which serves only the plannedcommunity In question may maintaina business office at the principal op-erational structure.

<8> Private and Quasi-Public Edu-cational and Social Institutions: Ele-mentary schools, junior high schools,senior hlRh schools and Institutions foihigher education; auditoriums, and oth'er places or centers of public issenv

i0) Religion* Institutions: Churcheconvents, parsonages, parish Jiouses,and other housing lor rellgloui per-

"°"loV Planned neighborhood commer-cial shopping centers which Include:

(a) The sale of retail goods suchas but not limited to the followingtype:

1. Grocery stores2. Drug stores3. Dry goods stores4. Meat and poultry storei6. Baked good stores6. Packaged liquor stores7, Flower shop*R. Confectionery stores9. Household supplies ilores *

10. Stationery supplies storei11 Haberdashery and apparel itores12 Hardware, plumbing supplies and

electrical appliance stores., (b) The provision of «™ l . C B

l «t a } > '

Ilshmenti such as but not limited toIhe following types:

1 Barber or beauty shops2 Dry cleaning or tailor ihopi3. Self-service laundry4. Shoe repair shops0 Business and ; professional offices

including banks and post offices6. Restaurants and eating places7. Radio and electrical repairing ei

tabllshments. *1 Gasoline service Stallone(11) Customary accessory uses am

bullrllnga; provided such uses and• buildings. Including garages, are Inci-

dental to the principal use and donot house any activity conducted as abusiness or industry; provided furtherthat any accesaory use or Dunningshall be located on Ihe same lot ogrounds with the principal use.

(12) Temporary uaei or buildings formet fnctiltnta) to construction work.whereas such uses or buildings tatsuch uses shall bs removed upon com-pletion or abandonment of the con-struction work.

(13) Non-Commerclnl ilgni; provld-' ed they conform to the standards se

forth In SECTION IV, Paragraph F-1


It la the Intention of this Ordlnancto encourage land developer to pro-vide for complete community develop-ment. Including the provision of pub-lic facilities and desirable amenltle!of aurburban living. Recognizing thathe provision Df ouch faclltlei wouldnot be economically feasible at thegross density level required at thesame time, that higher density de-velopment is advantageous to the com*munlty If such facilities are provided,the limitations upon gross demtty pfreildentlal units provided In ParagraphA? of this Section may be modlfletas enumerated **elottr '• provjoad - laltffacilities meet the standardi enumer-ated In Paragraph I! of this Beet ion.

(1) If land for elementary school1 sites Is provided, the developer may3 ba permitted to Increase the density

ot the Planned Community by 0.04dwelling unit per gross acre.

'2> If Elementary Sc'inol BniliHnnrV e provided, the developer may bpermitted to Increase the density ofIhe Planned Community by [Ufl dwellIng units per grois sere, i

.1,3) II /Jive lop able recreation litei

a n f m M a 4 to KidiUoc to #ctooi «ttei,tht developer n a y b« p«rmttt»d to in-crease thTdenilty of tb« panned Com-munlty b j 0.03 dwelling units per growa c r e , - : : •'•: .'>•'.-• "'• •' . '

(I) H weh recreation sites a r t de-veloped and Improved the developermay bt ptrmltted to Increase the den-sity of the Pltnaed Community by O.Ulwelling units per gross acre.

<S> If Fire Prevention sites are pro-vided, the developer may be pertnlt-ed to Increase the density of th«

Planned Community by 0.01 dwelling \units per gross acre; If structures and iequipment are provided, the developer;may bs permitted to increase the den-sity of the Planned Community De-velopment Unit by 0.09 dwelling units:*tr gross acre, i(6) It church sites are provided, '

the developer may be permitted toIncrease the density of the Planned',Community by 0.01 dwelling units pergross acre, '

(7) If the developer shall Install at)telephone, telegraph,1 electric light orother utility lines within ih« PlannedCommunity Development Unit under*ground, then the developer may bepermitted to Increase the density ofhe Planned Community Development

Unit by 0.25 dwelling UDIU per grossacre.

(B) If a Planned Community Develop*rnent Unit Includes 1,000 or more unitsor u - the Planning Board determinesthat an economic need exists In thearea In question, then the developermay build neighborhood chopping cen-

e<9) If all of the above eight (8> Im-provements are provided, then the de-veloper may build multiple-family dwell-ings in the Planned Community Unit,and the gross density of one-familyand multiple-family units may be in*creased to 3.0 units per grass acre.eased o 3 p



UIRdUKNTS,The minimum yard, area, building

and other such requirements set forthfor ons-famlly dwellings In the H-100Zone shall generally apply to develop-ment within a Planned Community De-velopment Unit, except a*. other-wlie modified by this sectloa Whersth i i f thi ti permitthe calculation ot total resunit* on a gross density basis, the re-quirement* of the R-100 Zone with re-spect to lot size, lot width, yard areaand lot coverage anal) be modified Inaccordance with the following sched-ule:


lie modified by t sece provision! of this section permite calculation ot total residential

i b i th


<b) Only pas neighborhood «bopplincenter stall be permtttd within «U»Planned Community DevetoprotDt Unit(or the first 1,000 dwelling units. Oneadditional shopping center may bsprorlded for each additional 3,000 dwell-ing units, i

(c) The minimum cite stxe shall beeight (8) contiguous acres.

