The Daily Telegraph from London, Greater London, England (2024)

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The Daily Telegraphi

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J4 The Daily Telegraph Friday March 22 1974 PERSONAL Private £1 per line Charity Appeals 75 per line Trade £2 per line 32 Fellows of Royal Society elected By CLARE DO ER Science Correspondent H0Y CALNE pioneer of kidney and liver transplants is among 52 new Fellows of the Royal Society elected yesterday Prof Caine Professor of Surgery in the University of Cambridge and consulting surgeon Adden-brooks Hospital Cambridge A MEMORIAL TO THE LATE MISS SCARGILL A STta Were you at WOLVERHAMPTON GIRLS HIGH If you would like to contribute to a fund establishing an award for pupils of the school in memory of Miss Scarglll please send your donations to Mr Fallon 49 Ashheld Road Compton Road West or to the Headmistress at the school Donations payable to The If-gill Memorial The Queen will open the new fire service technical college at Moreton in Marsh Gloucestershire on May 17 The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will give a reception for members of the Victoria Cross and George Cross Association at Buckingham Palace on May 21 The Lord Mayor and the Ladv Mayoress Sir Hugh and Ladv Wontner accompanied by the Sheriffs and their ladies will pay an official visit to Cardiff on March 25 and 24 They will stay at the Mansion House in Cardiff as guests of the Lord Mayor and Ladv Mayoress of Cardiff Aid and Mrs A Turnbull Princess Helena Moutafian will be the guest of honour at the matinee World Gala Charity premiere of Arthur Swallows and Amazons in aid of KIDS at ABC 1 ShaJtesburv Avenue Wl on April 4 A memorial service for Mr George Spencer will be held at St Parish Church Lutterworth on Thursday March 28 1974 at noon BIRTHDAYS Lady (Frederick) Ogilvie is 74 todMv Admiral of the Fleet Sir Caspar John is 71 Earl Baldwin of Bewdley 70 Lord Holford 67 Mr Justice Goff 67 Dr Henderson Bishop of Bath and Wells 64 Mr Nicholas Monsarrat 64 Lord Alport 62 Lord Elphinstone 60 Lord Stokes 60 and Mr Paul Rogers 57 WAIT on the Lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart Psalm XXVII 14 DARiTnC BlK I tovf Jn-M H-tppy birthday I do so very much PLEASE rina In school hours French Benevolent society win be holding the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday April 9 at 5-30 pm AIl WHO HAVE HELD COMMISSIONS regular or temporary in the Armed Forces and their wives or widows are eligible ro use KING EDWARD VII 's HOSPITAL FOR OFFICERS (Sister Beaumont St Wl We appeal for donations and legacies to help us maintain the low charges of this Independent hospital CANCER RESEARCH The Imperial Cancer Researoh urgent Investigation of cancer needs your support now Please help by sending a donation or In Memoriam gift to the Impanel Cancer Research Fund Dept DTC PO Box 123 Inn Fields London W' 2 A SPX ANY DISCARD CLOTHING We can alwavs make use of used clothing Mens and especially welcome West London Mission Clothing Centre 84 Caledonian Road London 01-837 9903 ARE JM-837 9 903 FOR HIJ DRFN Forthcoming Marriages GRAND NATION A reed es (newi 6 seats A nfree London ret door-to-door £9 a 0 1-348 1384 COMPANIONSHIP MARRIAGE Confidential Brochure without obligarion Intro DT 250 Knq St London W6 OS Te 1 01-741 1278 FINE GF clock White dial 8 dav £165 Ashtead 75318 1 A WE IT NOWN requires a Correspondence Secretary Join Help the friendly staff close Piccadilly tube Good salarv and condition Interesting worthwhile and rewarding work Please write call of phone Dorothy James 8 Denman St Wl 01 7 34 3808 ARK YOU RETIRED and housekeeping a problem? Owing to unforeseen circ*mstances a suite with luxury will shortly be available at Wind-lesham the former home of Conan Doyle now a country house especially for retired people Ring Crowborouqh 24 70 (Sussex) Popularity of rabbit puts up price By KATHLEEN WELSH rpHE return to popularity of rabbit for meals has been accompanied by a rise in its cost Compared with six months ago when it averaged between 30p and 40p lb it averages between 40p and 50p lb now Wild Australian rabbit may be available for less than 40p lb but Chinese farmed is likely to cost more than this English farmed rabbit can cost more than 50p lb and so can Chinese boneless rabbit Most meat prices are stable this week Braising beef may cost 55p or 56p a lb stewing beef 46p to 50p mince 44p to 46p Topside remains at about 68p to 70p English lamb Lamb prices include New Zealand loin chops at 55p or 56p lb though English ones may cost as much as 70p to 74p Lamb's liver costs about 55p to 62p lb Pork loin chops average about 54p to 57p lb with belly rashers about 33p to 39p Coley fillet at about 20p to 2fip lb offers the best value in fish Haddock fillet costs about 55p to ROp cod fillet 55p to 65p Bacon shows a further rise in some shops to 62p or 63p lb for back Collar may cost about 44p to 49p Butter prices also may show a further rise bringing Irish to 23p lb upwards though there is still blended butter to be found at 20p The price of spring greens may be as much as lOp lb with cabbage in short supply and sprouts ending was elected for his contribution to The citation mentions his work in developing immunosuppression techniques which are now employed internationally in kidney transplants Others elected are: Prof Walter Fred Bodmer Profeor of Genetic at the Department of Biochemistry in the of Oxford Distinguished for his wid-ranqinq contributions to mathematical and population qenetirs to mammalian cell genetics and to the understanding of bacterial transformation Dr Wit liam Robert Boon formerly Managing Director Plant Protection ltd Imperial Chemical Industries Distinguished for his contributions to the application of chemistrv in chemotherapv and crop protection especially in the area of bipyridvl herbicides Prof Kenneth Be rton Professor of Bncirhemistry in the University of Nesvoast-le upon Tyne Distinguished tor his contributions to knowledge of A structure and the mechanism of synthesis of barteriophaqe