The Times-News from Twin Falls, Idaho (2024)

II PAGE TWO TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, l94(j Air Scouts Hear 4 Twin FaUs News in Brief Services Held for Hazelton Resident plans to have a 10-by-18 private garage constructed near his home at a cost of $250, according to his build, tag permit application filed Thurs- Seen Today Mrs. Hcrriott, Pioneer Here, Harvest Vacation 2 Widows Given County Estates Two decrees of distribution recorded Friday at the courthouse awarded a $12,000 estate to Mrs. Mary Voslka, Klmberly, and 160 acres north of Castleford to Mrs. Bessie Richtarik. Wilbur, Neb.

The estate of Otto L. Voslka was declared community property and awarded to his widow, Mrs. Voslka. Revival Underway RSBY- Oct. llThe Rev.

J. vr NamPa- Nazarene for the Idaho-Oregon district, is conducting wvlval "mpaign here. aw held dally at 8 p. m. at 11 a.

m. Sunday in the Naz- TP ENDS TONIGHT i ixanws sroy IE SLAG a H5f SATURDAY ONLY! Laughter and Action! PLUS 2nd Chapter The Royal Mounted Rides Again" sis rtm ft tttEXDl 11 dm Five lots in Klmberly valued at $4,000, cash In the amount of $1,041.50, government bonds listed at $6,750, a $600 car, $50 worth of of fice equipment, and household goods valued at $350 composed the estate. In the second decree of distribu the estate consisted only of the land north of Castleford. The property was awarded to Richtarik, widow of John Richtarik, Permit to Move Frame Wing Filed Application for a permit to move a frame wine of the former hnnnltol at Hunt relocation camp to Twin Falls for conversion Intn a family dwelling at a cost of $3,000 was mea Friday at the Twin Falls city cleric's, office, by Gerald J. Packer.

Size of the unit to be. moved la listed as 30 by 30 feet, and It will be located on Seventh avenue east. W. A. Betke, 173 Fillmore street, Millions of listeners ere stirred and Informed by HENRY J.

TAYLOR World-famous correspondent, author and traveler A Mondays and Fridays KVMV 8:15 P. M. 9 Preuenfed by GENERAL MOTORS Funeral services for Floyd Budd, Hazelton, were conducted at 3 pjn. Thursday at the White mortuary chapel With the Rev. Mark C.

Cronenberger, First Christian church minister, officiating. Two duets were sung by Fred Beer and Frank Beer, accompanied by Mrs. Lorraine Widrig. The Frontier Grange, Hazelton, conducted its ritualistic services at the graveside in Sunset memorial park. Honorary pallbearers were O.

B. Lea bo, Roy Haverland, L. E. Pool, L. H.

Walkington, John Abrams, Fred Perry, Guy Fairbanks and Clint Rldgeway. Active pallbearers were Bill Butler, Carl Murphy, T. Hadley, G. Talley, Ed Grose, and Dorel Anderson. Man Picks Poor Spot to Celebrate Albert Lee Pruyn, 44, Twin Falls, picked the wrong place, namely the city hall, to become abusive while intoxicated.

Arrested there Thursday night by city police, he pleaded guilty Friday morning before Municipal Judge J. O. Pumphrey and was fined $15. Revocation of his liquor license will be recommended to the state department of law enforcement. Also appearing in municipal court was Alfonso Remos, a Mexican, who was fined $10 on an intoxication charge.

He was picked up at 8:55 p. m. Thursday by city police. William Swisher Honored at Rites Funeral services for William B. Swisher were conducted at 11 a.

m. Friday at the Reynolds funeral chapel. The Rev. N. S.

Anderson, minister of the Bible Baptist church, Jerome, officiated. Music was in charge of th Reynolds funeral home. Pallbearers were Bailey Lorain, Buhl; D. N. Englebrlght, Filer; John Theener, Filer; Thomas Mattice, Twin Falls; Dr.

E. J. Miller, Twin Falls and William Klbby, Twin Falls. Interment was In the Sunset memorial park. Runert Man, 70, Passes in Denver RUPERT, Oct.

11 Leslie L. Davis, 70, died Tuesday, Oct. 8, In Denver, and the body has been received here by the Goodman mortuary. Mr. Davis was born Oct.

