Quantitative EPR - PDF Free Download (2024)


Gareth R. Eaton Sandra S. Eaton David P. Barr Ralph T. Weber l


Quantitative EPR


Dr. Gareth R. Eaton Dr. Sandra S. Eaton University of Denver Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Denver, CO, USA

Dr. David P. Barr Dr. Ralph T. Weber Bruker BioSpin Corporation Billerica, MA, USA

This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machines or similar means, and storage in data banks. Product Liability: The publisher can give no guarantee for all the information contained in this book. The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. # 2010 Springer-Verlag/Wien Printed in Germany SpringerWienNewYork is a part of Springer Science+Business Media springer.at Typesetting: SPI, Pondicherry, India Printed on acid-free and chlorine-free bleached paper SPIN: 12540198 With 110 Figures Library of Congress Control Number: 2010921806 ISBN 978-3-211-92947-6 e-ISBN 978-3-211-92948-3 DOI 10.1007/978-3-211-92948-3 SpringerWienNewYork


There is a growing need in both industrial and academic research to obtain accurate quantitative results from continuous wave (CW) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments. This book describes various sample-related, instrument-related and software-related aspects of obtaining quantitative results from EPR experiments. Some specific items to be discussed include: selection of a reference standard, resonator considerations (Q, B1, Bm), power saturation, sample positioning, and finally, the blending of all the factors together to provide a calculation model for obtaining an accurate spin concentration of a sample. This book might, at first glance, appear to be a step back from some of the more advanced pulsed methods discussed in recent EPR texts, but actually quantitative “routine CW EPR” is a challenging technique, and requires a thorough understanding of the spectrometer and the spin system. Quantitation of CW EPR can be subdivided into two main categories: (1) intensity and (2) magnetic field/microwave frequency measurement. Intensity is important for spin counting. Both relative intensity quantitation of EPR samples and their absolute spin concentration of samples are often of interest. This information is important for kinetics, mechanism elucidation, and commercial applications where EPR serves as a detection system for free radicals produced in an industrial process. It is also important for the study of magnetic properties. Magnetic field/microwave frequency is important for g and nuclear hyperfine coupling measurements that reflect the electronic structure of the radicals or metal ions. The book contains sufficient background to make it useful to scientists who are new to the field, and who strive to obtain the best possible results from their spectrometers. Information is presented with sufficient rigor so that the book should also be valuable to experienced users who seek to give their work a solid quantitative basis. More detailed discussions and advanced topics are provided in the appendices. Suggestions for further reading guide the reader to additional aspects of EPR. The objective of the authors is to convey this topic to industrial and academic scientists at different stages of their careers.




GRE and SSE appreciate the comments made on a draft of this book by Dr. Mark Tseitlin, Dr. Velavan Kathirvelu, and graduate students Deborah Mitchell, Michael Swanson, and Joshua Biller. Richard W Quine and Dr. George A. Rinard have contributed to multiple drafts of the sections on instrumentation, especially measurement of resonator Q and signal-to-noise calculations. Dr. Jinjie Jiang has contributed several experiments that are included in Appendix A. The development of quantitative EPR in the Eaton lab has been supported by NIH NIBIB grants EB000557 and EB02807 (GRE and SSE), and the Center for EPR Imaging In Vivo Physiology supported by NIH NIBIB P41 EB002034 (Howard Halpern, PI).





Basics of Continuous Wave EPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 The Zeeman Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Hyperfine Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Signal Intensity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Introduction to Typical CW EPR Spectrometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 The Microwave Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 The EPR Cavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 The Signal Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 The Magnetic Field Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 The Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 1 3 5 5 6 8 10 13 14


Why Should Measurements Be Quantitative? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Examples of Applications of Quantitative EPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Measuring Unstable Radicals by Spin Trapping: Effect of Resonator Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Measuring Weak Signals in the Presence of Strong Ones: Dynamic Range Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Signals in Mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Radiation Dosimetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Use of Accurate Line Width Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Catalysis and Mineralogy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Free Radical Content in Commercial Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Feasibility of Quantitative EPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10 Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

15 16

Important Principles for Quantitative EPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 The EPR Transition and Resulting Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Relaxation and Saturation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Why Are EPR Spectra Displayed as the Derivative? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Some Caveats About Modulation and First Derivative Displays . . . . . 3.5 Finding the Signal Area Requires a Double Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 The CW EPR Line Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

25 25 26 28 28 30 31


18 18 19 19 21 22 22 23 24




3.7 Transition Metal EPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.8 Spectrometer Field and Frequency May Determine Which Transitions Are Observed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.9 Parallel and Perpendicular Transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4



A More in Depth Look at the EPR Signal Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Sample Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 Capillary Tube Sealant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Searching for a Signal (Also See Appendix A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Detector Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Optimize the Receiver Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Be Aware of Noise Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Number of Data Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Optimize the Sweep Time and Conversion Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Optimize the Time Constant for the Selected Sweep Time and Conversion Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 Background Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11 Microwave Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.12 Modulation Amplitude (Also See Appendix B for More Details on This Topic) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.13 Modulation Amplitude Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.14 How to Select Modulation Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.15 Passage Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.16 Illustration of the Effect of Modulation Amplitude, Modulation Frequency, and Microwave Power on the Spectra of Free Radicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.17 Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.18 Automatic Frequency Control and Microwave Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.19 Resonator Design for Specific Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20 Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21 Scaling Results for Quantitative Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.22 Signal Averaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.23 Cleanliness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

37 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 41

Practical Advice About Crucial Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Crucial Parameters and How They Affect EPR Signal Intensity . . . . . 5.2 What Accuracy Is Achievable? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 A More In-Depth Look at Adjusting the Coupling to the Resonator in the “Tuning” Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

63 63 65

42 43 44 45 48 51 54 55

55 56 58 59 59 59 60 61


A Deeper Look at B1 and Modulation Field Distribution in a Resonator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 6.1 Separation of B1 and E1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69


6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7


Inhom*ogeneity of B1 and Modulation Amplitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sample Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AFC Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flat Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Double-Cavity Simultaneous Reference and Unknown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

70 73 73 75 76 76

Resonator Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1 Conversion Efficiency, C0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Loaded Q and Unloaded Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Relation of Q to the EPR Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Contributions to Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Measurement of Resonator Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5.1 Estimate Q Using the Bruker Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5.2 Q Measurement Using a Network Analyzer: By George A. Rinard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5.3 Q by Ring Down Following a Pulse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

79 80 81 83 83 84 85 85 86


Filling Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 8.1 General Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 8.2 Calculation of Filling Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89


Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1 Temperature Dependence of Signal Intensity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 Sample Preparation for Cryogenic Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.1 Selection of Solvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.2 Sealed Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3 Practical Aspects of Controlling and Measuring Sample Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3.1 Cavity Resonators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3.2 Flexline Resonators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3.3 Other Components of the Cooling Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 Operation Above Room Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5 Example for S>1/2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

91 91 92 92 92

Magnetic Field and Microwave Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.1 g-Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 Measurement of Microwave Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 Magnetic Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4 Magnetic Field hom*ogeneity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5 Coupling Constants Vs. Hyperfine Splittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.6 Achievable Accuracy and Precision: g Value and Hyperfine Splitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

101 101 101 102 103 104


93 94 95 97 98 98





Standard Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 11.1 Comparison with a Standard Sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 11.2 Spin Quantitation with a Calibrated Spectrometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix A: Acquiring EPR Spectra and Optimizing Parameters . . . . . Appendix B: Field Modulation and Phase Sensitive Detection . . . . . . . . . Appendix C: Post Processing for Optimal Quantitative Results . . . . . . . . Appendix D: Quantitation of Organic Radicals Using Tempol . . . . . . . . . Appendix E: Using a Reference Standard for Relative Intensity Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix F: Example Procedure for Measuring Signal-to-Noise Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix G: How Good Can It Get: Absolute EPR Signal Intensity . . .

115 115 124 132 141 146 151 157

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179

Chapter 1

Basics of Continuous Wave EPR

This chapter is an introduction to the basic theory, practice, and instrumentation for EPR spectroscopy. It is designed to give someone who is new to EPR sufficient background to understand the following chapters. A reader who is already well acquainted with the basics of EPR theory and instrumentation, may skip this chapter. Topics in several sections of this chapter are presented in greater detail in subsequent chapters. This introduction, and much of the book, focuses primarily on molecules with a single unpaired electron, which is denoted as having a spin state of S ¼ 1/2.


The Zeeman Effect

The energy differences studied in EPR spectroscopy are due predominately to the interaction of an unpaired electron in the sample with a magnetic field, B0, produced by a magnet in the laboratory. This effect is called the Zeeman effect. Because the electron has a magnetic moment, it acts like a compass or a bar magnet when it is placed in a magnetic field. Since energies are quantized, a single unpaired electron has only two allowed energy states. It has a state of lower energy when the moment of the electron, m, is aligned with the magnetic field and a higher energy state when m is aligned against the magnetic field (see Fig. 1.1). The two states are designated by the projection of the electron spin, ms, on the direction of the magnetic field. Because the electron is a spin 1/2 particle, the parallel state has ms ¼ 1/2 and the antiparallel state has ms ¼ þ1/2. (Note that because of the charge of the electron, the energies of the 1/2 states are opposite to those for the proton.) The difference between the energies of these two states, caused by the interaction between the electron spin and the magnetic field, is shown in (1.1). DE ¼ g mB B0 Dms ¼ g mB B0 ;


where g is the g-factor, which is discussed below, mB is the Bohr magneton, which is the natural unit of the electron’s magnetic moment, and the change in spin state is G.R. Eaton et al., Quantitative EPR, DOI 10.1007/978-3-211-92948-3_1, # Springer-Verlag/Wien 2010



1 Basics of Continuous Wave EPR Ms+1/2

ΔE = hν = g μB B0





Fig. 1.1 When the magnetic field is scanned, the energies of the two spin states of an unpaired electron diverge. At the magnetic field for which the energy difference between the two electron spin states is equal to hu for the spectrometer, there is absorption of energy by the spins, which is called resonance

Dms ¼ 1. The energy, DE ¼ hn, that is required to cause a transition between the two spin states is given by (1.2), DE ¼ h n ¼ g mB B0


mB ¼ ge b=2:


Two facts are apparent from (1.1) and (1.2) and its graph in Fig. 1.1. l


The two spin states have the same energy in the absence of a magnetic field, so without a magnetic field, there is no energy difference to measure. The energies of the spin states diverge linearly as the magnetic field increases and the energy difference depends linearly on the magnetic field.

Because the energy difference between the two spin states can be varied by changing the magnetic field strength, there are two potential approaches to obtaining spectra. The magnetic field could be held constant while the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation is scanned, which would be analogous to UV-VIS spectroscopy. Alternatively, the electromagnetic radiation frequency could be held constant while the magnetic field is scanned as shown in Fig. 1.1. Absorption of energy occurs when the magnetic field “tunes” the two spin states such that the energy difference matches the energy of the applied radiation. This field is called the “field for resonance”. Because of difficulties in scanning microwave frequencies and because of the use of a resonant cavity for signal detection, most EPR spectrometers operate at constant microwave frequency and scan the magnetic field. The field for resonance is not a unique “fingerprint” for identification of a compound because spectra can be acquired at different microwave frequencies. The g-factor, g ¼ h n= mB B0


1.2 Hyperfine Interactions Table 1.1 Field for resonance for a g ¼ 2 sample at various microwave frequencies

3 Microwave band L S X K Q W

Microwave frequency (GHz) 1 3 9 24 35 94

B0 (for g ¼ 2) gauss 390 1070 3380 8560 12,480 33,600

is independent of the microwave frequency, so the g-factor is a better way to characterize signals. Note that high values of g occur at low magnetic fields and vice versa. A list of fields for resonance for a g ¼ 2 signal at microwave frequencies commonly available in commercial EPR spectrometers is presented in Table 1.1. Spectrometers are labeled with a letter as shown in the table that is based on the designation that engineers used for microwaves in that frequency range. The g-factor helps to distinguish and identify types of samples. Carbon-centered radicals have g close to the “free electron value,” which is 2.0023. Heteroatoms shift the g-factor. For example benzosemiquinones, which have significant spin density on oxygens, have g 2.004 and nitroxide radicals which have spin density on a nitrogen and oxygen have g 2.006. Metal ions have very different g-factors. For example, the vanadyl ion has g 1.96 while the g-factor for Cu2+ may be as large as 2.3, depending on the geometry of the complex. In immobilized samples the anisotropy of g may be observed (i.e. it may depend on the orientation of the molecule with respect to B0).


Hyperfine Interactions

Additional information about the species that contains the unpaired electron can be obtained from nuclear hyperfine interactions. The nuclei of the atoms in a molecule or complex often have magnetic moments, which produce a local magnetic field at the electron. The interaction between the electron and the nuclei is called the hyperfine interaction. It gives a wealth of information about the sample such as the identity and number of atoms that make up a molecule or complex; as well as the electron spin density at nuclei that have magnetic moments. Figure 1.2 depicts the origin of the hyperfine interaction. The magnetic moment of the nucleus acts like a bar magnet (albeit a weaker magnet than the electron) and produces a magnetic field at the electron, BI. This magnetic field opposes or adds to the magnetic field from the laboratory magnet, depending on the alignment of the moment of the nucleus. When BI adds to the magnetic field, less magnetic field is needed from the laboratory magnet and therefore the field for resonance is lowered by BI. The opposite is true when BI opposes the laboratory field. For an electron spin interacting with a spin 1/2 nucleus such as hydrogen, the EPR absorption signal splits into two signals that are each BI away from the original


1 Basics of Continuous Wave EPR B0

Fig. 1.2 Influence of the magnetic field of a nucleus on the field experienced by an electron spin









Fig. 1.3 Splitting of an EPR signal due to the local field of a neighboring spin ¼ 1/2 nucleus

signal (see Fig. 1.3). The hyperfine splitting constant, aH, is equal to the spacing between the two lines, which is 2BI. If there is a second nucleus with I ¼ 1/2, each of the signals is further split into a pair, resulting in four signals. For n spin 1/2 nuclei, there are 2n EPR signals, provided that the splitting is large relative to the linewidth. The general rule is that the number of hyperfine lines is equal to 2nI þ 1, where n is the number of symmetry equivalent nuclei and I is the nuclear spin. Hyperfine splittings can be very useful in identifying radical species. For example, 14N has I ¼ 1, so coupling to one nitrogen gives three lines with equal intensity and Mn has I ¼ 5/2, so coupling to one manganese ion gives six hyperfine lines. As the number of nuclei gets larger, the number of signals increases rapidly. Sometimes there are so many signals that they overlap and a smaller number of broad signals is observed. The magnitude of BI, and hence the splitting, depends on the type of nucleus, as well as the electron spin density at that nucleus.

1.4 Introduction to Typical CW EPR Spectrometers



Signal Intensity

So far, only the position of the EPR signal has been discussed. However, the size of the EPR signal is what is important for measurement of the concentration of the EPR active species in the sample. In the language of spectroscopy, the size of a signal is defined as the integrated intensity, i.e., the area beneath the absorption curve (see Fig. 1.4). The integrated intensity of an EPR signal is proportional to the concentration of unpaired electrons in the sample, provided that appropriate operating conditions are used. Signal intensities do not depend solely on concentrations. They also depend on the microwave power. If low enough microwave power is used, the signal intensity grows as the square root of the power. At higher power levels, the signal grows more slowly, or even diminishes, as well as broadens with increasing microwave power levels. This behavior is called saturation. To measure accurate intensities, linewidths, lineshapes, and closely spaced hyperfine splittings, saturation must be avoided. A quick means of checking for the absence of saturation is to decrease the microwave power and verify that the signal intensity decreases proportional to the square root of the microwave power (for more information on power saturation see Chap. 4.11).


Introduction to Typical CW EPR Spectrometers

The first half of this chapter provided an introduction to the principles of EPR spectroscopy. Now it is important to consider practical aspects of EPR spectroscopy. Theory and practice have been strongly interdependent in the development and growth of EPR. A good example of this point is the first detection of an EPR signal by Zavoisky in 1945. The Zeeman effect had been known in optical spectroscopy for many years and Gorter had searched for magnetic resonance with a less sensitive method, but the first direct detection of EPR had to wait for improvements in instrumentation. The development of radar during World War II provided technology for rapid development of applications of EPR. Only then, did scientists have the necessary components to build sufficiently sensitive spectrometers. Even today, the availability of improved electronic components has made possible the continued development of advanced techniques in EPR such as Fourier Transform and high frequency EPR. The history of the development of EPR is described in (Eaton et al. 1998).

Fig. 1.4 The integrated intensity of the two absorption signals is the same


1 Basics of Continuous Wave EPR Microwave Bridge

Cavity and Sample Electronics Console


Fig. 1.5 General outlay for an EPR spectrometer

Figure 1.5 shows the general layout of a typical CW EPR spectrometer. The electromagnetic radiation source and the detector are in a box called the “microwave bridge.” The sample is in a cavity, which is a metal box that helps to amplify weak signals from the sample. As mentioned in Sect. 1.1, there is a magnet to “tune” the electronic energy levels. In addition, there is a console, which contains signal processing and control electronics and a computer. The computer is used for analyzing data as well as coordinating all the units for acquiring a spectrum. The following sections explain how these parts of the spectrometer function and interact.


The Microwave Bridge

The microwave bridge houses the microwave source and the detector. There are more parts in a bridge than shown in Fig. 1.6, but most of them are control, power supply, and security electronics that are not necessary to understand the basic operation of the bridge. The following discussion traces the path of the microwaves from the source to the detector. The tour of the microwave bridge starts at point A, the microwave source. In older spectrometers the source was a vacuum tube called a klystron. Newer spectrometers use a solid state source called a Gunn diode. The output power of the microwave source cannot be varied easily. However the discussion of signal intensity stresses the importance of changing the power level to avoid saturation. Therefore, the next component, at point B, after the microwave source is a variable attenuator: a device that controls the flow of microwave radiation. With the attenuator, the microwave power that gets to the sample can be precisely and accurately controlled. Most EPR spectrometers are reflection spectrometers. That is, they measure the changes (due to spectroscopic transitions) in the amount of radiation reflected back from the microwave cavity containing the sample (point D in the figure). Therefore the detector should only see the microwave radiation coming back from the cavity.

1.5 The Microwave Bridge


G Signal Out Detector Diode

E Reference


φ A Circulator 3 C

1 B Source

2 Attenuator

Magnet Cavity D

Fig. 1.6 Block diagram for a microwave bridge

The circulator at point C is a microwave device that makes this possible. Microwaves coming in port 1 of the circulator only go to the cavity through port 2 and not to the detector, which is attached to port 3. Reflected microwaves are directed only to the detector (port 3) and not back to the microwave source. Bruker spectrometers use a Schottky barrier diode to detect the reflected microwaves (point E in Fig. 1.6). The diode converts the microwave power to an electrical current. At low power levels (less than 1 mW), the diode current is proportional to the microwave power, and the detector is called a square law detector. (Remember that electrical power is proportional to the square of the voltage or current.) At higher power levels (greater than 1 mW), the diode current is proportional to the square root of the microwave power and the detector is called a linear detector. The transition between the two regions is very gradual. For quantitative signal intensity measurements as well as optimal sensitivity, the diode should operate in the linear region. The best results are attained with a detector current of approximately 200 mA. To insure that the detector operates at that level, there is a reference arm (point F in Fig. 1.6) that supplies the detector


1 Basics of Continuous Wave EPR

with extra microwave power or “bias.” Some of the source power is tapped off into the reference arm, where a second attenuator controls the power level (and consequently the diode current) for optimal performance. There is also a phase shifter to insure that the reference arm microwaves are in phase with the reflected signal microwaves when the two signals combine at the detector diode. The detector diodes are very sensitive to damage from excessive microwave power and slowly lose their sensitivity. To prevent this from happening, there is protection circuitry in the bridge that monitors the current from the diode. When the current exceeds 400 mA, the bridge automatically protects the diode by lowering the microwave power level. This reduces the risk of damage due to accidents or improper operating procedures. However, it is good lab practice to follow correct procedures as described later in this book and not rely on the protection circuitry.


The EPR Cavity

This section discusses the properties of microwave (EPR) cavities and how changes in these properties due to absorption result in an EPR signal. Resonators are used to amplify weak signals from the sample. There is no loss of generality if descriptions are based on a microwave cavity, which is simply a metal box with a rectangular or cylindrical shape that resonates with microwaves much as an organ pipe resonates with sound waves. Many other resonant devices have been used in EPR spectrometers (Poole 1967). Resonance means that the cavity stores the microwave energy. Therefore, at the resonance frequency of the cavity, microwaves remain inside the cavity and are not reflected back (see Fig. 1.7). Cavities are characterized by their Q or quality factor, which indicates how efficiently the cavity stores microwave energy. As Q increases, the sensitivity of the spectrometer increases. The Q factor is defined as: Q¼

2pðenergy storedÞ ; energy dissipated per cycle


where the energy dissipated per cycle is the amount of energy lost during one microwave period. Energy can be lost to the side walls of the cavity because the microwaves generate electrical currents in the side walls of the cavity which in turn generates heat. Q factors can be measured easily because there is another way of expressing Q:

Reflected Microwave Power

Δν ν


Fig. 1.7 Reflected microwave power from a resonant cavity

1.6 The EPR Cavity


Sample Entry

Sample Entry

Microwave Magnetic Field

Microwave Electric Field

Fig. 1.8 Sketch of the magnetic and electric field patterns in a microwave cavity

nres ; Dn


where nres is the resonant frequency of the cavity and Dn is the width at half height of the resonance (see Chap. 7 for more information about resonator Q). A consequence of resonance is that there will be a standing wave inside the cavity. Standing electromagnetic waves have their electric and magnetic field components exactly out of phase, i.e. where the magnetic field is maximum, the electric field is minimum and vice versa. The spatial distribution of the amplitudes of the electric and magnetic fields in the most commonly used EPR cavity (the TE102 cavity) is shown in Fig. 1.8. The spatial separation of the electric and magnetic fields in a cavity is used to great advantage. Most samples have non-resonant absorption of the microwaves via the electric field (this is how a microwave oven works) and Q is degraded by an increase in the dissipated energy. The microwave magnetic field drives the absorption in EPR. Therefore, if the sample is placed in the microwave electric field minimum and the magnetic field maximum, the biggest signals and the highest sensitivity is achieved. Cavities are designed to provide optimal placement of the sample. Microwaves are coupled into the cavity via a hole called an iris. The size of the iris controls how much of the microwave power is reflected back from the cavity and how much enters the cavity. The iris accomplishes this by carefully matching or transforming the impedances (the resistance to the waves) of the cavity and the waveguide (a rectangular pipe used to carry microwaves). An iris screw in front of the iris lets the user adjust the “matching.” When the impedances are matched, the resonator is said to be “critically coupled.” This adjustment can be visualized by noting that as the screw moves up and down, it effectively changes the size of the iris (see Fig. 1.9). How do all of these properties of a cavity give rise to an EPR signal? When the sample absorbs microwave energy, the Q is lowered because of the increased losses, and the coupling changes because the absorbing sample changes the impedance of the cavity. Therefore, the cavity is no longer critically coupled, and microwaves are reflected back to the bridge, resulting in an EPR signal.