nucleic acids Dr High John Forster Hrad of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund Mill Fill Laboratories London Distinguished for his contributions to the undeistanding of A replication in bacteria Prof David Rodfrick Cfrtis Professor of Neuropharmacoloqy at the John Curtm School of Medical Research in the Australian National University Canberra Distinguished for his contributions to our knowledge of chemical mch vn-isms of excitation and inhibition in central nerve ce-lls Dr John Frank Davidson Reader in Chemical Engineering in the University of Cambridge Distinguished for his work on fluidisation especially on the mechanics of fiuidsed beds ami other particulate systems of industrial importance Mr A Marfleet and Miss Morris The engagement is announced between Lieutenant Adrian Marfleet Royal Artillery eldest son of Mr and Mrs A A Marfleet of Great Ya mouth and Lieutenant Mairy Morris QARANC elder daughter of Mr and Mrs A Morris of Swansea Dr I) Painting and Dr Beswick The engagement is announced between David son of Mr and Mrs Painting of Carmarthen and Felicity daughter of Mrs Beswick and the late Mr Beswick of Maidstone Dr Aggett and Miss Gianvill The engagement is announced between Peter only son of Mr Herr A Stoltzenberg and Miss A Edwards The engagement is announced between Christian only son of the late Herr Rudolph Stoltzenberg and Frau Marie-Louise Biber-Palubicki of Hanover and Petra Ann Showslev daughter of Mr and Mrs Edwards of Hanover Mr Baker and Miss Black The engagement is announced between Malcolm Derek Baker son of Mr and Mrs Baker of Cheltenham Spa and Lindsay Cameron Black younger daughter of the late Mr William Black and Mrs Irene Black of Chartlon Kings ner Cheltenham Mr Slater and Miss Potter The engagement is announced and Mrs If Aggett of Morton between Nicholas son of Mr and ANYBODY IN ZERMATT between Mar 29th-April 19h interested in Aprs-skl tutoring boy for Eton scholarship In Maths and or French ring 01937 2058 COACH TOUR GERMANY Air Show Cologne Bremen Berlin: Munich Frankfurt Hotels £87 50: April 2 6th -May 11th 570 9918 570-4392 fessor and Administrative Head of Department of Organic Chemistry In the University of Liverpool Distinguished for his studies of reactive intermediates including their application to the synthesis of novel structures Dr John Rishbeth Reader in Plaint Pathology at the Botany School in the University of Cambridge Distinguished for his work in plant pathology especially the development of practical biological methods for the control of soil-borne diseases of trees Dr Roger Valentine Short Director of the Medical Research Councils Unit of Reproductive Biology and Reader in Obstetrics and Gysiaecoiog-v in the University of Edinburgh Distinguished for his contributions to the endocrinology and pbvsiologv of reproduction and in particular his studies of the comparative aspects of reproduction in mammals Prof John Trfvor Stuart Professor of Iheoreticai Fluid Mechanics at the Department of Mathematics Imp rial College of Selene and Technology University of London Distinguished for his contributions to the theory of fluid mechanics and In particular the in-st abilities which arise therein Prof Robfrt Henry Stewart Thompson Cou rtauld Professor- of Biochemistry at th Middlesex Hospital Sr bool University of London Distinguished for his contributions to chemical pathology and for his leadership in the international organisation of biochemistry Dr John Robert Vane Research Director at the el I come Research Laboratories Beckenham Kent Distinguished for his work on prostaglandin metabolism and on the mechanism of the antipyretic and analgesic actions of aspirin and similar Dt Frederick John Vine Reader in Environmental Sciences University of East Anglia Norwich Distinguished for interpreting symmetrical reersals of magnetic lineations as evidence of sea floor spreading and for his work in the Eastern Mediterranean Dr Stephen Frslemoxt Woods Senior Scientist and Direcfior of Imperial Melting Processes td Rio Tinto Zim Services Briert-oi Distinguished for his if ation of fundamental phvsiro-chemica! principles to industrial processes especially the successful development of a blast furnace process for zinc Mr Pjfrup Hfnry Johv Vouko Irchm-al Dirrrtnr Derby Engine Division Rolls-Royce (1971) Ltd Derbv Distin-quished for his work on the development of area-engines exemplified by the Spev RR-211 and the Olympus 593 for the Concorde Mr Wards and Miss A Norton The engagement is announced between Ricky younger son of Mr and Mrs Douglas Wards of Abbotsford Vancouver and Angela elder daughter of Mr and Mrs John Norton of Bray-on-Thames Berkshire Mr Wallhank and Miss Peaco*ck The engagement is announced between Nigel younger son of Mr and Mrs John Wail'bank Post Office Farm Dernbv Village Derbyshire and Susan younger daughter of Mr and Mrs Norman James Peaco*ck 53 Walter Scobt Road Bedworth Mr A Holford and Miss Hamilton The engagement is announced between Adrian Baxter younger son of Mrs Holford and of the late Mr Holford of Hiingerford Berkshire and Gillian Mary younger daughter of Mr and Mrs 1 Hamilton of North Gorley Fordingbridge Hants Mr Mountford and Miss Faraday The engagement is announced between John Paul only son of Mr and Mrs Mountford of Brook maos Park and Eve Marilyn only daughter of Mr and Mrs Faraday of Hampstead HOLIDAYS rHnUr VITAL Did you hrar Tommy Kinder appealing lor private homes for a holiday for a Funds for these holidays are equally vital do please send donations to Ihe Country Holidays Fund 1 YorK St Bakei St W1H 1PZ HELP A LITTLE DONKEY -with rising food and medical costs and an increasing number of starving mouths to feed your help is desperately needed Our only source of finance is through appealing and I help those poor pathetic gentle crea tures not only now but by remembering them in your will We are a registered charity approved by tne Dun Key Breed Society please to Mrs Svendsen The South Western Donkey Sanctuary Ottery St Mary Devon HAPPIER LIVES for lonely old people can be provided by your Witt PI