8, 1876, In Vllllsca, la. His wife preceded him in death four years ago. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Leslie Lancaster and Elolse Davis, both oi Denver. Military graveside rites will be conducted at 2:30 p.

m. Saturday In the Rupert cemetery. The Rev, F. V. C.

Ward, Episcopalian vicar, will officiate. Red Cross Conclave Meets Here Oct 16 American Red Cross home service workers and chapter" chairmen from nine counties will attend a claims service instituted Oct. 18 in the Twin Falls public library. The all-day session will start at 9:30 a. m.

Frank M. Parcher, Boise, ARC field director of the claims service, veterans administration, will conduct the institute. Counties represented will be Twin Falls, Camas, Lincoln, Jerome, Blaine, Elmore, Cassia, Minidoka, and Gooding. I Return From Visit Mr. and Mrs.

D. J. Koenlg, Mrs. Ida Emery and Theodore Emery returned from a visit in Nebraska, Iowa and the Dakotas. Return Home Mr.

and Mrs. W. A. Riley, 302 Fifth avenue north, have returned home from a vacation spent at their cabin in Warm Springs canyon near Ketch um. Recruiting Officer Back First Lieut.

George P. Claxton returned Thursday from Salt 1 Lake City. The army recruiting officer had a physical check-up at the Ft. Douglas, military hospital. Returns From Denver B.

M. Pellum, area rent director, returned Thursday from Denver where he attended a conference on sales control under the veterans emergency housing program. Return Home Mrs. Earl Jordan and daughter, Katherine Louise, have returned to their home in Twin Falls following a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Hall, Eden. Tire, Wheel Stolen Twin Falls city police Friday morning received a report from John Clark, 453 Second avenue west, that a 525 by 17 tire mounted on a green wheel had been stolen Thursday night from his 1934 Ford. To Conference Audrey Smith, sophom*ore, will be among the students from the College of Idaho, Caldwell, attending the regional Student Christian as sociation conference in Portland, Ore, this week-end. Son Born Capt. and Mrs.

Creed Childress, St. Louis, are parents of a son, Michael Lee, according to word received here by ChlldresB' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E.

Childress, 405 Filer avenue. Captain Childress entered the army in 1937 and served in the CBI theater during the war. Closing Subjects Closing subjects for the revival services being conducted at the Nazarene church here by the Rev. H. H.

Hooker, Jasper, Ala, include "Danger of Delay," "The Atonement," "Heaven the Better Country" and "The Harvest In Part." The campaign closes Sunday. Motorists Fined Fines of $1 each for overtime parking have been paid by 12 motorists In Twin Falls city traffic court. Paying the fines were: D. McArthUr, John Boren, Mrs. Warren Brown, W.

E. Jones, Bill Peters, O. D. Walker, Floyd Drown, Mrs. A.

L. Norton, W. F. Jones, L. W.

Heider, Lyle Williams and Fay Cox. Visits Children Mrs. Roy Corson, Alva, Is visiting her four daughters, Mrs. Al Hollowell, Twin Falls; Mrs. Bud Jacobs, Klmberly; Mrs.

W. S. Hatch, Pocatello, and Mrs. Bert Wescott, Las Vegas, Nev. She also visited her son, Roy Corson, in Downey and her granddaughter and Mr.

and Mrs. Don Rodden. Speeder Fined Theodore 2. Halml, 43, Denver, Colo, Friday morning paid a $25 fine and costs after being cited to appear in Justice J. O.

Pumphrey's court on a speeding charge by State Police Officer John E. Lelser. Halml was arrested Friday morning on U. S. 30 for speeding at 50 miles an hour in a 30-mile zone and at 30 miles an hour in a 20-mile zone, according to the officer's report.

Seattle 4, Wash. Doors Open Show Starts 1J 1:00 MONDAY the tnn." Womanl -y .1 I Apprentice Rules Lew Cottle, assistant leader of the Twin Falls Air Scouts, read aloud the constitution and explained re qulrements for Air Scout apprenticeship at a regular meeting of the group at the Jesse Chase garage Thursday. He also distributed sev eral books on aviation released by the army air corps and displayed aerial photos taken In service. Robert McMillan, acting, squadron pilot for Kenneth Owlngs, who is In Spokane, Wash, announced an open meeting for all young men Interested In Air Scouting will be held Thursday, Oct. 17, at the Chase garage.