1 Basics of Continuous Wave EPR Iris Screw Wave Guide



Fig. 1.9 The position of the iris screw relative to the iris is varied to match a microwave cavity to a waveguide


The Signal Channel

EPR spectroscopists use a technique known as phase sensitive detection to enhance the sensitivity of the spectrometer. This process encodes the EPR signals to make it distinguishable from sources of noise or interference that are almost always present in a laboratory. The encoding helps to decrease the impact of noise from the detection diode and eliminates baseline instabilities due to drift in electronics. The signal channel, a unit in the spectrometer console, contains the electronics required for the phase sensitive detection. The detection scheme works as follows. The magnetic field strength which the sample sees is varied sinusoidally at the modulation frequency (usually 100 kHz). If there is an EPR signal, the field modulation quickly sweeps through part of the signal and the amplitude of microwaves reflected from the cavity is modulated at the same frequency. For an EPR signal that is approximately linear over an interval as wide as the modulation amplitude, the EPR signal is transformed into a sine wave with amplitude that is proportional to the slope of the signal (see Fig. 1.10). The signal channel (more commonly known as a lock-in amplifier or phase sensitive detector) produces a DC signal that is proportional to the amplitude of the modulated EPR signal. It compares the modulated signal with a reference signal having the same frequency as the field modulation and it is only sensitive to signals that have the same frequency and phase as the field modulation. Any signals (such as noise and electrical interference) that do not fulfill these requirements are suppressed. To further improve the sensitivity, a time constant is used to filter out more of the noise. Phase sensitive detection with magnetic field modulation can increase the sensitivity by several orders of magnitude; however, the user must be careful in choosing the appropriate modulation amplitude, frequency, and time constant. A poor choice of any of these three variables can distort the EPR signals and make interpretation of the results difficult.

1.7 The Signal Channel


First Derivative

Fig. 1.10 Field modulation and phase sensitive detection

Modulation Amplitude


Fig. 1.11 Signal distortions due to excessive field modulation

At low modulation amplitudes, as the amplitude of the magnetic field modulation is increased, the height of the detected EPR signals increases. However, if the modulation amplitude is too large (larger than the line width of the EPR signal), the detected EPR signal broadens and becomes distorted (see Fig. 1.11). The selection of the “best” modulation amplitude depends on the goal of the experiment. To get the most accurate information about signal lineshape, the modulation amplitude should be less than 10% of the distance (in Gauss) between the positive and negative peaks in the derivative spectrum. If this low modulation amplitude results in unacceptably poor signal-to-noise, modulation amplitude can be increased to about 1/3 of the linewidth with very little lineshape distortion. However, although higher modulation amplitudes cause broadening of the signal, the integrated intensity of the signal continues to increase linearly with modulation amplitude so if the goal of the experiment is primarily spin quantitation, higher modulation amplitude may be used to further improve signal-to-noise. A good compromise between signal height and lineshape distortion occurs when the amplitude of the magnetic field


1 Basics of Continuous Wave EPR

Time Constant


Fig. 1.12 Signal distortion and shift due to excessive time constant

12.5 kHz

100 kHz

Fig. 1.13 Loss of resolution due to high modulation frequency

modulation is equal to the width of the EPR signal observed at low modulation amplitude. It should also be noted that if the modulation amplitude is greater than the splitting between two EPR signals, the resolution of the two signals is lost. Additional information about modulation amplitude is discussed in Sect. 4.12. Time constants selected by the operator will affect the noise in the spectrum. Increased time constants filter out noise by slowing down the response time of the detection circuit. As the time constant is increased, the noise level decreases. If a time constant is selected that is too long for the rate at which the magnetic field is scanned, the signal may be distorted or even missed. Also, the apparent field for resonance shifts. Figure 1.12 shows the distortion and disappearance of a signal as the time constant is increased. If a long time constant is needed to distinguish

1.8 The Magnetic Field Controller


a weak signal from noise, a slower scan rate must be used. A safe rule of thumb is to make sure that the time needed to scan through a single EPR signal should be ten times greater than the time constant. For samples with very narrow or closely spaced EPR signals (50 mG), the signal is broadened if the modulation frequency is too high (see Fig. 1.13). The 100 kHz modulation frequency corresponds to 35 mG sidebands on the EPR signal (see Appendix B.4).


The Magnetic Field Controller

The magnetic field controller defines the center field and sweeps the magnetic field for the scan (Fig. 1.14). It consists of two parts; a digital part that defines the field values and the timing of the field sweep and an analog part that regulates the current in the windings of the magnet to attain the requested magnetic field value. The setting of the magnetic field and the timing of the magnetic field sweep are controlled by a microprocessor in the controller. In older Bruker field controllers a field sweep is divided into a maximum of 4,096 discrete steps (12-bit accuracy) called sweep addresses. Newer instruments will have higher resolution. At each step, a reference voltage corresponding to the magnetic field value is sent to the part of the controller that regulates the magnetic field. The sweep rate is controlled by varying the waiting time between the individual steps. The magnetic field regulation occurs via a Hall probe placed in the gap of the magnet. It produces a voltage that is dependent on the component of the magnetic Hall probe

Power Supply

3475 Microprocessor


3476 3477 Reference Voltages

Fig. 1.14 Block diagram for a field controller and associated components


1 Basics of Continuous Wave EPR

field that is perpendicular to the probe. The relationship between field and voltage is not linear and the voltage changes with temperature; however, this is easily compensated for by keeping the probe at a constant temperature slightly above room temperature and characterizing the nonlinearities so that the microprocessor in the controller can make the appropriate corrections. Regulation is accomplished by comparing the voltage from the Hall probe with the reference voltage given by the other part of the controller. When there is a difference between the two voltages, a correction voltage is sent to the magnet power supply that changes the amount of current flowing through the magnet windings and hence the magnetic field. Eventually the error voltage drops to zero and the field is “stable” or “locked.” This voltage comparison occurs at each discrete step of a magnetic field scan.


The Spectrum

The preceding paragraphs have described the individual components of the spectrometer. Figure 1.15 shows how they work together to produce a spectrum.


Y-axis (intensity)

Magnetic field


AC EPR Signal

Signal Channel

Cavity and Sample

Field Modulation Magnet

Fig. 1.15 Block diagram for an EPR spectrometer

Field Controller

Chapter 2

Why Should Measurements Be Quantitative?

Even if the question is simply “is there a radical present?” it is important to know, e.g., whether 1/2 exhibit readily-observed EPR transitions between +1/2 and 1/2 spin states. Such common metal ions include S ¼ 3/2 Cr(III), S ¼ 5/2 Mn(II), S ¼ 5/2 Fe(III), and S ¼ 3/2 high-spin Co(II). Of the +3 lanthanides, S ¼ 7/2 Gd(III) has relaxation times long enough to be readily studied by EPR. The study of evenspin systems, such as S ¼ 1 Ni(II), and S ¼ 2 high-spin Fe(II), require special EPR techniques and are mentioned only briefly in this book. For more details about even-spin and high-spin species, see Grinberg and Berliner (2004), Mo¨bius and Savitsky (2009), and Weil and Bolton (2007). One of the most famous early applications of EPR for chemical analysis was the study by Saraceno et al. (1961) of vanadium in petroleum oils. A vanadium porphyrin was used as a standard. Analytical applications of EPR, with a focus on metal ions in solutions, are discussed by Goldberg and Bard (1983). Warren and Fizgerald (1977) used EPR to quantitate Cu(II), Fe(III) and Co(II) ions bound to ion

2.1 Examples of Applications of Quantitative EPR


exchange resins. Molybdenum in seawater was determined by converting the Mo to the Mo(SCN)5 complex and extracting into isoamyl alcohol (Hanson et al. (1977). The comparison standard was 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyroline-1-oxyl-3-carboxylic acid. Because of g and hyperfine anisotropies, some species have short relaxation times and broad EPR spectra at room temperature. Sometimes, changing the coordination environment can dramatically sharpen the spectrum. For example, Fe(III) exhibits broad spectra in most coordination environments, but sharpens in the presence of excess F. However, in spite of several reports that the EPR of the FeF63 complex can be used to analyze for total iron in an aqueous sample (e.g., Burns and Flockhart 1990; Bryson et al. 1975), the equilibrium constant for FeF63 formation is not high enough for quantitative analysis. A reproducible analysis could be performed under well-defined and controlled conditions, but a correction for percent complex formation would be necessary for quantitative analysis. This is an example of a case in which the EPR measurement is straight-forward, but the sample preparation is challenging. Measurement of peroxyl radical concentration permitted the determination of absolute rate constants for the autoxidation of polyolefins (Chien and Wang 1975). Quantitative EPR has been used to determine concentrations of a very complicated spin system – a mixture of Cr2O3 and NaCrO2 (Goldberg et al. 1977). Cr is present as Cr(III) in both species, and both exhibit antiferromagnetic interactions between Cr(III) ions. However, transition to a paramagnetic state occurs at different temperatures in these species, so double integrals of EPR spectra obtained over a range of temperatures revealed relative concentrations after taking into account sample size, temperature, etc. Concentrations of even diamagnetic ions such as Zn(II) can be determined by EPR if they can be selectively complexed in the sampled matrix with a paramagnetic ligand, or with a ligand that can subsequently be converted to a free radical. The latter case is illustrated by complexing Zn(II) in an aqueous solution with a hydroquinone-containing ligand, which after extraction into an organic solvent subsequently was oxidized to the free radical (Burns and Flockhart 1990). A very common problem is to determine the extent to which a spin labeling protocol was successful. Did the experiment succeed in adding one and only one nitroxide spin label to a protein or nucleic acid? What is the concentration of spin-labeled lipids in a micelle? Since such answers usually have to be obtained in aqueous samples, obtaining quantitative results implements everything discussed in this book. These problems stimulated studies such as that by Molin et al. (1966). Whether one is measuring cigarette smoke, protein redox, or beer stability, the answers provided by EPR can be accurate within a few percent, or wrong by more than a factor of two, depending on how carefully one follows good practices as outlined in this book. A few examples of issues that should be considered in designing quantitation experiments are given below.



2 Why Should Measurements Be Quantitative?

Measuring Unstable Radicals by Spin Trapping: Effect of Resonator Q

The steady state concentration of unstable radicals often is too low for direct measurement. Reaction with a spin trap converts these species to more stable trapped radicals. Common spin traps include the pyrroline derivatives DMPO, POBN, and PBN. Blakley et al. (2001) showed that there were large differences in apparent free radical concentration in identical samples depending on the resonator used in the analysis, because the standard and the sample had different effects on resonator Q (see Chap. 7). Adding 0.1 M PBN (n-tert-butyl--phenylnitrone) to a benzene solution of tempo decreased the resonator Q from 4,400 to 2,600. Only after comparing samples in which radicals were trapped by PBN with standards containing the same concentration of PBN was radical concentration agreement achieved on all three spectrometers tested. Similarly it is also possible to scale the intensity or double integration results by the ratio of the resonator Q-values that is observed from two samples.


Measuring Weak Signals in the Presence of Strong Ones: Dynamic Range Issues

˚ can be measured Distances between unpaired electrons in the range of ca. 4–12 A by comparing the relative intensity of the half-field transition to the intensity of the transitions in the g 2 region (Eaton and Eaton 1982; Eaton et al. 1983). The relevant formula is relative intensity ¼

ð19:5 0:5Þð9:1Þ2 ; r 6 n2


˚ and n is the microwave frequency in GHz. where r is the distance in A The relative intensity of the half-field transition is very small. For example, at ˚ the relative intensity is about 7 105. This would be very demanding of the 8A S/N and dynamic range of the spectrometer. However, since the area, and not the line shape, is desired, larger than normal modulation amplitude can be used to improve the S/N. Further, the half-field transition is less easily saturated than is the g 2 signal, so higher microwave power can be used for the half-field transition. Integration of these signals requires care about background corrections. Paying close attention to these matters, each of which is discussed in more detail later in this book, provides accurate results for an important and useful measurement. Another aspect of dynamic range in EPR is illustrated by the spectra of radical species derived from C60. After many studies it has been learned that there is a radical impurity in most preparations of C60. In the early days, the spectrum of this radical impurity was incorrectly identified as the spectrum of C60. The problem

2.5 Radiation Dosimetry


Fig. 2.1 CW EPR spectrum of the C60 anion radical with a sharp impurity signal superimposed. From SchellSorokin et al. (1992)



3250 3350 Magnetic field (G)


was that this spectrum is very narrow, so when it was full scale, the spectrum of the anion was weak enough that it was possible to miss it. Figure 2.1 shows the broad spectrum of C60 when the narrow spectrum is off-scale (Schell-Sorokin et al. 1992).


Signals in Mixtures

Not all samples to which one might want to apply quantitative EPR are “clean”. One interesting problem is to correlate the EPR spectrum in Fig. 2.2 to the age of a blood stain (Fujita et al. 2005). The ratio of the signal labeled H to that labeled g4 provided a linear log–log plot up to 432 days, as shown in Fig. 2.3 (Fujita et al. 2005).


Radiation Dosimetry

Almost anything used in a hospital operating room is sterilized either with g rays or e-beam. Many other items, such as food and mail are also treated with ionizing radiation. To ensure sterility (and avoid the legal liability if goods are not sterile) and to run a cost-effective business, the radiation dose measurement must be reliable, reproducible, accurate, and often performed by unskilled laborers. Also the results must be easily transferred to a LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) for auditing purposes. The preferred method of measuring the radiation dose used for sterilization is EPR radiation dosimetry using alanine dosimeters.


2 Why Should Measurements Be Quantitative? (g6) 6.2

(g4) 4.3



(R) 2.005

2.27 (H)

1.54 1.90


1000 Gauss A B

Fig. 2.2 EPR of a blood stain. From Fujita et al. (2005) 0.2

Log(H / g4)

0.0 –0.2 –0.4 –0.6 –0.8 1





Fig. 2.3 EPR intensity vs. age of dried human blood stains. From Fujita et al. (2005)

The Bruker e-scan benchtop EPR spectrometer has been specifically designed for such applications. The resonator incorporates a special sample holder that reproducibly positions an alanine film or pellet dosimeter in the resonator. The sample holder also has a relative intensity reference standard so that variations in instrument response can be used to normalize the intensity. A bar-code reader is

2.6 Use of Accurate Line Width Information


Fig. 2.4 Bruker e-scan with film holder and bar-coded film

incorporated so that the individual dosimeters are identified and the results logged properly into the quality control database. Through careful control of sample positioning, size, and properties, the instrument provides reproducibly better than 0.5% (Fig. 2.4). In vivo radiation dosimetry is also an important application of quantitative EPR. For a review of current efforts, see Swartz et al. (2006).


Use of Accurate Line Width Information

Current effort in many laboratories (refer to the 2004 Workshop on EPR Imaging available on the Bruker BioSpin website) seeks to use quantitative EPR to measure O2 concentration in vivo. This is a case in which accuracy of line width information is more important than amplitude or g value. Some papers since the 2004 Workshop illustrate successful steps in this field. Halpern and coworkers have carefully calibrated the EPR oximetry method against the standard (more invasive) fluorometric probe method that requires inserting a fiber optic probe into the animal. There is good agreement, and the EPR method has the advantage that it provides three-dimensional information as opposed to just a spot measurement. In addition,


2 Why Should Measurements Be Quantitative?

Fig. 2.5 The line width of the X-band EPR spectrum of LiPc microcrystals in a suspension of bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) decreased with time as the cells consumed the oxygen that broadened the EPR signal of the LiPc. The EPR measurements were made with sufficient accuracy to define three phases of cellular respiration. From Presley et al. (2006)

EPR does not damage the tissue that it measures (Elas et al. 2006). Presley et al. (2006) used EPR oximetry to measure cellular respiration (Fig. 2.5).


Catalysis and Mineralogy

Many applications of quantitative EPR to catalysis and mineralogy were summarized by Dyrek et al. (1994, 2003). Catalytic systems often involve metals in multiple oxidation states and multiple coordination environments. When one of more of these states is paramagnetic, EPR can provide considerable information about the changes in the materials. For example, Sojka and Che (1995) studied species generated during the oxidation of methanol on Mo/SiO2 catalysts. EPR distinguishes tetra-, penta- and hexa-coordinated Mo(V) species on the SiO2 substrate, and shows the presence of CH2OH radical on the surface. When the catalyst was reacted with N2O, the EPR signal of O radicals was observed. The full catalytic cycle was mapped out with the aid of EPR spectra obtained as a function of reagent concentrations and of time at low and room temperature.


Free Radical Content in Commercial Materials

Free radicals are produced in many industrial processes and can have an adverse effect on the quality of a commercial material. Oxidative reactions caused by light, heat, transition metal catalysis (or any combination of the three) are often unavoidable in a large scale manufacturing method. EPR provides a rapid and simple

2.9 Feasibility of Quantitative EPR


analytical technique for evaluating the effect that industrial process changes have on the free radical content of the material. The manufacturer can actually use the EPR instrument to optimize their processing methods; then also use EPR as a quality control technique once the optimized method has been put into routine use. In these cases, the operator is not usually concerned with the exact type of free radical that is produced, but merely how much is produced. Thus, relative EPR intensity quantitation of the signal of interest is employed. Relative intensity standards (discussed in Appendix E) help to reduce the uncertainty of the measurements which can often be as low as 1–2%. Some examples of industrial applications that use relative intensity measurements for process and quality control are listed below. l l l l l l

Shelf life stability in beer Rancidity control in vegetable oil based foods Irradiation of polymers for use in orthopedic implants Oxidation of automotive paint Oxidation of pharmaceutical drug excipients Free radical production in cigarette smoke


Feasibility of Quantitative EPR

In this chapter a few of the many applications of quantitative EPR are illustrated. Unfortunately, EPR has previously been judged as inadequately quantitative due to some early inter-laboratory comparisons. Amongst the very practical guidance on EPR techniques in his 1968 book, Alger reported (pp. 202–206) comparative measurements by seven leading laboratories of the number of spins per gram in samples of irradiated sucrose that were circulated among the laboratories and compared with local standards. The range of results between laboratories was as large as 1:1.6. Goldberg (1978) documented that some early EPR spectrometers were not constructed for the degree of precision now desired. In 1994 Yordanov and Ivanova reported comparison by 12 laboratories of samples of Mn(II) and pyrolized sucrose. The results “are characterized by a big variance”. These studies should not discourage readers of this book – it is possible, even fairly easy, to obtain good quantitative EPR results. The rest of this book explains how. EPR is based on straight-forward physical principles, and as such, must be quantitatively accurate if the relevant experiment parameters are properly set and controlled. Stimulated by this belief, Dalal et al. (1981a, b) and More et al. (1984) documented the effect of lossy solvents on resonator Q and the effect of solvents, sample tubes, and variable temperature Dewars on B1 at the sample. The key issue in quantitative EPR is sampling and sample preparation, as is the case for any other analytical method. Beyond that, the interaction of the sample with the spectrometer is important in EPR, so this book provides extensive guidance about that aspect. One should not overemphasize the “uniqueness” of this interaction in EPR. Often, introductions to


2 Why Should Measurements Be Quantitative?

EPR and other types of spectroscopy invoke the presumably easily understood concept of transmission visible spectroscopy, so an example from visible spectroscopy is presented here. It is very easy to obtain non-quantitative results in visible absorption spectroscopy with elementary errors of technique, such as non-perpendicular orientation of the sample cell, a small sample that is not in the center of the beam, dirty sample cells, concentration outside the linear range of the spectrometer, and so on. It is the EPR analogs of these elementary mistakes from visible spectroscopy that this book teaches one to avoid. Unlike early spectrometers, modern commercial EPR spectrometers are designed to provide high levels of linearity and precision in the relevant parameters. Modulation amplitude can be accurately calibrated, and power sensors are incorporated so that the microwave power is known accurately. In the latest spectrometers even the slight variations over the frequency range of the spectrometer are calibrated and stored in the spectrometer. All of the spectrometer settings that this book recommends for quantitative EPR experiments can be included in the software of a spectrometer that is totally computer controlled and calibrated. Thus, the newest spectrometers can include an almost automatic “spin-count”. The operator is still responsible for sample preparation and for making sure that all of the assumptions are met and spectrometer parameters are selected appropriately. To be concise, and precise, the guidance from this book uses specific Bruker hardware/software examples, but the lessons, themselves, are general. Users of other types of EPR spectrometers, or users of earlier or later versions of Bruker hardware and/or software should have little difficulty translating the specifics given in this book to their local hardware/software environment.


Further Reading

Bolton, Borg, and Swartz (Bolton et al. 1972) summarized selection of experimental parameters, and Randolph discussed quantitative aspects, for the study of biological samples (Randolph 1972a, b).