include a bequest for the National Benevolent Fund tor the Aged 3 Liverpool Street London EC2 CORONARY THROMBOSIS heart disease that kills often attacking the young Costlv research ino hart disease is helping to save lives We need vour help DT ST The British Heart Foundation 57 Gloucester Place Lond on Wl ADOPT A GRANNY Lonely destitute old refugees need someone who cares to promts £25 a year for essetndals Send a happiness through Help the Aged Please send vour gift as quickly as possible to: The Rt Hon Lord Maybrav -King Help the Aged Room DT4 A 8 Denman Street London 1 A 2AP THE LADV HOARE TRUST FOR PH V-SIC ALLY DISABLED HILDREN are shortly moving to a new address but we hope that the public will continue to support us by sendinq good wearable clothing for sale in our shops the proceeds of which will go towards the welfare of the manv hundreds of physically disabled children we have under our care From 20th MARCH 19 4 clothes should be posted (or delivered in the mornings only) to 19 ARGYLL ROAD LONDON W8 Tel 01-637 1545 FREFZFRS A FRIDGES new nr perfect Super reductions 960 0980 after 7 440 8962 TENERIFE CANARY ISLES Fully ftirn mod House nr Puerto Cruz to let Mav 7 to Oct 7 2 1 single Bio living kitchen bath cloaks Garden patio terrace garage Fine views sea mountains Approx £20 pw inrlusive of part-time maid A gardener Min 2 months Reference rqd Write: C5600 Daily Tele- graph EC4 From Th Daily Telegraph of 106 years ago HAD TROUBLE Must be sold at 10s each DUPLICATES for valuable gold lever watch gold chain three diamond rings etc twenty vards black satin ditto silk Send PO Glanville 15 Sussex-street Bedford Square Deposit notes registered Mrs Fetor Slater of Sheffield and Gillian daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Potter of Cheshire Mr 1 Ioftus and Miss Laneefield The engagement is annoumed between Paul Francis James younger son of Mr and Mrs James loftus of Gerracds Cross Buckinghamshire and Cnrlstina Catherine only daughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Laneefield of Woolhampton Berkshire DATING 01- DATE! INF COMPUTER 957 0102 Hampstead and Jocelyn third daughter of Dr and Mrs A Gianvill of The Grove Honiton Devon Mr Scott and Miss A Beale The engagement is announced be-tween Christopher elder son of Mrs Mantsfield Smith of 12 Hazeltrm Cheltenham and Juliet voimgesit daughter of the late Captain Beale DSO ORE Royal Navy and Mrs Beaile of 3 Broad Street Pershore Worcs Mr Prior and Miss Oberland The engagement is announced between Richard Lawrence Redmond younger son of Colonel and Mrs ft Prior of Stan-stead Ahbotts Ware Hertfordshire and Georgina third daughter of the la-te Oberland and Mrs Oberland of New South Wales Australia Mr Iniighran and Miss Wehner The engagement is announced between Daniel son of the late Mr Loughran and of Mrs Loughran of Luton and Julia Mary younger daughter of Colonel and Mrs A Wehner of Radlett Hertfordshire Mr A Adams and Miss I Duncan Miller The engagement is announced between Michael Antony elder son of Mr and Mrs A Adams of Weybridge and Iris Marcille youngest daughter of Captain and Mrs Duncan-Miller of Weybridge Surrey Mr Walder and Miss Kent The engagement is announced between Geoffrey Peter younger son of Professor and Mrs Dennis Walder of Gosforth Newcastle upon Tyne and Julia Elizabeth elder daughter of Mr John Kent and the late Mrs THE CANCER RESEARCH CAMPAIGN alms to conquer cancer in the Please help by sending as much you can pare to Sir John Reiss Cancer Research Campaign (Dept DTX 1 Freepost London SW1Y 5VT LONDON SCHOOL OF BRIDGE 38 Road SW3 589 7201 COTTAGE Gotswold villaqe in exchange part-time housework References essential Write CC6818 Daily Telraph EC4 ALL CROWN Colourrharm WaUpap-rs and Vinvis halt price 01-837 2771 MARRIAGE AND ADVICE B1 Rl Katherine Allen ex-Welfare Ofher War Office Foreign Office Lab Personal Introductions 7 Sedlev Place Woodstock Place 1 499 2556 PERSIAN RUGS WANTED for CMftL Benardout 5 William St Kniqhta-bridge SWl 01-235 3360 NATAI WITNESS COMMENTS bet there mav be something in claims and at worst book contains his recipe for a hni A ful diet and a balanced livinq DAVIDSON OF MANITOBA: Cancer Pioneer £2-00 post included A Bishop PO Box 8 Isleworth TW7 4 HT COUNTRY IOVER WANTED by Anglo-French family ski resort near Grenoble Bovs 8G 7 (boarding and day school) girl 5 Comfortable modem flat Dailv help car Responsible nost as parent often away during Write wdth copy references de Pourtales 38 Rue de Provence Paris 9 ELDERI ONLY offered full board) care private hotel Watford 4243T WEDDINGS The Hon Robin Neville and Miss Norman The ma-rriage hook place in London on Tuesday March 19 of the Hon Robin Neville and Miss Linda Norman Mr A Belcher and Mrs McGill The marriage took place on Saturday March 16 between Mr Kenneth A Belcher and Mrs Ignore McGill (nee Godfrey) Mr Pasmore and Miss A Skelton The ma-rriage took place on March 12 in Boston Massachusetts between Mr Godfrey Stewart Pasmore son of Mrs Molson of Montreal and Mr Pasmore of Nevis West Indies and Mi'ss Elizabeth Anne Skelton daughter of Mr and Mrs Skelton of Southgate London N14 Mr and Mrs Pasmore will reside in Montreal DINNERS Fan Makers' Company The duch*ess of Gloucester an Honorary Freewoman of the Fan Company was present yesterday evening at Hall at the livery dinner of the Fan Company when the LUNCHEONS Her Government Mrs Judith Hart Minister of Overseas Development was host at a luncheon at Lancaster House yesterday given by Her Government in honour of the Netherlands Minister for Development Co-opei ation Pro-nk Foreign and Commonwealth Office Mr Wright Counsellor at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office was host yesterday at a luncheon held at Grosvenor House in honour of Dr Abdul Wahhab Mansouri Vice-Dean Riyadh University Saudi Arabia The Saudi Arabian Ambassador Sir Angus Paton and Prof Kemp were present Lord Mayor The Lord Mayor and the Ladv Mayoress Sir Hugh and Lady Wontner yesterday entertained at luncheon at the Mansion House the Bishop of London and Mrs Fll'son who subsequentlv