The group will organize a basketball team to compete with other Senior. Scout teams In the Snake river area. Bob Drexler and Bob Taylor were appointed to secure a band for the Senior Scout ball to be held during the Christmas holidays. Ted Cheney and Bob Duncan will plan the refreshments. Twenty members and one guest, Alvln Schell, Stockton, Calif, were present at the meeting.

Filer Resident's Rites Held Here Funeral services for John J. Taylor, Filer, were conducted at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the White mortuary chapel by Bishop W. D. Fife, of the LDS church, Filer.

Speaker for the services was Elder W. M. Bick-more and the invocation was given by Elder Edward Darrington, both officials of the LDS church, Filer. A duet was sung by Mr. and Mrs.

J. K. Bailey, accompanlpd by Wanda Allen at the piano, and other vocal music was presented by the Filer Singing Mothers of the LDS church. Pallbearers were Ted Sler, Dick Howard, Roy Lancaster, Melford Hess, Glenn Fife and Porter Pool-ion. Interment was at Sunset memorial park.

ill neueve misery, as most mowers do. Rub the throat, chest WICKS time tested VAPORUB ATTENTION FARMERS! We are now receiving POTATOES at our Murtaorh warehouse. See us for Highest Prices Before You Sell W. W. and W.

T. NEWCOMB "Idaho's Pioneer Buyers and Shippers" Myron Harris, buyer at Murtaugh. phone 33; Wilbur Loocks, Klmberly, phone 24J4; Dave Gravbeal, Buhl, phone 598 Castleford; Main Office, Burley, Phone 106 Sun eft of 12 4-Foot Stit Htre't the answer to your roofing problems. Easy lo install rugged, long-lasting roofs and sidings. You get beauty and a RUSTPROOF material thai affords maximum protection for many years.

It's economical, too aluminum requires no painting, no upkeep; the first low cost is the last! SIDING Jl tl II II WW Beatrice Joordan returned to Preston after spending harvest vacation at her home on route three. Major Operation Mrs. Earl Hughes underwent a major operation at the Cottage hospital, Burley. Her condition is reported satisfactory. Births A daughter was born to Mr.

and Mrs. Rodney Tegan, Twin Falls, Thursday at the Twin Falls county general hospital maternity home. Lists Trade Name A certificate of trade name for "Suburban Cash Market," 259 Washington street north, was recorded here Thursday by Paul F. Prochnow and Dorothy E. Prochnow, Twin Falls.

Visit Mother Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Hansen, Long Beach, are visiting her mother, Mrs. V.

Sawyers. This is the first time Hansen has visited in Twin Falls since, he moved from here In 1922. Ward Conference The LD8 third ward, will conduct a ward conference at 7:30 p. m. Sunday, Oct.

13. The stake presidency will be in attendance and asked all officers and teachers of the ward to meet at 6:30 p. m. in the Relief society rooms. Department Meeting A dramatization of "Snow Goose," by Paul Galileo, will be presented by Mrs.

Hugh Phillips at the opening session of the drama and literature department of the Twentieth Century club scheduled at 2:30 p. m. Monday in the American Legion auxiliary rooms. Corral Woman, 70, Called by Death Mrs. Matilda E.

Davis, 70, succumbed at a local rest home in Twin Falls Thursday night. She was born March 12, 1876 in Monroe county, and was a resident of Corral, Ida, at tho time of her death. Besides her husband, Daniel B. Davis, Corral, survivors Include a son, Lawrence M. Davis, Corral; two grandchildren; one brother, John Ball, Olympia, Wash, and a sister, Mrs.

Luclnda Hoag, Pasadena, Calif. Mrs. Davis was a member of the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs.

Davis moved to Corral 35 years ago from Washington. Time of the funeral services will be announced by the White mortuary. Services will be in the Fairfield Community church with the Rev. W. W.

Debolt officiating. Burial will be In the Sunset memorial park in Twin Falls. Motor KKr AIK I Wiring and Installation Ken Hodder Cliff Qnalls Twin Falls Electric 4 Ph. S02-J 369 West Addison Aluminum Will Not Ruit, Rot, or Burn Economical No Painting No Upkeep Vermin-Resistant Valuable for Farm Buildings Tough, Protective But Light, Easy to Handle Good Looking Eye-Inviting Appearance, ROOFING rj Dies on Coast Mrs. Lulu Herrlott, pioneer Twin Jlls resident and property holder, succumbed In Los Angeles Thursday morning following a paralytic stroke, according to a telegram re ceived by fTank L.