Chapter 3

Important Principles for Quantitative EPR

The basics of EPR were covered in Chap. 1, for those with no background. Chapter 2 gives examples of quantitative EPR. This chapter discusses in greater depth important principles that one needs to understand when designing a quantitative EPR experiment. Subsequent chapters delve more deeply into topics surveyed in this chapter.


The EPR Transition and Resulting Signal

As discussed in Chap. 1 for an S ¼ 1/2 system, there are two possible spin states ms ¼ +1/2 and ms ¼ 1/2. Transitions between spin states are the basis for EPR spectroscopy (Fig. 3.1). Readers who are more familiar with NMR (or pulsed EPR for that matter), may find that the origin of the signal from a pulsed magnetic resonance experiment is fairly easy to understand. In the usual vector model the B1 (microwave magnetic field) vector, which is perpendicular to the spin magnetization (taken to be along the z direction), turns the spin magnetization into the xy plane. The magnetization in the xy plane induces a voltage in a detector coil which is detected (i.e., rectified or converted to dc), amplified, and displayed. The magnetization in the xy plane changes with time due to T2 relaxation (i.e., randomization in the xy plane) and T1 relaxation (return to equilibrium in the z direction). So, after a single pulse, the resulting induced voltage is due to the free induction decay (FID). After two pulses there is induced voltage due to the FIDs after each of the pulses and additionally from an echo that occurs after the two pulses. How is this pulsed magnetic resonance vector picture related to the CW experiment? At the field-frequency resonance position, the CW B1 turns the spins as in the pulse case, but only by a very small amount. A voltage is induced in the conductor of the resonator, as in the pulse case. This voltage is proportional to the angle by which the spins were turned by B1. Under non saturating conditions T1 and T2 are short enough that relaxation back to the z axis is fast relative to the other time constants of the experiment (such as field modulation). Hence, the signal is approximately at G.R. Eaton et al., Quantitative EPR, DOI 10.1007/978-3-211-92948-3_3, # Springer-Verlag/Wien 2010



3 Important Principles for Quantitative EPR

Fig. 3.1 Sketch of the magnetic-field-dependent splitting of the energy levels for a single unpaired electron

Ms = +1/2

B0 = 0



Ms = –1/2

Increasing Absorption

equilibrium. However, if the microwave power is too high relative to the relaxation rates, B1 turns the spins so far from the z axis that relaxation cannot return the magnetization back to the z axis within the time of the signal measurement. Thus, the induced voltage is less than proportional to B1, and the detected EPR signal does not increase linearly with the square root of incident power. This is called saturation. The T1 relaxation converts microwave energy to heat via the spin–lattice relaxation process. An example would be the electron’s magnetic moment coupling with the orbital angular momentum, which in turn, couples to the thermal motion of the molecule. The conversion of microwave energy to heat is akin to microwave energy dissipation in a resistor. As will be shown later in the section on resonator Q (Chap. 7), the resonant absorption of microwaves by the sample has the same effect as a change in resistance of the resonator, and hence results in a lowering of the resonator Q during resonance. By critically coupling the resonator it’s impedance is “matched” to that of the microwave transmission line. So, in the absence of resonance there is little or no microwave power reflected back to the detector in the bridge. When microwave power is absorbed during EPR resonance, the resonator becomes mismatched, and power is reflected from the resonator. The reflected power is encoded at the modulation frequency by the magnetic field modulation. In the detection system the reflected power is converted to a voltage that is subsequently amplified, filtered, and displayed. This reflected power is proportional to the magnitude of the EPR absorption by the sample. The magnitude of the EPR absorption is proportional to the amount of spins (or unpaired electrons) in the sample.


Relaxation and Saturation

As discussed in Chap. 1 for an S ¼ 1/2 sample in a magnetic field, the electron spins are characterized by two quantum mechanical states, one with the magnetic moment parallel and the other state with the magnetic moment anti-parallel to the

3.2 Relaxation and Saturation


Fig. 3.2 The random orientation of the individual precessing moments cancel their contribution to the transverse magnetization

z M0 B0



magnetic field. The moments are almost randomly distributed between parallel and anti-parallel with slightly more in the lower energy parallel state because the electronic system obeys Boltzmann statistics when it is in thermal equilibrium. Then, the ratio of populations of the two states is equal to: n

antiparallel n parallel


¼ e kT ;


where n represents the populations of the two states, DE is the energy difference between the two states, k is Boltzmann’s constant and T is temperature. The magnetization that has been discussed so far is actually the vector sum of all the magnetic moments in the sample (Fig. 3.2). Since the moments can only be either parallel or anti-parallel, the magnetization is proportional to the difference, nparallel nanti-parallel and is aligned along the z axis. The difference between the populations of the two spin states is very small. For example at X-band ( 9.8 GHz) at room temperature (300 K) with a sample that has 10,000 spins, on average 5,004 spins are parallel and 4,996 spins are anti-parallel resulting in a population difference of only 8 (0.08%)! For the same magnetic field strength the population difference for protons is about 600 times smaller, which is why EPR spectra can be obtained at lower spin concentrations than NMR spectra. If the population balance of the sample is perturbed by applying a microwave magnetic field, it is no longer at thermal equilibrium. The absorption of microwave energy heats up the spin system and through the spin system’s interactions with the surroundings, it eventually returns to thermal equilibrium. This process is called spin–lattice relaxation and is characterized by the time constant T1 known as the spin–lattice relaxation time. Mz is the longitudinal magnetization. Mx and My are the transverse magnetization. At equilibrium the longitudinal magnetization is constant, and precesses about


3 Important Principles for Quantitative EPR

B0. If there is little interaction between the individual spins of the spin system, the phase of the precession is random and the sum of the individual magnet moments contributing to the transverse magnetization at equilibrium is zero. If there is a net transverse magnetization caused by a perturbation of the system (by applying a microwave magnetic field for example), the system relaxes back to zero transverse magnetization. T2 is the time constant for this relaxation, which is known as the spin–spin or transverse relaxation.


Why Are EPR Spectra Displayed as the Derivative?

With a very small net magnetization at X-band, and a small B1 field continuously perturbing the spin magnetization by only very small amounts, the voltage induced in the resonator in a CW experiment is very small. In order to distinguish this very small signal from noise, magnetic field modulation with phase sensitive detection is employed. Provided that the noise is not correlated with the modulation frequency (usually this is a good assumption), phase sensitive detection greatly enhances the signal-to-noise ratio. The basic principles of phase sensitive are as follows. More details are given in Appendix B. The magnetic field is modulated sinusoidally as shown in Fig. 3.3 by passing current through a pair of coils mounted on the resonator. The difference Bm2 Bm1 is the modulation amplitude. If the magnetic field is set to a position within the EPR signal, the oscillating field modulation causes the detected signal to oscillate at the same frequency. The greater the slope of the absorption signal (i.e. a large difference between the absorption signal at the extremes of the modulating field), the greater the amplitude of the oscillating detected signal (Fig. 3.4). This detection method is why CW EPR spectra are the first derivative of the absorption signal.


Some Caveats About Modulation and First Derivative Displays

If the amplitude of the modulation is larger than the natural line width of the EPR signal, then the spectrum is not the true derivative of the absorption spectrum. In addition, whenever there are two frequencies in a system, there will be sum and difference frequencies. Since the modulation frequency is small relative to the RF/ microwave frequency, its signal will occur as “sidebands” on the observed EPR transition. 100 kHz corresponds to ca. 35 mG, so these sidebands are usually well hidden under the envelope of the EPR line. However, if the natural line width of an EPR signal is very narrow, (i.e., ½. Subsequent sections of the book do not depend on an understanding of these sections.


Transition Metal EPR

Up to this point in the book only S ¼ 1/2 (one unpaired electron) has been discussed. However, whenever there is a possibility for a transition between +1/2 and 1/2 spin states, it is possible to observe an EPR spectrum, so metal ions with an odd number of unpaired electrons are excellent candidates for EPR. This includes many metals in common oxidation states, such as V4+, Cr3+, Mn2, Fe3+, Co2+, Ni3+, and Cu2+, and many clusters, such as iron–sulfur clusters in proteins. If there are closely-spaced excited states, or overlapping higher-spin states, then the relaxation time may be short, in which case cryogenic temperatures may be required to observe the EPR spectrum. It is easy to observe the EPR spectra of Cu2+ and VO2+ complexes at room temperature, but low-spin Fe3+ and Co2+ have fast relaxation times at room temperature. For many Co2+ complexes, the relaxation time is so long near 4 K that passage effects occur, but the relaxation rate increases proportional to about T7 and becomes too short to observe the EPR signal above about 10–15 K. For metals with S > 1/2 quantitation of EPR signals requires knowledge of which transitions are observed.


Spectrometer Field and Frequency May Determine Which Transitions Are Observed

For species with S ¼ 1/2 at X-band and above, and for common hyperfine splittings, all of the expected lines will be observed and the relative intensities will be as expected. However, at low microwave/RF frequencies and low magnetic fields, some of the expected lines may not be within the accessible magnetic field range, so hyperfine lines will be “missing”. Examples are provided by figures in Belford et al. (1987), which are reproduced in Figs. 3.7 and 3.8.

3.8 Spectrometer Field and Frequency May Determine Which Transitions Are Observed Fig. 3.7 EPR spectra of 63Cu doped into Pd(acac)2 at various microwave frequencies. Magnetic field values are labeled on each scan for the beginning and end of the scan. (a) 34.78 GHz, (b) 9.376 GHz, (c) 2.39 GHz, (d) 1.39 GHz, (e) 560 MHz. From Belford et al. (1987)

















In addition to “missing” lines (see spectrum B in Fig. 3.8), at low frequencies there may appear forbidden lines that become partially “allowed” due to mixing of states. Recent high-field EPR experiments have shown that many EPR transitions that are not observable at X-band can be detected at higher frequencies. For S > 1/2 systems, if the zero field splitting, D, is >hn ( 0.33 cm1 at X-band), some transitions cannot be observed. The field range limit of the spectrometer may also prevent observation of some transitions, even if in principle that could be observed at X-band. For example, Cordischi et al. (1999) pointed out that some Cr(III) transitions were beyond the 8,000 G limit of the spectrometer used. When guidance is given here or elsewhere (e.g., Eaton and Eaton (1980)) to use a standard as similar as possible to the sample, the intent is to not only compare samples of the same size and solvent, but also standards for which the same type transitions are observed.


3 Important Principles for Quantitative EPR

Fig. 3.8 EPR spectrum of VO(acac)2 in 1:1 toluene: chloroform solution at room temperature. Magnetic field values are labeled on each scan for the beginning and end of the scan. (a) 9.76 GHz, (b) 595 MHz. From Belford et al. (1987)








Parallel and Perpendicular Transitions

Other common paramagnetic metal ions, such as Fe2+ and Ni2+, are missing from the list in Sect. 3.7. In common ligand environments, these ions have even-spin states. Transitions that are forbidden because the spin has to change by more than 1 are very weak in the normal EPR spectrometer configurations. Most resonators are carefully designed to have B1 ⊥ B0 which permits observation of allowed transitions for half-integer spin systems. However, the transitions in integer spin systems, such as triplets, transitions with nuclear spin flips DmI ¼ 1 (Anderson and Piette 1959), and the “half-field” transitions in interacting spin systems are enhanced with B1 || B0. The Bruker ER4116DM “dual mode” cavity is designed for these studies. It is called dual mode because it operates in one mode with B1 ⊥ B0 at about 9.8 GHz, and in another mode with B1 || B0 at ca. 9.3 GHz. Hendrich and coworkers showed that the spectra of integer spin Mn(II) dimers (Figs. 3.9 and 3.10) can be interpreted with one set of parameters when both ⊥ and ||

3.9 Parallel and Perpendicular Transitions


X, ⊥ 2.0

g = 7.9 2.4


a 2K

b 4K

1.96 325


c 10 K

d 54 K


400 B (mT)


Fig. 3.9 Variable temperature, perpendicular mode EPR spectra (solid lines) and simulations (dashed lines) of an 11.5 mM sample of Mn dimer in 50:50 CH3CN:DMF. From Golumbek and Hendrich (2003)

mode spectra at X-band and Q-band as a function of temperature are simulated simultaneously (Golumbek and Hendrich 2003). In this spin system S ¼ 0 (ground state), S ¼ 1, S ¼ 2 etc. states contribute to different extents as the temperature is increased. This chapter emphasizes the quantitative analysis of dinuclear Mn(II) complexes by using simulation of the spectra. The work of Hendricks and coworkers contains other many important examples of spectra obtained with B1 || B0. Quantitative analysis of integer spin systems was discussed in Juarez-Garcia et al. (1991). A coupled Fe(III)–Cu(II) complex was compared with simulations and with a standard consisting of a single crystal of


3 Important Principles for Quantitative EPR

X, || g = 8.6

a 2K

b 4K 4.5

c 10 K


d 50 K





B (mT)

Fig. 3.10 The spectra were obtained with an X-band Bruker ER 4116DM resonator in ⊥ and || mode as a function of temperature. The paper also reports ⊥ and || mode Q-band spectra. From Golumbek and Hendrich (2003)

Fe(II)-doped zinc fluorosilicate. Hendrich and DeBrunner (1989) found that aquo Fe(II) was not a good reference standard for integer spin quantitation because the fraction of total spins observed is small, and the spectrum depends on sample preparation.

Chapter 4

A More in Depth Look at the EPR Signal Response

Optimizing an EPR experiment depends on sample preparation, an understanding of the interaction of the sample with the spectrometer, and the selection of appropriate operating parameters.


Sample Preparation

Quantitative EPR ultimately depends on the use of an analytical balance and volumetric glassware. Since concentrations of samples are low, and limited quantities of sample may require preparation of small volumes of solution, considerable care is needed to weigh and dissolve samples accurately such that this step does not limit the ultimate accuracy of the EPR measurement. Solvent selection is critical for fluid solution studies because of the effect of a sample’s dielectric loss on the resonator Q (see Chap. 7). Because microwave dielectric loss is due to molecular motion, which decreases upon freezing, the impact of solvent on resonator Q is much smaller when samples are frozen. Note, for quantitative work, however, that sample volume changes when the temperature changes, so the concentration in terms of spins per cm3 of sample changes upon freezing.


Capillary Tube Sealant

When aqueous solutions are studied using capillary tubing, there are several techniques for sealing the tubes. If the sample must be maintained under a defined atmosphere, then after preparing the sample in the appropriate condition, the tube is flame sealed. If the goal is to maintain an atmosphere of defined composition, but the sample can be handled in air, then the sample can be put into a thin-wall Teflon tube or a machined TPX sample tube (these are fragile and expensive, but very G.R. Eaton et al., Quantitative EPR, DOI 10.1007/978-3-211-92948-3_4, # Springer-Verlag/Wien 2010



4 A More in Depth Look at the EPR Signal Response

effective). The Teflon tube can be “closed” at the bottom by simply folding it. If the sample is in glass or quartz capillary tubes (round or rectangular) the bottom of the tube can be closed with Critoseal, which is sold by major lab suppliers. However, Critoseal contains a clay material that has a fairly strong Mn(II) EPR signal. The Critoseal plug has to be outside the active region of the resonator to avoid possible interference with the signal under study. The Bruker X-Sealant is a grease that was developed specifically to avoid the Mn(II) contamination problem when the sealed portion of the tube is placed in the active region of the resonator.


Searching for a Signal (Also See Appendix A)

When initially searching for a signal in a sample whose spectroscopic properties are not known, one can use relatively high spectrometer settings. For example, 10 mW power, 1 Gauss modulation amplitude, a fast scan, and short filter time constant are often adequate for detecting an unknown organic free radical species. These settings usually allow one to at least detect a signal if it is present in a reasonable concentration and detectable at the temperature selected. Recognize, though, that such a cursory scan could miss samples at two extremes: (a) a signal with such long relaxation time and narrow line that it is saturated or filtered out, or (b) a broad signal in the presence of a more obvious sharp signal. Always look for spectra that are not expected. A quantitatively correct spectrum requires adjustment of microwave power, phase, modulation amplitude, receiver gain, scan rate, and filter time constant. The criteria for selection of these settings are discussed in the following paragraphs.


Detector Current

The output of the crystal detector in the microwave bridge depends upon the magnitude of the bias current to the crystal detector. Each spectrometer should be checked to determine the range of detector current values within which the signal amplitude is independent of detector current. If the detector current drifts, as can happen with lossy solvents, or when the temperature is changed, significant errors in signal amplitude can result; S/N is degraded, and quantitative measurements are prevented. The output of the detector crystal is dependent on temperature. Since the bridge warms up during the first hour or so after power is turned on, the accuracy of quantitative spectra may change during this period. Similarly, the detector crystal itself changes temperature as a result of changes in incident power, so a spectrum acquired immediately after a large microwave power change may not provide an equilibrium response. In the extreme case of very strong signals, the detector current may vary as the field is scanned through resonance. If this occurs, then the sample size should be decreased.

4.5 Be Aware of Noise Sources



Optimize the Receiver Gain

The gain is adjusted to give the desired size of display and where possible should be increased to use the full range of the digitizer. The operator must always check for linearity if blessed with a signal strong enough to saturate some component in the detection system. One aspect of signal averaging for very noisy spectra (S/N < 1) is sometimes overlooked: If the noise is being clipped, the signal is also being clipped. The maximum excursions of the noise must be within the range of the digitizer. In newer spectrometers 24 bit digitizers are used, so that the detector has a very high dynamic range. The receiver gain must be high enough to show all details in the spectrum. Figure 4.1 shows the results of insufficient or excessive receiver gain. If the receiver gain is too low the effect of digitization will be evident in the spectrum (spectrum b), whereas at high gain the signals will be clipped due to an overload in the signal channel (spectrum c).


Be Aware of Noise Sources

Recognition of noise sources is useful in optimizing parameters. Noise in an EPR spectrometer may not be “white noise” (uniform noise amplitude over all frequencies). Non-white noise can occur due to various instabilities, ranging from electrical




Fig. 4.1 Effect of using gain settings that are either (a) optimal, (b) too low, or (c) too high on an EPR spectrum


4 A More in Depth Look at the EPR Signal Response

power instabilities to building vibrations. There usually is some 1/f noise (noise that is higher at lower frequency), so there is a tendency for better S/N at higher modulation frequencies. It is possible that particular modulation frequencies will give better S/N than other frequencies. White noise is also called random noise, and upon co-adding spectra, random noise decreases relative to signal, proportional to the square root of the number of scans averaged. Some “noise” is determinant, that is, it always occurs at particular frequencies – it is unwanted signal due to something other than the EPR signal. Usually, these unwanted signals can be removed by subtracting pffiffiaffi background. However, background subtraction also increases random noise by 2 (unless the background is “smoothed” before subtraction).


Number of Data Points

Modern computer controlled spectrometers have as many as 256,000 magnetic field data points possible at 24 bit resolution. The optimal minimum data point selection is essentially the same as the calculation for time constant; there should be at least ten magnetic field data points over the narrowest line in the spectrum. Thus, if the line is 0.1 G wide, magnetic field steps should be no larger than 0.01 G, which with 8,192 magnetic field steps limits the spectral scan width to ca. 80 G. Figure 4.2 shows the enhancement in resolution that is achieved by using an eight-fold increase in the number of data points. Such high resolution in the magnetic field is very important when trying to resolve spectra with many narrow lines or features.

Fig. 4.2 An expanded view of an EPR spectrum using 1,024 data points (upper trace) or 8,192 data points (lower trace)

4.7 Optimize the Sweep Time and Conversion Time



Optimize the Sweep Time and Conversion Time

Decisions concerning sweep time and filtering are correlated, and sample dependent. For a strong signal it may be possible to achieve adequate signal-to-noise with a single scan, modest filtering, and a relatively fast scan. However for weaker samples decisions need to be made about trade-offs between filtering, scan rate, and signal averaging. Signal-to-noise can be improved by using a long time constant, slower scans, and fewer averages; or by using a small time constant, faster scans, and more signal averaging. Why use multiple faster scans instead of using a very long scan with extensive analog filtering? The answer is that with a perfectly stable sample and stable instrument, roughly equal time is involved in either method of S/N improvement. The problem is that perfect stability is not achieved, and the filtering discussion focuses on high frequency noise. Long-term spectrometer drift due to air temperature changes, drafts, vibration, line voltage fluctuations, etc., limit the practical lengths of a scan. Signal averaging tends to average out baseline drift problems along with high frequency noise. Drifts in the magnetic field magnitude are not averaged out by filtering or slow scans, and always increase apparent line width. Ultimately, the line broadening caused by magnetic field deviation limits the spectral improvement that is possible with any signal averaging or filtering technique. In addition, computer collected spectra can subsequently be digitally filtered without changing the original data, whereas analog-filtered data are irreversibly modified. If the sample decays with time, a separate set of problems emerges. Assume, for example, that the goal is to compare line shapes of two peaks in a noisy nitroxide EPR spectrum, and that the amplitude of the spectrum is changing with time due to chemical reaction (shifting equilibria, decay, oxygen consumption or diffusion, etc.). In this case one wants to minimize the time spent scanning between points of interest. It would be wise to scan the narrowest portion of the spectrum that will give the information of interest. Then a numerical correction for the measured rate of change in the spectrum is the best way to handle the problem. The impact of the time dependence can be minimized more effectively by averaging rapid scans than by filtering a slow scan. In older spectrometers the sweep time was an independent parameter. In newer spectrometer the sweep time is digitally controlled and the sweep time is determined by the dwell time at each field step. For Bruker spectrometers an integrating digitizer is used and the integration time of the digitizer is the “conversion time,” which is also the magnetic field dwell time. The integration time is the time during which the analog to digital converter (ADC) accumulates the signal and noise at each magnetic field step of the EPR experiment. The time for a magnetic field scan is the product of the conversion time (in seconds) and the number of data points acquired on the magnetic field axis. For example, a conversion time of 81.92 ms for 2,048 magnetic field steps results in a scan time of 167.8 s. For the Bruker digitizer the conversion time affects the dynamic range of the experiments. To resolve lines


4 A More in Depth Look at the EPR Signal Response

that are very intense as well as lines that are very weak (for example, carbon 13 satellites) within the same spectrum a sufficiently long conversion time is needed.