attended a meeting of the Court of Common Council in Guildhall Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators The President of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators Sir Stanley Mor- LEGAL NOTICES MATRIMONIAL PROCEEDINGS have ben commenced affecting Janies Michael DURKIN late of 2 Elmbridge Villas Woollards Road Ash Sale Surrey who should apply to the County Court at tpsom Road Guildford Surrey for full details If within one month he has not communicated with the County Court the Court may hear the cas without further notice GUY PRITCHETT Registrar TrtE BANKRUPTCY ACTS 1914 and 1926 In the GREAT GRIMSBY COUNTY COURT IN BANKRUPTCY No 7 of 1974 Re BARRY WEST Corn Merchant trading under the style of Barrv West A Co at Brackenborough Road Louth Lincolnshire Receiving Order made 18 March 1974 Date and place of First Meet-ina 1130 am on Friday 29 March 1974 at St James House St James Square Grimsby Date of Public Examination 10 30 am on Wednesday 29 May 1974 at The Law Courts Victoria Street Grimsby NOTE: All debts due to the estate should be paid to me Dated 22 March 1974 FRIEND Official Receiver Beverley House St Square HULL Prof Jac Day id Di mtz Professor of Chemical Ci yst vMtgrapny Swiss Federal Involute of I eebnoiogy (ETH) Zurich Distinguished lor his application of X-ray crystallography to structural and conformational problems parti ularly to those relating to medium -sized ring systems and compounds of biological significance Prof pehr Victor Edman Professor of Protein Chemistry and Director of Department in the Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry Munich Distinguished for his contributions to protein chemistry particularly tor his deelo-pmout of the isothiocyannte method of sequential analysis of peptide chains Prof John Douglas Eshelby Professor of the Theor of Materials in the University of Sheffield Distinguished for hs itieoratacaJ Btudiec of the micro-jneohanit of crystalline imperfections and material inhoniogenei ties Prof Jack Haipfrn Professor of Chemistry in the University of Chicago USA Distinguished for his work on the and nvchanms of inorganic reactions in solution especially hom*ogeneously catalyzed reactions involving transition metal complexes Ir Stephen William Hawking Research Assistant at the Institute of Astronomy in the University of Cambridge Distinguished for his contributions to the theory of qeneral relativity Dr Volk er Heine reader In Theoretical Physics at the Cavendish Laboratory in the University of Cambridge Distinguished for his contributions to the understanding of the behaviour of electrons in metals and alloys partirularlv through the introduction of the concept of the pseiidopotential Prof Robert Aubrey Hinde Roval Society Research Professor in the University of Cambridge and Honorary Director Medical Research Council Unit on Development and Integration of Behaviour Cambndqe Distinguished for hs contributions to our knowledge of complex animal behaviiour in particular his analyses of behaviour in birds and mammals Prof Albert Edward Litherland Professor of Physics in the University of Toronto Canada Distinguished for his contributions to the study of nuclear structure particularly by the development of powerful experimental techniques to determine the lifetimes and spins of uc lei Prof James Ephraim Lovelock Independent Consultant Visiting Professor at the Department of Applied Physical Science in the University of Reading Distinguished for his contributions to the practical applications of separation methods particularly his inventions of detectors for gas chromatographv their application to pollution problems and to the investigation of planetary atmospheres Dr Drummond Hoyle Matthews Reader in Marine Geology at the Depart ment of Geodesy and Geophysics in the University of Cambridge Distinguished for his work on the geology of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans including maqnetlc lineations as a key to sea floor spreading Prof Richard Ellis Ford Matthews Professor of Microbiology at the Department of Cel! Biology in the University of Auckland New Zealand Distinguished for his studies of plant viruses their serology replication and inhibition Dr Peter Dennis Mitchell Director of Research at the Glynn Research Laboratories Bodmin Cornwall Distinguished for his studies of the transport of substances across biological membranes and its relation to cellular metabolism Prof Samuel Victor Ferry Professor and Chairman of the Department of Biochemistry in the University of Birmingham Distinguished for his many contributions to the study of the muscle proteins Prof Norman James Petch Profesr of Metallurgy in the University of Strathclyde Glasgow Distinguished for his work on effects of grain size dislocation locking and lattice hardening on the mechanical properties of steels Dr John Robert Philip Chief Division of Environmental Mechanics CSIRO Canberra Australia Distinguish for his contribution to the mathematical and phvsioal study of the environment of plants Prof John Charlton Polinghorne Professor of Mathematical Phvsics at the Depirtment of Applied Mathematics and Theorem ral Phvsics in the University of Cambridge Distinguished for his many contributions to elementary particle theory Prof Charles Wayne Rees Pro £1400 REWARD OFFERED to the first person giving information lending to ttie conviction of the thieves and the recovery of cassette car stereo players radio record players domestic stereo equipment and four Telefusion television sets valued at approximately £14 000 stolen wnth the carrying vencle in Beswick St Beswick Manchester on 22nd February 1974 Reward payable at rate of 10 of value or recovered Subject to usual terms and conditions Apply in conndence to Thomas Howell Selfe A Co Chaptered Loss Adjusters 6th Floor Planta'ion House Fen-church Street London EC3 (Tel 01-626 9093i FOR SALE in Greater London 2nd April Geranium Day tor the blind street collection flags Wanted many more sellers Please offer our help to the Geranium Day Organiser 2 Wyndham Place London W1H 2AQ Tel 262 0191 GRANDFATHER CLOCK wanted anv condition Mr Moore 17 Dane-nurst Street SW6 01-736 0382 or 385 0701 GOOD REMUNERATION to nost families with teenagers accepting teenage continental guests Holidav Parents 26 Chapel Street Petersfield Hants AGENT URGENTLY requires to purchase old dolls dolls houses toys musical boxes etc In any condition Write A 6630 Daily Telegraph EC4 EVERSLEY HOriE NURSING HOME Aldwick Avenue Bognor Regis Sussex (overlooking the sea) Medical and convalescent patients (and those needing care whilst relatives on holidav) VACANCIES in new extension Excellent food and conditions Apply Matron Tel Bognor Regis 5912 KENYAN WINS RAF HENLOW AWARD Am Vice-Marshal Reginald Bullen Air Officer Administration Training Command was the reviewing officer when officer cadets passed out from the RAF Training Unit at Henlow Beds yesterday The Overseas Prize for the foreign or Commonwealth entrant the best overall performance in leadership officer qualities and professional studies awarded to 2nd Lt Gabriel Manvonje 23 of the Kenyan Air Force Pilot Officer Stephen Frederick Gaunt 21 won the British Aircraft Corporation Trophy for the best all round performance on the course and Pilot Officer Roderick John Burgess 18 the Professional Studies Prize Graduating were General Duties Branch (Navtga-TORS) Pit Off A1 Astburv St Patrick gf Stoke on Trent Coil of Comm): Pit Offr SBJ BirbT (Abbey HS Red-ditch) Pit Offr CM Brammer BSc (Whitley Biv GS Newcastle Univ) General Duties Branch (Air Electronics) Fg Offr JD Cheetham (Green-hill GS Oldham) Fg Offr MB Graham (Campbeltown GS) Fg Offr McDonald (Coleraine Academical Institute) General Duties Branch (Ground): Pit Offr RJ Burgess (Hiilfoot Hey HS) PP Offr CB Eato-n (Mundella GS) Pit Offr HCA Montgomerie (Giggleswick School) Pit Offr CC Taylor (Riddlesdown HS Croydon Tech Coll) Fq Offr CV Tavlor (Femdale GS) Pit Offr AC Ed kins WRAF (Kings HS Warwick Philippa Fawcett Coll of Ed London) Supply Branch Pit Offr SF Caunt (Willaam Ellis School) Pit Offr Sullivan (Sir William Borlases School) Secretarial Branch Fg Offr EW Jackson (Hamilton Academy) Medical Technical Branch: Pit Offr GT Clarke SRN RMN (Unthank Cotl Brook Gen Hosp St Andrews Hosp Norwich) KENYA AIR FORCE General Duties Branch 'Pilots): 2nd Lt SG Kamuyu (Thika HS Kenya Polv) 2nd Lt Manvonje (St Marys School Yah) Master and Mrs Flem the Free ton entertained the following guests at luncheon yesterday at the Caledonian Club London Elizabeth Kent of Whitley Bay Warden and Mrs Gray the For eign Warden Mr Moss and the Court of Assistants entertained Northumberland Mr Reed MONEY SAVERS Corn buy at Frankn- berqs Aldgate Shopping Centre 22 ddlesex London El Tel: 01-247 2082 24 hours service) Over 12 000 items of tools hardware household goods at Monev Saver prices Hours 9-530 Mon-Fri Sundays 930-130 Free livs on to Dept CJD DT Write ling Aid David Cobbold Lord Mayor of members of the Livery and their friends The toast to the guests was proposed by the Foreign Warden to which Sir James Tait the Principal of the City University London replied and the toast of the Company was pro- poed by Mr Frank Shaw Head- mbhaioban master CS Wimbledon to which the Master Mr Hern re- Westminster Sir Idwal Pugh Second Permanent Secretary to the Department of the Environment: Sir Geoffrey Shake speare Mr Clive Siddall BBC Television Mr Pter Stott Director-General oi the National Water Council The Very Rev Martin Sullivan Dean of St Mr Drvid Marwood Senior Vice-President of the Institute Mr John Wedgwood Junior Vice-President of the Institute Mr Public Relations Limited Sell your house and lease this luxury flat near Malaga Spacious INVEST COINS lounge with terrace two double bedrooms bathroom tiled kitchen air conditioning central heating cleaning service telephone excellent swimming pool and gardens Social club yacht harbour and private beach nearby quiet yet close to sea and shops Sunny healthy peaceful economical living and no property responsibilities Details RS5572 Daily Telegraph EC 4 A TELEPHONE IN A OUR CAR Contact 549 3434 Personal service Please Coin Investments Sevenoaks Knt NATIONAL 1974 organising the Championship free entry form 170 Clarence NWl 6AR plied Coningsby Club The Coningsby Club entertained dinner last night in the House of Commons Sir Keith Joseph Mr Robert Jackson as in the chair SUPPER Commonwealth Parliamentary Association The Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association General Council Sir Robin Vanderfelf gave a buffet supper last night at 7 Old Palace Yard in honour of the members of Commonwealth Parliaments attending the 23rd Parliamentary Seminar PUBLIC NOTICES CORPORATION OF LONDON CONFIRMATION OF BYELAWS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Uondon intend after the expiry of the period mentioned below to apply to the Secretary of State for confirmation of the Byelaws made by the Common Council pursuant to Section 54 of the City of London (Narious Powers) Act 1900 and Sections 5 and 6 of the City of London (Various Powers) Act 1926 with respect to closets and cesspools and accessories thereto etc Copies of the Byelaws will be kept at the office of the Town Clerk Corporation of London Guildhall EC2P 2EJ and will be open to inspection without payment on any weekday during the usual office hours for one calendar month from and after the date of the publication of this Notice Copies of the Byelaws will also be supplied on receipt of an application accompanied by a fee of for each oopv Any objection to the confirmation of the Bvelaws must be made by letter addressed to the Secretary The Department of the Environment Caxon House Tothill Street London SWl before the Byelaws are confirmed Edward Nichols Towm Clerk 13 March 1974 I GURMIT SINGH son a SLTR AIN SINGH whose permanent address in India is PO Bath Tehsil Nakndar District Jullunder Punjab India now living at 37 Marshall Street Smethwick Warlev In the Counts' of Worcester HEREBY OUT! NOTICE of mv change of name as from this date to GURMIT SINGH BATT to the approval of the High Cffmmwion for India this 