(d) The design of the neighborhood•hopping center shall be of a typeIn which the establishments aregrouped around a central mall or plazawith parking on three sides only. Nostrip commercial development shall bepermuted In the Planned CommunityDevelopment Unit.

(e> Minimum front side and rearyard requirements shall be one hun-dred UOO) feet.

(f) Parking AJ-eas:L Part Ing space shall be provided

on a basis of not less than one park-Ing space for one hundred square feetof gross building floor area withinthe shopping center.

2. Parking areas shall be lultablydrained, maintained In good condition,and have an adequate and safe meansof ingress and egress. Off-street park-Ing shall be paved and drained Inaccordance with Townihlp specifica-tions.

3. Divider barriers shall be pro-vided between parking aisles at leastfive feet wide: Pedestrian Island walk-ways at least ten. feet wide itiall beprovided where necessary. Suitablelandscape material Including trees ah allbe provided In all public parkingareas. A minimum of one <J> tree of2% Inch callper for each fifteen (16)automobile spaces- shall be provided,

4. Parking areas may be permit-ted In required yard areas except thatIn no case shall parking be permittedwithin forty (40) feet of a publicstreet or within a required buffer area,

6. The lighting plan In and aroundthe parking areas shall provide fornon-glare lights focused downward,maximum height to be 12 feet.

(g) Not more than two driveways,of not less than twenty feet nor morethan thirty feet in pavement width,as means of Ingress and egress forparking areas shall be permitted foreach three hundred feet of frontageupon a public street, nor shall anydriveway ba located closer than fiftyfeet to the Intersection of two publicstreeta. No public street shall be usedto provide direct access to parkingstalls. Ingress and egress points snailbe suitably divided and shall be pro-

Monday, Jinutty 7,4963-15RED BANK REGISTER

KeyportMidshipman James W. Foster,

.lisa Alice Weinhold and Mr, andMrs. John Foster, Haddonfield,were the visitors df Mr. and Mrs.Charles Miller, Atlantic St., overChristmas week.

Miss Elizabeth Walling, Tren-on, spent Christmas with her

parents, Mr. and Mrs. MarionWalling, Division St.

Mrs. John Fitzgerald, Main St.,entertained at a luncheon in herhome. Attending were Mrs. FloydBrown, Middletown, Mrs. CharlesMoore, Delray, Fla., and Mrs.Conover Armstrong, Mrs. WintonOsborn, Mrs. Harold Raymondand Mrs. Vincent Applegate, Key-port

Allen Friericks, w h o is st&tioned at a Naval Base in RhodeIsland, is spending a leave withis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-

liam Friericks, Front St.

ol Yard n d A r a Requirement) for One-FamilyIn Plumed Community (tails

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Laughlinand children, First St., spent theNew Year holiday weekend inVermont,


PermittedM u . Uin. 81M

Density of Lot(D.U.'« Area Width

dross Acrel (ft) (ft.)I.C0 CO 14,000 BO1.89

Combined . MaximumFront & .Combined Accessory Bulldlnes Building

Rear Yards Bide Yardi Sld« Yard Rear Yard Coverage(ft.) (ft.) (ft.) (ft.) olLot(%)

SO' with 30' with 10 20 20neither neitherless than less than25' 10'

Mr. and Mrs. J. Leon Schanck,Maple PI., have returned fromConnecticut, where they were theguests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. WilliamSchanck, over the holidays.



•M.00O «


15.000 I

8 53' wILhneitherlesi thin251

0 IKK withneitherleu thin

1M to2.59

2.<0 ormora

10,000 T6 BO' withneitherIris than25'

SO' withneitherless than

. 28' withneitherless than10'CombinedSide Yardsshall not

' be lessthan 25%of lot widthwith neitherless than

CombinedSide Yardsshall notbe lessthan 25%of lot width

.with neitherless than8/CombinedSide Yard Ishall notbe lesithan 25%of lot widthwith neitherless than

10 18Mr. and Mrs, Roger Donnelly*.

Division Sf., entertained the. fol-lowing at a family dinner. Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Lau, Irvington;Mrs. Emma Lap, Union City, andMiss Diana Kingston and BredKingston, Mass.


Where the developer chooses to pro-vide any of this Section, then those fa-cilities must meet the following stand-ards and requirements In order toquality for such consideration.

(1) Elementary school Sltrt:(a) The number ol-Individual school

sites shall be determined as follows:tor the first 1,000 dwelling units-onesite; for every 70O units or part there-of In excess of 1.000 dwellings units—one additional site.