Optimize the Time Constant for the Selected Sweep Time and Conversion Time

The decrease in the standard deviation of random (white) noise is proportional to the square root of the time constant. Thus, if the filter time constant is increased by a factor of 4 from 20.48 to 81.92 ms, the noise will be reduced by a factor of 2. When the time constant is longer than the conversion time, the S/N improvement is proportional to the square root of the filter time constant. If a time constant is selected that is excessively high relative to the sweep time, the signal may be filtered out! The time constant should be adjusted to be consistent with the A/D conversion time. The time constant should be sufficiently long to filter out undesirable noise, yet short enough that it does not distort the signal. Therefore, if a longer time constant is needed, the scan time (conversion time) should be increased. Figure 4.3 shows the effect of progressively increasing the time constant while maintaining the same sweep time. All the spectra are at the same scale. Although the S/N increases when the time constant is increased, the spectrum is distorted if the time constant is too long (see Fig. 4.3d). As a “rule of thumb”, the time constant should be chosen to be less than about 1/10 the time it takes to scan




d Fig. 4.3 Effect of using a progressively longer time constant (a–d) on an EPR spectrum

4.9 Background Signals


through the narrowest line in the spectrum. Consequently, scan rate and filter time constant are related to each other and to the CW line width in the following formula. ðspectrum width in GaussÞ ðtime constant in secÞ < 0:1 ðline width in GaussÞ ðsweep time in secÞ


The inequality must be satisfied to obtain undistorted lines. A faster sweep or longer time constant does not give the system enough time to respond to changes in signal amplitude as the line is traversed. Example. To record a 20 G scan of a 0.1 G wide line in 84 s, the time constant should be less than 0.04 s; (20 0.04)/(0.1 84) = 0.095. If a 40.96 ms conversion time is used, the scan will be 84 s if 2,048 steps are used. 1,024 steps would result in a scan of 41 s, which would not be conservative with respect to line shape (and position) distortion. Another feature of many integrating digitizers is that the signal level increases the longer the integration time (conversion time). Thus, if two spectra of the same sample are obtained with all parameters equal, but one with 10.24 ms conversion time and one with 81.92 ms conversion time, the numerical integral of the digitized spectrum will be eight times larger for the 81.92 ms conversion time. In Bruker spectrometers running the Xepr acquisition software, these are the numbers that are displayed in the Xepr window, are saved as the amplitude of the spectrum, and will affect integrals of the area under the peaks, etc. Since this could cause undesirable confusion when comparing spectra, some users prefer to have spectra displayed and stored numerically normalized. This is often an option in the software and in some new spectrometers is performed automatically.


Background Signals

“There are spins everywhere”. (James Hyde, personal communication to almost everyone.) There are EPR signals even if there is no sample in the resonator. Actually, the signal from O2 in room air is easily measured at Q-band, and was used by Varian to calibrate sensitivity of Q-band spectrometers. There are EPR signals from metal ions in both metallic and dielectric resonators. There are impurity and defect signals in quartz sample tubes and Dewar inserts, even when these are made of the highest purity quartz available. (Pyrex tubes yield an enormous iron signal.) Dirt transferred to the outside of sample tubes by routine handling will also yield EPR signals. Even some “pure” Teflon has a fairly strong EPR signal. The EPR signals that cannot be attributed to the sample of interest are generally called “background” signals, whether they are due to unwanted spins or to electromechanical effects on the resonator. Background signals should be recorded and subtracted from the spectrum of the sample of interest to obtain quantitative results.



4 A More in Depth Look at the EPR Signal Response


The area under the absorption curve (obtained from double integration) is needed to precisely quantitate the intensity. However, in cases where the same species is present in a series of samples and the peak-to-peak linewidth is invariant, comparison of peak-to-peak amplitude is a convenient method of quantitating signals. Even if the linewidth changes, if the line shape (i.e. % Loentzian) does not change from sample to sample, it is valid to approximate the relative areas using the peak-topeak width squared multiplied by the peak-to-peak amplitude (Chesnut 1977). These are useful alternatives when a noisy drifting or otherwise confounding baseline prevents an accurate double integral calculation. The area under a derivative EPR signal is obtained by digital double integration. It is now so common to integrate spectra acquired into a computer, that the first and second integrals of an experimental derivative spectrum are commonly used to judge the quality (phasing, etc.) of the experimental data. Proper integration requires a constant baseline or a baseline fitting and correction routine to obtain a baseline that is constant on both sides of the EPR spectrum. Significant error may occur in the double integration value when the field scan range of the experiment is not wide enough to encompass the entire EPR absorption envelope. The percentage error resulting from finite truncation of the curve is especially large for Lorentzian lines because of their extensive wings. For example, two linewidths from the center of a Gaussian or a Lorentzian first derivative line the signal amplitude is 0.2 or 17.2% of the peak amplitude, respectively. For the same integration accuracy, a Lorentzian line must be integrated over many more linewidths than a Gaussian line. In practice, the wings of a signal tend to disappear into the noise so one might be tempted to select a narrower scan than is needed for accurate integration. Figure 4.4 shows the error that is caused in the integral by 1.0 I


L 0.5





Fig. 4.4 Integrated area under truncated Lorentzian (L) or Gaussian (G) lineshape as a function of signal-to-noise ratio. From Czoch (1996)

4.11 Microwave Power


truncating the spectrum at the point with the signal amplitude equals the noise. Very high S/N is needed to use this criterion for selecting scan width. Beyond these matters, there are spectra that are inherently difficult to integrate, because they do not meet the ideal case described above of isolated lines with welldefined flat baselines on either side of the EPR spectrum. The spectrum of interest might, for example, be a semiquinone radical superimposed on other unknown species, or the spectrum might be so wide that it is not possible to scan the field far enough to define the entire baseline. If the S/N is very low, if there is an overlapping spectrum from another species, or the background is large and unavoidable, it may be best to integrate a computer simulated spectrum by fitting the experimental data. For example, one could simulate the full spectrum using only parameters that fit the region of interest. Performing a double integration on this simulated spectrum would only reveal the EPR area under the portion of interest. If any prior knowledge of the spectrum can be used, the accuracy of the results can be improved. For example, Halpern and coworkers have used spectral fitting to enhance quantitative EPR imaging (Halpern et al. 1993, 1994; Mailer et al. 2003).


Microwave Power

If quantitating spin concentration is the goal of the experiment, it is necessary to acquire the spectrum at a microwave power level well below that where significant saturation of the EPR spectrum occurs. Most EPR samples can be saturated with the power levels available in commercial spectrometers. Thus, it is always important to check for saturation. In the absence of saturation, the EPR signal increases linearly with B1. The efficiency of the resonator to actually convert microwave power to B1 is an important factor and can vary widely between different resonator designs. The Q-factor and filling factor of the resonator are also important. These depend on the type of resonator and the dielectric properties of the sample (this is discussed in more detail in Chaps. 6–8). If there is no unresolved hyperfine splitting, the relationship between linewidth, B1, and relaxation times is




4 1 þ g2 B21 T1 T2 ; 3g2 T22


where Bpp = peak-to-peak line width and g = electron magnetogyric ratio (Schreurs and Fraenkel 1961; Eastman et al. 1969; Poole and Farach 1971). If the B1 field is small enough that the g2B12T1T2 product term is 1/2


samples have different temperature dependences, indicating that they come from different spin manifolds and that the two Mn(II) are antiferromagnetically coupled. Another quantitative EPR study of a high-spin system provided the full energy matrix for S ¼ 7/2 and showed excited state spectra that had maximum amplitude in the 20–50 K range (Hagen et al. 1987).

Chapter 10

Magnetic Field and Microwave Frequency



To measure g-factors the microwave frequency and the magnetic field must be determined precisely. Alternatively, a measurement can be made relative to a standard that is close enough in field that there is little error in the field offset. Recent improvements in molecular orbital calculations of spin Hamiltonian parameters make it increasingly valuable to compare experimental and computerderived values, even for transition metal ions. For example, Drew et al. (2007) used DFT to calculate g values of thiomolybdenyl complexes. The importance of accurate experimental values was highlighted in Drew et al. in the discussion of the results for one compound for which the experimental g values were higher than both the calculated values and the experimental values for similar compounds. In this example, the calculations may have been more accurate than the experiment.


Measurement of Microwave Frequency

A frequency counter is crucial for g factor measurements. With a well-calibrated counter, the largest source of error in g-factor measurements is the magnetic field measurement. Frequency counters change gradually with time. For example, a high-quality commercial frequency counter has a time base aging rate of about 1 ppm per year. For the most accurate measurements of g factors, the frequency counter should be recently calibrated. Some papers report g factors to precisions that approach the accuracy of the microwave counter. The resonant microwave frequency usually is changed by inserting the sample in the resonator. This is caused by the dielectric constant (also called the relative permittivity) and conductivity of the sample. The dielectric constants of samples are usually higher than that of air, so the frequency decreases upon inserting the sample. One way to understand this effect is to consider the formula for capacitance: G.R. Eaton et al., Quantitative EPR, DOI 10.1007/978-3-211-92948-3_10, # Springer-Verlag/Wien 2010



10 Magnetic Field and Microwave Frequency

C ¼ ere0A/d where A is the area of the capacitor and d is the distance between the plates of the capacitor. If the dimensions remain the same, the capacitance increases as the dielectric constant (er) increases. pffi Now, combine this with an expression for the frequency of a resonator, o ¼ 1/ (LC) where L is the inductance and C is the capacitance of the circuit (the cavity or LGR in this case). Inserting the sample increases C so it decreases the frequency.


Magnetic Field

The Bruker Hall probe is sufficiently accurate that it can be used as the standard for measurement of the magnetic field at X-band. However, the Hall probe and sample are not in the same place in the magnetic field. The operator needs to calibrate this offset. The cryostat affects the field offset between the sample position and the Hall probe position, so the correction should be determined with the cryostat in place. The offset can be several gauss. Bruker Xepr software includes a function for calibrating this offset so that accurate fields and g factors can be read from the spectra. For this purpose it is convenient to use solid DPPH, whose g value is generally quoted as 2.0036 or 2.0037 0.002 (Wertz and Bolton 1972, p. 465; Weil et al. 1994b, p. 558). One can also use a sample with precisely known g-factor such as perylene radical cation. At other microwave frequencies, a Mn(II) sample is often used. There have been many attempts to reproducibly prepare a Mn(II) sample with well-defined hyperfine splitting to use as a magnetic field scan standard. However, the Mn(II) hyperfine is so exquisitely sensitive to details of the environment that this has been difficult. Yordanov (1994) tabulated some of the values for Mn in CaO, SrO, and MgO. The lore of the field is that Mn(II) samples usually turn out not to be sufficiently reproducible lab-to-lab to make them useful as a magnetic field scan standard. Bruker provides a calibrated Mn(II) sample with g ¼ 2.0011 and hyperfine coupling constant A ¼ 86.23 G. To calculate the magnetic field differences for species with two different g values, g1 and g2, use the relation between field and frequency: hn ¼ gbB 1:60218 1019 C 1:05457 1034 Js eh b¼ ¼ 2me 2 9:10939 1033 kg

¼ 9:2740 1024 CJs=kg



These units are the same as JT1, since C ¼ As, and T ¼ kg s2 A1 Rearrange (10.1) to the form: B¼

hn gb


10.4 Magnetic Field hom*ogeneity


For a particular case of X-band spectra (assume, e.g., 9.274 GHz) with g1 ¼ 2.0023 and g2 ¼ 2.0123 the resonant fields are: 6:62608 1034 Js 9 109 s1 B1 ¼ ¼ 0:32115T (10.4) ð2:0023Þ 9:2740 1024 JT 1

6:62608 1034 Js 9 109 s1 B2 ¼ ¼ 0:31955T ð2:0123Þ 9:2740 1024 JT 1


In the more common units of G (1 G ¼ 104 T) B1 B2 ¼ 16 G.


Magnetic Field hom*ogeneity

Magnetic field hom*ogeneity depends on the magnet diameter and spacing between the poles, so the hom*ogeneous volume is greater for a 10-in. (25 cm) magnet than for a 6-in. magnet. The specification for a 10-in. Bruker magnet is 13 mG in a cylindrical volume with 15 mm diameter and 15 mm long. This hom*ogeneity is achieved and specified only at one magnetic field, because it depends on the degree of saturation of the iron in the magnet pole faces. Since narrow EPR lines and highresolution spin-spin splitting is usually observed only very close to g ¼ 2, the resolution of the magnetic field is specified at ca. 3,400 G for an X-band EPR spectrometer. Magnetic field hom*ogeneity is relevant only over the size of the sample, and at X-band the 3-cm wavelength results in most signal intensity coming from about 1 cm length of sample. Hysteresis and hom*ogeneity. It is best to saturate the magnet before performing sweeps for very precise measurements. This means that the operator should increase the magnetic field to close to the maximum value achievable with the magnet and power supply combination. For example, depending on the power supply, a Bruker 10 in. magnet might be set to ca. 14 kG. The field is then set to the value about which one wants to make accurate field scans. A good test of the magnetic field hom*ogeneity is to record the CW spectrum of a narrow line signal. A sample that is commonly used is 50 mM perylene (Aldrich 394475) in sulfuric acid in a 0.6 mm i.d. capillary tube. Oxygen is removed by bubbling with N2. In a sealed tube this sample lasts a few months at room temperature, so it should be kept cold when not in use. The line widths should be ca. 50 mG. Increases in line width imply magnetic field inhom*ogeneity over the length of the sample. Sweep speed is limited by the physics of electromagnets, and especially by the limitations of iron-core electromagnets. The Xepr software display shows the field position with a red background when the scan speed is too fast for accurate field setting, and hence there is an effect on recorded line positions. However, the error in line positions occurs before the green background turns red. About 81 ms conversion time is OK, but faster may cause problems with some wide field sweeps.


10 Magnetic Field and Microwave Frequency

When a large magnetic field scan is completed, and the field returns to low field, it could take several seconds to settle to the low-field starting point. If the next scan is started without waiting for the field to settle, false peaks may occur at low field because the field is still decreasing although the software is attempting to increase it. Consequently, for signal averaging of spectra with sweep of thousands of gauss, it is necessary to input a waiting time between scans. The delay that is needed depends on scan width, magnet, and power supply.


Coupling Constants Vs. Hyperfine Splittings

Electron-nuclear hyperfine coupling constants are characteristics of the paramagnetic species and are independent of the magnetic field or frequency at which spectra are recorded. If the hyperfine coupling constant is a small fraction of B0 then the hyperfine lines are equally spaced and can be read quite accurately from the experimental spectra. However, as the ratio of the hyperfine coupling to B0 increases, analysis of the energy levels for a field-swept spectrum becomes more complicated and hyperfine lines are not equally spaced. This situation frequently occurs for metal hyperfine splittings at X-band and for organic radicals at lower frequencies such as L-band (1–2 GHz) or 250 MHz. The contributions to the energy levels that give rise to unequal spacings of hyperfine lines are called Breit-Rabi effects. Computer-simulations that include Breit-Rabi effects give more accurate coupling constants than can be measured directly from the spectra, especially at frequencies below X-band or for very large hyperfine couplings. An example is shown in Fig. 10.1. The nitrogen hyperfine coupling constant for the nitroxide radical in water is 16.5 G, which results in three approximately equally spaced lines at X-band. However at 250 MHz the spacings of the three lines are not equal because the hyperfine coupling is a significant fraction of the approximately 90 G center field. In addition to changes in spacings between allowed transitions, some transitions that are “forbidden” at X-band become partially allowed at lower frequencies, which makes spectra more complicated as shown in Fig. 10.2.


Achievable Accuracy and Precision: g Value and Hyperfine Splitting

The accuracy of the field positions in a spectrum depends on both the digitizer that controls the field steps of a scan and on the field controller hardware. Older Bruker spectrometers such as the ER200 and ESP300 could do 4,096 steps in the field axis, using 12 bit resolution. The Elexsys and EMX spectrometers also have 12 bit magnetic field resolution (4,096 steps). The EMX-Plus and EMX Micro have 24 bit magnetic field axis digital resolution. The accuracy of the field setting is determined by the Hall probe. Bruker Hall probes are individually calibrated with

10.6 Achievable Accuracy and Precision: g Value and Hyperfine Splitting


Fig. 10.1 Comparison of spectra of a nitroxide radical in water solution at 259 MHz (a) and X-band (b). Although the hyperfine coupling constant is independent of magnetic field, the spacings between the lines at low field are not equal due to the Breit-Rabi effect

a particular field controller. For older spectrometers the NMR Teslameter (also called a Gaussmeter) is somewhat more accurate than the field controller. When the spectrometer has been properly calibrated, either the field readout or the Teslameter provide equivalently accurate inputs for g-value and hyperfine measurements. For the most accurate g value measurements, the operator needs to be aware of many subtle small effects, such as are well-described in Segal et al. (1965). For example, it was shown that the magnetic field inside a standard brass EPR cavity is not exactly reproducible when the field outside the cavity is reproduced exactly. A few g factors have been measured to high accuracy (see table in Weil et al. 1994b, p. 558; and Table 11.1). Awareness of the uncertainties of measuring both magnetic field and microwave frequency should caution against reporting a g factor to more than five significant figures, unless the spectrum of the species of interest was

106 Fig. 10.2 Comparison of the spectra of PNT (perinaphthenyl) at L-band and X-band. Additional transitions that are forbidden at X-band become partially allowed at L-band

10 Magnetic Field and Microwave Frequency





measured simultaneously with one of the radicals for which the g factor has been measured accurately. For routine g-factor measurements, it is handy to attach a speck of DPPH to the outside of a sample tube using tape such as “Scotch” brand transparent tape. Over a long period of time the DPPH partially dissolves in the adhesive and the signal broadens, but for the time of individual measurements this method works well enough to make g factor measurements to the accuracy of that of DPPH (0.0002).

Chapter 11

Standard Samples

In prior chapters many aspects of EPR spectroscopy that need to be considered to obtain quantitative results have been discussed. This chapter provides information about samples that have been proposed as standards. The standard and unknown should be as similar as possible. In all cases, it is important to pay attention to all of the parameters discussed in this book as being relevant to quantitative EPR. One anecdote may help one to remember this lesson. There is a paper in the literature, in which a small crystal of CuSO4·5H2O, properly prepared, was used as an intensity standard to measure the number of spins in an aqueous protein sample at room temperature, without paying any attention to the differences in resonator Q or B1 and modulation amplitude distributions for the two samples with very different geometries and dielectric loss properties.


Comparison with a Standard Sample

Absolute quantitation of EPR intensity is very difficult. In most cases, the spectrum of an unknown is compared with the spectrum of a known sample. Many samples proposed as standards for various purposes were discussed in Poole (1967, pp. 589–595), Wertz and Bolton (1972, pp. 462–466), Weil et al. (1994b, pp. 558–562), and Eaton and Eaton (1980). Note that weak pitch is a spectrometer performance standard, not an intensity standard. The derivative signal amplitude is calibrated under the stated spectrometer conditions for the “weak pitch S/N” test. The integrated area (total signal intensity) is not calibrated. Extensive discussions of the challenge of performing quantitative EPR measurements included a focus on the issue of selecting an appropriate reference sample (Auteri et al. 1994; Czoch 1996; Dyrek et al. 1990, 1994, 1996; Nagy and Placek 1992; Nagy 1994; 1997; Siebert et al. 1994; Nagy et al. 1997a, b; Nagy and Sokolov 1997; Yordanov 1996; Yordanov and Christova 1997; Yordanov and Genova 1997; Yordanov et al. 1999).

G.R. Eaton et al., Quantitative EPR, DOI 10.1007/978-3-211-92948-3_11, # Springer-Verlag/Wien 2010



11 Standard Samples

Since DPPH has been used as a g-value marker, there has been much discussion of it as a standard also for signal intensity. However, the properties of DPPH depend strongly on the solvent from which it was crystallized (Yordanov 1996; Kolaczkowski et al. 1999), the purity of commercial samples varies, and the stability both as a solid and in solution is less than is needed for an intensity standard (Yordanov and Christova 1994, 1997; Yordanov and Genova 1997). Although DPPH is reasonably stable as the solid, in solution the stability is strongly dependent on the solvent, as reported by Slangen (1970), being much more stable in acetonitrile solution than in toluene solution. The solutions for these studies were not de-aerated and were stored in daylight, which impacts stability. Yordanov (1996) and Yordanov and Christova (1997) summarized prior literature on stability and molar absorptivity of DPPH and reported e ¼ 12,350 650 l M1 cm1 at 520 nm in ethanol for use to determine the purity. Nitroxide radicals can be obtained in sufficient purity that they can be used as standards for quantitating organic radicals in fluid and frozen solutions. Nitroxide radicals can be selected for solubility in the solvent of interest (ranging from toluene to water) so that the dielectric properties of the known and unknown samples can be matched. Commercial Tempol is purer and easier to handle than tempone, since it is a higher-melting crystalline solid, and is soluble in both water and alcohols. K3CrO8 (Dalal et al. 1981b; Cage et al. 1998) has g ¼ 1.97, which is far enough from many organic radical spectra that both can be measured at the same time, which is an aid to reducing uncertainties due to resonator Q, etc. For transition metal samples, S ¼ 1/2 Cu(II) and S ¼ 5/2 Mn(II) are commonly used. MnSO4·H2O is available with 99% purity. However, it is somewhat efflorescent, so uncertainty in the degree of hydration could cause uncertainties in spin quantitation. Yordanov and Ivanova (1994b) documented some of the problems with Mn(II) standards. It might be more practical for EPR labs to purchase analytical standard solutions such as Alfa Specpure standards. Some labs try to use CuSO4·5H2O as a standard, but it is very difficult to prepare it and to store it in an atmosphere of the proper relative humidity to assure that it is really the pentahydrate. CuCl2·2H2O has also been cited as a primary standard, but its degree of hydration also depends strongly on the relative humidity of the air in which it is stored. For the most accurate work it is better to dissolve a weighed amount of Cu metal to use as a standard. For non-aqueous samples, compounds of the highest available purity should be used, and for the most accurate results they should be analyzed for metal content. VOSO4·nH2O also has variable number of waters of hydration, so Dyrek et al. (1990) titrated with KMnO4 in the usual volumetric analysis method to determine the V(IV) content. The compound was used as the solid, and in some cases ground with NaCl or KCl. Dyrek et al. (1994, 1996) found that the choice of diamagnetic diluent for a standard was not simple, and that the main problem is achieving a hom*ogeneous distribution of paramagnetic component in the diamagnetic diluent. Grinding samples together to try to get a more hom*ogeneous standard may result in chemical reactions that change the EPR spectra. The grinding process itself can

11.2 Spin Quantitation with a Calibrated Spectrometer


produce radicals (Urbanski 1967; More et al. 1980; Adem et al. 1993; Tipikin et al. 1993, 1997). For example, Dyrek et al. (1996) observed that the CuSO4 EPR spectrum changed when it was ground with NaCl, but not when ground with SiO2 that had been pulverized before the two were ground together. Traces of water in the materials changed the spectrum of a VOSO4/K2SO4 sample that was sealed in a quartz tube for a few weeks. The line shape changed, but the integrated intensity did not change. Drying over P2O5 resulted in samples that were stable for 5 years. In spite of sample preparation difficulties, Dyrek et al. (1994) concluded that preparation and measurement of the standard contributed only about 2% error to the overall quantitation of EPR spectra of metals. For S > 1/2 it is important to take account of differences in transition probabilities as demonstrated by Siebert et al. (1994). Chromium in FeS2 and in AlCl3·6H2O was measured by EPR and by ICPMS and AAS, with good agreement between methods. The National Bureau of Standards (now NIST) produced an EPR standard sample using Cr3+ in Al2O3 in 1978, which some labs still have (Standard Reference Material 2601 (Chang et al. 1978)). Nagy and coworkers discussed choosing reference samples for EPR concentration measurements (Nagy 1997; Nagy et al. 1997a, b; Nagy and Sokolov 1997). The focus was on transition intensity factors obtained by diagonalization of spin Hamiltonian matrices, in order to facilitate comparison of the intensity of e.g., one S ¼ 1 species with the intensity of a different S ¼ 1 center. Specific reference samples were not proposed in these papers. Cordischi et al. (1999) compared a large series of compounds as possible primary standards for quantitative EPR of S ¼ 1/2, 3/2, and 5/2 species. The S ¼ 1/2 species (listed in Table 11.1) and S ¼ 5/2 MnSO4·H2O were reliable standards, but “none of the pure Cr3+ compounds proved useful as primary standards because of their large fine structure terms or high Ne´el temperature that invalidated the simple Curie law.” Among the Cr compounds tested were KCr (SO4)2·12H2O, Cr(acac)3, and (NH4)3[CrMo6O24H6]·7H2O. As an internal standard for samples to be irradiated, Yordanov et al. (1999) suggest Mn(II) doped into MgO. They concluded that pyrolyzed sucrose and Mn(II) in CaO were less suitable. Irradiation of CaO induced EPR signals that could interfere with measurements of organic radicals, such as in alanine. There was no observable change in the intensity of the EPR signal in pyrolyzed sucrose upon irradiation, but the EPR signal of this material would overlap organic radical signals.


Spin Quantitation with a Calibrated Spectrometer

It is possible to determine the number of spins in a sample without the concurrent measurement of a reference sample. In this case, the double integrated intensity of the experimental spectrum and a software calculation are used to measure the number of spins. In order to perform the calculation, precise values for the resonator Q, microwave field distribution and modulation field distribution need to be known.

Gerald Rosen

Towell and Kalyanaraman (1991)


CuSO4·5H2O CuSO4·5H2O solid, aqueous solution

Cu(acac)2 solid or in toluene solution Cu metal dissolved in acid Cr3+ in Al2O3 Mn(II) doped into MgO MnSO4·xH2O Tempo Tempone Tempol 3-Trimethylamino-methyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1pyrrolidinyloxyl iodide 3-Carbamoyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolinyloxyl 3-Carbamoyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidinyloxyl 2.0023

g1 = 2.27, g2 = 2.08 g1 = 2.09, g2 = 2.23, g3 = 2.27, g = 2.18 g = 2.13, g = 2.126



Quinhydrone at pH 7.2 K3CrO8

A = 78 G

Cordischi et al. (1999) Eaton lab Chang et al. (1978) Yordanov et al. (1999) Yordanov (1994) Cordischi et al. (1999)

Randolph (1972a, b, pp. 98–101) Segal et al. (1965) Segal et al. (1965) Yordanov (1994) Yordanov (1994) Randolph (1972a, b, p. 100) and Yordanov (1994) Narni et al. (1966) Dalal et al. (1981b), Cage et al. (1998) Yordanov (1994) Cordischi et al. (1999)

Table of values

26.182 G between the outer lines

References Weil and Anderson (1965) Yordanov (1996) Cordischi et al. (1999)

Hyperfine splitting

Intensity g-value 2.0037 0.0002 No 2.0036 0.0001 X 10% 2.0028 2.00305 0.00002 2.00258 0.00002 2.00260 0.00002 2.004679 0.0000129 2.002757 0.0000006 X 2.0057

Table 11.1 EPR Intensity and g-Value Standards Standard DPPH DPPH DPPH Bruker or Varian strong pitch Wurster’s blue perchlorate Perylene cation in 98% H2SO4 Tetracene cation in 98% H2SO4 p-Benzosemiquinone in butanol-KOH at 290K Naphthalene anion radical Fremy’s salt K2NO(SO3)2

110 11 Standard Samples

VOSO4·nH2O VOSO4·5H2O VO(acac)2 VOTPP (tetraphenyl porphyrin) Vanadyl and copper sulfate Fusinite MnSO4 Cu(diethyldithiocarbamate)2 Pyrolyzed sucrose or dextrose Ultramarine blue F-centers in LiF g-Irradiated alanine

X X X X X X X X X X X X g = 2.0028 g = 2.0294

g = 1.99 g = 2.00 g = 1.958 A = 183 G

Dyrek et al. (1990) Cordischi et al. (1999) Cordischi et al. (1999) Cordischi et al. (1999) Dyrek et al. (1994) Auteri et al. (1994) Yordanov (1994) Yordanov (1994) Yordanov (1994) Yordanov (1994) Yordanov (1994)

11.2 Spin Quantitation with a Calibrated Spectrometer 111


11 Standard Samples

Fig. 11.1 An equation describing the double integral of an experimental EPR spectrum and how it relates to the number of spins in the sample

In addition, a constant (c) from a “one time” measurement of a reference spin standard is calculated. Once these values are input to the software’s spin quantitation parameter file, the double integration of the experimental EPR spectrum is all that is needed to directly calculate the number of spins in a sample. Figure 11.1 shows the various parameters that will affect the double integrated amplitude of an experimental EPR spectrum. These are input to the Quantitation parameter file for the software calculation. Where: c = A constant input to the software from a sample with known number of spins GR = Receiver gain Ct = Conversion time n = Number of scans P = Microwave power (W) Bm = Modulation amplitude (Gauss) Q = Quality factor of resonator nB = Boltzmann factor for temperature dependence S = Total electron spin ns = Number of spins ƒ(B1, Bm) = Spatial distribution of the microwave field and the modulation field experienced by the sample. The constant c is a value for the number of spins in a known reference standard. This value comes from a “one time measurement” of the reference sample and is then input to the software for the subsequent calculations where a reference standard does not need to be measured. The parameters GR, Ct, and n (receiver gain, conversion time and number of scans) are settings in the spectrometer’s parameter file that can be normalized between different experimental spectra. The Q value is calculated by the software and also entered into the spin quantitation file. Many of the values in the numerator of the second part of the equation (e.g., microwave power, and modulation amplitude) are available directly from the spectrometer’s parameter file or can be input to the spin quantitation file (e.g., total spin). The ƒ(B1, Bm) term in the equation needs to be determined using a 3D EPR imaging experiment. This spatial distribution of the microwave and modulation fields

11.2 Spin Quantitation with a Calibrated Spectrometer


Fig. 11.2 Determination of the resonator profile (i.e., the ƒ(B1, Bm) term) for a Bruker ER 4119HS resonator

is resonator specific and is determined by careful EPR imaging of a hom*ogeneous sample that fills the entire volume of the resonator (see Fig. 11.2). Obviously, the instrument and resonator specific parameters needed for the spin quantitation calculation are most easily determined by the manufacturer of the spectrometer and software. More detailed information on how this has been implemented in the Bruker Xenon software is available from Carl and Ho¨fer (2008).


Appendix A: Acquiring EPR Spectra and Optimizing Parameters This appendix provides a step-by-step guide for obtaining an EPR spectrum and optimizing parameters, using Bruker software. The proper user-selected spectrometer settings (as discussed in detail in Chap. 4) are key to obtaining spectra that allow for accurate peak height measurements or double integrations. Selection of parameters for Tempol (4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl) is used as the example because it is a convenient reference standard for measurements involving various spin trap and spin label nitroxides. Remember that for quantitation the standard and the unknown should be dissolved in the same solvent, contained in the same size tube, and positioned similarly in the same resonator.

Measure the Spectrum with Nominal Settings l l l l

Microwave power 5 mW Modulation amplitude 1 G Field sweep 200 G Scan time 5.1 s (if the sample is very weak, the scan time or gain may be increased) (Fig. A.1)

Optimize the Microwave Power The microwave magnetic field (B1) is what causes the EPR transition in the sample (see Chap. 6). B1 is proportional to the square root of the microwave power output by the bridge. The “effective” intensity of B1 over the sample depends on the 115



Fig. A.1 Measuring the initial EPR spectrum

incident microwave power, on the type of cavity or resonator that is used, and on the length of the sample. Therefore the power saturation behavior of a sample is determined experimentally. Figure A.2 shows the dependence on square root of the microwave power for the double integral (top curve), as well as the peak-

Appendix A: Acquiring EPR Spectra and Optimizing Parameters



Double Integration

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 –2





Peak-to-peak height (normalized to 100)

100 Normalized Changes

4 6 8 10 SQRT (Power, mW)

80 60 40 Line width change (%)

20 0 –2


4 6 8 10 SQRT (Power, mW)




Fig. A.2 Effect of microwave power on the double intregral, peak-to-peak height, and linewidth of the nitroxide Tempol in water using an ER 4103TM cavity

to-peak height (a power saturation curve) and line width (bottom curves) for a rapidly tumbling Tempol sample. Most power saturation curves show a linear region (non-saturating) at low microwave power and a nonlinear region (saturating) at higher microwave power. In the region where the signal does not increase linearly with square root of power, the double integration increases nonlinearly and the linewidth increases. These data provide the basis for selecting instrument parameters for different experiments. For example, to simply maximize the signal intensity of a very weak sample for which power saturation is not of concern, a higher power level can be selected. However, if spectra will be used to characterize hyperfine splittings or line widths, a power in the non-saturating region should be selected. To quantitate the concentration of a sample using peak heights or double integrals, the spectra of both the sample and the spin standard should be measured under nonsaturating conditions. For Tempol in a TE102 cavity the maximum



microwave power in the linear region is about four to five mW (Fig. A.2). Many organic radicals and spin adducts have power saturation curves in the same resonator that are similar to Tempol. To select the appropriate power for a sample, first perform an automated 2D power sweep experiment, which records field sweeps at a series of microwave powers. The example in Fig. A.3 has a starting power of 200 mW (full leveled power) and successive scans at lower powers (i.e., 2 dB steps): l l l l


Configure the power sweep experiment and collect the spectra Use the peak intensity (height) data to plot the power saturation curve Choose a microwave power level appropriate for the experiment To calculate spin concentration, choose a power level that is well within the linear region of the power saturation curve (e.g., 2 mW for the case shown in Fig. A.4). If the signals are weak and relative intensity measurements for samples with the same power saturation characteristics are adequate, a higher microwave power that provides improved signal-to-noise can be chosen.

Optimize the Modulation Amplitude Field modulation amplitude also affects the line width and the peak-to-peak height. The data in Fig. A.5 show that as the modulation amplitude is increased, the line width remains constant to a point, after which it broadens. The natural line width (Fig. A.6) of the signal can be estimated by measuring the spectrum with increasing modulation amplitude until the spectrum starts to broaden. Then make additional measurements at successively lower modulation amplitude values until the line width no longer gets smaller. The measured line width is then very close to the natural line width. If accurate lineshapes or resolution of small hyperfine splittings are important, the modulation amplitude should be less than 1/10 the natural linewidth. If the signal-to-noise is poor, it can be improved at the expense of linewidth accuracy (see Sect. 4.11). To maximize the signalto-noise, the modulation amplitude can be set as high as about 1.5 times the natural line width. So, for example, if the natural line width is 1.7 G one might use 2.5 G modulation amplitude. The broadening of the signal by high modulation amplitude is called “over-modulation.” Figure A.7 shows the changes of peak-to-peak height of the Tempol signal with increasing field modulation amplitude. For Tempol the maximum peak-to-peak height is observed when the modulation amplitude is about 1.7 times the natural line width. Higher modulation amplitudes cause the peak height to decrease. Even for modulation amplitudes that are so large that the peak-to-peak height decreases, the double integration increases linearly with modulation amplitude (see Fig. A.8). This means that overmodulation of the signal can be used for quantitative comparisons of double integrals, provided that the field scan range is wide enough to accommodate the broadened spectrum.

Appendix A: Acquiring EPR Spectra and Optimizing Parameters


Fig. A.3 Parameters and spectra for the automated power sweep experiment

Optimize Magnetic Field Sweep Width and Number of Data Points EPR lines often extend further into the outer regions of the spectrum than estimated at first glance. Therefore, it is important to use a magnetic field sweep width that is wide enough to encompass the entire spectrum. This effect is particularly important for the double integrations that are needed for signal quantitation. Figure A.9 shows



Fig. A.4 Plotting the power saturation curve

Line Width Changes / Line Width

1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0

1 2 3 Modulation Amplitude / Line Width


Fig. A.5 Line width changes with increasing field modulation amplitude for Tempol

the dependence of the double integral on sweep width. If the sweep width is not wide enough, a considerable portion of the spectrum is missing from the double integration. A good “rule of thumb” for Gaussian lines is to use a sweep width such that the distance between the first field value in the sweep and the start of the EPR signal is ten times the peak-to-peak linewidth of the narrowest signal (see “A value” in Fig. A.9). So, for example, if the line width is 2.8 G, the field sweep should begin at least 28 G before the first line. If the line is Lorentzian, data extending for 30 linewidths

Appendix A: Acquiring EPR Spectra and Optimizing Parameters


a Natural line width = 1.7 gauss

b Over-modulated Line width = 2.8 gauss

Fig. A.6 Measurement of the natural line width of the spectrum with a cursor tool in the acquisition software. Window A shows a modulation setting that provides a spectrum with the sample’s natural line width. Window B shows a higher modulation amplitude setting and a slightly over-modulated spectrum

Peak-to-Peak Height


Fig. A.7 Changes in the peak-to-peak height of the Tempol signal with increasing modulation amplitude

1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Modulation Amplitude / Natural Line Width



Fig. A.8 The double integral of the Tempol signal increases linearly with modulation amplitude


Double Integration

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0



3 4 Bmod / DBp-p





Double Integration

0.8 0.7 0.6


0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0


20 25 10 15 Scan Width (A / line width)


Fig. A.9 Double integral dependence on the field sweep width

is required for accurate integration (Fig. A.10). It is advisable to be conservative and perform a very wide sweep that assures all of the data from the EPR absorption is collected. Also, be sure that the number of data points is large enough that there are at least ten data points to define the peak-to-peak linewidth of the narrowest signal.

Summary Configuring the spectrometer for quantitative experiments usually requires a compromise between settings that optimize the signal-to-noise, yet provide reproducible and fair comparisons between the reference standard and the unknown sample.

Appendix A: Acquiring EPR Spectra and Optimizing Parameters


Over-modulated Line width = 2.8 gauss

Distance to first line = 32 Gauss

Fig. A.10 Measuring the line width and the distance from the first field point to the first EPR line

So, in summary, for a given amount of spectrum acquisition time, select values for the following parameters: l



Microwave power – to quantitate the spin concentration of a sample using the double integration method, the sample and the spin standard must be measured under nonsaturating conditions. Thus, a microwave power that is well within the linear region of the power saturation curve for the respective sample and standard must be used. Modulation amplitude – Since the double integration is proportional to the field modulation amplitude even if the signal is broadened, a relatively high field modulation can be used. In fact, aside from performing longer acquisitions. (e.g., performing long scans or signal averaging) increasing field modulation is the safest way to obtain better spectra of weak signal for double integration. Sweep width – Field sweep width is another factor that will adversely affect the double integration if set too low. The optimal sweep width depends on the line shape of the signal, but a safe rule of the thumb is to set the sweep width so that the distance from the field starting position to the first EPR line is ten times the




width of the narrowest line. Frequently the signal averaging method gives a better baseline than a single scan with a long time constant. In any case, it is best to keep the time constant and sweep time the same for the sample and standard. If a larger number of scans is needed for the unknown than for the standard, the double integrals can be divided by the number of scans averaged. Maximizing signal intensity – Remember, if the goal is only maximizing signal to noise (and not for quantitation), higher microwave power and field modulation amplitude can be used. However, if the microwave power or field modulation amplitude is too high the signal intensity may actually decrease. Set the field modulation amplitude at about 1.5 times the line width and the microwave power at the top of the power saturation curve to get the maximum signal intensity. This should give a good signal to noise enhancement although lines will be broadened.

Appendix B: Field Modulation and Phase Sensitive Detection This appendix provides engineering level detail on how field modulation is used to detect the EPR signal. It can be omitted by readers who are not interested in this level of detail.

Details of Field Modulation and Phase Sensitive Detection The EPR signal at microwave frequencies, such as 9.5 GHz, is “detected” by the crystal in the bridge. The output of the detector crystal is a DC (direct current) signal that is modulated as described in the following paragraph. DC electronics are often noisy and the low-frequency components of the noise often appear as baseline instability. One common technique to remedy this problem is to modulate and then demodulate. By shifting a low frequency signal to a higher frequency (modulation), amplifying and processing it, and then converting it back into a low frequency signal (demodulation), superior baseline stability and noise reduction are obtained. An example of such a technique would be AM and FM radio. The audio signals are up converted to RF and then down converted to audio frequencies in the radio. An example in an EPR spectrometer is the use of field modulation. The microwave detector output from an EPR absorption is very noisy at low frequencies, but diminishes with 1/frequency as the frequency increases. The EPR signal is shifted to a higher frequency by modulating the magnetic field (often at 100 kHz). The EPR signal is then demodulated in the signal channel to obtain the desired noise-suppressed and stable low frequency EPR signal. The heart of phase sensitive detection is a mixer. It has two inputs and one output. The output of the mixer is the product of the two input signals. The symbol for a mixer is shown in Fig. B.1. Notice the X which symbolizes multiplication.

Appendix B: Field Modulation and Phase Sensitive Detection

EPR Signal


Reference Signal

IF Signal Out

Fig. B.1 Schematic of a mixer

IF stands for Intermediate Frequency and is the resulting output signal that is subsequently filtered and processed to produce the EPR spectrum. Modulation typically is sinusoidal. If a signal described by: A1 cosðo1 t þ ’Þ


is applied to one input of the mixer and a signal described by: A2 cosðo2 tÞ


to the other input, the the product output signal is described by: A1 cosðo1 t þ ’Þ:A2 cosðo2 tÞ


Using trigonometric relationships, this becomes: 1=2A A fcosððo 1 2 1

o2 Þt þ ’Þ þ cosððo1 þ o2 Þt þ ’Þg


In this form three salient features of the IF output can be seen: l



The IF output can be decomposed into two frequency components: the sum and difference frequencies of the two input signals. The amplitude is equal to one half the product of the amplitudes of the two input signals. There is a phase factor, j, equal to the phase difference between the two signals. This is the term that gives the name phase sensitive detection.

It is the sum and difference frequencies that make up and down conversion (or modulation and demodulation) possible. A high or low pass filter can be used to select either the sum or difference frequency component. The amplitude property facilitates the use of mixers for modulation and demodulation as well as feedback


Appendix 0° 0

270° 0

90° 0

180° 0

Fig. B.2 The IF output for different phase differences

0 180°

Fig. B.3 The output of a phase detector



loops. The phase factor can be used to discriminate between signals of different phase. Quite often the LO (reference) input has the same frequency as the signal input and its amplitude is kept constant. The IF output is then zero frequency (DC) and double the frequency. Figure B.2 shows the IF output for various phase differences. The dashed lines indicate the DC components. Note the double frequency component as well. If the low frequency component is selected by filtering out the high frequencies with a low pass filter, the IF output is proportional to: A2 cosð’Þ


This scheme permits measurement of both the amplitude and phase of the input signal. If the input signal amplitudes remain constant, the IF output is proportional to cos(j) and then the mixer functions as a phase detector (Fig. B.3). When the frequency difference and the phase difference between the two signals is zero, the DC output is at a maximum.

Appendix B: Field Modulation and Phase Sensitive Detection


Field Modulation and Demodulation The magnetic field at the sample can be modulated (often at 100 kHz) using the modulation coils (or posts) on the resonator. The resulting modulated signal is then demodulated in the signal channel. A block diagram of the circuitry in an EPR spectrometer for modulation and demodulation is shown in Fig. B.4. The relationship between the field modulated signal and the first derivative of the EPR absorption lineshape is depicted in Fig. B.5.