19th day of March 1974 HOTELS RESORTS £1 per line A proven i-tliton advisory and purchase write for our brochure 52 London Road SCRABBLE CHAMPIONSHIP Gyleg Brandreth is now fourth National Scrabble For fuM details and send a sae to N'SC Gate Gardes London 8 INCOME TAX paid Trustee Status Member of Building Societies Assn Queen Victoria Street Building Society la Katharine Street Crovdon list 1886 01-686 5351 GRANDFATHER CLOCK required condition immaterial Private buyer will collect Amor 2 Wharf Road Fish- ponds Bristol SI PFKIOK Hampshire nursing home Details Mrs Leakey Dunwood Manor Romsey A WEIL KNOWN fast expanding chanty urgently requires voluntary clerical and tv ping helpers All expenses wilj be paid Join Help the friendly team Close to Piccadilly tube write or phone Dorothy fames 8 Den- man St Wl 01-734 3808 BECHTFIN UPRIGHT Good condition £360 ono Watford 47654 HOW OLD IS YOUR WC TV programme would like to know of Vic- I torian water closets in situ Brief description please to Tony Scull Television Ltd The Television Centre Leeds LS3 1JS DIAMOND FOR SALE Tel 706 1295 Vlr Williams between 10-4 SOVEREIGN HIGHEST PRICES PAID for Pre-1936 and Queen Elizabeth Immediate cash offer for all kinds of diamond jewellery and rings gold and silver pocket watches carriage clocks antique and modern silver and silver plate Write or call increased prices in exchange BRAVINGTONS THE JEWELLERS King? Cross London Nl 9NX Branches: 75 Fleet Street 24 Oxford Street Wl 23 Market Place St Albans Herts OPEN ALL DAY ON SATURDAYS EVENTS Life Guard mounting Horse Guards 11 Guard mounting Bucking- i in Pa 1 a 1130 British Museum: Women in the Roman world 1130 Etruscan pottery 1 PiTamid-builders 3 Science Museum Anne St John-Smith Aeronautics 1 London A Middx Archaeological or: Hermionr Hobhous Thomas Cubitt 1783-1855: Builder of Belgravia A Bloomsbury 630 Guildhall Sch of Music A "Drama John Carpenter St: Chamber Concert 110 Theatres Cinemas Page 31 UNIVERSITY NEWS At Merton College Oxford Prof A Pratt Professor of English Pennsylvania University has been elected to a Visiting Research Fellowship for Trinity Term 1976 THE NEW GO fcHNMEM Do vou really believe that the growth ot education with the consequent development of new ideas and- formulas has brought us any nearer to solving the problems? It will take the mind and power of the God of Israel to integrate mankind when He sends Jesus Christ back to the eartb to fulfil His ancient promises to man Send for information and tree literature on the Divine solution to the problems from: Christadel- phian Librarian 56 Oakington Avenue Little Chalfont Amersham Bucks THE ANTIQUES AND COLLECTORS FAIR ASSEMBLY ROOMS GEORGE STREET EDINBURGH Monday to Wednesday MARCH 25-27 11 am -9 pm daily A wide variety of Quality Antiques and pieces for Trade and Private Customers SPEAK ENGLISH PERFECTLY Good accent and diction taught privately Defects corrected Public speaking a speciality 948 1004 COVENT GARDEN SITE CONTEST REJECTED By Our Local Government Correspondent The Greater London Covent Garden development committee has regretfully rejected a proposal for an architectural competition to design a scheme for the former Odham's Press site The idea came from the Covent Garden Community Association Mr Tom Ponsonby committee chairman said it would lead to unacceptable delay in rehousing The site would be developed mainly for rented housing and other community uses He hoped it would not be long before the council's guide lines were ready and people would be asked for their comments FIGHTING SHIPS wtd privately Most yrs also other old naval books Write to 2 Aragon Ave Ewell Surrey A GENTLEMAN mujt regrettably dispose of a really magnificent large fine old Persian carpet Accept half value £230 Also 2 beautiful tine Persian rugs £42 each Phone 01 723 9515 THE SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND urgently requires ground floor shop office premises in Central London (Victoria Westminster Belgravia) with an approximate minimum floor area of 500 square feet The premises should be available for at least 1 year with an option to renew Please contact The Save The Children Trading Company 29 Queen Anne's Gate London 1 Tel: 01- 930 2461 Blaazer LONDON HERITAGE HOTEL 4748 LiMn- strr Gdns W2 01-723 0368 LIVE TREE HOTEL Ebury Belgravia SWl 200 metres BOAC Pan-Am Vic Coeoh Stn 1st Bkfst 6 15 with private bath £5 sglf £7 double without £4 A £6 plus VAT 01-730 8191 SEASIDE HANTS RED HOUSE HOTEL Briou-n-Sea A A 'RAC 2-star Est reputation Fine ford wine 38 nrs Views IoW dancing Sats Cliff walks aolf swimminn fully licensed New Milton 610119 TOROLTAY Burley Court Hotel Livermead Now re-opened all dates available 30 bedrms (H A C) BB and evening dinner FB Sundays Free parking Magnificently situated Send for brochure or tel Tor- quay 67879 TORQUAY Gleneagles Hotel Book now for Easter An rooms with bath £5 to £5 50 pr day plus VAT full board for 4 or 5 days Tel and Miss Edney The engagement is announced between Dudley elder son of the late Mr and Mrs Reed of Guildford and Sarah elder daughter of Dr and Mrs Roy Edney of Faversham Mr A Beddis and Miss A Clark The engagement is announced between Alan John second son of Mr and Mrs Beddis of Gloucester and Patricia Anne only daughter of the late Mr C'ark and Mrs Clark JP of Houghton-le-Spring Durham Mr Iloey and Miss Ross-Tuppin The engagement is announced between Paul only son of Mr and Mrs Hoev of Kerswell House Chudleigh Devon and Georgina daughter of Mr and Mrs Ross-Tuppin of Brunells Milestone Cross Chudleigh Devon Mr Joyce and Miss Filer The engagement is announced between Malcolm Hibbert Joyce and Julia Elizabeth Filer both of Devon Mr A MrNicol and Miss Jourdain The engagement is announced between Andrew McNicol eldest son of Dr and Mrs McNicol of Grayshott near Hindhead Surrey and Susie daughter of Mr and Mrs Jourdain of Haslemere Surrey Mr A Lamond and Miss Galloway The engagement is announced between Robert Anthony Wilson son of Mr and Mrs A Lamond of Virginia Water Surrey and Susan Rosemary vounger daughter of Brigadier and Mrs