(b) A basic elementary school ilttarea of live (B) acres shall be pro-vided for each school «ftev l a additionto this basic nve^w'sJbfeVjHhe de-veloper shall provide'* land equal toone (1) acre for each one hundredtwenty (120) one-family detached dwell-ing units or portion thereof. If mul-tiple-family dwelling units ars plannedas an integrated part of the PlannedCommunity Development Unit, the-de*veloper shall provide additional larldequal to one (1) acre fof each; threehundred (300) multiple family dwellingunits. ' • '

(c) The location and adequacy of allschool sites shall be approved by thePlanning Board with the consultationof the Marlboro Township Board ofEducation,

(2) Elementary School Buildings:-(a) The developer shall provide 2.8

classrooms for every one hundred (100)one-family dwelling units or portionthereof. If multiple-family dwellingunits are planned as an Integratedpart of the Planned Community De-velopment Unit, the developer shallprovide 1.0 classrooms (or every onehundred (100) multiple family dwell-ing units.

(b) Individual school buildings shallnot lie constructed with more thantwenty (20) classrooms per site,without the approval of the PlanningBoard or the Township of Marlborowith consultation of Marlboro Town-ship Board of Education.

(c) The design of all ichool build-ings shall meet the standards andspecifications of the State of New Jer-sey Department of Education and shallbe approved by thi Planning Board ofthe Township of Marlboro with theconsultation ot the Marlboro TownshipBoard of Education.

(3> Becresiloa Sites:(a) The developer shall provide 1,4

acres or lana for developable recre-ation sltei for every one hundred (100)dwelling units.

(hi The total amount of land to beprovided for developable recreationsites shall »e divided Into an, ap-propriate number of Individual Bitesand distributed In a uniform mannerthroughout th« Planned Community De-velopment Unit, taking the location ofschool site recreation facilities Into con-sideration,

(4) Development of Recreation Sues:(a> At least one-half of the total

number of Improved recreation sitesshall be developed for active recre-ation purposes Including but not Um-

1. Multlple-purpose athletic field(softball. baseball, football, etc.)

2. Multiple-use paved court gameareas (basketball, tennis, etc.)

3. School age and pre-school age ap-paratus areas.

4. Quiet space:9. Adequate parking areas.8. Abundant landscaping and lighting.fh> The remaining, recreation sites

shall be developed for passive -fecre*ion purposes Including but not limited

to:t. Picnic grounds,2. Open-space areas Unking schools

with nark areas or other public areas.3. Recreation sites along stream

areas linked with other parks, schoolsor residential areas by paths.

4. Man-made lakes with appropri-ate recreation facilities Including pic-nic areas and play apparatus.

5. Abundant landscaping and llght-

(c) The Improvement value of alldeveloped recreation sites or areasshall be an amount equal to not leanthan an average or J6.000 per acre ofdeveloped recreation lands. Such costswill be subjnet to the review of theTownship Engineer, and approval ofthe Planning Board.

S.FIre Prevention Bites, Buildings and

(a) Trie developer shall provide landand/or banding* and equipment for fl.-(JS'fire Btitloria, per on* hundred (100)dwell In p units.

(b) Minimum facility requirements:1. Two (2) acres of land 'or each

unit.2. One (1) two (2) stall garage for

each unit3. Two (2) pumpers with a mint-

mum pumping capacity of 750 gallonsper minute each and normal ncces-sory flre-flghtlng equipment meetingthe approval of the *"'— Departmentof the Township of Marlboro.

<c> All facilitlen and fnulmtipnt nhallmet the specifications of the NationalBoard of Fire Underwriters In regardto performance and location. All sites,buildings and equipment shall bo ap-proved by the Planning Board with theconsultation of the Marlboro TownihlpFire Department

(6) Church Hies:(1) The developer shall provide one

(1) church site for each 1,000 dwellingunits.. The minimum site for eachChurch "site" ihall be five (8) *cr« , u"

(h) All church sites shall bs located,where possible, on residential coller-tor streets rather than on minor resi-dential streets. All sites shall he do-nated to recognized religious denomlnations by the developer.

(7) Neighborhood Commercial Shop-pin* C*ni«T»

(a) Tt\t\ neighborhood shopping cen-ter ahall he located within the PlannedCommunity Development Unit Tractand at a location approved by thePlanning Board.

vlded within acceleration and deceler-ation lane* of not less than one hun-dred (100) feet In length.

(h> Truck loading and unloadingareas shall be provided In sufficientamount to permit the transfer of goodsand products in other than a publicstreet or public parking area. Theseareas shall be completely screenedfront view from adjacent propertieswith a solid' landscape screen not lessthan six (6) feet In height.