A Visual Description of Why the EPR Signal Appears in the First Derivative Form The following figures are used to illustrate how the first derivative spectrum is the resulting output from the signal that is demodulated in the signal channel. The Modulated Signal (Fig. B.6) originates from the reflected microwaves coming from the cavity and is the input to the signal channel. The Unfiltered Demodulated Signal is the phase detected signal before it is filtered by the signal channel. The dashed horizontal line in that display is the average value of the unfiltered signal and is equivalent to the signal after it is filtered by the time constant. The two displays on the left side are the EPR absorption signal and the corresponding phase detected and filtered EPR signal. The vertical dashed line indicates the magnetic field value at a given time in the EPR experiment. The Demodulated Lorentzian display is the phase detected and filtered EPR signal plotted as a function of the magnetic field. In each successive figure, a black dot data point is added to the recorded output spectrum. These data points correspond to the position (or amplitude) of the Mixer

Modulated 100 kHz EPR signal

EPR Signal

Bridge Preamplifier

Time Constant

100 kHz reference signal

Modulation Coils

Oscillator Resonator

Modulation Amplifier

Signal Channel

Fig. B.4 A simplified diagram showing parts of the EPR spectrometer that are used for field modulation and phase sensitive detection. The microwave EPR signal is converted to a modulated DC signal by the crystal detector in the bridge


Appendix Steep Slope = Large Amplitude

Shallow Slope = Small Amplitude

Fig. B.5 Conversion of modulation into a modulated signal

Field Modulation and Demodulation Lorentzian Modulated Signal

Field position far before resonance where slope is very low

Data points in EPR spectrum 0 –10



Demodulated Lorentzian




Unfiltered Demodulated Signal

0 –10






Fig. B.6 When the field is at a position far before resonance the slope is near zero and so a baseline data point is recorded

horizontal dashed line that is shown in the plot of the “Unfiltered Demodulated Signal.” If the magnetic field is moved to a position in the EPR signal, an oscillation is observed with amplitude that is approximately proportional to the slope of the signal (Fig. B.7).

Appendix B: Field Modulation and Phase Sensitive Detection


Field Modulation and Demodulation Lorentzian Modulated Signal

Field position just before maximum where slope is high

Data points in EPR spectrum 0 –10



0 –5



Unfiltered Demodulated Signal

Demodulated Lorentzian

– 10






Fig. B.7 Approaching the center of the EPR absorption signal in a region with a high (positive) slope

At the top of the EPR absorption, the output of the mixer has twice the modulation frequency. This results from the fact that the EPR absorption signal is symmetric at that point. The filtered demodulated signal drops to zero here. This data point provides the “zero cross” or baseline value within the EPR absorption envelope (see Fig. B.8). If the field is shifted further, a 180 phase shift in the modulated signal can be seen by comparing the modulated signals in Figs. B.7 and B.9. Also notice that the filtered demodulated signal (the horizontal dashed line) becomes negative after the midpoint of the EPR absorption. And once again, for a magnetic field that is well past the field for resonance, the slope is very near zero corresponding to a baseline point (see Fig. B.10). For illustrative purposes, only five data points were shown while stepping through this example. Figure B.10 shows the actual spectrum that would be obtained with multiple points across the field scan range.

Suppression of 1/f Noise Another reason for using modulation and phase sensitive detection is to suppress 1/f noise. Noise drops off at higher frequencies. If no modulation is used, the EPR signal has predominately low frequency components. The output of the diode detector is dominated by the 1/f noise and not by the EPR signal (see Fig. B.11a).


Appendix Field Modulation and Demodulation

Lorentzian Modulated Signal Field position at top of absorption is also zero

Data points in EPR spectrum 0 –10



Demodulated Lorentzian



Unfiltered Demodulated Signal

0 –10







Fig. B.8 Signals at the center of the EPR absorption signal Field Modulation and Demodulation Lorentzian Modulated Signal

Field position just after maximum where the slope is high

Data points in EPR spectrum 0 –10



Demodulated Lorentzian




Unfiltered Demodulated Signal

0 –10






Fig. B.9 Signals on the right side of the EPR absorption, but still in a region with a high (negative) slope

Appendix B: Field Modulation and Phase Sensitive Detection


Field Modulation and Demodulation Lorentzian Modulated Signal

Field position far after resonance where slope is very low

0 –10



Demodulated Lorentzian




Unfiltered Demodulated Signal

0 –10






Fig. B.10 Signals for a magnetic field position that is well past resonance, and the lineshape that would be obtained if multiple additional points had been examined

a 1/f noise

EPR Signal 0





1/f noise + EPR Signal

b After Field Modulation

c After Demodulation

d After Time Constant

Fig. B.11 A cartoon of how field modulation and phase sensitive detection is realized in an EPR spectrometer



If 100 kHz field modulation is applied, the EPR signal is shifted to 100 kHz (see Fig. B.11b). The noise is not frequency shifted because the field modulation only has an effect on anything that is magnetic field dependent such as the EPR signal and not on anything field independent such as the 1/f noise. There is no mechanism for the field modulation to affect the 1/f noise. The EPR signal is now nicely separated from the 1/f noise, but alas it is at 100 kHz. After phase sensitive detection, our EPR signal is shifted to 0 Hz and 200 kHz (see Fig. B.11c.). The 1/f noise is also shifted to 100 kHz. Unlike in the case of modulation having no effect on the noise, the 1/f noise, like any signal, will exhibit both sum and difference frequencies after demodulation. Finally, the unwanted 200 kHz EPR signal and 1/f noise are filtered out by the RC filter with a selectable time constant (see Fig. B.11d.), and the unwanted 1/f noise has been successfully suppressed.

Appendix C: Post Processing for Optimal Quantitative Results A user may want to make relative intensity measurements with samples that only provide very noisy spectra or may want to perform double integrations on spectra with background or baseline problems. In such cases, there are a number of post processing procedures that can greatly improve the accuracy and precision of the quantitative EPR measurements. In this appendix two examples are outlined for improving experimental spectra through post acquisition processing.

Example of Baseline Subtraction to Improve Spectrum for Double Integration Double integration of the first derivative EPR spectrum is used to quantitate EPR samples. Because most spectrometers record the EPR signal as a first derivative of the absorption signal, the spectrum must be integrated once to recover the absorption spectrum and then integrated a second time to obtain the area under the absorption curve. Spectral processing software performs the double integration. The following section demonstrates how to perform double integrations using Bruker’s WIN EPR spectral processing software and also provides suggestions for improving the accuracy of double integrations. WIN EPR is used only as one example; there are many other software programs available that can perform the same tasks. It is important to realize that even slight baseline drifts, background signals, or a very low signal to noise ratio can be detrimental to the accuracy of double integrations. Fortunately, there are many tell-tale signs that warn a user of a poor integration. Figure C.1 shows how a double integration was improved by signal averaging

Appendix C: Post Processing for Optimal Quantitative Results


Fig. C.1 Spectrum (a) was collected using a 326 ms time constant and a 335 s scan. Spectrum (b) was recorded using a series of 32 scans with a 10.2 ms time constant Note: The total acquisition times for (a) and (b) were the same. Spectrum (c) is a simulation of the experimental spectrum. Double integrations are overlaid on each spectrum



Fig. C.2 Improvement of double integration using the baseline fit and subtract feature of WIN EPR. Spectrum (a), is the first derivative spectrum before baseline correction. Spectrum (b), is the first derivative spectrum after subtracting the baseline. The double integrations appear overlaying each spectrum

a series of short scans with a short time constant, or by simulating the experimental spectrum. The double integrations are overlaid on each spectrum. In (a), the double integral curve starts rising long before the EPR signal begins. Although (b) is much improved, the curve still starts to rise before the EPR signal begins. Meanwhile, the double integration of the simulated spectrum (c) has no confounding baseline effects (i.e., only the EPR signal of interest has been calculated). Seemingly insignificant baseline drifts and/or background signals often have a confounding effect on the double integration of the EPR spectrum. Consider a spectrum that also has an extremely broad background signal. Even though the peak-to-peak height of the background may be so small that it is unrecognizable, its double integrated intensity may be larger than a very narrow signal that dominates the first derivative representation of the spectrum. In Fig. C.2 spectra (a) and (b) are

Appendix C: Post Processing for Optimal Quantitative Results


actually the same EPR spectrum, except in (b), the baseline has been subtracted. The double integrations are displayed overlaying both spectra. Although the first derivative representations seem almost identical, the double integration of the uncorrected spectrum in (a) is distorted. This would, undoubtedly, give a misleading result if it were used in a quantitative study. The following paragraphs demonstrate how post processing software can be used not only to obtain numerical double integration values, but also how to improve the accuracy of these values when the EPR spectrum has an unavoidable background signal or baseline drift.

Convert the First Derivative EPR Spectrum into an Absorption Spectrum It is often easier to visualize and to correct a distorted baseline when working from the absorption spectrum. To convert the first derivative to an absorption curve, select “Integrate” under the “1D-Processing” menu (Fig. C.3).

Correct the Baseline It becomes apparent from the absorption spectrum that the baseline is not flat (Fig. C.4). To calculate the baseline, first select “Baseline Correction...” under the “1D-Processing” drop-down menu. From the “Baseline Correction...” menu, select “Define Region” and define the region of the spectrum. Do this by clicking the left mouse button to designate the starting point of a region. Then drag the pointer to the desired end of a region and click the right mouse button. The regions that were

Fig. C.3 Converting the spectrum to an absorption representation



Fig. C.4 Absorption spectrum before baseline subtraction

Fig. C.5 Fitting and subtracting the baseline

defined for this spectrum are marked with dark colored bars at the bottom of the window (Fig. C.4). It is important not to include any points from the actual EPR spectrum in the region that is defined for baseline correction. After defining the regions, calculate the baseline using a function from the “Functions” menu within the “Baseline Correction...” drop-down menu. In this example a sixth order polynomial was selected to calculate the baseline based on the selected regions. The fit of the baseline appears overlapping the spectrum in Fig. C.5. Next, select “Subtract” from the “Baseline Correction...” drop-down menu. The absorption spectrum with a corrected baseline then appears (Fig. C.6). At this point, if the user is satisfied with the result, click “Return” which returns to the “1D-Processing” menu. Select “Differentiate” under “1D-Processing” to get back to the first derivative representation of the EPR spectrum.

Appendix C: Post Processing for Optimal Quantitative Results


Fig. C.6 The absorption spectrum after baseline subtraction

Calculate the Double Integration Click “Return” in the baseline correction drop-down menu. Next, select “Integrate region...” from the “1D-Processing” drop-down menu (Fig. C.7). The menu bar changes to include the “Integration” drop-down menu. Now click on “Integral Type” from the Integration drop-down menu and select “Double.” Next, click on “Define Integrals.” Define the region by clicking the left mouse button with the arrow pointing to the far left side of the spectrum. Then move the arrow to the outermost point on the right side of the spectrum and click the right mouse button. When the right mouse button is clicked, the double integration for the selected region appears, superimposed on the EPR spectrum (Fig. C.8).

Obtain the Double Integration Value Click the “Report...” selection in the integration drop-down menu to see the numerical value for the double integration (Fig. C.9). The DI/N value is the double integrated intensity of the EPR spectrum that has been normalized to account for the conversion time, receiver gain, number of data points and sweep width. The report can be printed directly or saved as an ASCII file. This example demonstrates one possible solution for improving a double integration from a spectrum that had either a slight baseline drift, or a very broad background signal. When spectra are recorded for quantitative studies, extra care should be taken when the spectra are acquired, to minimize baseline drifts and background signals. Make sure the cavity is clean and free of background signals.



Fig. C.7 Selecting the “Integrate Region...” command

Fig. C.8 The double integration appears superimposed on the first derivative EPR spectrum

Fig. C.9 The “Report” window shows the numerical value for the double integration

Appendix C: Post Processing for Optimal Quantitative Results


For long acquisitions, use signal averaging to minimize baseline drift. If very low signal to noise is unavoidable, or if there is an overlapping signal that is known to not be part of the spectrum for which the integral is desired, perform the double integrations on simulated spectra.

Use of a Simulation to Improve Peak Intensity Measurements from Noisy Spectra Sometimes no matter how hard a user tries to optimize the acquisition parameters, the only spectra obtained are very noisy because the signal is very weak. Even with advances in the sensitivity of EPR spectrometers, this remains a problem because these new highly sensitive spectrometers have allowed researchers to measure samples with lower and lower spin concentration. The following provides an example where a simple peak “fit-and-replace” routine was able to greatly improve the repeatability of the results from a peak intensity measurement. In the following example the peak and trough regions of a noisy spectrum were fitted with a third order polynomial. These portions of the spectrum were replaced by the fit data and then a peak pick routine was employed to determine the EPR intensity of the spectrum: 1. Acquire the data after optimizing for the highest signal-to-noise possible (Fig. C.10).

Fig. C.10 The original (relatively noisy) spectrum



2. Define the peak and trough regions and fit them with a polynomial (Fig. C.11). 3. Replace the peak and trough regions with the fitted data and perform the peak pick to obtain the intensities (Fig. C.12). The above sample was measured ten times. The peak intensity data are shown in Fig. C.13. The fit-and-replace routine reduced the RSD (Relative Standard Deviation) for the measurement (Fig. C.13) by more than a factor of two!

Fig. C.11 The peak and trough regions are fitted to a polynomial

Fig. C.12 The result spectrum contains the new peak and trough fitted data

Appendix D: Quantitation of Organic Radicals Using Tempol


Fig. C.13 Peak intensity comparison for peak intensity data from the original data spectra compared with that obtained after the fit-and-replace routine

Additional Techniques to Improve Double Integration Results There are a number of additional ways that one can improve the quality of spectra for making either peak intensity or double integral measurements. Below is a list of some of these methods: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Simulation Moving average filter Fit-and-replace FFT combined with window function filter Least squares fitting Cross correlation

Appendix D: Quantitation of Organic Radicals Using Tempol The purpose of this appendix is to describe a general method for quantitating organic radicals such as a spin-trap adduct in nonviscous solvents using the stable nitroxide 4-hydroxy tempo (Tempol) as a spin standard. There are multiple samplerelated and instrument-related factors that must be considered in designing EPR quantitation experiments. The details of these factors and many of the precautions one must be aware of are discussed in the main body of this book. Probably the biggest challenge in quantitative EPR is finding a spin standard that has similar EPR behavior to that of the sample. Experiments with nitroxides have an advantage, in



that, standards such as Tempol are chemically very similar, and thus, they exhibit similar EPR behavior. In addition, Tempol is stable, soluble in a variety of solvents, and is commercially available. This appendix is a sample experimental procedure in which a quantitative EPR comparison was made between the spin trapped DMPO/hydroxyl radical adduct (DMPO/OH) and a Tempol solution of known concentration.

Determine the Concentration of the Tempol Solution Before doing any EPR, the concentration of the Tempol standard should be carefully determined. Prepare a nominal 100 mM solution of Tempol in water by weighing the appropriate amount of solid using an analytical balance. The concentration should be verified using the optical absorption of the Tempol. Morrisett (1976) reported an extinction coefficient of 1,440 M1 cm1 at 240 nm for Tempol in ethanol. Kooser et al. (1992) describe a titration method using ascorbate that allowed them to determine the extinction coefficient of Tempol in water at 429 nm (13.4 M1 cm1). While many impurities may absorb at 240 nm, the absorbance of a Tempol solution at 429 nm is very likely to be specific for the nitroxide moiety. Therefore, the method described by Kooser et al. is recommended to determine the concentration of the Tempol standard. The extinction coefficient of 13.4 M1 cm1 gives good agreement with gravimetric determinations corrected for the purity of Tempol purchased from Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, WI, Aldrich No. (17,614-1). If the concentration calculated with this value of e does not match the concentration based on the gravimetric preparation, the ascorbate titration described by Kooser et al. should be performed.

Prepare Several Dilutions of the Stock Tempol Solution Starting with the nominally 100 mM stock solution, make two 1:10 dilutions. Use the second dilution (nominally 1 mM) to make dilutions to 300, 200, 100, 75, 50, 25, 12.5 and 5 mM.

Record the EPR Spectra of the Tempol Dilutions The following parameters were selected based on the optimization of settings for Tempol in Appendix A. Most importantly, the microwave power is significantly below the saturation level in the case of a Bruker ER 4119HS cavity. If a different cavity is used, an appropriate microwave power should be determined by following the optimization procedure outlined in Appendix A.

Appendix D: Quantitation of Organic Radicals Using Tempol


The spectrometer settings were as follows: Microwave frequency Modulation frequency Microwave power Modulation amplitude Time constant Scan time Conversion time Number of scans Field sweep Center field Receiver gain Number of data points

9.78 GHz 100 kHz 5 mW 1G 2.56 ms 2.62 s 2.56 ms 64 100 G 3,481 2 103 1,024

Determine the Double Integrals of the EPR Spectra from Each of the Dilutions This step is very important. To obtain meaningful quantitative results, the double integrals must accurately represent the EPR absorption of the samples. Baseline drift, background signals, and a low signal to noise ratio will all decrease the accuracy and reproducibility of the double integrations. For the purpose of demonstration, the signals in this appendix were very strong which made the double integration quite accurate (see Fig. D.1).

Fig. D.1 Double integral from one of the Tempol concentrations used in the standard curve



Make a Standard Curve of Double Integrated Intensity Versus Tempol Concentration The standard curve (see Fig. D.2) should be made using as many replicates at each Tempol concentration as is necessary to give reasonable statistical significance. It is helpful to prepare the 100 mM stock solution several times and repeat the dilution process. This will give an idea of the error contributed by weighing, measuring the 429 nm absorbance, diluting the stock solution, etc. The double integrated intensity of the EPR spectra should increase linearly as a function of the Tempol concentration. A linear regression analysis can be used to get an R2 (i.e., the square of the correlation coefficient between the observed and predicted Tempol values) and slope for the curve.

Prepare a DMPO/OH Sample The next step is to prepare the radical adduct sample. For this example a simple Fenton reagent (i.e., ferrous ammonium sulfate and hydrogen peroxide) was used. The EPR spectrum was recorded using the settings described in Step 2 because previous experiments had shown that the linewidths and power saturation were similar to that for Tempol.

Use WIN EPR to Determine the Double Integral of the DMPO/OH Spectrum The double integrals for the DMPO/OH sample should be calculated using the same procedures as for Tempol (Fig. D.3). Next, locate the position of the double integral

Fig. D.2 Typical standard curve for the double integrated intensity of Tempol

Appendix D: Quantitation of Organic Radicals Using Tempol


Fig. D.3 Double integration of experimental spectrum

Fig. D.4 Locate the position of the double integral of the DMPO/OH sample on the Tempol standard curve

for the DMPO/OH sample on the standard curve for Tempol (Fig. D.4) Alternatively, the slope from linear regression analysis can be used to calculate the concentration of DMPO/OH that was present in the reaction.



Summary This appendix presents a simple method for quantitating nitroxide radical adducts. The general method has been used by many researchers in the field of biological EPR. Experiments with nitroxides provide a situation where the spectroscopist can be confident that the EPR behavior of the sample (i.e., spin trap adduct or spin label) and the standard are very similar. With other types of samples it may be difficult to find a standard that has sufficiently similar EPR behavior. Therefore, it is important to read Chap. 10 in this book. If the sample to be quantitated is not a freely tumbling nitroxide, be certain that an appropriate standard is selected.

Appendix E: Using a Reference Standard for Relative Intensity Measurements In recent years there has been growing use of EPR as a simple detection device for various processes. In these situations the researchers or technologists have found that EPR provides a unique alternative because it is specific, sensitive and in many cases provides the most rapid and least labor intensive method. Some examples of industries employing EPR for routine measurement include: the pharmaceutical, radiation processing, brewing, food and polymer industries (just to name a few). In each of these cases the most important factor in the end is the reproducibility of the measurement. There is a need to have confidence in the measurement from dayto-day, and to be able to get a reasonable estimate of measurement uncertainty (hopefully low). The use of a stable reference standard is often the best way to provide the reliable day-to-day measurement consistency that these applications all require. The system is configured so that the EPR spectrum of the unknown samples can be measured simultaneously with the reference sample. Often the EPR intensity ratio of the unknown sample to that of the reference sample is used rather than the intensity of the sample itself. This appendix provides an overview of procedures where a stable EPR reference standard is employed.

Why use an EPR Reference Standard? In this book many of the effects of instrumental settings and sample environment on the EPR signal have been discussed. Variations in Q-value of the cavity, detector variations, etc. can all compromise the ability to make consistent measurements (even on the same sample). By using a permanently mounted (or at least a reproducibly mounted) EPR reference standard, the impact of many of these unavoidable instrumental variances on the measurement can be minimized. This is

Appendix E: Using a Reference Standard for Relative Intensity Measurements



Reference standard

Fig. E.1 Example of an EPR reference standard that has a resonance position that is 40 G upwards in field from a g ¼ 2 signal

done by making an EPR intensity measurement on both the sample and the reference at the same time (Fig. E.1), and then using the ratio as the primary result. Measured Value =

Sample Intensity Reference Standard Intensity

When this is done, small deviations in the sensitivity of the instrument due to temperature, humidity, electrical variances, etc are not introduced into error of the measurement. The reference standard experiences the same changes as the sample. So, although the absolute intensity values may vary, the ratio of sample intensity to reference intensity remains the same.

Properties of an Ideal EPR Reference Standard 1. Stability – The reference standard material must be stable to allow reproducible measurements over extended periods of time. Stability is defined here as: chemical stability, photo stability, physical stability, and of course unvarying intensity 2. Isotropy – The position of the reference standard’s EPR spectrum must not vary as a function of its orientation in the magnetic field. 3. Field for resonance – The reference standard’s EPR spectrum must not substantially overlap the measured sample’s EPR spectrum. Ideally both spectra should be acquired in the same field scan. 4. Cost – The reference standard material should be low in cost and easy to prepare reproducibly. 5. Ease of use – The reference standard material should be easy to configure in various holders or other devices that allow reproducible positioning in the microwave cavity.