Stephan, Mrs, Herrlott's attorney. The word was sent by Mrs. Bertha Shaver who has been caring tor Mrs. Herrlott since she entered a Glendale, hospital for a physical checkup a month ago. Her husband, George Herrlott, died In 1931.

The Herrlot- property holdings here Include about 15 lots of the original tract north of what Is now known as the Blue Lakes addition, the home at 752 Addison avenue and the Herrlott building now occupied by C. C. Anderson and the adjoining parking lot. The Herrlotts, who settled here In 1905, were known as "co-founders of today's Greater Twin Falls." The late Attorney Herrlott was the ninth purchaser of land, 160 acres, July 1, 1903, and his wife Joined him two years later. They purchased the four-acre tract north of Blue Lakes boulevard in 1908 In the hope that the expanding city would some day be built out to it.

In 1945 the tract surveyed, sewer and water requirements were outlined by city "engineers, and approximately five 'lots have been deeded to recent home builders, according to Stephan. The Herrlotts have only one living heir, the former lawyer's sister who resides "somewhere In the east," Stephan said. Information regarding funeral arrangements has not yet been received but it was understood that services will be held at Portland. The body now rests at Pierce Brothers mortuary, Los Angeles. Blazing Oil Stove Threatens Trailer An oilstove exploded in a trailer house at 6:35 p.m.

Thursday, but did no damage to the structure because firemen arrived promptly and carried the stove into the yard at the back of the lot at 644 Third avenue east. Damage done was negligible, firemen said. At the time of the mishap, nobody was in the trailer which belongs to Bert Harris and Is occupied by Buell Warner. Graveside Service Held for Daughter Graveside service for Carol Sue ranis, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

W. A. Farrls, route 1, Twin Falls, were conducted by the Rev. Mark C. Cronenberger, First Christian church, at 1:30 pjn.

Thursday at the Twin Falls cemetery. The Hospital Emergency beds only were available att the Twin Falls county genial hnanlfal nn ITVfHov ADMITTED Myron Askew, Mrs4 Rose Fix, Mrs. Rodney. Tegan, Twin Falls; Mrs. Johnson, Mrs.

F. W. Wach-' holts and Mrs. J. Robert Bacon, Mrs.

Elmer M. Hageman, Mrs. Ralnh McClain. and Mrs. Fred Gasper, Filer.

DISMISSED S. E. Williams, Buhl; Lyman W. Harding, Hazelton; Eugene Forest, Three Creek; Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs.

D. Baltzer and daughter, Twin Falls; Mrs. D. S. Perkins and daughter, Murtaugh; Mrs.

Carl H. Peterson and daughter, Castleford; Mrs. Elmer M. Hageman and Mrs. Weather Twin Falls and vicinity Mostly elear today and Saturday with rising daytime temperatures but with frost at night High yesterday 52, low 29.

Low this morning 28. STAGE OF SNAKE RIVER i The level of Snake river was medium Friday as shown by the flow over Shoshone falls (1,690 second Jeetof water going over the falls). RAINBOLT'S DELIVER SERVICE PHONE ELECTRIC WAXERS 354 FOR RENT PROMPT EFFICIENT INSURED STARTS SUNDAY I 1 immm Skip Hunt coming out second best while giving wailing small boy his first haircut Heads popping out of nearby beauty parlor to see what's happening during same vociferous hair-cutting Bob Blxler strolling chilly Main avenue In shirt sleeves, and right behind him Ev Sweeley hatless Gene Shirley standing Just inside clothing store tossing coin into air, letting it bounce on floor, repeating process until customer comes in (new way to lure customers?) Ohjay Bell-wood buying electric heater for Mexican folk at Filer labor camp Jack Thomas finally remembering to Insert nickel In parking meter Ed Ehlers looking conspicuous as he totes Christmas decorations down Main Youth doing balancing act on fropt seat of tandem bicycle Eden football captain talking with army recruiter Chic Crabtree hurrying so fast, with coat tall streaming out behind him, it looks as though he's staging a revival of Ichabod Crane Just seen: C. H. Krengel and Dudley Swim in corner parley, the Rev.