Galloway of Farn-borough Hants Mr Hastings and Miss Courtney The engagement is announced between Noel Bernard elder son of Mr and Mrs Hastings of Leigh-on-Sea Essex and Margaret Veronica younger daughter of Mr and Mrs Courtney of Puckeridge Herts Mr McGregor and Miss Antcliff The engagement is announced from Maxixe Mozambique of Duncan elder son of Mr McGregor and the late Mrs MrGregor of Glasgow to Joan elder daughter of Mr and Mrs I Antcliff of Bnxham Devon The marriage will take place in Swaziland in July Mr Sandeman-Allen and Miss Borns The engagement is annoumed between Giles only son of the late Mr A Sandeman-Allen and of M-s Sandeman-Allen of Whaleys All Saints near Hales-worth Suffolk and Jane elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Rnrns of Penn Cottage Woodside Avenue Beaconsfield Buckinghamshire Mr I) lewis and Miss Grey The engagement is announced between David John Over only eon of Mr and Mrs Harold I ew'is of Horlev Surrey and Priscilla Jane onlv daughter of Mr and Mrs Martin Grey of trilling Sussex Mr Webb and Miss A Bovre The engagement is announced between Brandon Christopher 6nn of Mr and Mrs John Webb of North Curry Somerset and Patricia Ann daughter of the late Mr Dudley Bovre and Mrs Bovre of Stonegallows Taunton Somerset a DELIGHTFUL furnished country cottage to let in rural surroundings available 1st July to 1st September 1974 Long let preferred All mod con sleeps up to 8 Near Shaftesbury Dorset within easy reach of coast Write: Chislett Rawlence The Estate Office 33 West Borough Wim borne Dorset RENT FREE in Peak National Park unfurnished cottage wing of Country House in return for 20 hours gardening weekly Experience of coupon life essential Regret no dogs Write in confidence to RF23370 Daily Tele-graph C4 INNER SUITS EVENING TAIL SUITS SURPLUS HIRE STOCK FOR SALE Bargains from £15 Hire Dept 37 Oxford Street Wl 01-437 5711 Elgar firing a machine-gun out of his study window to symbolise British imperialism) I cannot say I have often wondered when listening to Mahler's Song of the what the Chinese poet Li Po on whose poems the is founded would have thought of Mahler's musical agonisings if he could return to hear them How utterly strange and baffling they would seem! Similarly I wonder what Mahler would think of the filmed parody of his life we are now promised He was a gentle soul but even he might be tempted to snatch dog-whip from her strong right hand ground lines wffiich has for several years delighted our eyes at the corner of Green Park next to the Ritz Hotel It would be tragic if this impressive complex of structures were eventually eliminated altogether What I and many otter people would like to see is the extension of this engineering oasis to cover all the rest of Green Park and if possible St Park as well This would involve the removal of grass trees flowers and other superfluous growths to make room for say a small transformer station with plenty of pylons radiating from it a small oil refinery and perhaps an aluminium processing plant planned as a harmonious whole where forward-looking people could stroll at ease or sit on benches which would give them a mild electric shock to remind them of the powers that Science has placed in hands for good or ill Yours etc PAUL OHM Edgbaston INTERPRETER lish London available German Enq-area 01-449 4848 MAI RON required to supervise the welfare of female domestic staff and their hostel board is offered without charge also accommodation which Include sitting room two bedrooms own bathroom rural situation Apply to the Bursar Lord Wandsworth College Long Sutton Basingstoke Hampshire AMERICAN AGENT requires clockT creens furniture Persian rugs uniforms weapons pre-1900 Antique lace fans parasols objets etc Private only Write A A 6934 Daily Telegraph EC4 AU PAIR ARMY BRIDGE Army engineers have agreed to rebuild an old bridge over a disused railway track at Steventon near Bedford to serve an area being turned into a picnic area with cross-country nature walks The work will save the county council up to £20000 An Idle Dream M1 CR0SLAND Secretary of Another World AN unmanned American spacecraft Mariner 10 is to start photographing the planet Mercury this week It will be interesting to compare the results with the daguerreotypes of Mercury taken recently by the Way of the World space-barouche Don Carlos and the Holy Alliance These show the sort of world one would expect to be the domain of the Wing-sandalled Messenger the Psychopomp the God of Mischief and of Medicine It is a world of sudden transformations where sparkling streams may run through waiting-rooms where hospitals suddenly turn into forests and back again and where the sound of quicksilver laughter is seldom far away Such a world whose symbol is the serpent-twined staff of Hermes Trismegistus would not suit everyone Examination of our daguerreotypes revealed no traces in cities of shifting streets chartered accountants traffic policemen or environmental wardens No doubt the American photographs will show one more desolate world a small one this time of dust and lifeless rock proving once again the subjectivity of science the fact that scientists like other people will only see what is in their own minds already TORQUAY Flat for sale 4 lge rec bed kit bth'rm Own ent overlook Bay 300 yds sea shops Vac possn £12 500 Duncan Ireson House Win- canton 2308 PERSONAL SECRETARY for Director mainly theatrical agent but with interests in travel and property should include expert secretarial abilities but shorthand not necessarv able to drive and speak either French or Italian Desire to be an executive Free to travel Fringe benefits could include pied a terre London use of country' cottaqe and Mediterranean villa Salarv dependent on how much money you can help me make fully to Vincent Shaw 20 Wlmnole Street Wl pTST PIRELLI CAL Boxed offers WANTED AN ENGLISH AU-PAIR GIRL in Viennese family with 2 school children from April 1st paid Pleuse DKFM STRUPPE LAUTENS 4CKGAS5E 10 A-1140 VIENNA AUSTRIA FRENCH COUPLE seeks au pair girl for their one-yar-old daughter own room