Positioning of the Reference Standard is Critical For EPR to be successful as a routine instrument in an industrial QA/QC (Quality Assurance/Quality Control) environment the measuring set-up needs to be simple and provide very reproducible measurements from day-to-day. Once a good reference standard material is selected, the next goal is to encase the standard in a sample holder or part of the cavity that will assure that its position does not change. Below are some examples of reference standard holders that have been successful in providing very reproducible measurements (Fig. E.2).

Testing the Measurement Reproducibility of an EPR Reference Standard A proposed reference standard setup should first be tested alone, by making repeatability and reproducibility measurements. Repeatability measurements are

a b




Fig. E.2 Examples of devices for holding an EPR reference standard. (a) is a simple capillary holder with a groove that can be packed with powdered reference standard material. (b) is a reference standard pedestal that can be fixed into the cavity in three different positions. (c) is a reference standard containing a tube holder for the e-scan benchtop spectrometer. (d) is an alanine film dosimeter holder. (e) is a cavity mounted micrometer device that permits moving a reference standard capillary in and out

Appendix E: Using a Reference Standard for Relative Intensity Measurements


Fig. E.3 Peak intensity data for a pedestal mounted EPR reference standard

defined here as consecutive measurements made without moving the reference standard out of the cavity. Reproducibility is defined as consecutive measurements made where some sort of movement or repositioning of the reference standard is made in between measurements (such as might occur in the routine assay). Figures E.3–E.5 show examples of a repeatability and reproducibility measurements performed with the Bruker reference standard pedestal accessory.

Repeatability Test In this test the reference standard containing pedestal was locked into one of the 4 mm positioning grooves and 20 consecutive field scans were performed (35 s delay). The pedestal was left in place throughout the 20 scans. This test can also be done for longer periods (such as overnight or over several days).

Reproducibility Test In this test the EPR spectrometer was configured to perform 20 field scans with a 35 s delay between scans. After every other field scan (during the 35 s delay), the reference standard containing pedestal was removed completely from the cavity,



Fig. E.4 Reproducibility test for the reference standard pedestal

Fig. E.5 Peak intensity data for a pedestal mounted EPR reference standard obtained in a reproducibility test

and re-inserted locking it each time into one of the three 4-mm positioning grooves. The results of the test are summarized in Fig. E.5.

Summary EPR reference standards have proven invaluable for making routine EPR measurements in industrial processes. For example the Bruker e-scan alanine dosimetry system is capable of measuring irradiation dose from a few Gray to 100 kGy with

Appendix F: Example Procedure for Measuring Signal-to-Noise Ratio


a total measurement uncertainty of 3%. The instrument’s measurement reproducibility, itself, is less than 1%. Such precision and low uncertainty, provide substantial annual savings for radiation processing facilities and make EPR a viable method for their QC/QA work.

Appendix F: Example Procedure for Measuring Signal-to-Noise Ratio Signal-to-Noise Testing for Spectrometer Maintenance The signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) test is an important part of routine spectrometer maintenance. It is also helpful in diagnosing possible problems that may be encountered especially when dealing with very weak signals or signals to be quantitated. For many years spectrometer manufacturers have tested S/N with specified power, modulation amplitude, and other parameters using a particular vendor-supplied “weak pitch” sample. Some historical background is provided in Eaton and Eaton (1992). This appendix is specific to Bruker spectrometers with an ER 4119HS standard cavity and the weak pitch sample shipped with the spectrometer. The test measures the EPR signal intensity (peak-to-peak height) of the weak pitch sample at low microwave power (12 dB) and then measures the noise level under the same conditions except higher microwave power (0 dB) and higher receiver gain to characterize the noise better. The formula for calculation of signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) is: S AS GN ¼ N AN G S

rffiffiffiffiffiffi PN 2:5 pffiffiffi PS TC


where AS and AN are the peak to peak height of the weak pitch and amplitude of the noise respectively. GS and GN are the receiver gains used in signal and noise measurements respectively – their ratio is used to correct for the different gain settings use in the signal and noise data acquisition. PS and PN are the powers used in the two measurements: the square root of the ratio of powers is used to correct for the power difference. The factor of 2.5 translates the peak-to-peak noise level to a RMS (Root Mean Square) noise level. T is the time constant (in seconds): the square root of the time constant is used to normalize the S/N to a 1 s time constant. C is the weak pitch correction factor that is printed on the label of the Bruker weak pitch sample. The standard instrument settings for signal and noise measurements are listed in Table F.1. Note that the weak pitch line is severely over-modulated in this test to blur out sample-to-sample differences in line width and line shape. In Xepr there is a built-in subroutine to measure the signal to noise ratio which has the default values of standard settings. To measure the amplitudes of the signal and noise on a print out


Appendix Table F.1 Instrument setting for signal/noise measurement Parameter Signal Modulation amplitude (G) 6.0 Modulation frequency (kHz) 100 Receiver gain 2.0 104 Phase 0 Time constant (ms) 1,310.72 Conversion time (ms) 163.84 Center field (G) 3,480 X-axis setting Field sweep Sweep width (G) 50 X resolution (points) 1,024 Microwave attenuation (dB) 23

Noise 6.0 100 5.0 104 0 1,310.72 163.84 1,500 Time scan – 1,024 0

by hand, make sure that the same scale is used for both signal and noise spectra. Otherwise the result should be multiplied by the ratio of the plot scales.

Spectrometer Settings for Signal/Noise Measurements Using the Bruker ER 4119HS Cavity Measuring the Signal to Noise Ratio Step 1. Open the Signal/Noise Ratio Test window under the Acquisition drop-down menu (see Fig. F.1). The window has two empty spectra and each one contains a set of default parameters for signal or noise measurement. Click either one of the windows with the left mouse button to activate that window. The parameters shown on the right will be assigned to that measurement. Step 2. Enter the calibration factor printed on the label of the weak pitch sample into the Weak Pitch factor box (see Fig. F.2). Step 3. Activate the signal measurement. Click the signal window (the upper one). A blue bar will appear on the right upper corner. Check the parameter settings by opening the Standard Parameter dialog box. The parameters should look like those in Fig. F.3. Step 4. Set a time delay before each field sweep. Since a very long time constant is used, set a delay time of 2–5 s to avoid overshoots or undershoots in the first few data points when the spectrum is acquired. Open the Experimental Options dialog box (found in the Parameter drop-down menu) and set the Delay before each sweep option, and enter a delay of 2–5 s (see Fig. F.4). It is useful to select the MW Fine Tune before each sweep option to ensure the acquisition is made under proper coupling conditions. Step 5. Acquire a signal spectrum. Click the RUN button in the tool bar to acquire a weak pitch spectrum (see Fig. F.5). If the spectrum is off center, use the

Appendix F: Example Procedure for Measuring Signal-to-Noise Ratio

Fig. F.1 Open signal/noise measurement window

Fig. F.2 Enter the weak pitch factor




Fig. F.3 Example parameters for signal measurement (Bruker ER 4119HS cavity)

center field tool to set the correct field center. If there is a large offset, open the “Interactive Spectrometer Control” dialog box and adjust the offset to the proper position where the indicator of the Receiver Level is in the middle. Do not forget to click the “Set Parameters to the Spectrum” button and move the pointer to the signal measurement window and click the left mouse button again. Step 6. Click the lower window to activate the noise measurement window. Check the parameters. Open the parameter dialog box. Make sure the X axis is set to Time Scan, the power is 200 mW, gain is 5 104 and the field center at 1,500 G. The other parameters should be similar to those in signal measurement (see Fig. F.6). Step 7. Click the RUN button in the tool bar to acquire the noise spectrum. Frequently the baseline will drift since 200 mW microwave power is going to heat up the cavity and the sample. Wait a few minutes to achieve thermal equilibrium. Check the tuning and coupling of the system. Retune the system if necessary. There may be a rather large baseline offset due to the excessive power and high gain.

Appendix F: Example Procedure for Measuring Signal-to-Noise Ratio


Fig. F.4 Set experimental options

Use the interactive box to make the offset adjustment so that the indicator of the receiver level is in the middle. Click the left mouse button on Set Parameters to Spectrum, move the pointer to the noise measurement window, and click again. If the signal overshoots or undershoots, a 2–5 s delay time can be set in the Experimental Options box as in Step 4. Step 8. Acquire a noise spectrum. Click the RUN button in the tool bar and acquire the noise spectrum again. Two horizontal lines will automatically emerge indicating the noise level. If the baseline still drifts, the linear baseline correction button can be used to compensate for linear drifts.


Fig. F.5 Signal measurement

Fig. F.6 Parameters for noise measurement


Appendix G: How Good Can It Get: Absolute EPR Signal Intensity


Fig. F.7 Noise measurement and the final result

Step 9. Check the S/N ratio. On the right panel the results of the signal intensity and noise level measurements appear automatically. At the bottom of the panel, the automatically calculated signal to noise ratio will be displayed in the box (see Fig. F.7). The signal to noise ratio should meet the specification indicated for a particular instrument and cavity (check the instrument’s documentation for the S/N specification). If there is a change in the S/N for the instrument, a service representative should be consulted.

Appendix G: How Good Can It Get: Absolute EPR Signal Intensity Throughout this discussion, it has been inherent that the better the S/N, the better the quantitative accuracy possible. The question, then, is what S/N can EPR aspire to? The first quantitative EPR performance criterion was a weak pitch S/N ¼ 20 on the Varian V4502. EPR has come a long way since then. The S/N for weak pitch under comparable conditions in a TE102 cavity has improved approximately linearly with time (Eaton and Eaton 1992). Why did this book not start with a measurement of the absolute EPR signal intensity, instead of leaving it to the last appendix? Hyde’s 1962 statement (as reported by Alger 1968, p. 200) that “of all the measurements one can make with EPR equipment, the determination of absolute spin concentration is the most difficult” remains true more than 47 years later. This section presents the background needed to estimate the ultimate sensitivity of spectrometers, and cites



papers that illustrate the state of the art in absolute concentration measurements. It shows how to estimate the sensitivity of a perfect spectrometer with known resonator Q, etc., and how real losses and active components prevent achieving this ideal (Eaton et al. 1998; Rinard et al. 1999a, b, c, 2002a, b, 2004). In prior chapters the EPR signal has been expressed in the form: VS ¼ w00 Q

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi PZ0


Now, to calculate the S/N, the terms w00 , Z, and P have to be defined more carefully. Experimentally, the S/N measurement is a ratio of the maximum signal amplitude to the rms noise. In the calculations that follow, the estimate of the ultimate achievable S/N includes a calculation of the thermal noise power. The resultant noise voltage is an rms value, which is appropriate for the denominator of the S/N calculation. Note that the equation for Vs also is expressed in terms of microwave power, so this would yield an rms value for B1. As discussed in Chap. 8, the filling factor calculation uses the linearly polarized B1, but only the circularly polarized component creates the EPR signal. As explained in more detail below, to reduce confusion, the factor of 1/2 is included explicitly in the calculation of Vs, rather than in the calculation of Z. The third term to discuss is the spin susceptibility. Ideally, one would use the full line shape function, and the fraction that is detected in the CW measurement, in the calculation. In this chapter, an approximation is introduced by using the expressions from Weil and Bolton (2007) for line shapes (539ff). It is assumed that the line shape is Gaussian and that the modulation amplitude will be approximately equal to the line width, so that the entire sample magnetization will be measured. Further, it is assumed that there is no power saturation of the spin system.

The Spin Magnetization, M, for an Arbitrary Spin, S: Definitions The spin magnetization is M0 ¼H0 w0 ¼

M0 ¼N0

B0 w: m0 0

g2 h2 B0 SðS þ 1Þ 1 3 JT m ¼ Am1 3kB T



So, M/H is unitless, as required. For S ¼ 1/2, M0 ¼ N0

g2 h2 B 0 g2 b2 B0 ¼ N0 4kB T 4kB Tsample


Appendix G: How Good Can It Get: Absolute EPR Signal Intensity


Definitions and units in these equations: gb ¼ g h


g ¼ 1.7608 107 rad s1 G1 ¼ 1.7608 1011 s1 T1, h ¼ 1.0546 1034 joule s rad1, N0 is the number of spins per unit volume. (In some publications, the number of spins per unit volume is split into two terms, N, the number of spins in volume V, and V is the volume of sample in m3.) The static magnetic field B0 ¼ o0/g. S is the electron spin, which is 1/2 in the calculations in this appendix. kB ¼ 1.3806 1023 joule K1 is Boltzmann’s constant. T is the temperature of the sample in K. The permeability of vacuum, m0 ¼ 4p107 T2J1m3. The magnetic susceptibility of the sample, w00 (dimensionless), is the imaginary component of the effective RF susceptibility. It is assumed that the line is Gaussian, which is a reasonable approximation for a nitroxide or weak pitch sample, since there are unresolved hyperfine interactions. The assumption makes the calculation simpler than using a more realistic line shape function. For a Lorentzian line, with width at half height = Do at resonance frequency, o, w00 ¼ w0

o ; Do

where Do is the line width:


The formula in (G.6) requires use of pffiffithe ffi absorption line width, so the peak-topeak derivative width is multiplied by 3. Although nitroxide and weak pitch lines are not Lorentzian, this simple approximation provides a reasonable estimate of w00 , but small adjustments can be made for Gaussian or mixed line shapes. At X-band, for ca. 9.4 GHz, B0 ¼ ca. 3,360 G ¼ 0.336 T. To get units right in these calculations use the relation (from Wertz and Bolton, 1972) that the units of erg gauss are Gcm 3 , and convert to SI units. Then, use the susceptibility formula in the following form: w00 ¼ w0

o N 0 g2 h2 m0 o ¼ Do 4kB T Do


Units for this equation cancel 2

rad s1 m3 ðs1 T 1 Þ ðJsÞ2 ðT 2 J 1 m3 Þ ¼ unitless 1 JK 1 K G rad s1 G It is convenient to combine all terms that are not specific to a particular sample to simplify multiple calculations. w00 ¼

2 2 N0 o 1:76 1011 1:0546 1034 4p 107 N0 o ¼ 2:66 1032 Do Do 4 1:38 1023 ð295Þ (G.8)



N has units of spins per cubic meter, and frequency and line width are both either Hz or G. For this example room temperature is assumed. If the line width does not change and the signal does not saturate, the sensitivity decreases inversely proportional to the temperature. Next, calculate the signal voltage, VS, for a “perfect” spectrometer, which does not add noise in the detection system using, VS ¼ ð1=2Þw00 QL

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Z0 P


where VS is the CW EPR signal voltage at the end of the transmission line connected to the resonator, Z (dimensionless) is the resonator filling factor, Q (dimensionless) is the loaded quality factor of the resonator, sometimes denoted QL, Z0 is the characteristic impedance of the transmission line (in ohms, usually 50), and P is the microwave power (in W) to the resonator produced by the external microwave source. A 1 mM S ¼ 1/2 radical sample has about 1 103 M/L 103 L/m3 6:022 1023 M1 ¼ 6:022 1023

spins=m3 (G.10)

These are unusual units for chemical concentrations, but the spin concentration per cubic meter is needed for equations in SI units. Assume a single Gaussian line with 1 G width. The goal of the calculation is the maximum signal amplitude (i.e, the peak of the line). The susceptibility to be used in the calculation of signal voltage VS, for a 0.01 mM solution is thus, w00 ¼ 2:66 1032

2p9:4 109 pffiffiffi 0:01 6 1023 ð0:8Þ ¼ 2:5 107 6 1 3 2p2:8 10 (G.11)

The 0.8 in this equation results from the assumption of a Gaussian line shape. Nitroxide – Note that discussion of the sensitivity for nitroxides has to account for the fact that the intensity is spread over three lines due to the 14N hyperfine, so the concentration is divided by 3 and the calculation is based on an effective concentration.

Signal Voltage Equation (G.9) is the signal voltage for CW EPR, for a given sample of given concentration in a resonator with a given Q and a given filling factor for a given input power (Rinard et al. 1999a, c). Recall from the discussion at the beginning of this appendix that the 1/2 in (G.9) comes from the fact that only half of the total

Calculation of Noise


microwave magnetization is effective in causing EPR transitions. One of the circularly polarized components rotates in the opposite direction and has little effect on the spins. To perform a sample calculation for a 0.01 mM nitroxide sample: assume as standard values Q ¼ 3,000, P ¼ 1 103 W, and Z0 ¼ 50 ohm. The filling factor can be approximated as the ratio of the volumes, but more accurate calculations for a Bruker rectangular TE102 cavity resonator are presented in Chap. 8 on Filling Factor. Using those results, assume that the filling factor, Z, is about 6 103 (0.6%). Substitution of these values into (G.9) gives the signal voltage at the end of the transmission line connected to the resonator for the 0.01 mM nitroxide sample as qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi VS ¼ ð1=3Þð1=2Þ 2:5 107 6 103 ð3000Þ ð50Þ 1 103 ¼ 1:7 107 V


This is the signal voltage for each line of the 0.01 mM nitroxide sample prior to amplification. The gain of the spectrometer can be ignored for the purpose of this S/N calculation, since signal and noise are amplified equally. This calculation is equivalent to assuming an ideal spectrometer that adds no noise.

Calculation of Noise There are several contributions to the noise in the spectrometer. Ideally, the limiting noise would be the noise factor (NF) of the first stage amplifier amplifying thermal noise. However, there are also losses in the path from the resonator to the detector, which can be large at X-band, source phase noise, and the NF of the detection system. Calculation of the noise at the output of the resonator provides an estimate of ideal S/N. The thermal noise power in a 50 ohm system, in dBm, is given by Pn ¼ 174 þ 10 log(bandwidth). (G.13) Values in dBm are relative to 1 mW power. Assume a 1 s filter time constant, which corresponds to ca 0.125 Hz effective noise bandwidth for a two-pole filter. Thus, Pn ¼ 174 þ 10 log(0.125) ¼ 183 dBm. To convert from dBm to voltage, convert to watts by dividing Pn by 10 and taking the inverse log: Inverse log(dBm/10) ¼ 5 1019 mW ¼ 5 1022 W. Since this is power, the noise is calculated as rms V by multiplying by 50 ohm and taking the square root. V¼

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1=2 WR ¼ 50 5 1022 ¼ 1:58 1010 V




Calculation of S/N for a Nitroxide Sample This pair of calculations suggests a maximum S/N for the 0.010 mM nitroxide solution of 1:7 107 ¼ 1:08 103 S=N ¼ (G.15) 1:58 1010 This calculation assumed that the intensity was spread over three lines that are 1 G wide, and assumed that the magnetic field modulation was chosen to observe all of the EPR line, rather than ca. 1/10 of the line.

Calculation of S/N for a Weak Pitch Sample The sensitivity specification for a modern spectrometer is about 1010 spins per G linewidth. This value is based on a measurement of weak pitch using a slightly saturating microwave power and the modulation amplitude set larger than line width; conditions chosen to maximize the signal amplitude. The calculation of S/N for weak pitch assumes a line width broadened to 6 G by large modulation amplitude and 200 mW incident power. The Varian catalog listed strong pitch as 3 1015DH spins/cm 15%. Yordanov and Ivanova (1994a) cited 3 1018 spins/cm for Bruker strong pitch, but this does not agree with other information. Weak pitch is diluted by a factor of 300 relative to strong pitch, so it has 1 1013DH spins/cm. The weak pitch spectrum is sharp in the center, with broad wings. Variations among samples are calibrated and the correction factor is used in the S/N test (see Appendix F). Line widths of weak pitch samples vary. To compensate for these variations, over-modulated spectra are used in signal-to-noise (S/N) tests, as described in Appendix F. To within the accuracy of the present discussion, the line width DH is estimated as 1.2 G. Hence, there are 1.2 1013 spins per cm of length. For a standard rectangular cavity, the active length of the resonator is about 2 cm, but with variation in signal over this length such that the effective signal increase is roughly 1.5 times that for a 1 cm sample. The effective filling factor (see table in Chap. 8) will thus be about 1.9% for a 3 mm i.d. weak pitch sample 2 cm long. This factor is used in the calculation of the signal voltage. Note that in denominator of (G.16), the experimental over-modulated peakto-peak line width (6 G) is used and then converted to s1, because the spectrum is broadened by the modulation by roughly the same amount that the intensity is increased by the over-modulation (recall that the assumption is that the modulation is chosen such that all of the spin susceptibility is measured). w00 ¼ 2:66 1032

2p9:4 109 pffiffiffi 2Þð1:2 1013 spins=0:14 106 m3 ð0:8Þ 6 ð6Þ 3ð2p2:8 10 Þ

¼ 1:2 109 (G.16)

Summary of Impact of Parameters on S/N


The signal voltage is calculated for 200 mW incident power, assuming that the signal does not saturate. qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi VS ¼ ð1=2Þ 1:2 109 ð0:019Þð3000Þ ð50Þ 200 103 ¼ 1:08 107 V 1:08 107 ¼ 684 S=N ¼ 1:58 1010

(G.17) (G.18)

Thus, S/N ¼ 684 is predicted for weak pitch in a perfect spectrometer with a TE102 cavity. Note that the noise in the denominator is strongly dependent on the filter time constant and the equivalent noise effective bandwidth of the filter. Losses and the noise of active devices in the signal path might increase the noise relative to the EPR signal by 6 dB. Lacking an actual measurement, assume an effective overall noise figure, NF ¼ 6 dB, which is a factor of 2 in noise voltage, resulting in a prediction of S/N ¼ 342 for weak pitch. The Bruker specification for a standard rectangular TE102 cavity resonator on an Elexsys spectrometer is 400:1. For conditions comparable to the assumptions of this calculation, but with an optimized source and high-Q resonator on an EMXPlus spectrometer, Bruker now meets a 3000:1 S/N specification for weak pitch. Thus, this S/N calculation is fairly realistic, and is probably good to within a factor of two given the various approximations made, especially about filling factor and amount of the long line sample actually observed. The experimental weak pitch S/N measurement uses the derivative spectrum. In comparing the calculation with experiment, it is assumed that the noise floor is established prior to the phase-sensitive detector, and that the derivative spectrum is observed with the same S/N as the absorption.