(0 Signs shall relate to the busi-ness being conducted on the premises,and shall meet the following ipectflca-tlons:

1. More signs (facade). One signmay be placed or Inscribed upon eachfacade of a -buildInf for e'achr occu-pant, provided that the sign shall notexceed an. area equal to twenty-fiveper cent (29%) of the facade or theportion thereof devoted to each occu-pant. The sign may be Illuminated,but ihall not bt of the flashing type,and shall not project more than twelveInches In front of lheL-facade nor ex*tend above the top or beyond the endsof the facade.

2. Store signs (canopy). In a shop-ping center having walkways roofedover with a permanent rigid canopyor other such structural device, onesign may be hung from the under-side of the canopy for each store oroccupant in the center. These signsshall not exceed four square, feet Inarea on each of two sides, and shallnot be less than eight (S) feet abovethe walks. The signs may be Illumi-nated, but may not be of the flashingtype.

3. Free-standing; signs necessary tocontrol the movement of traffic onthe premises may be erected. Thesesigns shall provide traffic directionsonly, and ahall not be used for anyadvertising purpose. They ahalt not ex-ceed a height of six (6) feet, nor onarea of four (4) square feet on eachof two sides.

fl) A buffer area shall be establishedwhich shall Include an area ofland forty (40) feet wide, on measuredfrom the property line of a neighbor-hood shopping center. Within the buff-er area, no use, activity, or algnshall be established other than thefollowing:

1. Such driveways as are neces-sary to provide proper means of In-gress and egress for the parking area.

2. Directional signs In conjunctionwith said driveways which are neces-sary for the proper guidance andcontrol of vehicular traffic, providedthat not more than one such sign Iserected In conjunction with each driveway.

Within the buffer area, a solid andcontinuous landscaping shall be planterand maintained. The landscaping shallconsist of lawn, massed evergreen anddeciduous trees and shrubs of suchspecies' and size as will produce, with-in two growing seasons, a screen aleast six (S) feet in height, and olsuch density as will obscure throughout the full course of the year, all othe glare of automobile headlightsemitted from the premises.

The required height or the landscapescreen as required above shall bemeasured In relation to the elevation ofthe edge of the adjacent parking areaor store area. In such cases an theground elevation of the location atwhich the screen In to be planted Isless than the elevation of the .edge ofadjacent parking area, the requiredheight of the screen shall be IncreasedIn an amount equal tb this differenceIn elevation. In the event that theground elevation of the location atwhich the screen is to be planted Isgreater than that at the edge of theadjacent parking area, the requiredheight of the screen may be reducedIn an amount equal to said dlfferencIn elevation, provided lhat In no casishall the required height be reducedto less than three 13) feet,

(3) Mutllple Family Dwelling Voltsfa) The total number of multiple

family dwelling units shall not exceedtwenty (20) per cent of the total num-ber of all dwelling units.

(b* The density of the multiple fnmHy development shall not exceed BIJCteen (Ifi* dwelling unltB per- nrt tic*for garden apartments, and thirty (30units per acre for high-rise apartments

(c) No multiple family , structureshall exceed ten (10) dtorlpn or onehundred fifteen feet In height. Acces-sory buildings shall not exceed a heighOf fifteen (15) feet In height.

(d) The minimum habilablr ar»n"per multiple family dwelling unit shallnot be less than 600 square feet olhabitable floor area.

(e) The horizontal distance betweenany portion of building faces shall bea minimum of fifty (50i feet for struc-tures one (1) story In height. ThishorizontRl distance shall br Increasedby not less than fifteen (15) feet forevery additional story.; (t) The width of any open cour

shall be not lens than the height ol thihighest building wall farming the courthut -hall always be greater than thir-ty (30) feet.

(g) Minimum front yard setbackshall be equal to the height of thebuilding but shall be not leas thanthirty (30) feet. Minimum side aridrear yard setbacks -shall equal sev-enty-five per cent (75%) of the build-ing height but shall ba not less thantwenty (20) feet.

(h) Enclosed play areas suitable forprescTiooT'cblldreri shall be provided Innil group multiple family develop-ments. They shall be located withIn sight of the dwelling units the;serve. A Minimum, area of thirty <30!

square feet per dwelling unit; And rminimum total urea for each space ol1,200 square feet shall he provided,Such play areas ahall not hn calcu-lated In the* fifteen per cent (!&?*> mereatlon and open space requirement,

(1) All parking shall be provided lroff Street automobile parking areas aia ratio of not less than one (1) ipac

John Wade, Pine St., DonaldHill, Jr., Fulton St., and AlbertWuestfleld, St. George PL. stu-dents at Potomac State College,Keyser, West Va., have returned!to their studies after spendingthe holidays with their parents.

Melvin G. Layton, torpedo-man's mate second class, USN,son of Mrs. Helen Layton 44Main St., is serving with theBlue Crew of the Polaris missilesubmarine Washington.


Mrs. Bessie Foss, Osborn St.,is a surgical patient in River-view Hospital.