George Roseberry, Wes Bagley, Ken Self, Dr. Glenn Hoss, Eugene Plpplt, Kyle Waite, license 2G-418 And overheard: This cheery remark on police radio from sheriff's office, "Okay, sonny boy." 7 Marine Recruits Given Furloughs Seven Magic Valley marines are spending 10-day furloughs following eight weeks recruit training at San Diego, Calif. Upon expiration of furlough time all of the youths will report for duty at Mlramar, 8Sgt. Ted Letendre, local recruiter said Thursday. The marines are Pvt.

Everett Kimball and Pvt. Kenneth D. Go-bel, Hazelton; Pvt. Oral Garth, Po-catello; Pvt. Joe Raymond Varela, Pvt.

Laurel Joaquin Jones, Pvt. El-wood Dee Yelton, and Pvt. William Wiley Williams, Burley. The recruiting sergeant also announced that parents of men enlisted in the all-Idaho platoon may call at room 304, Orpheum theater building, for pictures covering these particular marines' activities their first two weeks in the corps. The scenes Include original application for enlistment, the assembling of the platoon at the Boise armory, and the first week of recruit training in San Diego, and have been officially released for free distribution to parents, Letendre said.

Fall in Orchard Injures Utah Man RICHFIELD, Oct. 11 Irvln Kunz, 65, Salt Lake City, brother of the late Emll Kunz, Richfield farmer, fell and was injured quite badly Thursday as he walked in the or chard at the Kunz home, Richfield. He is resting at the home of his niece, Mrs. Dick Johnson, Richfield, and will return Friday to Salt Lake City for medical treatment. Magic Valley Funerals JEROME Funeral services for Harry Werts will be at 3 p.

m. Saturday at the Presbyterian church with the Rev. Albert E. Martin officiating. Burial will be in the Jerome cemetery.

CORRAL Funeral services for Mrs. Matilda E. Davis will be conducted in the Fairfield Community church with the Rev. W. W.

De-bolt officiating. The time will be announced later. Burial will be In the Sunset memorial park. RUPERT Military graveside rites for Leslie L. Davis will be held at 2:30 p.

m. Saturday at the Rupert cemetery. The Rev. F. V.

C. Ward, Episcopalian vicar, will officiate. 9 PM KVMV 1450 FRL-SAT. in i (SEQ) IBS i MKUa I Ft i ENDS TONIGHT! without doubt one of THE BEST PICTURES OF THE YEAR! Starts Tomorrow AT NOON DOORS OPEN 11:45 GSjB GD3C5 31 FLOWER PLANTS $1. POSTPAID, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED May we send you through the mall 31 mixed perennial flower plants from our famous demonstration gardens? 31 exquisite flowers, all the colors of the rainbow, Including twelve of our new silver pink ROSE DAWNS.

This is our unusual way of advertising one of the largest and oldest nurseries In the world. Your friends see your plants and our business prospers. Nothing else to pay. Dollar bill is your only cost. Offer good for few days only.

Send your order with Just $1.00 to CLARK GARDNER flaming eel of frontier life dangersl out of the west's most notorious agel of love and thrilling! DANA ANDREWS 1309 American Bldg. SUNDAY BRIAN D0NLEVY their Men saV one look 1 Beau onni DOROTHY RAY MILLAND DOROTHY LAM0Ur RAY MILLAND mat SUSAN HAYWARD PATRICIA ROC hoact amwoua wan tow ANDY DCVM STAWrf MDHS U0YDMHDGQ FAT HOlDfN VXTOK CUTUi THOH MYH ''life I iB At fi i I "i i. Yv Farm-Master Corrugated AlumI- You get the same advantages rum sheets are lighter, mean with Farm-Mater Aluminum for lighter roof load, less manpower siding. Practical for any farm or and installation time. residence building.

SPECIFICATIONS: Corrugations 1 -Jn. with '-ln. depth Sheet eiie: 26-ln. wWe (24-ln. cevenae, 2-ln.

everlap) 10, one" 12-fi. lengths Tensile strength, approximately 40,000 Ibt. per a. In. CD mm fx 7 mam p0 Aklm Tomlroff lynn Onrmaa TWIN FALLS PHONE 1640.

The Times-News from Twin Falls, Idaho (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.