weekends free' Mme Laroche 115 rue St Miur 75011 Paris ITALIAN FAMILY in Milan with 2 children aqed 3 and 2 years seeks an English speaking Au Pair Girl for 1 vear starting end of April Please telephone 834 5993 or write to Mr Losaro 2 Chur-ton Place London SWl 6976 Dailv Telegraph EC4 WIDOW personable and pleasant would like to hoar from others for companionship travel etc Age fifties to sixty London DW6930 Daily Telegraph EC4 EXCEPTIONAL BUNGALOW sought anywhere West of Newbury Exit of M4 Minimum requirements: 2 reception 3 large dble bedrooms good kitchen etc A central heating Gdn approx 14 acre Cash payment Particular to FB 6928 Daily Telegraph EC4 PIANO YAMAHA Japanese brand new cost £650 going to Canada for sale around £400 Carriage paid within 50 mile Tel Fastbourne 29651 BOTTLE HINE GRANDE 1904 Owih Offers 6974 EC4 WANTED South France lvandrvuf Antibes 2 -bedroom ed apartment Payable sterling Able view April Write 5 6970 Dailv Telegraph EC4 GIRLS Enjov Devon in 14th Century coachinq Inn Reception w-aitressinq and bar work Ring Hatherleioh 4 34 FRANCE Villa pool rmo let onlv mature 5594 Dailv Telegraph staff pottage SF 4 What Next? the new the Environment makes the usual ritual noises about this fashionable subject which he says is extremely dear to my No doubt it was just as dear to the heart of Mr Rippon his Tory predecessor Rut somehow it seem to make much difference to the steady remorseless uglifying of England Mr Crosland is one of those people who though the is dear to their hearts believe its protection is wholly consistent with faster provided it is planned and controlled growth up to the limit of our productive In other words he is one of those people who believe it is possible to achieve two incompatible things at the same time It would certainly be a much nicer cosier and more convenient world if it were possible But it AGENCIES LEARN A ROUT AMERICA AT GRASSROOT LEVEL You can do this by being a camp or te-aching children sporis arts and crafts etc for 9 wevks in an American summer camp You receive a FREE return jet flight free hoard and lodging S75 pocket money and 2 weeks free time to travel Applf NOW to CAMP YMF RICA Dept B2 37 Gate London SW7 or call 01-589 3223 SAILING INSTRUCTORS et Ravens Ait permanent and six mths An excitinq island centre a challenging iob WaterEo 15 mins Good pay food and accommodation Contact Edwards Ravens Ait Surbiton Surre DAY NANNIES now available from CHILDMINDERS the baby sinu people 01-935 2049 DIAMOND TOOLS Agents required throughout Great Britain for the sale of high quality diamond tools Metal resinold and electrometollic Dressers rollers blocks and stones Adam Anfine Precision Tools Ltd 40 North Street East Uppingham Rutland 'Tel Uppingham 3400 JOHN IDG WAY ADVENTURE SCHOOL Details from: Rhiconich Sutherland Latest Wills CREET Mrs Rose Padding- Net ton London duty £40573) £157818 DAVIES Birkenhead (duty £60835) 176618 HUGHES Miss Dorothy Mavfair London (duty £158788) 185686 SILVERTHORN Kings-wood Glos I duty £77952) 173143 TURNER Lucy Bideford Devon 84541 Further duty may be payable on some estates Obit uar tj Sir William Pugh In London aged 81 Geologist Director Geological Survey 1950-80 Professor of Geology Manchester Universitv 1931-50 FRS 1951 Knighted 1956 Air Vice Marshal Rohan Amarasekera At Colombo aged 57 Commander Sri Lanka Air Force 1962-71 Served with A 1959-45 war Sidney Gresty At Enstone Oxon aged 87 Journalist joined Corporation as clerk 1901 editor of daily List and Shipping Gazette 1926-46 Chet Huntley at Bozeman Montana aged 62 American television journalist conducted National Broadcasting Huntley-Brinklev Report nightly for 14 years 1956-70 winning many television awards Peter Celsing In Stockholm aged 54 Swedish architect largely the creator of modern Stockholm PUBLIC NOTICES TRAVEL Correction IEVERAL pointed KEN RUSSELL the ineffable director of an ineffable film about Richard Strauss has now set about another helpless musical victim Gustav Mahler film about him needless to say is with the statutory erotic phantasy scenes of Alma Mahler the wife in the nude Correspondence SIR I read that St Park and Green Park in London are to be In the case of Green Park there are plans to restore grass on bare patches plant new trees and even encourage the growth of daffodils Surely this is to miss an unrivalled opportunity of producing a reallv significant and forward-looking park in the centre of London? To me and I am sure to hundreds of thousands of others the chief attraction of Green Park is the collection of huts cranes and other technical apparatus connected with the construction of new under JAMAICA BANANA PRODUCERS STEAMSHIP CO LTD Fast and dirret cargo and passenger service SHEERNESS to KINGSTON Applv to KAYE SON CO LTD Cits Wall House 18-22 Ftnsbun Street London EC2Y 9DB Telephone 01-606 9611 Telex 886281 readers have out that I was wrong in stating (March 20) that Concorde originally sprang from the brain of Mr Anthony Wedgwood Benn The credit (if credit it can be called) MSc Industrial Engineering Management If you have experience and a degree or its equivalent details of the Masters and Doctorate Programs together with specialisations in Industrial Ergonomics and Human Factors Management Science Manufacturing Systems Production Planning and Control and Works and Production Management may be obtained from: IN MEMORIAM Sir Julian Hall A memorial service for Sir Julian Hall was held vesterdav at the Chapel of the Savov Canon Young officiated Viscount Bledisloe Senior utee the Garrick Club read the lesson and Mr Norman Mar-iall 2ave an address LOANS Cranfield Registrar Department E2 Cranfield Institute of Technology Cranfield Bedford MK43 OAL wife Cosima also should go to Mr Julian Amery appears dressed up as a Nazi the Conservative Member for stormtrooper brandishing a Brighton Pavilion whip What other scenes of pre- Pr-f nlo tentious drivel appear (such as Lit I ctinipiC GILES CO LTD offer mortgages £500 to £10000 Up to 10 years to repav 23 Holden Rd SW18 874 5708.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.