Kiwanis ClubHas Installation

KEYPORT-Kiwanis Club df-fibers sworn into office last weekby U. Gov. John Kolibas in YeCottage Inn were Edwin O'Han-ion, president, to succeed Rev.Norman, ,R._.RUsj;;_,MettM Wal-lace, "Hrst" "vice president; SolOpatosky, second vice president;Edward E. Florian, treasurer,and Warren W. Messerschmidt,secretary.

Perfect attendance tabs wereawarded to George Dowens, 21years; Edward Florian, 16 years;Robert Hartman, 12 years, andAddie Shultz, 21 years.
















for each dwelling unit. Parkins b a ? *sha{l not open directly onto residen-tial collector atreett.

(j) One (l) sign situated withinthe property lines and bearing onlythe name ol the apartment home orproject, the street address, and th«presence or lack of vacant units, shallbe permitted provided luch sign shallnot exceed ten (10)"- square net Insize. If such sign Is to be Illumi-nated, tha Illumination ihall b* fromwithin.

(k) All non-paved areas shall beliberally landscaped. In a functionalmanner.F. CONSTRUCTION OF MODELHOMES AND SALES FACILITIES.

It Is recogniied that it may be Inthe best Interests of the Township ofMarlboro to permit the constructionof Model Homes and other sales fa-cilities prior to the final approval ofa Planned Community Development. Inluch cases as an applicant has anapplication before the Planning Boardfor a Planned Community Devel-opment, said applicant may apply tothe Planning Board for approval otthe construction of such salea facili-ties. The Planning Board shall reviewthe matter with respect to tha gen-eral welfare cf the Township, andshall make one appropriate recom-mendation to the Township Committee,who may approve or reject the appli-cation. Any such approval grantedshall ba with the express provisionthat acceptable lots will be createdfor each such dwelling prior to itssale and residential occupancy and thatall non-resldentlal structures will beremoved upon completion ot construc-tion ot the project. In the event thathe Planned Community Developmentfalls to gain the approval of the Town-ihlp Committee, all such structures•hall be removed within three monthsor, In the case of residential struc-ture!, provided with Acceptable lot*which meet with the requirements otthe IMOO Zone.O. APPLICATION OP STANDARDS

The foregoing standards and condl-lons are Intended as a general guide

for the Planning Board to utilize inUs review of an application for aPlanned Community. It Is the Intentof this amendment to give the Plan-ning Board the greatest possible de-gree of latitude In reviewing such ap-plications in order to achieve the max-imum benellts to the general ^welfareof the Township of Marlboro. It iirecognized that circumstances or con-ditions may be encountered whereinthe Interests of the Township of Marl-boro would be best served t! modifica-tion of these standards Is permitted soin to nl'o"1 'nr imnrnvri 'lhyn'rnl lie-sign, specialized community facilities,or other such contingencies. In suchcases, the Planning Board of theTownship of Marlboro, ofter carrfulstudy and consultation with Its plan-ning consultant, may recommend to(he Township Committee that aPlanner! Community be approved withinch modification of these standardstiml conditions provider} that the gen-eral Intent and purpose of this amend-ment is adhered to.

In any section, paragraph, sub-di-vision, cluaie, or provision, of this or-dinance shall be adjudged Invalid, suchadjudication shall apply only to thasection, paragraph, sub-dlvlslon, clauseor provision .10 adjudjted and thnremainder of this ordinance shall bedeemed valid and effective.

The provisions of this ordinance shalltake effect upon It* pamnRe and pub-lication as provided by law,

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBYOIVBN that the foregoing ordinancewas Introduced at a regular meetingDf the Township Committee of theTownship of Marlboro In the Countyof Monmouth on the 3rd day of Janu-ary. 1903, and passed on first reading,and the same WBB then ordered to bepublished according to law, and ttititluch ordinance shall be further con-sidered for final painngQ at a mert-mr of th» Township Committee to beheld at- Township Hnll, Main Street.Marlboro Township on Thursday, thei""i dnv n' Jnnuflrv, IBM, nt H'MP.M., and at any time and place tni''ilch trip nald mooting may be from

time to time adjourned, nt which timeand piece a public, bearing will heheld and all persons Interested will begiven nn opportunity to be heard con-cerning such ordinance.


Jan. 7 \ 1238.38












DigiFind-It· Starts Today: &#039;The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7&#039;i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (16)

1«-M«m&y, January 7, X%3 RJTO £ ANK REGISTER

Plan EarlyAction OnZoning Code


Planning Board expects to begin




Jan. 10", 1960 — Pittsburgh, Pa."Doctored for psoriasis 30 years.Spent much money to no avail.Then used GHP Ointment andTablets for 2 weeks. Scales dis-appeared as if by magic. In 6weeks skin completely clearedand clean. First time in 30 years.Thanks for your marvelous prod-ucts." This much abbreviated re-port tells of a user's success witha dual treatment for the outwardsymptoms of psoriasis. Full in-fbfrnation and details of a 14-daytrial plan from Canam Co., Dept.277P, Rockport, Mass.