Summary of Impact of Parameters on S/N The following section discusses the contributions of noise other than thermal noise. First, review the parameters in the above equations. The signal voltage is given by (G.9). The properties of the sample dominate this – the spin concentration contributes linearly. The more spins the stronger the EPR signal. The narrower the line, the stronger the EPR signal for the same number of spins. The larger the sample, the larger the filling factor, but usually a larger sample lowers the Q, so there is a tradeoff. In addition, as pointed out in an earlier Chapter, the number of spins has to be kept small enough that the EPR signal is a small perturbation on the resonator Q. Increasing modulation amplitude increases S/N up to about an amplitude equal to the line width for narrow lines. Very large modulation amplitudes (more than a few gauss) may increase the noise level due to microphonics. Increasing gain will



increase signal amplitude, but will not increase S/N. The other operator-controlled variables are the microwave frequency and the temperature, but these are usually dictated by the goals of the experiment and by the resources available. This treatment ignores relaxation times. The electron spin relaxation time will determine the microwave power (P) that can be used. Operator judgment is required here also, trading off partial saturation for better S/N, as discussed in Sect. 4.11 and Appendix A.

How to Improve the Spectrometer: The Friis Equation The estimates above used an overall noise figure for the detection system. One could measure each component to estimate its effect on the overall noise figure. To understand the importance of various losses and noise sources in a spectrometer, one would know all of the terms in the Friis equation. There are many ways to write the Friis equation. A way that is favored by engineers is in terms of the noise temperature of each stage. Noise temperature does not imply physical temperature. Te1:::n ¼ Te1 þ

Te2 Ten þ ::: þ g1 g1 g2 :::gn1


where gi is the power gain of the ith stage and Tei is the noise temperature of the ith stage. Te ¼ T0(F1). The noise factor (F) is the ratio of the output noise power to the portion of the output noise power that is produced by the input thermal noise when at a standard temperature of 290 K. For a noiseless network F ¼ 1 (the noise figure, NF, would be 0 dB) and Te ¼ 0. T0 ¼ 290 K. For practical calculations of a spectrometer, recall that a mixer, used as a phase-sensitive detector, has a loss of 1.44 dB (Rinard et al. 1999c). It can be seen from the Friis equation that the overall noise figure of a network is strongly dependent on the gain and NF of the first stage amplifier. If the early stages have low enough NF and high enough gain, the later stages are of little importance unless they introduce an enormous noise or interference signal (such as 60 Hz!). It is especially important to recognize that all losses prior to the first amplifier increase the effective noise figure by the amount of the losses.

Experimental Comparison Although this seems rather forbidding, it is not impossible to make the necessary calculations and measurements. Starting with the number of spins in the sample, one calculates the signal as in the examples above, and compares it with the noise expected for the known (measured) gains, losses, and noise figures of each stage in the signal detection path of the spectrometer. A commercial CW EPR spectrometer is of course the hardest case, because one does not know the gains and losses and

Experimental Comparison


noise figures of all of the components in the signal detection path. Consequently, results are given for a locally-constructed pulsed EPR spectrometer. For a particular case an S-band spin echo was calculated to be 3.0 V at the digital oscilloscope, and the measured echo was 2.9 V (Rinard et al. 1999c). These results provide confidence that the approach used is a valid way to identify the major targets for improvement of EPR spectrometer performance. Immediately evident from the Friis equation is that loss prior to the first stage amplifier, and the noise figure of the first stage amplifier can dominate the overall noise figure of the system. In older CW EPR spectrometers, the detector and first stage amplifier had poorer noise figures than is now possible due to technology improvements. From the discussions of Z, Q, B1, and modulation amplitude it is evident that resonators with higher Q and more uniform B1, and modulation coil systems with more uniform modulation over the sample, all could yield improved signal amplitudes. The Bruker “high-Q” resonators exploit some of these features to provide the user with improved S/N. When everything else is improved, microwave source noise becomes an important contributor. Hence, for the highest-Q resonators, the microwave source has to be specially selected to have the lowest noise among those currently available. Sometimes, it is necessary to trade off S/N for other experimental goals. For example, there is almost no loss in short lengths of X-band waveguide, but there is not enough room in the normal cryostat that fits in a normal magnet gap to use waveguide to the cavity. Hence, in cryostats coaxial cable is used at X-band (at Q-band, waveguide can be used). A meter of coaxial cable results in a loss of about 16% of the signal voltage (ca. 1.5 dB) at X-band. The Friis equation points to another tradeoff. A low-noise preamplifier could greatly improve the EPR S/N by establishing the noise floor before significant losses, such as in the detector crystal. However, a low-noise preamplifier will not survive more than a few milliwatts incident power. Consequently, if a low-noise preamplifier is used in a general-purpose spectrometer, the operator has to switch it out of the circuit whenever the power limits of the amplifier would be exceeded, or it has to be protected by a limiter, which itself increases the noise figure. There is no free lunch. A low-noise preamplifier is used in the Bruker E580 pulsed spectrometer, where it is protected by an active limiter (microwave switch) and can be switched out of the circuit by the operator. If, however, a low-noise preamplifier could be installed at the output of the resonator, as might be possible with a bimodal resonator, a factor of at least two in S/N performance might be possible.


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A Absorption signal, 28, 48 AFC effect on, 58 effect of reference phase, 57 in field modulation scheme, 127 first derivative of, 132 hyperfine splitting of, 3 Absorption spectrum, 28, 55, 132, 135 Acetonitrile, 108 ADC. See Analog to digital converter Alanine dosimetry, 150 Alanine film, 20, 148 AlCl3, 109 Analog to digital converter (ADC), 41 Analytical balance, 37, 66, 142 Anisotropy, 3, 31 Ansoft Corporation, 46 Antenna coupling assembly, 66 Antiparallel state, 1 Aqueous samples, 17, 69, 72, 76, 108 a-strain, 31 Attenuation, 46, 65, 67 Attenuator, 6, 8, 65, 67 Automated power sweep experiment, 117 Automatic frequency control (AFC), 58, 69

B B0, 1, 2, 28, 35, 104 B1, 36, 69 in conversion efficiency, 80 definition, 69 estimation with a point sample, 47

in parallel mode, 35 in rectangular cavity, 70 spatial distribution using 3D imaging, 112 in uniform field resonator, 72 Background corrections, 18 Background subtraction, 40 Baseline correction, 44, 135 drift, 41 improvement from signal averaging, 124 instability, 10, 124 sloping, 73 BDPA, 46, 48, 52, 73 Benzosemiquinones, 3 Bias power, 67 Bimodal resonator, 98 24 Bit digitizers, 39 Bohr magneton, 2 Boltzmann distribution, 27 Boltzmann distribution function, 91 Boltzmann population, 91 Boltzmann statistics, 27 Boltzmann’s, 27 Borosilicate, 76 Breit-Rabi effects, 104 Bruker BioSpin e-scan benchtop EPR unit, 78 DC-AFC system, 75 digitizer, 41 E580 pulsed EPR spectrometer, 87 ER 4103TM cavity, 75 ER 4119HS resonator, 71



Flexline resonators, 95 hardware, 24 spectrometers, 7, 41 Xenon software, 113 X-Sealant, 38

C 2,2,5,5-Tetramethyl-3-pyroline-1-oxyl3-carboxylic acid, 17 C60, 18, 19, 54 Calibration of signal channel and cavity modulation amplitude, 52 modulation phase, 52 Capacitance, 82, 101 Capillary tube sealant, 37 Carbon 13 satellites, 42 Carbon-centered radicals, 3 3-Carbamoyl-2,2,5,5tetramethylpyrrolidinyloxyl, 110 3-Carbamoyl-2,2,5,5tetramethylpyrrolinyloxyl, 110 Catalysis and mineralogy, 22 Cavity. See Microwave cavity Cernox, 95 CF935 cryostat, 95 Chloroform, 34, 92 Cigarette smoke, 17, 23 Circulator, 7, 66, 67, 85 Clear fused quartz, 76 Co2+, 32 Colorimetric, 16 Computer simulated spectrum, 45 Conductor, 25, 84 Console, 6, 10 Conversion efficiency, 80, 90 Conversion time optimizing, 41 in signal averaging, 60 Coppinger’s radical, 55 Cr(III), 16, 17, 34 Cr(V), 16 Cr2O3, 17 Cr3+, 32, 109, 110 Critically coupled definition of, 9, 66 relationship to Q, 84 Critoseal, 38


Cryogenic, 91, 92 Cryopump, 97 Cryostat, 95, 96 Crystal detector, 29, 38, 48, 65, 87, 127 Cu(II), 16, 36, 108 Cu2+, 3, 32 CuCl2, 108 Curie law, 91, 98, 109 CuSO4, 107–110 CW EPR introduction to, 5 signal intensity in, 63 typical spectrometer, 6 Cylindrical cavity, 73

D DC AFC circuit, 59 Demodulation, 124, 125, 127, 132 Derivative spectroscopy, 30 Derivative spectrum, 30, 55, 134 Detector current, 7, 29, 38, 57, 67, 73 Dewar insert, 53, 64, 94 DFT, 101 Diamagnetic, 16, 17, 108 Diaphragm pump, 97 Dielectric effect on Q, 83 Dielectric loss, 37, 64, 79, 84 Dielectric properties effect on Q, 81 Dielectric resonator, 43, 66, 83, 89 Diffusion pump, 97 Digital oscilloscope, 87 Digitally filtered, 41 Digitization, 39 Digitizer, 39, 41, 60, 104 Diode, 7, 8, 10, 66, 129 DMPO spin trap, 18, 142 Double-cavity resonator, 76 Double integration, 30, 44 for calculating number of spins, 112 field scan range, 44, 123 relationship to field modulation, 123 on simulated spectrum, 45 from WinEPR software, 132


DPPH for calibration, 52 in g-factor determination, 102, 108 Dwell time, 41 Dynamic range, 18


Free radical assay technique (FRAT), 16 Fremy’s salt, 110 Frequency counter, 101 Fusinite, 111

G E E1 field, 69, 73 e-beam, 19 Electric field, 9, 69 Electrical currents, 8, 79 Electrical interference, 10 Electromagnetic radiation, 2, 6 Electromagnetic waves, 9, 69 Electro-mechanical effects, 43 Electron spin density, 3, 4 Elemental analysis, 16 Energy states, 1 EPR imaging, 21 EPR oximetry, 22 EPR spectroscopy, 1, 5, 25 EPR transition, 25 e-scan benchtop EPR, 20 ESR900, 94, 95, 97 External stabilizer resonator, 74 Extinction coefficient of tempol, 142

F F-centers in LiF, 111 Fe, 16, 30, 36 Fe3+, 32 Fenton reagent, 144 Ferrous ammonium sulfate, 144 F/F lock, 74, 75 FID. See Free induction decay Field for resonance, 3, 147 Field-frequency resonance position, 25 Field modulation, 10, 25, 28, 50, 120, 123, 124, 127, 132 Filling factor, 45, 63, 77, 89 Filtering, 41, 126 1/f noise, 40, 54, 130, 132 Forbidden transitions, 34, 104 Fourier Transform, 5 FRAT. See Free radical assay technique Free induction decay (FID), 25 Free radical, v, 15, 17, 22, 31

Galvinoxyl radical, 55–57 g rays, 19 Gas-flow systems, 94 Gaussian, 44, 49, 120 Gaussmeter, 105 g-factors, 2, 3, 31, 101, 106 Glasses, 92 Gravimetric, 16, 142 g-strain, 31 Gunn diode, 6, 58

H Half-field transition, 18 Hall probe, 13, 102, 104 Handbook of chemistry and physics, 66 HFSS. See High frequency structure simulator High-energy state, 91 High-field EPR, 33 High frequency EPR, 5 High frequency structure simulator (HFSS), 46, 90 High-Q, 85 100 kHz as modulation frequency, 10, 13, 54, 127 passage effects caused by, 55 sidebands caused by, 30 Hydrogen, 3, 144 4-Hydroxy tempo, 141 4-Hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine 1-oxyl, 115 Hyperfine splittings, 5, 15, 33, 104, 117, 118, Hysteresis and hom*ogeneity, 103

I Impedance, 9, 26, 63, 66 Inductance, 53, 82, 84, 102 Integer spin systems, 34, 35 Integrated intensity, 5, 11, 92, 109, 134, 144


Integrated signal intensity, 69 Integrating digitizer, 43, 60 Inter-laboratory comparisons, 23, 65 Iris, 9, 66, 96 Irradiated alanine, 111 Irradiation, 23, 109 Isoamyl alcohol, 17 Isotropy, 147

K K3CrO8, 108, 110 KimwipeTM, 61 Klystron, 6, 58

L Laboratory information management (LIMS), 19 LeCroy oscilloscope, 87 Lignite, 92 LIMS. See Laboratory information management Linear power range, 46 Linear regression analysis, 144, 145 Lineshape, 11, 44, 50, 74, 127, 131 Linewidth, 4 optimizing modulation amplitude for, 50 LiPc. See Lithium phthalocyanine Lithium phthalocyanine (LiPc), 22, 54, 73 Loaded quality factor, 160 Lock-in amplifier, 10, 49 Loop gap resonators, 72, 73, 182 Lorentzian, 31, 44, 49, 51, 120, 127 Lossy solvents, 23, 38, 64, 70 Low-energy state, 91 Lumped circuit resonators, 73

M Magnetic field, 1 drifts in, 41 measurement of, 102 modulation of, 10, 28, 52, 69 optimize sweep width of, 119 Magnetic field hom*ogeneity, 103 Magnetic moments, 1, 2, 26, 27, 91 Magnetic susceptibility, 63 Magnetization, 25–28, 92


Magnetogyric ratio, 45 Magnet power supply, 14 Manganese, 16 Matching, 9, 64 Mathcad, 86 Measurement of resonator Q, 84 Measurement uncertainty, 146, 151 Mechanical vibrations, 97 MgO, 65, 102, 109, 110 Microphonics, 50 Microprocessor, 13, 14 Microwave B1, 9, 25, 26, 80, 81 Microwave bridge, 6, 8 Microwave cavity, 6, 8, 9, 70, 147 Microwave frequencies, 2, 3, 33, 46, 102, 124 Microwave power absorption by sample, 83 for determining number of spins, 77 effect on the EPR spectrum, 117 in line broadening, 55 reflected to detector diode, 7 in saturation, 5, 46 Mn, 35 Mn (II) in cavity contamination, 61 in critoseal, 38 as internal standard, 109 MnSO4, 73, 108–110 Mo(V), 16, 22 Modulated signal, 127 Modulation amplitude, 50 Modulation amplitude calibration, 51 Modulation amplitude-definition, 48 Modulation amplitude-optimizing, 118 Modulation frequency in causing sidebands, 28 how to select, 54 in phase sensitive detection, 10, 28, 49, 129 Molybdenum, 16 mB, 1, 2

N 14

N, 4 N2O, 22 NaCrO2, 17


Naphthalene anion radical, 110 Narrow line, 38, 54, 74, 103 Natural line width, 30, 118, 121 Network analyzer, 85 Ni(II), 16 Ni3+, 32 Nitrogen, 3, 55, 61, 93, 94, 104 Nitrogen gas, 61 Nitroxyl radicals, 3 Nitroxyl spin label, 17 NMR, 25, 27 Noise acquiring spectrum for S/N measurement, 155 decreases from signal averaging, 60 from electrical interference, 1/f at 100 kHz, 54, 132 filtered by time constant, 12 from microphonics, 50 random (white), 42 reduction using phase sesitive detection, 10 sources of, 39 Noisy spectra, 39, 132, 139 Non-lossy sample, 59 Non-resonant absorption, 9 Normalization algorithm, 60 Nuclei, 3, 4 Nucleic acid, 17 Nucleus, 2–4 Null signal, 58 Number of data points, 40 optimizing, 119

O O2 concentration, 21 Off-resonance, 85, 86 Optical spectroscopy, 5 Orbital angular momentum, 26 Organic free radical species, 38 Overcoupled, 85–87 Overload in the signal channel, 39 Overmodulation, 50, 118 Oxford, 93, 94, 96 Oxidation, 23 Oxygen, 3, 22, 41


P Parallel state, 1, 27 Passage effects, 55 p-Benzosemiquinone, 110 PBN spin trap, 18 Peak-to-peak amplitude, 44 Peak to peak modulation amplitude, 51, 52 Pellet dosimeter, 20 Peroxyl radical, 17 Perylene, 102, 103 Perylene cation, 110 Pharmaceutical, 23, 146 Phase difference, 51–53, 125 Phase factor, 125 Phase sensitive detector, 10 180 Phase shift, 129 Phase shifter, 8 POBN, 18 Point sample, 47, 53, 90 Positioning of the reference marker, 148 Power meter, 65 Power saturation, 5, 47, 56, 77, 117 Protection circuitry, 8 Proton, 1 Pyrex tubes, 44 Pyrolyzed sucrose, 23, 111 Pyrroline derivatives, 18

Q Q-band, 35, 43, 59, 98 Q-factor, 45, 64, 74, 81, Q lowering, 69 Quantum mechanical states, 26 Quartz EPR tube, 89 Quinhydrone, 110

R Radar, 5 Radiation dosimetry, 19–21 Random noise, 40 Rapid scans, 55 Receiver level, 155 Reference arm, 7, 8, 57, 67 Reference signal, 10, 52, 53, 57 Reference standard in double resonator, 76


for quantitative measurements, 64 for routine measurements, 78 use and preperation of, 146 Reference voltage, 13, 14 Reflection spectrometers, 6 Relative permittivity, 101 Relaxation times, 15, 31, 32, 45, 54, 91 Repeatability test, 149 Reproducibility in alanine dosimetry, 151 in double integration, 143 effect of Q factor, 79 measuring with a reference standard, 148 in routine EPR measurements, 146 Reproducibility test, 149–150 Resistance, 9, 26, 73, 79, 95 Resonant frequency, 9, 58, 79, 86 Resonator Q definition of, 79 effect of lossy samples on, 80 effect of sample on, 18, 37 in RLC circuit, 81 RF, 28, 32, 59, 63, 124 Ring down, 86 RLC circuit, 81 Rotary vane attenuator, 65 Roughing pump, 97

S S ¼ 7/2, 16, 99 Saturation, v definition of, 5, 26 in power saturation plots, 46, 120 Saturation factor, 45 Saturation transfer spectroscopy, 58 Schottky barrier diode, 7 Scientists, v Semiquinone radical, 45 Sidebands, 13, 30, 54, 55 Signal averaging, 41, 50, 60, 104, 123, 132, 139 Signal-to-noise, 11, 28, 118 Signal voltage Vs, 63, 79, 89 Simulated spectrum, 45, 134 SiO2, 22, 109 Skin, 82–84


Solvent selection, 37 Spectroscopists, 10 Spin 1/2 nucleus, 3 Spin concentration, v, 45, 46, 98, 118, 123, 139 Spin-count, 24 Spin label, 16, 115, 146 Spin–spin relaxation time, 59 Spin states, 2, 4, 16, 25, 27, 32, 34 Spin trap, 18, 115, 146 Split ring resonator, 66 Standard curve, 143 “ST” resonator, 71 Sucking in effect, 46 Sweep time, 41, 61, 65, 124

T t-butyl protons, 56 TE011, 59, 73, 98 TE102 cavity, 9, 47, 48, 70, 89, 90 Teflon, 38, 43, 74, 82 Tempo, 110 Tempol optimizing spectrometer settings with, 115 as a standard, 108, 141 Tempone, 108, 110 TE102 rectangular mode cavity, 69 Teslameter, 105 Third order polynomial, 139 Time constant distortion from, 12 effect on EPR spectrum, 12 for filtering out noise, 10 optimizing, 42 in signal averaging, 60 Time scan, 152, 154 TM110, 72, 75 Toluene, 34, 92, 108, 110 TPX sample tube, 37 Transfer line, 97 Transition metal ions, 91, 101 Transmission line in critical coupling, 26, 66 in RLC circuit, 81 Transverse magnetization, 28 T1 relaxation, 25, 26


T2 relaxation, 25 Triarylmethyl radicals, 73 Triethanolamine, 92 3-Trimethylamino-methyl-2,2,5,5tetramethyl-1-pyrrolidinyloxyl iodide, 110 Trityl, 54, 74, 75 Tune, 80, 152 Tune dip, 80 Tuning “dip’’, 66 Tuning capacitors, 52 Turbomolecular pump, 97

U Ultramarine blue, 111 Undercoupled, 85 Unfiltered Demodulated Signal, 127 “Uniform field” resonators, 72 Unpaired electron, 1, 4, 16, 26, 32 UV-VIS spectroscopy, 2


Very-low-Q, 86 Visible absorption spectroscopy, 24 VitroCom, 76 VO(acac)2, 34, 111 VO2+, 16, 32 Voltage fluctuations, 41 Volumetric glassware, 37 VOSO4, 108, 111 VOTPP (tetraphenyl porphyrin), 111

W Waveguide, 9, 61, 66, 96 Weak pitch, 60, 107, 151, 152 White noise, 39 Wilmad, 54, 58 Win Acquisition, 85 WIN EPR, 132, 134, 144 Wurster’s blue perchlorate, 110

X V V(IV), 16, 108 V4+, 32 Vanadium, 16 Vanadium porphyrin, 16 Vanadyl, 111 Varian E231 cavity, 70 Varian pitch, 92 Varian spectrometers, 65

X-band, 28, 32, 46, 65, 73, 87, 89 Xepr, 43, 85, 87, 102, 103, 151

Z Zavoisky, 5 The Zeeman effect, 1 Zero cross, 129 Zinc fluorosilicate, 36

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Article information

Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

Last Updated:

Views: 6163

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.