(mat work on a proposed zoningordinance in mid-February.

The board was told at Thurs-day night's organization meetingby the township's planning consultant, Alvin E. Gershen oTrenton, that he hopes to havethe measure in the board's handsby then.

Richard C. Klein, board secretary, said the agency wHl beginweekly study sessions as soon asthe ordinance is received fromMr. Gershen, in an effort to haveit ready for, a public hearingearly in the spring.

Robert Barrabee was re-elect-ed chairman of the board and

^ Klein was named secretaryfor the 10th consecutive year.

Mr. Klein was appointed chair-man of. the minor subdivisioncommittee and Township Com-mitteeman John W. Beekmanand William J. Skelton were ap-pointed members oE the com-mittee.

Mayor John J. Reilly, a mem-ber of the Planning Board, spokeof the necessity of orderly andefficient planning to insure munic-ipal progress and desirable>rowth and development.


Gather up all your bills—old ones, new ones, big ones,little ones—and let us help you get them out of theway for good. The Household Finance manager canprovide you with the money you need to pay every lastone of them, or he can even mail checks direct ifyou wrish. You'll keep your credit record good andhave only one lowmonthly payment toHFC. Drop in soonand arrange your Bill-Payer Loan fromHousehold Finance.

Aak about CreditLife Insurance on

loaru mt group rate

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HmiwfeWj ckap is 2\Vkptr mmlh en so/-mcaoJSMOmiiaanilH'J IVctxrmorUtonUulpatt}lktt<ianainta$ticSU00tof500.

Special Sendee to Armed Force* Pertonnel

OtlSEHOLD FINANCE71»Coolcman Avenue—PRo$pec» 5-2500

Opts Wednesday KYCTfop rani!UTOMTOWM

Monmoulh Shopping CantorHI. 35 of Eolontown Traffic Grc le - l l be r t y 2-1340

Open Wedowkiy * Friday eveniop oifil 8MIDDUTOWH

MMdlelown Shopping Canter1107 Highway #35-OSbome 1-14OO

OfMlhwdavt Friday era**! mri 7 '



7. Bpoken11. Refer


12. Cipher13. Hole-


15. • andtuck

16. Samoawarrior

17. Fat19. Through21. Fills with

reverence22. Foreign


28. Half an em27.Jttlkflsh28. Early coin:

Chin.50. Male cud-


51. Stylish86. FormerlyS7. Employed39. Cut off,

as tops40. Conjunction

- 4 U "Twelfth ••••—Night"couziteSAlpOBS.

45. Small cut47.Toget

revenge for48. Ogled

. 49. Human beingDOWN

1. To damage2. Malt

beverage8. Writing


S. B. Notion' 6. Ever: poet

7. PrincessOzma'acountry

8. Continues,asasubscription

9. Ascend10. Moves with

long strides14. Thus18.Nbctural

mammal19. Open:

poet20. Hollywood's

Johnson 35. Offspring23. Chum of male24. "The horse and

and the : femalePussycat" donkey


Saturday'! Allow32. To review •


and needles(anxious)

34. Follow

38. Perform39. Dwell12. Fold

over43. Past44. Japanese

coin46. Merchant's

stamp:abbr. -



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1 1

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^ t
















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Equitable AgentsIn Honor Club

RED BANK - Six agents of

the local office of the Equitable

Life Assurance Society of the

U.S., have been named members

of the firm's Honor Club.

One ol the group, Robert J.Pelusio, 6 Glenwood PL, Leo-nardo, in addition has been named

member of the Million DollarClub; He is a specialist in thesociety's Assured Home Owner-ship Plan.

He and his family will attendthe Leaders Club Convention atBel Coronado Hotel, CoronadoBench, Calif., Feb. 24 - 27,

A delegate to the conferenceis William J. Gonska, districtmanager here. Mr. Gonska.livesat 174 South Lake Dr., RiverPlaza.

Five other Honor Club mem-bers are Arthur W". Hoyt, 85 Hillside St., River Plaza; Robert MSmith, 50 Statesir PI., Middle-town, Mathias C. Hoie, 77 teed-ville Dr., Lincroft; Eugene T.Dougherty, H Waverly PI., Free-hold, and James J. McAllister;12 Jiiptier St., Middletown.

Joshifa Trent, Hammonton Park and even Hfclcey |Freeman are greatly reduced in J. Kridel's SALE.

A bridge' players mind Is' abusy little thing: show it a toe-nail, and it will picture an en-tire elephant. Sometimes youmust show it a pink toenail.

If South knows nothing aboutelephants he plays this hand un-successfully. He wins the second


South dealerNorth-South vulnerable


O Q 1 0 8 5 2• 7 4 3

WEST/ EAST4 7 54 AQJ1098{? «4 3 2 S? 10 9 -70 9 7 6 4 3 O A J•AK 45 2 .


OK• Q I 10 9 8 6

Soatk Wot North Hat1 * Pass 1 0 1 *3 NT AU Pass •

Opening lead — 4 4

Man FacesHearing OnThree Charges

KEANSBURG — John Wilson,Wilson Ave., will receive a hear-ing in Municipal Court Thursdaynight on charges of breaking andentering, receiving stolen good!and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. •

He has, been, pla'ced under4j4,OOO bail pending the hearing.

Police said he also faces a con-tempt of court charge in UnionBeach.

According to police, Wilson wasarrested Thursday night after po-lice found several items in hiscar believed to have been stolenfrom a concession on Beachwayon Dec. 29. Police said the itemsincluded watches, transistor ra-dios and cigarette lighters. •

Police said four juveniles rang-ing in age from 12 to IS havebeen arrested in connection withthe case.

The 16-year-old has been lodgedin the county jail, two otherslodged in the county juvenileshelter and a fourth has beenreleased in the custody of hisparents, police said.

All face hearings .before ju-enile authorities police said.Police said Wilson also is to

be questioned in the entry of Su-perb Metals Co., Carr Ave., on

spade with the king and returnsa club. Back comes a spade, andSouth leads another club.

Sface West is out of spadeshe must lead a heart or a dia-mond to give his partner the lead.Which? - *

- West cannot be sure, but hewill lead a diamond. South needsheart strength for his jump tothree notrump, but he may havenothing in diamonds if he hasrelied on his partner's diamondresponse. . .

The diamond return allows.thedefenders to collect seven tricks.

Enter the ToenailAn- expert South looks for a

way to make West lead a heartinstead of a diamond at thecrucial moment. South must wag-gle a pink toenail under West'snose to make him see a pink ele-phant.

The king of hearts is just pinkenough for the job. After winnhgthe second trick with the king ofspades South leads, the king of

ebb after the ux ot spvks Usbeen knocked out.

West takes hii second clubtrick and says to himself: "Whydid he lead that king of hearts?He was trying to knock out theace, but my partner was tooclever to take the trick so early.Ay,, my, how clever we are:"And West blissfully returns

leart. ,Now South makes game

•ubber, and everybody cantack and listen to the conversationletween East and West.'

, Dally QuestionWith neither side vulnerable

lealer bids 1 NT (16 to 18 points)

tad your partner vcA fte a«<player both. pass. You hold:Spades-/} J 10 9 8 2, Hearts -10 9 7, Diamonds - A J, Clubs " -5 2. What do you say?

».- Ansewr Bid; two spades. Part-too nner should have 7 points or more'" which should be worth a trick

or two, perhaps even more. Youwill not be hurt at two spades,and it pays to stop the opponents

making one notrump evengo down a trick or two.

For Sheinwold's 36-page book-,dt, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge,"send 50c to Bridge Book, Red

the Bank Register, Box 331B, GrandCentral St., N. Y. 17, N. Y.

gntl ft"0171

sit if yo"




Kick the cold out ol YOURbone NOW \ . . to stay. Or-der OUR dependable Fuel Oiltoday! Call SH 1-6100 for fastservice.



... for the best Christinas ever' For fiundredt of happy Christmas Club mem-

bers htreabouti, Santa has already arrived, bring-

ing with him handsome checks for ravish gifting,

'without the slightest stress or strain on the budget.

If this kind of paid-in-advance' Christmas appeals

to you, check'here for all the facts!

Clubs From 25c a Week

To Any Amount Desired!




MAIN OFFICES74 Highway 35


OS 1-2400(Five Corners)

Branch Offkt

Atlantic Highlands

13 First Avenue



Every year at this time, Castro Convertibles clears its Showrooms, Warehouse and Factories tobring you iis "BIGGEST CONVERTIBLE SALE", but for a limited time only. Hundreds of luxuriousCastro Convertible Sofas, beautiful decorator chairs, tables, lamps and accessories, have beendrastically reduced...DON'T WAIT, DON'T HESITATE...COME IN NOW.

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"RIDQEFIELD" C O N V E R T I B L Efeatures all FOAM" construction, styled with su-perb grace. Converts to a comfortable full size bedfor two as well as -a chaise for televiewing, read-Ing. Separate Castro-pedic innersprins mattress.

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THE MARVELOUS CASTRO CONVERTIBLE OTTOMANWORLD FAMOUS AS A BEAUTIFUL SPACESAVERThe original, patented, exclusive Caslroottoman, net to be confused with anyother. By night, converts to a full lengthbed. Separate Castro-pedic Innenpringmattress, a fulr 6 in. deep. Custom tai-lored cover included.


shopping center Earontown Circle and Route 35, Earontown, N. J.


DigiFind-It · Starts Today: &#039;The Union Soldier and the Civil War9, Page 8 Weather 7&#039;i.m. temperature 26. Some doudlneft today through tomor-row. High today and tomorrow «. Low tonight, - [PDF Document] (2024)


What was the temperature at the Battle of Fredericksburg? ›

Contrary to legend, the 13 December 1862 battle of Fredericksburg did not take place in freezing weather. That day's high was fifty-six degrees. It was only one degree warmer on Palm Sunday, 1865, at Appomattox.

What was the weather like at the Battle of Chancellorsville? ›

Battle of Chancellorsville

Joseph Hooker maneuvered the Army of the Potomac to attack the Army of Northern Virginia, a thunderstorm hit on the night of April 28, 1863. It muddied the roads, which made marching and moving supplies much more difficult.

How did the weather affect the Battle of Gettysburg? ›

The excessive rain from the storm overflowed the creek's banks and flooded the likely dry hard surface. On July 4, the soldiers had to trek almost 30 km, pulling wagons filled with the wounded. The conditions were rough as the dirt roads started t dissolve.

How did weather impact McClellan's drive towards Richmond in 1862? ›

McClellan incessantly complained that rainy weather and swollen rivers impeded his advance toward the Confederate capital at Richmond. While the rising rivers did challenge McClellan's engineers, weather in this case proved more of a convenient excuse than an interminable obstruction.

What is the coldest winter in Virginia? ›

The highest recorded temperature is 115 °F (46 °C) at Balcony Falls on July 15, 1954, and the lowest recorded temperature is −30 °F (−34 °C) at Mountain Lake on January 22, 1985.

What was the temperature at the Battle of Chosin? ›

U.S. Marine Gunnery Sergeant at Chosin

His unit advanced to five miles south of the Yalu when winter came early, and the temperatures plummeted. They were cut off for five days and six nights when surprised by the Chinese attack, enduring temperatures that reached “minus 50.”

Did any hurricanes hit during the Civil War? ›

In 1861 all storms classed as hurricanes were only categorized as Category 1 and none made landfall although the one in the first days of November disrupted the federal fleet off Port Royal, South Carolina. In 1862 there were no major tropical storms and there were only two in 1863, both considered Category 2.

How did Civil War soldiers deal with the heat? ›

They were primarily wool for the Union, and either wool, or a wool cotton blend for the Confederates. Secondly, they cooled themselves naturally, the way the body is designed to do. You would sweat so much while wearing the uniform that you'd be cooled. As long as the soldiers stayed hydrated, they'd generally be ok.

What was the weather like during the Battle of Agincourt? ›

Battle of Agincourt (NE France): on the eve of the battle, heavy rain fell and the battleground became water-logged & sodden - this impeded the forces opposing Henry V (particularly those more heavily armoured). Implies that the weather must have been wet for some time before.

Was the Battle of Gettysburg hot? ›

Ultimately what it translates into is—if you do the math—the heat index during the Battle of Gettysburg on the third day late afternoon was probably in the upper 90s plus or minus a couple of degrees.

Does Gettysburg get tornadoes? ›

There have been 190 recorded wind events in Gettysburg. The most severe event was an F2 tornado, which occurred in 1954.

How hot was it in Gettysburg? ›

At 2 p.m. July 2, it was 81 and partly cloudy. It was 87 degrees at 2 p.m. July 3, the time of Pickett's Charge. Lee's retreat from Gettysburg on July 4 was hampered by rain, mud and swollen creeks.

What was the bloodiest day of the Civil War? ›

Washington County, MD | Sep 17, 1862. Antietam, the deadliest one-day battle in American military history, showed that the Union could stand against the Confederate army in the Eastern theater.

How many died at the Battle of Antietam? ›

Antietam Casualties by Type
Jan 3, 2024

What was the weather like during the Battle of Antietam? ›

"According to historian reports, the weather the night before The Battle of Antietam began featured rain showers," said Weather Channel meteorologist Mark Elliot. "These gave way quickly the next morning, leaving humid conditions and temperatures near 70.

What was the weather during the Civil War? ›

Annual fluctuations in weather were both terrible and constant and winters were much colder than today. One year could bring an intensely cold winter and biting easterly winds, while the next year might deliver heavy rains and raging heat.

What was the temperature during Pearl Harbor? ›

At the time there was an area of high pressure located in the central Pacific, resulting in gentle northeasterly trade winds and partly cloudy skies on the Hawaiian Islands. Winds at Honolulu were from the northeast at about 9 to 14 mph. The temperature at the time was 71°F, with a dewpoint of 62°F.

What was the temperature during Gettysburg? ›

So, comparing these measurements with what we know about the battle, we know that during Pickett's Charge, it was mostly sunny, no breeze, muggy due to the impending storm, and 87 degrees.

What was the coldest battle in the American Revolution? ›

The March to Valley Forge by William Trego

Valley Forge is where George Washington and the Continental Army camped during the winter of 1777-1778. The troops suffered from harsh cold, starvation, and disease.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.